Chapter 10: what motivates us to have sexual relations

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men answered yes quite often, women only rarely

"would you come over to my apartment tonight?"

men and women answered yes in equal numbers

"would you go out with me tonight?"

three-quarters of men answered yes, while not one woman did

"would you go to bed with me tonight?"

associate each description about aggression with either human males or human females

MALES: 1. faster development of the amygdala 2. stronger amygdala activation when viewing angry faces FEMALES: 1. stronger prefrontal cortex activation when viewing angry faces 2. greater control over the amygdala by the prefrontal cortex

decide whether each reaction to meeting a transgender or gender-nonconforming person is more appropriate or less appropriate

asking what name and pronoun the person prefers

the psychological aspects of maleness and femaleness


part of the body that secretes the sex hormones


identify each statement on the relationship between hormonal influence and sexual orientation as being true or false

high levels of in-utero exposure to androgens are associated with females being lesbian later in life

the class of hormones that is typically found more in males is called _________; the best known hormone in this class is __________, which is produced by the male sex glands, called _____. the class of hormones that is usually found more in females is _______; the primary hormone is this class is called _______, which is secreted by the female sex glands, ____________.

1. androgens 2. testosterone 3. testes 4. estrogens 5. estradiol 6. ovaries

identify each statement about asexuality as correct or incorrect

1. asexuality is not a personal choice 2. approximately 1 in 100 people have an asexual sexual orientation

a preliminary step toward having sex is sexual ________. the more immediate motivation to engage in sex, known as sexual ______, directly leads to sexual _______. this motivation typically has three sources: biology, ____________________, and individual differences

1. attraction 2. desire 3. activity 4. environment and culture

the american psychiatric association (apa) does not consider _____________ to be a psychological disorder. however, the apa does consider a person to be suffering from psychological dysfunction if dissatisfaction with one's assigned gender lasts for more than six _____ and causes significant ________________. in severe cases, the term _______________ is used to describe this psychological disorder

1. being transgender 2. months 3. personal distress 4. gender dysphoria

most people feel themselves to be straightforwardly either male or female. some people, however, feel that their sense of their gender does not match their ______________. these people identify as ___________. other people identify as neither male nor female, while still others feel predominantly male in some settings and female in others. all such departures from the traditional categories of male and female in others. all such departures from the ________ categories of male and female are called ____________________.

1. biological sex 2. transgender 3. traditional 4. gender nonconformity

one difficulty in classifying people by sexual orientation is that rather than coming in just two varieties, it _________________________. but another difficulty is that the standard classifications of sexual orientation are based on a ________ idea of gender. the reality is that not everyone is simply male or simply female. and even if they were, not everyone's sexual ___________ is related to the other person's gender identity. many who struggle to describe their sexual orientation using standard classifications have adopted the term _____.

1. can be seen as a continuum 2. binary 3. attraction 4. queer

place the events in the life of coy mathis in chronological order

1. coy's parents dressed coy as a boy and encouraged typical boy behavior 2. coy insisted that she was a girl and wanted to be treated as a girl 3. coy began feeling depressed and anxious 4. experts helped coy's parents understand that their child was transgender 5. coy was legally declared a girl 6. coy started kindergarten as a girl

identify each sex characteristic as secondary or primary

1. deepening of males' voices and development of females' breasts 2. pubic hair

place the phases of physiological responses during sexual activity in order from the first to the last phase

1. excitement 2. plateau 3. orgasm 4. resolution

according to the research results from a study done by buss (1989), which of the following attributes do women most value in a man they want to marry?

1. financial stability 2. kindness 3. honesty 4. ambition

associate each trait with one of two conditions: congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) or androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS).

1. genitals that are not clearly male or female 2. sex chromosomes of a female 3. in-utero exposure to high levels of androgens

nontraditional gender role socialization

1. germany 2. the netherlands

while north american culture usually recognizes two categories of gender, india and bangladesh recognize a group of people called _____, who think themselves as being _______________________. they are legally considered ______________.

1. hijra 2. between male and female 3. a third gender

identify each statement about male sexual orientation and the brain as correct or incorrect

1. it is possible that prenatal hormonal influences affect the size and functioning of the later adult hypothalamus 2. structurally, the hypothalamus of gay men resembles that of straight women

traditional gender role socialization

1. japan 2. nigeria

place the elements of a child's gender schemas in order from the scheme that is acquired first (at the top) to the one that develops last (at the bottom)

1. male voices are deeper than female voices 2. male and female faces look different 3. some toys are for boys, while others are for girls 4. some girls have short hair and wear boys' shirts

in the graph, the red bards show that males with more older brothers are ____ likely to be gay as adults than first-born males are. this is called the _______________ effect. interestingly, the effect only shows up with ____-handed males. to learn why this is the case we will require more research

1. more 2. fraternal birth order 3. right

identify each statement about sexual orientation and sexual activity as true or false

1. more women than men report having engaged in same-sex sexual activity 2. a person is gay or lesbian if he or she experiences same-sex attraction

identify each statement about menarche as correct or incorrect

1. on average, menarche occurs earlier today than it did 50 years ago 2. in the majority north american culture, menarche boosts a girl's social status within her peer group

the case study of bruce/brenda/david reimer regarding gender identity shows which of the following?

1. prenatal development can affect gender identity before a baby is born 2. gender identity has a strong biological component

which sexual dysfunctions tend to be associated with a state of general unhappiness or dissatisfaction with life?

1. reduced or absent sexual desire 2. inability to achieve orgasm 3. in women, pain during penetration

identify each statement about the track and field athlete Caster Semenya as correct or incorrect

1. semenya has been cleared as compete as a woman 2. people like semenya, who have aspects of biological sex that are both male and female, experience intersexuality

what are the criteria by which a paraphilia is judged to be a psychological disorder?

1. the paraphilia is a source of distress 2. the paraphilia causes someone harm

which of the following factors have research studies shown to play a role in sexual orientation?

1. there is an area of the hypothalamus that is smaller in gay men than it is in straight men 2. females who were exposed to androgens while in the womb are more likely to report being lesbians

place the events that occur during puberty in males in chronological order, from the earliest event to the latest

1. thickening of body hair 2. onset of sperm production 3. peak growth period 4. full maturation of genitals

which nations does the textbook describe as having laws that guarantee marriage equality?

1. united states 2. south africa 3. spain

apply the correct descriptive label to each combination of sex chromosomes

XX = biological sex of females XXY = klinefelter syndrome XY = biological sex of male XO = turner syndrome

the physical aspects of maleness and femaleness

biological sex

this person was born biologically female and was one of the first celebrities to discuss his transgender identity

chaz bono

after a botched circumcision, this person was surgically reassigned as female, but he never accepted a female gender identity

david reimer

class of hormones that are present in higher level sin women than in men


brain region that controls the release of sex hormones


this person was shot in the head for not conforming to gender role expectations in her native pakistan, and survived to be a co-recipient of the 2014 nobel peace prize for supporting girls' rights to education

malala yousafzai

this person defied gender role expectations when she pitched a shutout in a little league world series, playing on a boys' team

mo'ne davis

in the resolution phase of the sexual response cycle, men have a _________ period, which prevents multiple orgasms


the character of one's attraction to other people

sexual orientation

an androgen hormone associated with sexual desire in males and females


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