Chapter 11

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Amy, a 15-year-old, lost her virginity to her boyfriend last night. Which of the following is Amy least likely to say?

"I'm so glad I'm no longer a virgin!"

Which of the following messages was not part of the large-scale media campaign targeted at reducing risky safe and the prevalence of STDs among Black youth?

"STDs are painful"

Michael and Kayla are concerned because they noticed their 10-year-old son, Tom, engaging in sex play with a male friend. They ask a psychologist what she thinks. What did she probably say?

"Same-sex play among young adolescents is more common than many would think and nothing to worry about."

Approximately what percentage of American adolescents have had sexual intercourse by the time they reach their freshman year of high school?


What percentage of American adolescents who become pregnant get an abortion?


Approximately what percentage of sexually active women between the ages of 14 and 19 have at least one of the following infections: HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, or trichomoniasis?


Which of the following statements about boys' first sexual experience is false?

A boy';s first sexual partner is likely to be someone he's in love with.

Which of the following statements about parent-adolescent communication about sex is not true?

Adolescents are more receptive to having one "big talk" about sex than having multiple conversations over a period of time.

Who is the least likely adolescent to bear her first child while married?

Alisha, a Black adolescent

Amy is a "straight" 16-year-old adolescent. Kelly, also 16, has discovered that she has homosexual interests. Which girl is most confused about her gender identity because of her sexual orientation?

Amy and Kelly are likely to be equally confused because gender identity is separate from sexual orientation.

Ann, a 17-year-old, is still a virgin. If you had to guess, what race/ethnicity is Ann likely to be?

Asian American

When Ken is alone, he fantasizes about supermodels and masturbates. This type of behavior is called:


Members of which of the following racial groups are most likely to become sexually experienced at earlier ages?

Black adolescents

______ is the peak month for adolescents in a serious relationship to have their first intercourse.


According to research presented in the textbook, who is more likely to be sexually active: Ingrid, who lives in a single-parent home, or Leanne, who lives in a two-parent home?


What do researchers believe explains why some individuals who engage in precocious, promiscuous, or unprotected sex are also highly likely to engage in other types of delinquent behavior?

It is likely that risky sexual behavior and other types of risky behavior are both symptoms of a certain personality profile that makes individuals more likely to behave risky in general.

Which of the following is the most likely scenario for adolescent sexual activity?

It takes place in the boy's home on a weekday after school.

Alice, a 16-year-old, gave birth to a baby boy last year. How will this affect the likelihood that her 13-year-old sister, Marie, will have a baby?

It will increase.

Kate is a Black teen mom and has decided to move back to her parents'; home. Which of the following statements is not true?

It would be best if Kate lived with her parents for an extended period.

Who is the most likely, after becoming pregnant, to have an abortion?

Jamie, a White female living in the suburbs

Which adolescent is most likely to engage in sexual intercourse at the youngest age?

Laurence, a Black adolescent

According to the textbook, which adolescent is most likely to use contraception?

Nancy, who had an abortion a year ago

Jeannette, a 17-year-old, has decided to engage in sexual intercourse with her boyfriend. Tammy, also 17, has decided to abstain from sex until she is older. Which adolescent is more likely to experience psychological disturbances?

Normative sexual activity during late adolescence is not associated with psychological disturbance.

Which of the following statements about sexual orientation in adolescence is false?

Researchers have been able to identify consistent predictors for adolescents who will later identify themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.

Which of the following adolescents is more likely to move toward intercourse at an earlier age without as many intervening steps?

Richard, a Black adolescent

Beginning on Isaac's 13th birthday, his father wants to start a series of conversations with him about sex and the "birds and the bees." This process is called:

Sexual Socialization

Which of the following is least likely to explain why growing up in a single-parent home affects girls' sexual behavior more than boys' sexual behavior?

Social influences on sexual behavior are weaker for girls than for boys, thereby leading to fewer restraints on girls' sexual activities.

Which adolescent is most likely to use contraception effectively while engaging in sex?

Tasha, who is sexually active and relatively conventional

Which country has the highest rate of teen pregnancy?

The United States

According to research by Small and Luster, which adolescent is most likely to engage in early sexual activity?

The adolescent most likely to engage in early sexual activity is one that has a combination of the above risk factors.

How does the average age of first intercourse vary by geographical region?

The average age of first intercourse varies considerably around the world.

Which of the following statements about abortion and teen pregnancy is not true?

There are no long-term differences between pregnant teenagers who do and do not seek abortion.

Why should data that is obtained by asking adolescents to self-report whether they are still virgins be interpreted with caution?

There is a selection bias, with substantial between-person differences between those who choose to answer this question and those who typically leave this question blank.

Bill is a very feminine man. Based on this sex-role behavior, one would predict that Bill is probably:

There is no connection between sex-role behavior and sexual orientation.

Because Andrea is a lesbian, she is more likely to exhibit what types of behaviors?

There is no connection between sex-role behavior and sexual preference.

