Chapter 10 Endocrine System

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The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to lower is A) growth hormone. B) cortisol. C) insulin. D) glucagon. E) erythropoietin.

C. insulin

The most complex endocrine responses involve the A) thyroid gland. B) pancreas. C) suprarenal glands. D) hypothalamus. E) thymus.

D. pancreas

The hormone that is the antagonist of calcitonin is A) insulin. B) glucagon. C) growth hormone. D) parathyroid hormone. E) thyroid hormone.

D. parathyroid hormone

Growth hormone causes A) enhanced movement of amino acids into cells. B) increased protein synthesis. C) increased rate of lipid catabolism. D) growth of bones and skeletal muscle. E) all of the above

E. all of the above

Preparation of the uterine lining for implantation results from stimulation by A) growth hormone. B) thyroid hormone. C) testosterone. D) mineralocorticoids. E) progesterone.

E. progesterone

Another name for antidiuretic hormone is A) cortisol. B) parathyroid hormone. C) thymosin. D) growth hormone. E) vasopressin.

E. vasopressin

Kidney =


An important second messenger in hormonal action is A) cAMP. B) ATP. C) adenylate cyclase. D) calcium. E) ADP.


Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is also known as A) non-insulin-dependent diabetes. B) Type II. C) Type III. D) Type I. E) diabetes insipidus.

D. Type I

Decreased blood flow to the kidneys would lead to A) renin release. B) elevated levels of aldosterone. C) increased levels of erythropoietin. D) decreased levels of atrial natriuretic peptide. E) all of the above

E. all of the above

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by A) glucose in the urine. B) urine with high osmotic pressure. C) excessive urine production. D) blood sugar imbalance. E) all of the above

E. all of the above

Hypothalamic signals reach the anterior pituitary through the A) infundibulum. B) hypophyseal portal system. C) hypothalamus. D) hypophysis. E) thymus.

B. hypophyseal portal system

Decreased blood calcium levels would result in A) increased secretion of calcitonin. B) increased secretion of parathyroid hormone. C) increased retention of calcium by the kidneys. D) increased osteoclast activity. E) increased excitability of neural membranes.

B. increased secretion of parathyroid hormone

The exhaustion phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is characterized by A) decreased resistance to disease and infection. B) increased ability to produce glucose from glycogen. C) increased pumping effectiveness of the heart. D) increased protein synthesis. E) both A and C

A. decreased resistance to disease and infection

Alcoholic beverages cause excessive urine production by blocking the action of A) aldosterone. B) FSH. C) ADH. D) cortisol. E) TSH.


Excessive urine production is known as A) polyphagia. B) polydipsia. C) polyuria. D) polymyositis. E) none of the above

C. polyuria

This condition is characterized by excessive lengthening of bones. A) diabetes mellitus B) acromegaly C) glucose diabetes D) gigantism E) all of the above

D. gigantism

Steroid hormones A) are lipids. B) are structurally similar to cholesterol. C) bind to cell surface receptors. D) have characteristics of both A and B. E) have characteristics of all of the above

D. have characteristics of both A and B -lipids -similar to cholesterol

This gland signals nearly all other body cells. A) pineal B) pancreas C) thymus D) thyroid E) parathyroid

D. thyroid

Peptide hormones A) are composed of amino acids. B) are produced by cells in the suprarenal glands. C) are derived from the amino acid tyrosine. D) are lipids. E) are chemically related to cholesterol.

A. are composed of amino acids

When a protein or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell, A) the hormone receptor complex moves into the cytoplasm. B) the plasma membrane becomes depolarized. C) a second messenger appears in the cytoplasm. D) the cell becomes inactive. E) the hormone is transported to the nucleus, where it alters the activity of the DNA

C. a second messenger appears in the cytoplasm

Cells of the suprarenal cortex produce A) epinephrine. B) ADH. C) aldosterone. D) parathyroid hormone. E) insulin.

C. aldosterone

Target cells of the releasing and inhibiting hormones are located in the A) thymus gland. B) suprarenal gland. C) anterior pituitary. D) posterior pituitary. E) testes.

C. anterior pituitary

Diabetes insipidus is caused by A) decreased levels of insulin. B) decreased numbers of insulin receptors. C) decreased levels of ADH. D) decreased numbers of ADH receptors. E) none of the above

C. decreased levels if ADH

The hormone that is released by kidney cells is A) angiotensin. B) cortisol. C) erythropoietin. D) ADH. E) epinephrine

C. erythropoietin

The hormones that dominate during the resistance phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) are the A) mineralocorticoids. B) androgens. C) glucocorticoids. D) thyroid hormones. E) gonadotropins

C. glucocorticoids

Where are the hormones secreted by the posterior pituitary made? A) thyroid B) anterior pituitary C) hypothalamus D) posterior pituitary E) suprarenal gland

C. hypothalmus

Insulin directly causes A) increased heart activity. B) increased blood pressure. C) increased glycogen storage. D) release of lipids by adipose tissue. E) increased blood glucose levels.

