Chapter 10

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Jennifer moved out of her parents home when she was married at 21. Many of Jennifers friends are also planning their weddings. Maurice is 24 and has never been married. Like many of his friends, he still lives with his parents. It is most likely that Beverly lives in and Maurice lives in .

1960; 2008

Henry and his friends are all enrolled in 4-year colleges. Assuming there are 100 college students within Henrys circle of friends, about how many of them will graduate?


Which of the following statements about the relationship of gender and identity achievement is most accurate?

: For both men and women, identity achievement is associated with positive ego qualities.

What is the difference between role experimentation and a turning point?

A turning point is a more dramatic, sudden incident than role experimentation.

Explain why later adolescents, especially those who attend college, are likely to become more relativistic in their moral reasoning.

Adolescents are more likely to engage in relativistic thinking—in other words, they are more likely to question others' assertions and less likely to accept ...

Which of the following involves the ability to select and guide ones decisions and actions, without undue control from or dependence on parents?


How does a person's level of autonomy from parents during later adolescence influence the process of identity development?

Autonomy has special meaning during the preteen and teen years because it signifies that an adolescent is a unique, capable, independent person who depends less.

How does autonomy affect the decision to leave home, and how is the college experience influenced or even driven by autonomy?

Autonomy means that university staff are empowered to utilize their professional talents and experience in realizing the best learning and research outcomes. In order to avoid abuse of autonomy for self-centered purposes, a university is always considered within the context of accountability for its outcomes.

: If you were a career counselor working with a college student, which of the following suggestions would you be unlikely to give the student?

Avoid being confused by talking to a lot of people

Which of the following statements is most accurate about identity?

Both content and evaluation of identity may change over the life course.

Which of the following statements best describes a possible difference in point of view between career development professionals and parents?

Career development professionals advise taking time to reach a mature career decision, while parents say, What are you going to do? Make up your mind.

How is family income associated with educational achievement?

Children from low-income families are more likely to drop out of high school.

In what way do parents and adolescent children differ in their views about leaving home?

Children say they are ready to live on their own at an earlier age than parents expect.

How is college choice related to attitudes about wanting to be independent from parents?

College freshmen appear to differ in how much they want autonomy from parents as they begin college

Yolandas structure of identity has two components. What are they?

Content and evaluation

Explain how identity confusion can affect self-esteem, life decisions, and developmental progression.

During the stage of identity versus role confusion, parents and teachers alike may face adolescents who are exerting more independence through defiant or rebellious actions and testing limits and boundaries such as purposely exceeding curfews, failing to complete homework or chores, or dressing or acting in a way

Which of the following is a characteristic of the contemporary U.S. job market?

Each employee will need to have several skills to handle a variety of jobs.

Suppose that you wanted to try to advance a persons moral reasoning. What would you do?

Engage the person in thought-provoking discussions to present ideas at a higher level than the person is currently using in moral reasoning.

Which of the following statements about gender and identity is most accurate?

Few gender differences in identity status have been discovered.

Which of the following is found to be associated with work experiences that do not involve too many hours and involve valued skilled development?

Fewer problem behaviors

What personal factors can play roles in the decision to drop out of college, and what consequences come with the decision to drop out?

Financial concerns. Here's a troubling statistic: 89% of students from the first generation in low-earning families tend to drop out of college. ... Don't have time. ... College social life. ... Lack of support. ... Academic disqualification.

In the model of ethnic group identity described by Atkinson, Morten, and Sue, what is the direction of change?

From confusion about conflicting values in the two cultures to a unique synthesis of these values.

Which of the following is associated with spending long hours in stressful employment for adolescents?

Gary has experienced poor academic performance.

Keisha has recently acquired a strong set of beliefs, attitudes, and values about who and what she is as a woman. Which of the following terms BEST explains this?

Gender identity

What roles do femininity, masculinity, and sexual preference play in gender identity?

