Chapter 10- Motivating Employees (Learn Smart)

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Choose a method used in organizations that encourage communication

-Allow employees to voice ideas -Avoid ambiguous communication -Train managers to be good listeners

Type J management versus Type A management differ over:

-Decision making processes -Trust in the group versus individuality

The idea that setting ambitious, but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance if the goals are accepted and accompanied by the feedback and facilitated by organizational conditions is at the heart of which motivation theory?

-Drucker's goal-setting theory

The Hawthorne studies originally designed to study the relationship between:

-Lighting and productivity

The best way for a company to prevent perceptions of inequity is to have clear and frequent communications with employees about expectations and outcomes. In order for an organization to create a culture that rewards listening and communication:

-managers must listen, provide feedback and adopt employee ideas

In manufacturing environment, scientific management is demonstrated to determine if___ economy can be gained by adjusting the way certain steps are performed when broken down.


Job ____ involves moving workers from one task to the next to make work more interesting and motivating


Which item was listed by workers as creating enthusiasm for job content?

Sense of achievement

Choose the central idea of management by objectives

-Employees need to motivate themselves

Examples of characteristics of a manager with a Theory Y mentality include that the manager

-Encourage employees to design solutions embrace employee empowerment

To which part of the theories is job enrichment most closely related to?

-Herzberg's higher-level motivators.

While workers in the United States are more task oriented and require information to do their jobs, workers from Korea are more motivated by strong relationships and developing ___ to do the same job.


Companies like ford are using____ teams to improve productivity by allowing teams enough autonomy to solve problems and meet objectives.

self managed

All of the following are considered benefits of Mayo's Hawthorne findings as they relate to employee moral except:

the inability to speak freely in an informal environment

Herzberg;s theory applies Maslow's Hierarchy and then breaks it into:

two types of factors

In the study, Herzberg asked ___ to rank those areas of the job that create enthusiasm


Which of the following are cost directly associated with recruiting and training a new employee to replace one who is dissatisfied and leaves?

-Loss of intellectual property -Decreased productivity -Dollars for hours spend training

According to Herzberg, another name for hygiene factors is

-Maintenance factors

Delect assumptions made by a Theory Y manager about people

-People like to work. -People seek responibility -People are motivated by a variety of rewards

Which management theory uses time-motion studies to find the one best method for workers to perform each task and then teaches them that method?


The study of management principles did not have any lasting implications until the early 20th century.


Which are examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity during the Hawthorne studies?

-Worker involvement in managerial decisions -Management respect and interaction -Social group memebership and informality

In the world of global business it is important to develop group leaders who are:

-able to deal with ambiguity -culturally astute -flexible

When using MBO, a manager must

-develop commitment to goals -formulate goals cooperatively with employees

A problem for global companies in motivating employees is that:

-employee perception of motivators is shaped by their culture

Creating an upbeat, relaxed company culture helps small businesses motivate their workers instead of using_____ incentives.


According to Herzberg, hygiene maintenance factors at work would include

-good working conditions -job security

Examples of job enrichment strategies are:

-job enlargement and job rotation

Letting people know their work is appreciated is usually a more powerful motivator than giving only a __


The idea that setting ambitious, but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance if the goals are accepted and accompanied by feedback and facilitated by organizational conditions is at the heart of which motivation theory?

Drucker's goal-setting theory

___ employees accomplish more task effectively and thus lead a company to success.


What is the name of the research that uncovered the need for management to look further than the mechanics of production into human factors that affect motivation in the workplace?

Hawthorne studies

The difference between Maslow's theory and herzberg's theory of motivation is:

That maslow belives motivators are at higher and lower levels

Self-managed teams improve productivity because the members appreciate having the ___ to control their own work.


Employee empowerment cannot be successful without clear and open _ throughout an organization


Free-flowing communication and information throughout an organization are the key to successful:


The basic of Victor Vroom's expectancy theory is that motivation and effort is affected by

expectations of achieving a derirable outcome

Trust within the _ is at the heart of Type J management


Rewarding Baby boomer employees for following the rules while rewarding younger workers like Millennial for changing them is an effective way to apply motivation strategy to workers of differing ___


The Hawthorne studies gave birth to the___ ___ movement since it identified a worker's need for interesting and challenging work.

human relations

Jobs factors that cause employees to be dissatisfied when absent, but do not lead to motivation are called __ factors.


