Chapter 10 Study Guide- US History

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Define popular sovereignty

Everyone gets to vote from the territory.

Explain the Freeport Doctrine

Freeport Doctrine came from Lincoln challenging Douglas to explain how popular sovereignty can keep slavery out of a place when the Dred Scott decision says that they cannot, so the Freeport Doctrine was the response from Douglas.

Second debate in the Lincoln-Douglas debate is known as?

Freeport doctrine

What did John Brown plan to do at Harper's Ferry, VA

He planned to establish a nation of free slaves in the southern Appalachian Mountains

Who drafted the Compromise of 1850

Henry Clay

Why did Lincoln move from KY to the IN territory

His parents opposed slavery so the moved to IN in 1816

Lincoln served in the state legislature of which state


Define free-soilers

People of all political parties who opposed slavery

Define radical

Person with extreme views

1. What is popular sovereignty and what part did it play in the election of a proslavery territorial legislature in Kansas? (pg. 330):

Popular sovereignty is the political authority belonging to the people. The voters would elect a territorial legislator, which would then pass laws on the subject. Later, a constitution had to be written and approved by voters before the territory could become a state.

Which president condemned the free-soil government in Kansas as rebels

President Franklin Pierce

Which president of the US helped get the Compromise of 1850 passed by Congress

President Millard Fillmore

Who were the two executive leaders of the Confederate States of America

President-Jefferson Davis V. President- Alexander Stephens

Explain the event termed as the "Sack of Lawrence"

Pro-slavery people burnt down the town of Lawrence

Explain the Crittenden Compromise

Proposed amending the U.S. Constitution to ban slavery north of the old Missouri Compromise line.

Both plans to save the Union before a war broke out failed due to the lack of support from which political party

Republican Party

Name the candidates of the following political parties during the election of 1860

Republican-Abraham Lincoln (contain slavery, but not ridding it completely) Northern Democrat- Stephen Douglas (Popular sovereignty) Southern Democrat- John Breckinridge (Pro-Slavery) Constitutional Union- John Bell (Save the Union)

What famous Colonel of the US Marines captured John Brown

Robert E. Lee captured John Brown.

What happened between Sen. Preston Brooks and Sen. Charles Sumner

Brooks beat Sumner with a golden cane 30 times

How was the issue of slavery to be settled in the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska

By popular sovereignty

In 1850, what territory applied for statehood, which would upset the balance in the Senate


Name the chief justice of the Supreme Court who denied Dred Scott his rights

Chief Justice Roger Taney

Who was John Brown

Committed abolitionist

What led to the succession of the South Carolina and then the rest of the Southern States that followed? list 4

Compromise of 1850 (popular sovereignty), Kansas-Nebraska Act (popular sovereignty), Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Election of 1860

two efforts to save them from war

Crittended Compromise (saying that the Missouri Compromise would be established again and slavery would be banned north of it, compensation for the loss of slaves, non-repeal able, congress could not interfere with the transportation of slaves from one state to another) and the Peace Convention

The arguments over the Kansas-Nebraska Act weakened which political party


Who won the senate seat between Lincoln and Douglas?


What event caused controversy that split northern and southern Democrats

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

How did the Northerners react to the Fugitive Slave Act

The northerners were furious and openly resisted this law

What provisions of the Constitution did slaveholders cite as a protection for slavery and explain? (pg. 339):

The provisions of the Constitution that the slaveholders cited as a protection for slavery was the 5th Amendment. The 5th Amendment states that "...nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation." The slaveholders argued that it was not fair of the government to take away their slaves without paying them.

Explain three reasons why the Lincoln-Douglas debates were important. (pg. 341):

Three reasons why the Lincoln-Douglas debates were important because the debates helped Lincoln become known in the political field and would then help Lincoln win the presidential election in 1856. The debates also showed that Lincoln's moderate position positions increased his standing among northerns, and at the same time, however, nothing in the debates gave southerners cause to shed their growing belief that Lincoln was a serious threat to slavery. Douglas's Freeport Doctrine and his opposition to the Lecompton Compromise caused him to lose the support of the southern Democrats.