C. increased glycogen

During the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), there is A) decreased blood flow to skeletal muscles and skin. B) decreased mental alertness. C) mobilization of energy reserves. D) increased urine production. E) all of the above

C. mobilization of energy reserves

Hormone concentration levels are most commonly controlled by A) positive feedback. B) the quantity of circulating hormone. C) negative feedback. D) cellular demands. E) body temperature

C. negative feedback

Increased levels of the hormone ________ will lead to increased levels of calcium ions in the blood. A) thymosin B) calcitonin C) parathyroid hormone D) aldosterone E) cortisol

C. parathyroid hormone

Hypothalamic hormones that activate the release of other hormones are called A) permissive hormones. B) synergistic hormones. C) tropic hormones. D) stimulating hormones. E) releasing hormones.

C. tropic hormones

Increased sodium ion concentrations in the body can be caused by A) cortisol. B) erythropoietin. C) thymosin. D) aldosterone. E) renin.

D. aldosterone

Which of the following is released by axon endings in the posterior pituitary? A) adenylate cyclase B) thyroid-stimulating hormone C) growth hormone D) antidiuretic hormone E) melanocyte-stimulating hormone

D. antidiuretic

The release of parathyroid hormone is controlled by A) thyroid hormone. B) TSH. C) the hypothalamus. D) blood calcium levels. E) all of the above

D. blood calcium levels

Endocrine organs can be controlled by A) hormones from other endocrine glands. B) releasing hormones from the hypothalamus. C) direct neural stimulation. D) A and C only E) all of the above

E. all of the above

Peripheral cells sensitive to the presence of hormones are called _________________________.

target cells

posterior pituitary =


In studying a group of cells, it is noticed that when stimulated by a particular hormone, there is marked increase in the quantity of adenylate cyclase in a cell. The hormone being studied is probably A) a steroid. B) a peptide. C) testosterone. D) estrogen. E) aldosterone.

B. a peptide

Insensitivity of cells to insulin would result in A) acromegaly. B) myxedema. C) Type I diabetes mellitus. D) Type II diabetes mellitus. E) Cushing's disease.

D. Type II diabetes mellitus

The pituitary hormone that increases the metabolic activity in most body cells is A) TSH. B) ACTH. C) FSH. D) LH. E) PRL.


Which of the following has both endocrine and exocrine functions? A) pancreas B) anterior pituitary C) thyroid D) liver E) hypothalamus

A. pancreas

The hormone that causes the activation of osteoclasts is A) parathyroid hormone. B) thyroid hormone. C) calcitonin. D) glucagon. E) oxytocin.

A. parathyroid hormone

This condition develops when the posterior pituitary no longer releases adequate amounts of ADH. A) diabetes mellitus B) diabetes insipidus C) pituitary dwarfism D) exophthalmos E) gigantism

B. diabetes insipidus

Two hormones secreted by the suprarenal medulla are A) CT and PTH. B) epinephrine and norepinephrine. C) PRL and ACTH. D) oxytocin and ADH. E) FSH and GH.

B. epinephrine and norepinephrine

In response to stress, the concentration of epinephrine A) increases and cortisol decreases. B) increases and cortisol remains unchanged. C) and cortisol increases. D) and cortisol decreases. E) decreases and cortisol increases.

C. ...and cortisol increases

The nervous system A) produces rapid and specific responses to environmental stimuli. B) communicates by the release of neurotransmitters. C) continues to produce a response long after neural output ceases. D) A and B only E) all of the above

D. A and B only

The pituitary hormone that promotes testosterone release in males and ovulation in females is A) TSH. B) ACTH. C) FSH. D) LH. E) GH.


The posterior pituitary gland secretes A) FSH. B) TSH. C) ACTH. D) OT. E) MSH.


Hormones from which of the following glands are responsible for the calorigenic effect? A) pituitary gland B) suprarenal gland C) parathyroid gland D) thyroid gland E) thymus

D. thyroid gland

Thyroid hormone contains the amino acid A) lysine. B) leucine. C) glycine. D) tyrosine. E) thyronine

D. tyrosine

The pituitary hormone that stimulates increases in bone and muscle mass is A) TSH. B) ACTH. C) MSH. D) LH. E) GH.


Hormone-producing cells of the testes produce A) estrogen. B) progesterone. C) testosterone. D) inhibin. E) both C and D

E. both C and D -testosterone -inhibin

All hormones are A) steroids. B) cholesterol based. C) proteins. D) inorganic compounds. E) organic compounds.

E. organic compounds

Sodium concentration imbalance may cause release of _________________________.


The thyroid gland is composed of many _________________________ that produce and store thyroid hormone.


The basic pattern of response that the body produces in response to stress is called the _________________________.

general adaptation syndrome (GAS)

Pancreas =


The stimulus for hormone release may be neural, hormonal, or _________________________.


Hormones from the hypothalamus that alter the activity of the anterior pituitary travel in special blood vessels called the _________________________.

hypophyseal portal vessels

Cells of the thyroid gland are the only cells in the body with a need for the mineral _________________________.


The inner portion of the suprarenal gland is the suprarenal _________________________.


Sometimes a releasing hormone is required for release of another hormone. This property is called _________________________.


ovary =


The _________________________ gland is located along the superior border of the kidney.