Management by objectives work best

in stable situations

A practical application of Maslow's and Herberg's theories by motivating workers through the structure of the job itself is

job enrichment.

Motivating employees to stay engaged and committed to their work is a key responsibility of _


More people leave their jobs for:

more responsibility and a more senior role.

According to Herzberg's theory, employees require basic tools to do their work and are dissatisfied in their absence, however, employees are _ when involved in decision making.


_ employess accomplish more task effectively and thus lead a company to success


Herzberg studied job-related factors as they relate to __


Equity judgments are subject to error because they are based on individual _


If workers perceive an ____ in the workplace they may reduce effort on a task in order to reset the balance.

- inequity

According to Ouchi's research about the effect of national culture on organizations, Type __ management relies on individual decision making and achievement.


A type of chart used to track and plan worker activity developed by a researcher who followed Taylor's principle is called:

A Grant chart

Job enrichment and their meaning

Autonomy- The degree of freedom of discretion in scheduling work and determining procedures Skill variety- The extent to which the job demands different skills. Feedback- The amount of direct and clear information given about job performance Task identity- The degree to which the job requires doing a task from beginning to end. Task significance- The degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of others in the company.


Baby boomer-1946-1964 Generation X-1965-1980 Generation Y (Millennial)-1980-2000

The Hawthone studies were inspired by the research of __?

Frederick Taylor

Math the generation to characteristics that describe it.

Generation Y (Millennial)- Grew up with indulgent parents, technologically savvy, values frequent positive feedback. Baby Boomer-Grew up in prosperity, one parent working, values job security

Type _ and Type _ management takes a collective approach to management

J and Z

An excellent way to recognize a job well done and __ employees to continue their efforts is to praise the person out loud for their work.



Moves people to action

Which element in the work environment was found to be dissatisfying when not present, but when present did not serve as a motivator for workers?

Pay and job security

Scientific management viewed people as machines that needed to be


An example of the initial results of the Hawthorne studies is:

Worker productivity increase no matter what the level of lighting

Herzberg's finding were that motivators are to productivity as hygiene factors are to


While not motivators, the absence of certain factors from the job environment will cause _____


Google's business model of constantly breaking new ground through innovation is rooted in its

employee involement

When applying reinforcement theory, extinction means

ignoring unwanted behaviors to stop them

A higer-level need on Maslow's hierarchy will not be a motivator until _ _needs have been satisfied

lower level

There are many methods of job enrichment that focus on the design of the job itself in order to

motivate employees

Mayo's findings in the Hawthorne studies encouraged reseachers to study__ factors in the workplace


Maslow's theory states that people are motivated only by:

-unmet needs

According to Maslow, the difference between satisfied and unsatisfied needs is that:

-unsatisfied needs continue to motivate

____ theory states that an individual will no put forth effort without first evaluating their ability to perform the task and the value they place on the reward


Management by objectives was designed by __ in the 1960

Peter Drucker

According to Ouchi's Theory __, type A management is achievement oriented


Motivation is defined as people acting to receive rewards or avoid punishment according to ___ __

reinforcement theory

A system of goal setting and implementation designed by Peter Drucker is called____

Management by objectives

_ requires discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives among managers, supervisors and employees.

Management by objectives

Henry L. Grantt was a follower of which management theorist?


Studying workers as they shovel different types of matericals with different types of shovel in order to determine the most efficient tool and method to use is an example of

a time-motion study

According to Mas-low's hierarchy, when a need is unmet, people are likely to:

be motivated to fulfill the need

The Hawthone studies as compared to scientific management studies can be respectively described as:

-motivation versus motion

Maslow's theory states that once needs are met they

-no longer motivate

A Theory X manager would most likey

-perform a time-motion study

Taylor's scientific management became the dominant strategy for improving ___ in the early Twentieth century.


The idea that all jobs can be broken down into elemental steps that can be made more efficient is the principle of ____ ____

-motion economy

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