Gender roles in society means how we're expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex.

In a survey of entering college freshmen, which of the following life objectives was more important to women than to men?

Helping others who are in difficulty

Carlos is experiencing high levels of testosterone production. Which of the following is MOST LIKELY to be associated with this?

High levels of sexual arousal

In the case of Houston A. Baker, Jr., what aspect of his identity process is revealed?

His commitment to the pursuit of intellectual creativity

Which of the following identity statuses is characterized by a period of questioning and crisis followed by the formation of occupational and ideological commitments?

Identity achievement

Of the following identity statuses, which one reflects crisis and questioning but no commitment?

Identity confusion

Of the various identity statuses, which one is most likely to be associated with tendencies toward procrastination, hostility, and disagreeableness?

Identity confusion

Bethany has wanted to be a nurse since she was age 13 exclusively because her mother wanted her to be a nurse. Today she is graduating from college with a nursing degree. What is her identity status?

Identity foreclosed

Which factors do high school and college students say played the greatest role in career decision-making?

Individual factors such as abilities and interests

Benicio has recently been questioning and examining his Mexican cultures own values, beliefs, and practices. Which of the following transitions is Benicio going through?


Explain the process of ethnic identity development. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of this idea. What new research is needed to understand how the college environment influences ethnic identity development?

It has three subscales: affirmation and belonging, ethnic identity achievement, and ethnic behaviors.

Which of the following is considered a criticism of Kohlbergs theory of moral development?

It is based on a method emphasizing prohibitive moral judgments.

Of the following four people, who is MOST LIKELY to have the highest median income?

John, who has graduated from high school

Outline the stages of moral reasoning. How do the various stages affect cognitive development?

Kohlberg suggested that people move through these stages in a fixed order, and that moral understanding is linked to cognitive development. The three levels of moral reasoning include preconventional, conventional, and postconventional.

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Mothers perceptions of their childs ability to succeed in math-oriented careers are a predictor of their college-age childs career choice

Juana is experiencing a period of experimentation and freedom from daily expectations for role performance. Which of the following terms BEST relates to this?

Psychosocial moratorium

During later adolescence, the loosening of ties to ones family and participation in an expanding set of social roles leads to which of the following?

Re-examination of ones moral code

What role does autonomy play in self-sufficiency? How can it affect or enhance self-advocacy?

Self-reliance and autonomy refer to a person's ability to think, feel, and make decisions independently and to guide one's own learning.

What is the relationship between sexual orientation and gender identity?

Sexual orientation does not predict gender identity

Differentiate between gender identity and sexual orientation

Sexual orientation is about who you're attracted to and who you feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually. It's different than gender identity. Gender identity isn't about who you're attracted to, but about who you ARE — male, female, genderqueer, etc.

How can gender-role socialization affect or influence career choice? How does this affect men differently from women?

Society expects different attitudes and behaviors from boys and girls. Gender socialization is the tendency for boys and girls to be socialized differently. Boys are raised to conform to the male gender role, and girls are raised to conform to the female gender or role.

Which of the following is one of the areas of accomplishment that is necessary in order for a person to achieve autonomy from parents?

The ability to express views that differ from ones parents views

Discuss the identity statuses that have been identified by research on identity formation. What are the implications of each of the identity statuses for adjustment during adulthood?

The four identity statuses are achieved, moratorium, foreclosed, and diffused. Marcia's four identity stages are diffusion (low exploration, low commitment), foreclosure (low exploration, high commitment), moratorium (high exploration, low commitment), and achievement (high exploration, high commitment).

Differentiate between the private and public faces of identity.

The public self is the speaker as the subject of communicating (i.e. the speaker who faces an addressee or has one in mind), while the private self is the speaker as the subject of thinking (i.e. the speaker who has no addressee in mind).

Compare the process of identity development for males and females.

