Chapter 10: Baroque: Piety and Extravagance

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Johann Sebastian Bach stated that studying the work of which composer taught him to "think musically," and to endow the creative process with "order, coherence, and proportion?"

Antonio Vivaldi

Who was a Roman Catholic priest and the leading Italian composer of Baroque instrumental music?

Antonio Vivaldi

Anthony van Dyck is known as a master of which genre?

Aristocratic portrait

How did Louis XIV see himself as a ruler?

As the representative of God on earth

It was the goal of Italian _________ painters to increase the drama of their religious subjects and have viewers feel that they were part of the action of the scene.


Johann Sebastian Bach wrote six concertos named after which German state?


The complex composition of Las Meninas by Velázquez is noted for its ability to do what?

Bring the viewer into the picture space

The accuracy and directness of Vermeer's artwork suggests that he may have been aided by what optical device?

Camera obscura

The painting Judith and Holofernes by Gentileschi recalls the dramatic painting techniques of ______ in bringing the viewer very close to the action.


What is the term for the space in a church surrounding the altar where the clergy and the choir stand?


Which characteristic DOES NOT describe the Baroque style?

Complex abstraction

Which of the following were standards for academic art of the Grand Style?

Create harmonious compositions. Treat only elevated subjects.

What quality is Vermeer best known for in his paintings?

Depicting light

Which descriptions apply to Jean-Baptiste Lully?

Directed the orchestra of Louis XIV. Headed the French Academy of Music

Which features characterize the painting style of Caravaggio?

Dramatic depictions of historical events in local settings

Anthony van Dyck was court painter for the king of which country?


Which of the following are features of the Baroque style?

Extravagant ornamentation, Theatrical flamboyance and Spatial grandeur

True or false: George Frideric Handel's father recognized and supported the musical talents of his son.


Johann Sebastian Bach's The Art of the _________ consists of polyphonic compositions in which a single musical theme is re-stated in sequential phrases.


During the joyous " _______Chorus" of Handel's Messiah, audiences often rise from their seats.


Which of the following are among the soloists used in the six instrumental works by John Sebastian Bach known as the Brandenburg Concertos?

Harpsichord, Violin and Recorder

What are facts about John Milton?

He became a poet while at Cambridge University. He was a devout Puritan. He was secretary to the English Council of State.

Which of the following makes Rembrandt's art notable?

He was a careful observer of human character.

Which of the following statements about Bernini is correct?

He was a sculptor. He was an architect.

Which statement about the Italian painter Caravaggio is true?

He was arrested for violent acts that included murder.

Which statements about Antonio Vivaldi are true?

He wrote many concertos. He spent much of his career as the director of a school for orphaned girls.

How was Artemisia Gentileschi unlike other women artists of her era?

Her paintings portrayed biblical themes.

What was a major source of inspiration in Johann Sebastian Bach's musical career?

His Protestant roots

What is Christopher Wren famous for?

His design efforts to reconstruct London

Which of the following statements about the history of the Netherlands are true?

Holland became a commercial center. The provinces of Holland established a Calvinist Republic. In 1581, seven provinces in the North Netherlands declared independence.

In Italy, what did Baroque artists aim to achieve?

Increase dramatic expressiveness of religious subject matter.

Which features describe Bernini's piazza of Saint Peter's, Rome?

It is a trapezoidal space that opens out to an oval. The courtyard is bounded by a colonnade.

What is a feature of Vermeer's painting The Milkmaid?

It is depicts a scene from everyday life.

What was a feature of the aristocratic portraiture of the French baroque?

It was concerned with outward appearance.

What do the proportions in Bernini's architecture illustrate about Baroque style?

Its preference for the grandiose

What do the proportions in Bernini's architecture illustrate about the Baroque style?

Its preference for the grandiose

Who painted the image shown here?

Jan Vermeer

Who was the devout Puritan who became a political activist and defender of religious, political, and intellectual freedom and authored Paradise Lost?

John Milton

The overall design for Saint Paul's Cathedral in London is based on which shape?