Two hormones that have additive effects are called _________________________.


testis =


The hypothalamus controls the secretions of the posterior pituitary by way of A) direct neural stimulation. B) direct mechanical control. C) releasing and inhibiting hormones. D) altering ion concentrations in the anterior pituitary. E) gap junctions

A. direct neural stimulation

Decreased levels of parathyroid hormone could result in A) tetany. B) profuse urination. C) increased sweating. D) depressed immune activity. E) all of the above

A. tetany

Triiodothyronine is a hormone secreted by the A) thyroid gland. B) pancreas. C) parathyroid glands. D) hypothalamus. E) all of the above

A. thyroid gland

The pituitary hormone that controls the release of glucocorticoids from the suprarenal cortex is A) TSH. B) ACTH. C) FSH. D) LH. E) MSH.


Two hormones referred to as gonadotropins are A) GH and TSH. B) FSH and LH. C) ADH and ACTH. D) PRL and OT. E) ADH and OT.

B. FSH and LH

Marissa has had her thyroid gland removed because of a malignant tumor. She takes synthetic thyroid hormone to replace the thyroxine that her thyroid gland would have produced, but she is worried about her blood calcium since she has lost her source of calcitonin. Does she need to worry about this problem? A) No, the synthetic thyroid hormone will also control the calcium. B) No, as long as she still has functional parathyroid glands she will maintain proper levels of calcium. C) No, hormones from the liver and kidneys will regulate calcium through the intestinal tract. D) Yes, without the calcitonin, high blood levels of calcium will cause convulsions. E) Yes, without the calcitonin she will suffer heart failure.

B. No

The hormone that causes the conversion of lipids to glucose is A) thymosin. B) cortisol. C) aldosterone. D) thyroid hormone. E) gonadotropin.

B. cortisol

Which of the following primarily targets the gonads? A) growth hormone B) follicle-stimulating hormone C) gonadotropin-releasing hormone D) insulin E) thyroxine

B. follicle-stimulating hormone

The alpha cells of the pancreas produce A) insulin. B) glucagon. C) rennin. D) ADH. E) parathyroid hormone.

B. glucagon

When blood glucose levels fall, A) insulin is released. B) glucagon is released. C) peripheral cells take up less glucose. D) protein synthesis decreases. E) all of the above

B. glucagon is released

The C-cells of the parathyroid glands produce a hormone that A) stimulates the formation of white blood cells. B) increases the level of calcium ions in the blood. C) increases the level of sodium ions in the blood. D) increases the level of potassium ions in the blood. E) desreases the level of calcium ions in the blood.

B. increases the level of calcium ions in the blood

Which of the following could cause ineffective production of calcitriol? A) exposure to too much sunlight B) lack of sunlight C) increased levels of MSH D) increased levels of gonadotrophins E) inability to produce sufficient amounts of melanin

B. lack of sunlight

In Type II diabetes, insulin levels are frequently normal, yet the target cells are less sensitive to the effects of insulin. This suggests that A) the target cells are impermeable to insulin. B) the target cells may lack enough insulin receptors. C) the target cells cannot convert insulin to an active form. D) the target cells have adequate internal supplies of glucose. E) none of the above

B. the target cells may lack enough insulin receptors

Steroid hormones A) bind to receptors on the surface of the cell. B) function by way of a second messenger system. C) cannot diffuse through the plasma membrane. D) bind to intracellular receptors. E) function by activating cAMP.

D. bind to intracellular receptors.

The suprarenal medulla produces A) androgens. B) glucocorticoids. C) mineralocorticoids. D) epinephrine. E) steroids.

D. epinephrine

Which of the following hormones requires a releasing factor from the hypothalamus in order to be released? A) oxytocin B) renin C) ADH D) prolactin E) calcitonin

D. prolactin

Cyclic AMP often causes activation of A) calcium ion channels. B) myosin kinase. C) phosphodiesterase. D) protein kinases. E) steroids.

D. protein kinases

Generally, the actions of hormones A) tend to be more widespread than actions of the nervous system. B) are longer lasting than actions of the nervous system. C) are slower to react than the nervous system. D) cause changes in the machinery of the cells. E) all of the above

E. all of the above

Steroid hormones A) are lipids. B) diffuse through plasma membranes. C) bind to protein receptors within the cell. D) cause mRNA synthesis. E) all of the above

E. all of the above

The endocrine system A) releases chemicals into the bloodstream for distribution throughout the body. B) releases hormones that alter the metabolic activities of many different tissues and organs simultaneously. C) produces effects that can last for hours, days, and even longer. D) A and C only E) all of the above

E. all of the above

The hormone oxytocin A) promotes uterine contractions. B) is responsible for milk production in the mammary glands. C) regulates blood pressure. D) governs the ovarian cycle. E) both A and B

E. both A and B -promotes uterine contractions -is responsible for milk production in the mammary glands

The hormone that dominates during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is A) testosterone. B) aldosterone. C) cortisol. D) thyroid hormone. E) epinephrine.

E. epinephrine

The hormone released from the suprarenal medulla is A) insulin. B) aldosterone. C) cortisol. D) androgens. E) none of the above

E. none of the above

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