There are gender differences in the identity status: the closed strong identity is more typical for men, and the open strong identity is more common for women. In general, the degree of openness to changes is higher among women than in men. Men have a higher degree of stability of identity.

What is the basic idea behind Tiedemans model of career decision-making?

There is a continuous interaction between the work context and self-understanding about career goals.

How do students typically change during the college years in their gender role attitudes?

They become more flexible.

As a general rule, how would you characterize the kinds of jobs that are available to people who leave high school without a diploma or who do not go to school beyond high school?

Unstable and supervised by rigid autocratic employers

Under what conditions are parents most likely to be willing to provide financial support to their child in later adolescence?

While a child is single and attending college

According to Gilligan, womens reasoning about moral situations differs from that of men in which of the following ways?

Women are more sensitive than men to the interpersonal context and ones responsibility for others

The core pathology of later adolescence is repudiation. This refers to

a hostile rejection of ideas and groups that do not adhere to ones own beliefs.

The term private self refers to

a sense of being the originator of ones thoughts.

With respect to identity formation, a persons assessment of the importance of certain content areas in relation to others influences the

all of these.

Jeremiah is 20 years old. Compared with his grandparents, who were between 18 and 24 years old in the 1960s, fewer of Jeremiahs friends between 18 and 24

are married and living in their own households.

In Tiedemans crystallization phase, an individual

becomes more aware of alternatives and consequences.

Lack of funds can lead students to

both live at home and work more hours.

A person who develops complex decision-making strategies, gains access to career-related information, and archives self-insight about career-related goals is said to have achieved

career maturity.

Ideals, goals, ideological commitments, roles, and role expectations are all aspects of the of identity.


Ignacios identity serves as his anchor point that allows him an essential sense of ___________ in the social experience of his relationships.


Jared is a college freshman. His moral reasoning is dominated by his concerns for maintaining existing rules within the college as well as by his respect for his professors, advisors, and deans. This is called ________ moral reasoning.


In Marcias model of identity status, ___________ consists of a period of role experimentation and active decision making among alternative choices.


In the Tiedeman model of career decision-making, an individual decides which action alternative to follow in the _________ phase.


The term gender-role expectations refers to

cultural and subcultural expectations for the appropriate behavior of males and females.

Considering the fact that most people play many of the same roles, their identities

differ because they place different values on some of these roles.

The college curriculum can help advance moral reasoning because students experience

differing points of view.

Beverly knows she should be doing more to figure out what she wants to do after college, but she just cannot bear to face all the conflicts and hassles. She figures things will work out the way they were meant to be and that worrying or getting too involved in these decisions is not worth the energy. According to Berzonskys identity exploration model, Beverly is a(n)

diffuse/avoidant type.

Based on research about the relationship of parental attachment and adaptation to college, students had the most difficulty adapting to college during their first year.


How is physical appearance related to gender identity? People who are

dissatisfied with their appearance expect to be rejected by the opposite sex.

College students tend to be more than the non-college population regarding gender roles.

egalitarian and flexible

Kathleen has a certain set of ideals, values, and beliefs that are specific to her AfricanAmerican heritage and culture. This is called

ethnic identity.

The importance one gives to certain content areas of identity, and the salience of some aspects of identity over others contributes to the of identity.


Achieving a psychological sense of autonomy from ones parents is accomplished when one moves out of the parental home. A : true B : false


Gender role expectations can only change over several generations. A : true B : false


Kohlbergs view of moral development focuses on the behavioral aspects of morality. A : true B : false


Most college students attend colleges far from home in order to achieve autonomy. A : true B : false


The sequence of moral stages is well established and is unaffected by the kinds of moral situations encountered. A : true B : false


Transsexuals develop a gender identity that reflects their biological features. A : true B : false


Fredericos ability to sustain loyalties freely pledged in spite of the inevitable contradictions and confusions of his value systems is referred to as


Berzonsky suggests that not all later adolescents process identity-related information in the same way. According to his model, the normative types

focus on the standards set for them by others.