What was Daniel Webster's response to John C. Calhoun's rejection of the Compromise of 1850

Webster thought the preservation of the Union is more important than the disagreement over slavery

Explain the event called the Pottawatomie Massacre

When John Brown and some of his followers dragged 5 proslavery supporters out of their cabins into the creek and killed them

The rise of the Republican Party came out of what other three parties

Whigs(conscious) Democrats and Free-Soil

Lincoln made a what when talking to Douglas?

a prediction

Define guerilla war

fighting marked by sabotage, ambushes, and surprise attacks

In Lincoln's "house divided" speech, he wasn't taking a position, what was he stating instead

he stated "A house divided against itself cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free." basically saying that the Union cannot grow if they are always against each other

Define compensated emancipation

it is ending slavery in Washington DC by paying the slaveholders to free their slaves

Define the Fugitive Slave Act

it made it a federal crime to assist runaway slaves

Define the Kansas-Nebraska Act

law that was passed that allowed the voters of Nebraska and Kansas to vote on the be a slave state or a free state, repealed the Missouri Compromise

Define nativism

opposition to immigration

Explain the Lincoln-Douglas debates

seven debates were held in towns across Illinois, the 2nd debate at Freeport, IL turned out to be the most critical because lincoln challenged Douglas to explain how popular sovereignty can keep slavery out of a place when the Dred Scott decision said they could not, this then led to Douglas's reply known as Freeport Doctrine

What brought Lincoln out of his retirement from politics a second time

the Kansas-Nebraska Act and he ran for a seat in the US Senate in 1856

Define the Mason-Dixon line

the border of Pennsylvania and Maryland that divided the free-states and slave states.

Which amendment to the Constitution did slaveholders use to protect slavery

the fifth amendment

Explain the outcome of the Dred Scott case

the fifth amendment protected the property rights, making Dred Scott property of the deceased owner go to his family

By 1850, the political argument over slavery shifted to what area of the US

the western territories

What did the South do when Lincoln and what was it called?

they succeeded and went against the Constitution and formed the Confederate States of America

Explain the term "Bleeding Kansas"

Name gave to Kansas over all the blood shed

Under British rule, which colonies had slavery

North and South

On the issue of slavery, what "rights" were argued between North & South

North-Human Rights South-Povery

List the four causes (events) that led to secession of the South

The Compromise of 1850, The Kansas-Nebraska Act, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, The Election of 1860

How did voting fraud take place in the election conducted in Kansas

1700 Missourians came and voted while being armed

By 1790, what percent of slaves lived in the South


Explain the Peace Convention

A meeting called by Virginia leading after the defeat of the Crittenden Compromise to deal with issue of slavery in the United state

Who was the president of the US when secession broke out

James Buchanan

Who was the first Republican candidate for president in 1856

John Freemont

How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act weaken the Democratic Party. (pg. 327):

Kansas-Nebraska Act weakened the Democratic Party because it repealed the Missouri Compromise, which allowed for popular sovereignty to come into play.

What was the nickname of the American Party


The final decision on whether Kansas would be a free or slave state was settled indirectly by what document

Lecompton Constitution or state constitution

What was the Lecompton Constitution and did it ever pass in Congress

Lecompton constitution was a proslavery state constitution, was not passed in congress.

Which candidate did most historians believe won the Lincoln-Douglas debates


Who won the election of 1860 and why

Lincoln, because the Democrats split into the northern and southern. so the splitting between the two left the second most popular part (republican) to have the most votes

Who did Abraham Lincoln marry

Mary Todd in 1842

Explain the importance of Harriet Beecher Stowe

She wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin was about slave life

Which state was the first to secede after the election of 1860

South Carolina

What Illinois senator was nicknamed "The Little Giant"

Stephen Douglas

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