Chapter 10: Musculoskeletal System- Skeletal

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abnormal sideward curvature of the spine to the left or right

ankylosing spondylitis

chronic inflammation of unknown origin that first affects the spine and is characterized by fusion and loss of mobility of 2 or more vertebrae; also called rheumatoid spondylitis

rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

chronic, systematic, inflammation disease affecting the synovial membranes of multiple joints, resulting in crippling deformities

talipes equinovarus

congenital deformity of the foot; club foot


deformity characterized by lateral deviation of the great toe as it turns in toward the second toe (angulation) with an abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe


fibrosis of connective tissue in the skin, fascia, muscle, or joint capsule that prevents normal mobility of the related tissue or joint

ganglion cyst

fluid-filled sac arising from joint capsules or tendons, typically in the hand


forward curvature of the lumbar region of the vertebral column, leading to a swayback posture


fragment of a necrosed bone that has become seperated from surrounding tissue


grating sound made by movement of bone ends rubbing together, indicating a fracture or joint destruction


hereditary metabolic disease that is a form of acute arthritis, characterized by excessive uric acid in the blood and around the joints

herniated disk

herniation or rupture of the nucleus pulposus (center gelatinous material within an intervertebral disk) between two vertebrae; also called prolapsed disk


increased curvature of the thoracic region of the vertebral column, leading to a humpback posture; also called hunchback

Ewing sarcoma

malignant tumor that develops from bone marrow, usually in long bones or the pelvis; also called malignant neoplasm of bone by site

carpal tunnel syndrome

pain or numbness resulting from compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel


partial forward dislocation of one vertebra over the one below it, most commonly the fifth lumbar vertebra over the first sacral vertebra; also called spinal cord compression


partial or complete dislocation

Paget disease

skeletal disease that affects older people and causes chronic inflammation of bones, resulting in thickening and softening of bones and bowing of the long bones

rotated cuff injury

trauma to the capsule of the shoulder joint, which is reinforced by muscles and tendons; musculotendinous rotates cuff injury

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