Until recently, what aspect of teenage sexuality did social scientists focus on?

Until fairly recently, researchers only focused on the problematic aspects of adolescent sexuality (precocious sex, promiscuous sex, unsafe sex, etc.).

Which of the following statements about sexual abuse during adolescence is false?

Younger children are more likely than adolescents to be abused and neglected.

Although sex education programs have not been particularly successful in reducing the high rates of adolescent pregnancy, there is current optimism that _____ may be effective.

a comprehensive sex education

One study indicated that there is quite a bit of diversity among teenage mothers in their transitions to adulthood. Which of the following is not one of the three groups of teen moms identified in Oxford and colleague's study?

a group of individuals who bounced back and forth between identities and scored alarmingly low on all measures of "life satisfaction"; (higher scores = more satisfaction)

Fourteen-year-old Sarah began "acting out"; behaviors that her teacher had never observed in her before, such as a decline in self-esteem, sexual promiscuity, and risky behavior. Sarah's teacher suspects that Sarah is:

a victim of sexual abuse.

An analysis of "virginity pledges" that encourage adolescents to promise to abstain from premarital sex has found that:

about 82% of adolescents who take a virginity pledge will deny having done so five years later.

Suzanne has just found out that her 13-year-old daughter had been sexually abused by her piano teacher. According to research presented in the textbook, what type of problems is Suzanne';s daughter most likely to face?

academic difficulties

The textbook lists all of the following as reasons why sexuality in adolescence is a particularly important period during the life cycle, except:

adolescence is the time when erotic feelings first emerge.

Greg, a 17-year-old, has gotten his girlfriend pregnant. If he is typical of other males who impregnate adolescent women, we would expect him to experience all of the following, except:

an increased sense of responsibility and optimism about the future.

Boys' initial interest in sex is motivated by ________ hormones, whereas girls' initial interest in sex is motivated by _______.

androgen; androgens and estrogen

Compared to adolescent women who choose to have their child, adolescents who abort their pregnancy:

are psychologically, socially, and economically better off.

What is the best way to conceptualize adolescent sexual development?

as gradual stages of increasing intimacy

The sexual ______ of males and females may be similar, but the sexual _____ of males and females is quite different.

behavior; socialization

Recent research on promoting safe-sex behaviors among adolescents has suggested all of the following, except:

being aware of the risk of STDs is sufficient to ensure safe sex practices among adolescents.

Which of the following is not associated with risky sex behavior?

being exposed to pornography

What is not a risk factor for contracting HIV?

being male

Studies suggest which of the following are antecedents of homosexuality?

biological factors - social factors - the interaction between biological and social factors - All of these are correct.

According to the textbook, which adults are most likely to describe their fathers as distant and rejecting?

bisexual and homosexual adolescents

AIDS is transmitted through:

bodily fluids

Sexual activity in the United States is _____ in other industrialized countries, and the rate of pregnancy is _____.

comparable; higher

The birthrate among adolescent women today is _____ in previous eras.

considerably lower than it was

Evaluations of school-based clinics have found that:

contrary to parents' concerns, they do no appear to increase sexual activity.

Estimates of the prevalence of sexual intercourse among adolescents:

depend on the wording of the questions.

Sexual activity in adolescence is motivated by:

desire to enhance status with peers. - love and the desire for a serious emotional relationship. - hormones - All of these are true.

Tim and Carol are upset because they recently discovered that their 13-year-old daughter has already engaged in sexual intercourse. What other types of problems is their daughter likely to have?

drug and alcohol problems - low interest in academics - tolerance of deviant behavior - All of these are correct.

According to national surveys, sexual activity among adolescents is occurring ______ it has in past decades.

earlier than

Professor Bertrande understands that most adolescents she talks to are not likely to engage in abstinence. Her research has demonstrated that the next best way for adolescents to protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases is:

effective condom use during sex.

The most common reasons that adolescents give for abstaining from sex are:

fear of disease and fear of pregnancy.

The greatest increase in the prevalence of premarital intercourse has been among which group?


Both _____________ are cause by a bacterium, whereas ____________ are caused by a virus.

gonorrhea and chlamydia; herpes and human papilloma virus

People who wait to have sex until they are in their twenties tend to:

have a strong religious commitment. - not cohabit. - have greater marital satisfaction. - All of these are correct.

In addition to parental supervision, what else might help decrease the probability of adolescent sexual activity?

having adolescents participate in after-school programs

Generalizing from the textbook, if Nicky's parents want to slow down her sexual involvement, which of her parents should talk to her about sex?

her mother

Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is caused by a virus?


What family factor appears to predict adolescent sexual involvement, especially among girls?

household composition

According to the textbook, international disparities in rates of teenage childbearing are associated with:

income equality and educational attainment.

For adolescent boys, which of the following is the most important factor in determining the onset of sexual intercourse?

increased levels of androgens

Current research suggests that sexual intercourse during the high school years:

is part of the normative experience of adolescence in America.

