Chapter 11

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pay-for-performance programs

variable compensation plans that pay employees on the basis of some performance measure

McClelland's Three Needs Theory

which says three acquired (not innate) needs are major motives in work, including 1. need for achievement, 2. need for power, 3. need for affiliation

Qt. Which three needs are recognized in McClelland's three-needs theory?

achievement, power and affiliation

Qt. Which of the following is NOT a common way that employee recognition programs recognize worker achievements?

added worker responsibilities

Qt.In which country is equity meant to closely link pay to performance?

United States

Expectancy Theory

Victor Vroom says that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a desired outcome.

Qt. Maslow believes that higher-order needs __________.

are satisfied internally

Qt.If salespeople in John's company meet their sales goals for the month, they are given an all-expense-paid trip to a Denver Broncos football game. Football is not one of John's favorite sports, and the Denver Broncos are definitely not John's favorite team. John's performance might be influenced by the ________ part of Vroom's expectancy theory.


Qt. A manager with a theory X view of human nature would ___________.

be unlikely to allow workers to work independently

Qt. The direction of an individual's motivation can be channeled to benefit ________.

both individuals and / or organizations

Job Characteristics Model

dimensions such as skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback that are used to design motivating jobs Task characteristics (job design) influence job motivation at 2 places. First, jobs that are designed around the give job dimensions are likely to lead to higher actual job performance because the individuals motivation will be stimulated by the job itself Second, jobs that are designed around the 5 job dimensions also increase an employee's control over key elements in his or her work.

Qt.________ allow companies to accommodate the needs of workers with nonstandard family situations.

flextime, compressed workweeks and job sharing

Qt. Maslow's hierarchical model ______.

has never been validated by studies

Expectancy = effort-performance linkage

how much effort do i need to exert to achieve a certain level of performance

Qt. Setting goals definitely seems to _____.

increase performance and motivation

Qt. In employee recognition programs, employees accumulate points for things such as ________.

increased productivity

Qt. Acme Corporation's management feels that employees could be more motivated by their jobs. The jobs were enriched earlier and some improvements were seen in motivation. To increase the motivation through enrichment, Acme decides to increase the meaningfulness of the work. This might be done by ________.

increasing skill variety

Qt. According to Herzberg, what controls satisfaction and motivation?

intrinsic factors

Frederick Herzberg's Two Factor Theory

intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction (arising from job content - such as achievement, recognition and responsibility), while extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction (arising from job context, such as company policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relationships and working conditions

Qt. Under-rewarded inequity exists when one's own outcomes-to-input ratio ________ that of the referent.

is less than

valence = attractiveness of reward

is the importance that the individual places on the potential outcome or reward that can be achieved on the job. Is the reward what I want?

Open-book management

is to get employees to think like an owner by seeing the impact their decisions have on financial results

Qt. In countries with high levels of uncertainty avoidance, which of the following would you expect?

little acceptance of risk and low achievement need

Qt. In which kinds of cultures does goal-setting theory work best?

low power distance, low uncertainty avoidance

Qt. The key to expectancy theory is that an individual's goals ________.

match the rewards provided by the organization

Qt. According to Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene theory, ________ are associated with job satisfaction.



need for achievement


need for affiliation


need for power

Qt. Maslow's theory is a hierarchy because ______.

needs are satisfied sequentially

Qt. According to Herzberg, favorable hygiene factors can cause an employee to feel ________.

not dissatisfied

Qt. According to Herzberg, the opposite of the state of being satisfied is ________.

not satisfied

Qt. ______________ can improve employee performance by sharing the financial circumstances of the organization with the employee.

open-book management

Qt. The integrated model for motivation as shown in the chapter reading predicts strong motivation for an individual to perform when the reward is based on ________.

performance above all factors

employee recognition programs

personal attention and expressing interest, approval, and appreciation for a job well done

Which of the following is a lower-order need in Maslow's hierarchy

personal safety

Equity Theory

proposes that employees compare what they get from a job like rewards (outcomes) they have received from the inputs or efforts they made with the inputs-outcomes ratio of relevant others. Developed by J. Stacey Adams

Reinforcement Theory

recognizing that the organization's rewards reinforce the individual's performance


refers to the process by which a person's efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal. (3 elements: energy, direction and persistence)

job design

refers to the way tasks are combined to form complete jobs

Qt.In goal-setting theory, which of the following is the best kind of feedback?

self-generated feedback

Qt. Maslow sees food as being on the same level of need as which of the following?


Qt. Which is the best summary of goal-setting theory? -Always make your goals very difficult to reach -Specific goals increase performance -Easty goals make for happier employees -Goals make no difference in performance

specific goals increase performance

need for power

the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise

dsitributive justice

the perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals has a greater influence on employee satisfaction than procedural

procedural justice

the perceived fairness of the process used to determine the distribution of rewards tends to affect an employees organizational commitment, trust in his or her boss and intention to quit

Qt. In expectancy theory, a person may have the ability to reach a certain goal but lack motivation because ________.

the person has no strong desire to reach the goal

job enrichment

the vertical expansion of a job by adding planning and evaluating responsibilities

Qt. Open-book management encourages employees to ______________.

think like an owner

extrinsic factors

Extrinsic motivation involves work factors such as pay and promotions.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

(best-known motivation theory) Abraham Maslow - a psychologist - proposed that within every person is a hierarchy of five needs: Each level must be substantially satisfied before the next need becomes dominant. Lower order needs are satisfied predominantly externally and higher order needs are satisfied internally.


An individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task.

Successful managers tend to have this more than any other trait.

High nPow and low nAff

intrinsic factor

Intrinsic motivation is the desire to accomplish goals and develop professionally.

instrumentality = performance-reward linkage

achieving at a certain level of performance will get me what reward

McGregor's Theory X

a negative view of people that assumes workers have little ambition, dislike work, want to avoid responsibility, and need to be closely controlled to work effectively

McGregor's Theory Y

a positive view that assumes employees enjoy work, seek out and accept responsibility, and exercise self-direction

Goal Setting Theory

a theory that says that specific and difficult goals, with feedback, lead to higher performance

Qt. Across cultures, the need for achievement seems to correlate with which of the following?

acceptance of risk

Qt. According to Herzberg, in order to provide employees with job satisfaction, managers should concentrate on ________.

achievement and recognition

Qt. Acme Corporation's management feels that employees could be more motivated by their jobs. The jobs were enriched earlier and some improvements were seen in motivation. Most jobs at Acme were redesigned to allow the employees to complete a whole and identifiable piece of work. This fits ________, a core dimension of the job characteristics model.

task identity

task significance

the degree to which a job affects the lives or work of other people

skill variety

the degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities

task identity

the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work


the degree to which carrying out the work activities required by a job results in the individual obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her performance


the degree to which the job provides freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual performing the work

need for affiliation

the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships

need for achievement

the drive to succeed and excel in relation to a set of standards

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