Latin cross

Although the scene portrayed in Gentileschi's Judith Slaying Holofernes is horrifying, it was a favorite Renaissance allegory for what condition?


What was Versailles a symbol of?

Louis XIV's supremacy

What style of art flourished under the Catholic Reformation, emphasizing artificiality and affectation?


George Frideric Handel achieved fame in England for his development of which genre?


Handel's Messiah is a(n) ______


On which instrument did Johann Sebastian Bach demonstrate his virtuosity?


What was Diego Velázquez known for?


What is the title of John Milton's epic poem that tells the story of the fall of Adam and Eve?

Paradise Lost

Diego Velázquez was the most prestigious painter in the court of which ruler?

Philip IV

Bernini was commissioned to complete the___________, the broad open public space in front of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.


Rembrandt van Rijn gained fame in Amsterdam as a(n) ______.


Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons is an instrumental composition that contains meaning outside the music itself, indicating it is what type of piece?

Program music

The standards for art established by Nicolas Poussin were heavily influenced by the works of the painter ______ and the High Renaissance.


In the seventeenth-century, Bernini was the chief architect of the city of


With its large dome and massive scale, Wren's new design for Saint Paul's Cathedral in London was reminiscent of which other structure?

Saint Peters

What was the function of music for Giovanni di Palestrina, who strictly followed the guidelines set by the Council of Trent?

Serve the sacred text

What description of the painter Artemisia Gentileschi is accurate?

She challenged tradition.

Which were features of Giovanni di Palestrina's music?

Skillful counterpoint, Clarity of text

What characteristics are associated with the Mannerist style in art?

Spacial complexity. A reflection of the deep insecurities of the era. Psychological intensity

Which country invaded the Dutch lowlands and, after more than a decade of bloodshed, was finally forced to withdraw in 1579?


What was the name of the monastic order formed by Ignatius Loyola?

The Jesuits

The English Parliament moved toward popular sovereignty in 1688 and 1689 by passing which of the following laws?

The Toleration Act & The Bill of Rights

What are features of the painting Las Meninas by Velázquez?

The inclusion of the painter A reflection in a mirror

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the government of France under Louis XIV?

The king of France held absolute power over the country and its subjects.

Which of these is a central theme of John Milton's Paradise Lost?

The meaning of evil

What was a primary goal of Italian Baroque painters?

To portray subjects with drama and theatricality

True or false: Faces that appeared in Rembrandt's religious paintings came from sketches he made in Amsterdam's streets and ghettos.


How can Rembrandt's treatment of sacred subject matter be described?


What is the magnificent palace that Louis XIV constructed as a renovation of his father's hunting lodge called?


Christopher Wren was a(n) ______.


The French ballet masters of the Royal Academy of Dance established the rules for the five positions that became the basis for classical


The Royal Academy of Dance established the rules for the five positions that became the basis for what art?


Handel's Messiah is one of the best-loved ______ works in the English language, often performed during the Christmas and Easter seasons.


Tonality is built on a central note, or tonic, which in turn can be built on any of the twelve tones of the ______ scale, which is the seven white and five black keys on the piano keyboard.


Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons is an example of a(n) ______.


The composer Giovanni Gabrieli featured instrumental ensembles that included trombones and ________, a type of early trumpet.


Jean-Baptiste Lully headed the French Academy of Music and was also called the "father of French ______."


Handel's Messiah is a(n) _________, which is the musical setting of a long sacred or epic text performed by a narrator, soloists, chorus, and orchestra.


To provide entertainment for the many events held at Versailles, Louis the XIV established Europe's first permanent ______.


Bernini was commissioned to complete the ________, the broad open public space in front of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.


Giovanni Gabrieli introduced a new dramatic style of religious music, called _________ which meant that two or more choruses sang in turn and together.


A recurring melody that serves to unify a composition is called the ____________.


In Baroque music, ______, or the arrangement of a composition around a central note, brought dramatic focus to the music.


The English Parliament passed the Bill of Rights and the Toleration Act following what event?

"Glorious Revolution"

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