Chapter 10

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B) Dell

43. Which company became carbon neutral in 2008: A) Microsoft B) Dell C) Toshiba D) Pfizer


A commons is a shared resource, such as land, air or water that a group of people uses collectively.

A) high standards of economic management.

A goal of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development is to encourage: A) high standards of economic management. B) more companies to take advantage of carbon trading markets. C) a reduction in meat consumption. D) countries to save the rain forest.

D) Commons.

A shared resource, such as land, air, or water, that a group of people uses collectively is a(n): A) Economic village. B) Collective resource. C) Global unification. D) Commons.

A) Ozone.

A thin layer of gas that protects the earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation from the sun is: A) Ozone. B) Carbon dioxide. C) Methane. D) Oxygen.


About 30% of the world's population lives below the international poverty line.

D) All of the above.

According to eminent biologist Edward O. Wilson, the costs of decreasing biodiversity include: A) Every species extinction diminishes humanity. B) Species diversity is one of the planet's most important and irreplaceable resources. C) The capacity for natural genetic regeneration reduces with extermination of species. D) All of the above.


According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, livestock are responsible for eighteen percent of carbon gas emissions.


Although large, the gap between the richest and poorest countries is holding steady.


Black carbon is the second largest contributor to climate change.


Ecology is the study of how living things--plants and animals--interact with one another in an ecosystem.


Ikea is an example of a country that has followed The Natural Step system


Life cycle analysis involves collecting information on the lifelong environmental impact of a product, all the way from extraction of raw material, to manufacturing, to its distribution, use and ultimate disposal.

B) Collecting information regarding the lifelong environmental impact of a product, from extraction to disposal.

Life-cycle analysis involves: A) Accurately recording the production at ecological costs at each stage of a product's life cycle. B) Collecting information regarding the lifelong environmental impact of a product, from extraction to disposal. C) Reducing recycling costs for disposable products. D) Increasing productivity while improving the environment.


Overly intensive farming can turn what was once arable land into a desert.

D) All of the above.

Reasons for the destruction of rain forests include: A) Commercial logging. B) Cattle ranching. C) Conversion of forests to plantations. D) All of the above.

A) The burning of fossil fuels.

Some scientists believe the earth's atmosphere is gradually warming, a trend that may lead to rising sea levels, drought, and dramatic changes in weather patterns. Although some disagree, most scientists argue that the primary cause of the current period of atmospheric warming is: A) The burning of fossil fuels. B) Deforestation. C) Volcanic activity. D) Methane gas released by farm animals.


Sustainable development is an appealing idea but also a very controversial one.


Sustainable development would require sacrifice from developed AND developing countries.

C) Balances economic and environmental considerations.

Sustainable development: A) Meets the needs of the present while compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. B) Gives precedence to environmental over economic considerations. C) Balances economic and environmental considerations. D) Sacrifices less important immediate needs in order to fulfill important future needs.


The Chicago Carbon Exchange was started in 2003 by a group of large companies to facilitate the exchange of carbon emission credits.

A) Is becoming more polluted.

The Ganges river: A) Is becoming more polluted. B) Was cleaned up at a cost of three billions dollars. C) Is the longest river in China. D) None of the above are true.


The IPCC is a group of international scientists which believes global warning does not exist.

C) Both A and B.

The core idea(s) of sustainable development is (are): A) Protecting the environment will require economic development B) Economic development must occur in a way that protects resources for future generations. C) Both A and B. D) Neither A or B.

D) none of the above are true.

The first World Summit on Sustainable development . A) took place in 2007. B) was held in Mexico City. C) created goals which have generally been met. D) none of the above are true.

A) $2

The international poverty line is per day. A) $2 B) $11 C) $18 D) $23

A) Restraint.

The only solution to protecting commons (also known as the paradox of the commons) is A) Restraint. B) Technology. C) Population control. D) Growth.


The paradox of the commons is that if all individuals attempt to maximize their own private advantage in the short term, the commons will still be plentiful in the long run.

D) 73

The top twenty percent of the world's people have what percent of the world's income: A) 47 B) 67 C) 89 D) 73

C) China

Which country is the largest emitter of greenhouse gasses. A) United States B) India C) China D) Russia

C) United States.

Which of the following countries has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions more than 5% below 1990 levels? A) Germany. B) France. C) United States. D) United Kingdom.

B) The development of long-term partnerships between companies in developed and developing countries to transfer environmental technologies.

Which of the following illustrates the idea of sustainable development through technological cooperation? A) Worldwide conferences to encourage developing countries to invest in technological joint ventures with other developing countries. B) The development of long-term partnerships between companies in developed and developing countries to transfer environmental technologies. C) Advanced countries developing and selling at a profit environment technologies to developing countries. D) All countries developing their own environmental technology in order to solve their own problems.

C) The world's total industrial production will have to quintuple over the next forty years to maintain the same standard of living people currently have.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding population growth: A) World population crossed 6 billion people in 1999. B) Over the next forty years roughly half of all population growth will occur in less develop countries. C) The world's total industrial production will have to quintuple over the next forty years to maintain the same standard of living people currently have. D) All of the above are true.

A) Coal.

Which of the following is an example of a nonrenewable resource? A) Coal. B) Fresh water. C) Timber. D) Fish.

B) Using wastes from one process as raw materials for another process.

Which of the following is an example of industrial ecology in practice? A) Using recycle bin. B) Using wastes from one process as raw materials for another process. C) Manufacturing recyclable containers for products. D) All of the above.

D) Limiting development.

Which of the following is not advanced by the text as part of a solution to lower our global footprint: A) "Getting the prices right". B) Technological innovation. C) Changing consumption pattern. D) Limiting development.

B) To be characterized a rain forest, an area must receive at least 120 inches of rain a year.

Which of the following is not true about rain forests? A) They are the planet's richest areas in terms of biological diversity. B) To be characterized a rain forest, an area must receive at least 120 inches of rain a year. C) They account for about 7 percent of the earth's surface. D) They account for somewhere between 40 to 75 percent of the earth's species.

B) The United Arab Emirates has the largest per capita ecological footprint.

Which of the following is true about ecological footprint: A) Generally speaking, all industrialized countries have the same ecological footprint. B) The United Arab Emirates has the largest per capita ecological footprint. C) Per capita, Panama has a similar ecological footprint to the United States. D) Historical data has established that human society first exceeded world ecological capacity in the mid 1990s.

A) Dell

Which of the following offers free recycling to its customers? A) Dell B) Samsung C) Sun Microsystems D) Laplata Technologies

B) Deforestation increases carbon dioxide.

Which of the following statements is (are) true? A) The earth has already warmed by between one-half and one degree Celsius over the past century. B) Deforestation increases carbon dioxide. C) Meat consumption is expected to remain constant or slightly decrease by 2050. D) All of the above are true.

C) The deadline for banning CFCs in developing countries was 2010.

Which of the following statements is true about the Montreal Protocol? A) It is an agreement among nations to cut CFC production and use by fifty percent by 1996. B) The agreement was originally drafted to ban CFCs. C) The deadline for banning CFCs in developing countries was 2010. D) As of 2009, 120 countries had signed the protocol.

B) Maurice Strong.

Who was quoted as saying, "We now face the ultimate management challenge, that of managing our own future as a species?" A) Clarence Thomas. B) Maurice Strong. C) Strom Thurmond. D) Bill Clinton.


World population more than tripled between 1950 and 2000.

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