The comprehensive sex education discussed in the textbook has all of the following elements except:

it must reduce adolescents' likelihood of having sex.

Research on risk factors for adolescent sexual activity has found all of the following, except:

lack of parental support is a risk factor for boys but not for girls.

According to the textbook, which of the following is not something that policymakers have called for to ensure young mothers have an adequate income and the chance for adequate employment?

laws that ensure companies cannot discriminate against teen mothers

Which is not a risk factor for sexual abuse?

living in a major city, compared to living in a rural area

Researchers have found that with respect to reporting their sexual activity:

males tend to overstate their level of activity

Which of the following illustrates the typical sequence of sexual behavior among adolescents?

masturbation; feeling breasts through clothes; feeling a penis under clothes; sexual intercourse

Studies of the long-term consequences of adolescent parenthood indicate that the problems associated with it:

may actually be greater for the mothers than for their children.

In contrast to delinquent individuals who engage in sex in a romantic relationship, at least one research study found that delinquent adolescents who engage in casual sex:

may have genes that influence both the propensity to engage in delinquency and the tendency to seek opportunities to have sex ";just for fun," which is consistent with other research on the genetic basis of traits like sensation seeking and impulsivity.

Experts who accept that sex is part of life for the average American teenager believe that all of the following create difficulties for our society, except:

not dealing with the issue directly

The textbook suggests all of the following as ways to increase use of contraceptives among adolescents, except:

offer sex education that teaches the fundamentals of contraceptive use once adolescents become sexually active.

Which of the following is not a good predictor of whether adolescents will engage in sexual activity?

parent-adolescent communication

Research assessing parent-adolescent communication about sex has found all of the following, except:

parent-adolescent communication about sex significantly lowers adolescents' likelihood of being sexually active.

Which aspect of parent-adolescent communication about sex is likely to have a meaningful effect on the adolescent's behavior?

parent-child communication specifically focused on the topic of contraception lowers the rate of risky sex

According to the textbook, evaluations of programs aimed at enhancing teen mothers'; access to adequate income and employment have found that:

programs aimed at enhancing teen mothers'; employability and preventing their subsequent pregnancies have been largely disappointing.

Which of the following is not considered an aspect of positive sexual development that the majority of adolescents face?

reconciling feelings of sexual arousal with one's religious beliefs

Early sexuality for males is tinged with elements of ________, whereas for females it is more linked to feelings of _______________.

recreation; intimacy

A particular concern regarding the faster progression of sexual activity is an increased:

risk of pregnancy

Professor Snapes is conducting research on sexual harassment of adolescents. He is likely to learn all of the following, except:

school-based programs aimed at reducing sexual harassment, such as a program called Safe Dates, have had long-term success.

Which of the following is not typically considered to be autoerotic behavior during adolescence?

sexual intercourse

Todd would rather date men than women. This refers to Todd's:

sexual orientation

Generalizing from the textbook, Marge is most likely to have her first sexual encounter with a:

steady boyfriend.

Boys'; and girls'; initial interest in sex is influenced primarily by the surge in levels of:


Compared with studies conducted in the mid-1990s:

the adolescents who choose to engage in sexual intercourse are doing so at an earlier age. - fewer adolescents today are engaging in sexual intercourse. - regional and ethnic variations make it difficult to generalize about an average age for sexual intercourse for American adolescents. - All of these are correct.

For adolescent girls, which of the following is the most important factor in determining the onset of sexual intercourse?

the attitudes of friends toward sexual activity

Although the rate of sexual activity among adolescents in the United States does not differ much from that reported by other industrialized countries, the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States is:

the highest in the world among industrialized countries.

The adverse outcomes of being born to an adolescent mother are generally a result of all of the following, except:

the immature reproductive system of an adolescent mother.

Most research with respect to oral sex between adolescents has indicated that:

the vast majority of teenagers who engage in oral sex also engage in sexual (vaginal) intercourse and promiscuity is not the norm for either activity.

"Sexual socialization" refers to:

the way in which an individual is exposed to and educated about sexuality.

As compared with females whose first intercourse occurs after age 18, those who engage in sexual intercourse at a younger age are likely to report that:

their first sexual experience was involuntary.

Research on teenage mothers indicates that:

their infants are at heightened risk for school problems and other behavior problems in childhood.

Date rape is when a young person is forced to have sex when he or she does not want to. Sexual coercion and date rape are more likely to occur when:

there is a large (3 or more years) age difference between a girl and her partner.

Research has indicated that many young people do not use contraception regularly for all of the following reasons, except:

they unconsciously desire to become pregnant.

What type of behaviors does the term noncoital activity refer to?

touching or kissing each other';s naked body

Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is caused by a parasite?


According to research cited in the textbook, all of the following are reasons that some sex education programs fail, except:

when teachers are uncomfortable talking about the subject with students.

Sex play that is innocuous during childhood is no longer innocuous during adolescence because:

with puberty, pregnancy becomes a serious possibility.

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