Blakes identity status, which is characterized by commitment without a period of questioning and exploration, is


In many of the measures of identity development, vocational choice, political and religious ideologies, and gender role or interpersonal values comprise the

foundational content areas.

The terms mother and father, sister and brother, aunt and uncle refer to __________ roles.


John has dropped out of college. The most likely consequence will be that

his marriage prospects will be impacted.

Gender role preference is based on two main factors: how well one can meet the cultural and social expectations associated with ones gender and

how much flexibility one perceives in the societys gender-role standards.

Career choice becomes a central component of a persons emerging


The theoretical construct of identity status assumes a developmental progression. According to this view, a person who has been categorized as in a period of moratorium could never accurately be described at a later time as

identity foreclosed

: In the Tiedeman model of career decision-making, the last three phases involve


Living away from ones parental home is often considered a symbol of


The psychosocial crisis of later adolescence is

individual identity versus identity confusion.

Research on ethnic identity as measured by the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) has found that

individuals with positive ethnic identities deal more effectively with threatening social situations involving discrimination and stereotyping.

Berzonsky suggests that not all later adolescents are equally open to identity-related information processing that would help clarify their identity. The types who actively seek this kind of information are called


In later adolescence, work on identity requires ___________ various sources of content and deciding which elements have the greatest importance.


College faculty are __________ concerned now than in the past that students are not prepared for college mathematics, independent work, and critical thinking.


Young people who identify with labels such as hood, loser, or druggie are likely to develop a

negative identity

Gender role socialization shapes career decisions through

perceptions of ability and career-related values and goals

In the process of achieving _________, Candice must integrate her private sense of self with her public self.

personal identity

Moral judgment changes from early school age to later adolescence in that in later adolescence, there is more emphasis on ___________.

principles of social responsibility

A moral conflict, which requires a choice between doing something helpful for someone else or meeting ones own needs, involves a

prosocial moral judgment.

Many young people come to college ready to engage in a period of questioning and personal experimentation. They suspend the need to make commitments. This is described as

psychosocial moratorium.

Students in the top 10% in high school class rankings will in college.

quite possibly earn Cs and Ds

One cannot embrace all ideologies and roles. Each commitment brings some boundaries to ones values and limits ones investments to a certain vision of the self continuing in the future. This rejection of certain ideologies is called


Janice dating Stan may be viewed as an example of

role experimentation

Paul has changed his major twice. He has had several summer jobs and is considering another type of internship next year. With respect to his occupational identity, we would say he is engaging in

role experimentation.

The relationship of a secure attachment to parents and identity in later adolescence is that those who have a

secure attachment are more likely to have an achieved identity.

Ray is beginning to take responsibility for his own bills and expenses. He is deciding for himself how he wants to spend the money he earns at his job and how much time he will give to community service on the weekends. Over time, he has begun to feel increasingly confident about his decisions. Ray is developing a sense of


Tiedeman has created a model for career decision-making in which there are phases.


Parents who want to help their later-adolescent children achieve a comfortable sense of independence should

support the expression of differences.

The term public self refers to

the expectations others have for ones role performance.

The term goal affordances refers to

the goals viewed as likely to be achieved in certain careers.

In order for later adolescents to be successful in achieving autonomy,

there must be a context of mutual caring, emotional support, and differentiation in the family.

How does ones moral identity mature?

through that individual's synchronization of their personal and moral goals.

A secure attachment to parents, based on a perception of them as committed to their childs well-being, is essential for growth toward independence. A : true B : false


Many students drop out of college for financial reasons. A : true B : false


Men and women who score high on both masculine and feminine characteristics compared to others of the same sex are termed androgynous. A : true B : false


The private self includes a sense of unity and decentering. A : true B : false


: In Tiedemans model of career decision making, an individual gains increased control over life events ________.

with effective problem solving

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