Chapter 10: Section 1 The First New Deal
Shortly after graduating from Columbia Law School, where did Roosevelt earn a seat in?
After graduating, Roosevelt earned a seat in the New York State Senate.
Who ran the National Recovery Administration (NRA)?
Hugh Johnson.
Under Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt became what?
Roosevelt became assistant secretary of the navy, and held the position through World War 1.
What was the first thing Roosevelt wanted to change?
The first thing Roosevelt wanted was to restore the people's confidence in the banking system.
How much would the young men earn?
These young men would earn $30 a month.
What did the second group of advisers believe?
They blamed big businesses for causing the Great Depression.
What was odd about the marriage?
They both were related to Theodore Roosevelt. He was Franklin's cousin, and Eleanor's uncle.
What did Roosevelt's advisers favor?
They favored progressive ideas, such as the form of government that would intervene in the economy.
To prevent cotton, what did the AAA program do?
To prevent cotton, the AAA program would pay $100 million to cotton farmers if they got rid of 25 percent of their crops. Also, hog producers slaughtered 6 million piglets instead of flattening them for market.
How many workers were unemployed?
1 in 4 workers was unemployed.
Why did he win the presidential election?
1. People liked his use of the government's power to help people in economic distress. 2. Others believed that his struggle against polio gave him an understanding of their hardships. 3. Americans saw in Roosevelt an energy and optimism that gave them hope during hard times.
How many votes were in favor of Roosevelt during the election?
472 votes for Roosevelt, 59 votes for Herbert Hoover. The total overall number was 23 million votes for Roosevelt, and less than 16 million votes for Herbert Hoover.
What are Brain Trusts?
Brain trusts are a group of advisers that helped Roosevelt make decisions.
Where did Roosevelt graduate from?
Columbia Law School
What do commercial banks handle everyday?
Everyday, commercial banks handle deposits, pay interest, cash checks, and loan money for mortgages.
What are "fireside chats"?
Fireside chats are direct talks that FDR did on a radio broadcast.
How did Roosevelt break the tradition?
Franklin D. Roosevelt broke with tradition by flying to Chicago to deliver the first acceptance speech ever made a nominating convention.
Who and when did Roosevelt get married?
Franklin D. Roosevelt married Eleanor Roosevelt in 1905.
Who won the election of 1932?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (F.D.R) won the election of 1932.
When was it Roosevelt's first hundred days?
From March 9 to June 16, 100 days of presidency.
What are bank holidays?
Governors would declare bank holidays, and close the remaining banks before bank runs would put them out of business.
Who was the leader of the FERA?
Harry Hopkins, he was one of the most influential people in Roosevelt's administration.
What did Roosevelt assure the people?
He assured them that their money would now be more secure if they put it back into the banks.
Why was he a very popular governor?
He cut taxes for farmers, worked to reduce the rates charged by public utilities, and in 1931 pushed through New York legislature a new state agency to help unemployed New Yorkers.
When was Roosevelt born?
In 1882, to a wealthy New York family.
When was Roosevelt elected as governor of New York?
In 1928, Roosevelt was elected as governor of New York.
When did Roosevelt win the presidency?
In November 1932.
What were the cons of the AAA?
Many African-American farmers became homeless after their landlords chose their fields to be taken out of production.
What did many people begin to do?
Many people decided to take their money out of the banks and convert it to gold before it lost its value.
Did this stop Roosevelt from continuing?
No, he started a serious exercise program to battle the polio. He was then rewarded by being elected governor of New York.
When was Roosevelt's inauguration?
On March 4, 1933.
What is the gold standard?
One ounce of gold equaled a set number of dollars.
How many banks closed in March 1933?
Over 4,000 banks had collapsed, wiping out 9 million savings.
What did people fear Roosevelt would do?
People feared he would abandon the gold standard and reduce the value of the dollar in order to fight the Great Depression.
What did Roosevelt deliberately do? Why?
Roosevelt deliberately chose advisers who disagreed with each other. He wanted to hear the advisers argue and to make sure that his final decision would be the best one.
Which type of people helped Roosevelt make programs?
Roosevelt got advice from advisers who had experience in agriculture, business, government, law, and social work.
What was Roosevelt?
Roosevelt was a practical politician.
What was his reputation?
Roosevelt was a progressive reformer who was willing to stand up to the party bosses.
What disease did Roosevelt get, and in what year?
Roosevelt was paralyzed with polio in 1921.
What did Roosevelt serve as before being elected as president?
Roosevelt was serving as governor of New York.
What is "New Nationalism"?
Roosevelt's advisers believed that business and government should work together to manage the economy.
What are the "Hundred Days"?
Roosevelt's first hundred days of president included 15 major acts to meet the economic needs.
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)?
The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), would pay farmers not to raise certain livestock, such as hogs, and not to grow certain crops, such as cotton, corn, wheat, and tobacco.
What is the Central Valley Project (CVP)?
The Central Valley Project (CVP) provided the construction of many dams.
What is the Civil Works Administration (CWA)?
The Civil Works Administration (CWA) hired workers directly and put them on federal government's payroll.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) offered unemplyed young men 18 to 25 yeards old, the opportunity to work under the direction of the national forestry service planting trees, fighting forest fires, and building reservoirs.
Who chose Roosevelt as president?
The Democrats chose Roosevelt to become president of the United States.
What is the Farm Credit Association (FCA)?
The Farm Credit Association (FCA) helped farmers refinance their mortgages.
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation provided government insurance for bank deposits up to a certain amount.
What is the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)?
The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), channeled money to state and local agencies to fund their relief projects.
What did the First New Deal acquire?
The First New Deal reflected Roosevelt's willingness to experiment, help the economy, and new ideas. He caused a new way of thinking for the people, and gave them faith.
What is the First New Deal?
The First New Deal was a term given to the programs that Roosevelt passed.
What is the Glass-Steagall Act?
The Glass-Steagal Act separated commercial banking from investment banking.
What is the Homeowner's Loan Corporation (HOLC)?
The Home Owner's Loan Corporation bough the mortgages of many home owners who were behind in their payments.
What is the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)?
The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), suspended the antitrust laws and allowed business, labor, and government to cooperate in setting up voluntary rules for each industry.
What did the National Recovery Administration (NRA) do?
The National Recovery Administration (NRA) urged consumers to buy good only from companies that displayed the blue eagle.
What is the National Recovery Administration's (NRA) symbol? And what is their slogan?
The National Recovery Administration's (NRA) symbol is a blue eagle. And their slogan is "We do our part."
What is the New Deal?
The New Deal is Roosevelt's policies for ending the Great Depression.
What is the Public Works Administration (PWA)?
The Public Works Administration (PWA) provided employment in construction of airports, parks, schools and roads.
What is the Securities Act?
The Securities Act required companies that sold stocks to provide complete and truthful information to investors.
What is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?
The Securities and Exchange Commission regulated the stock marker and prevented fraud.
What did the advisers think of the New Nationalism?
The advisers believed that if government agencies worked with businesses to regulate wages, prices and production, they could lift the economy out of Depression.
Who created the New Nationalism idea?
Theodore Roosevelt.
What did the 3rd group of advisers support?
They believed in the New Freedom of Woodrow Wilson.
What were they unsure of?
They were unsure over what the government's role should be.
What is the Emergency Banking Relief Act?
This law required federal examiners to survey the nation's banks and issue Treasure Department licenses to those that were financially sound.
What is Trust Busting?
Trust busting is a term given when advisers wanted Roosevelt to break up big companies and allowing competition to set wages, prices, and production levels.
Did the AAA program work?
Yes, because by 1936, food prices rose and farm income rose by 50 percent.