chapter 11
Chromatin domains are loops of at least _______ base pairs of DNA.
Polycomb proteins consist of _______ complex(es) and are concentrated in Polycomb bodies within the nucleus.
Eukaryotic ribosomes leave the nucleus as
40S and 60S ribosomal subunits
Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy and Hutchinson-Gilford progeria are caused by mutations in genes that code for
A-type nuclear lamins or emerin
Ran GAP association with cytoplasmic filaments of the nuclear pore results in the conversion of the nucleotide that is bound to nuclear Ran into
The first nuclear localization signal to be mapped is the signal responsible for the transport of
SV40 T antigen
What is the function of karyopherins?
They transport macromolecules into or out of the nucleus.
The principal difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is that eukaryotic cells have
a nucleus, whereas prokaryotic cells do not
mRNA molecules are exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm via
a recruited protein complex
The mass of the nuclear pore complex is estimated to be
about 30 times that of a ribosome
Which of the following factors contributes to the relative ease of determining how pre-rRNA is processed?
all of the above
Which of the following is a possible intermediate during pre-rRNA processing?
an RNA molecule containing 5.8S + 28S rRNAs
The directionality of nuclear protein import is determined by
an unequal distribution of Ran/GTP
Which of the following is an example of nucleolar involvement in processing of non-rRNAs?
base modification within tRNAs catalyzed by snoRNPs
Typically, nuclear localization signals are composed primarily of
basic amino acids
snRNPs that are responsible for pre-mRNA splicing are assembled and stored in
both Cajal bodies and speckles
Polycomb bodies act on _______ regions of chromatin, silencing gene expression.
both adjacent and distant
The nuclear lamina binds to
both the inner nuclear envelope membrane and the chromatin.
Sites of newly replicated DNA can be detected with antibodies if the DNA is labeled with
Initial steps in the assembly of functional snRNPs occur in the
Nuclear pores are organized with _______ symmetry.
The outer nuclear membrane is contiguous with the
endoplasmic reticulum
Chromatin that contains sequences that are transcribed is called
All molecules found in the nucleus have been transported there via a process that requires ATP.
Eukaryotic ribosomal RNAs are synthesized as three transcripts, with sizes of 28S, 18S, and 5.8S.
Ribosomal proteins are synthesized in the nucleolus and then assembled onto rRNAs.
Small nuclear RNAs are synthesized in the nucleus and function there without ever leaving the nucleus.
The nuclear envelope is composed of one nuclear membrane and an underlying nuclear lamina.
Ribosomes contain one copy each of 5.8S, 18S, and 28S rRNA. The major mechanism ensuring that each is produced in equal molar amounts is the
grouping of the DNA sequences encoding each rRNA into a single rRNA gene
Most snoRNAs function as
guide RNAs
Highly condensed, transcriptionally inactive chromatin is called
The nuclear localization signal is recognized by and binds to which protein in the process of nuclear protein import?
Chromosomes are distributed in the nucleus
in distinct territories
The nuclear basket protein complex is a component of the nuclear pore complex found
inside the nucleus
The filaments of the nuclear lamina are composed of a type of
intermediate filament
The fibrous proteins underlying the inner nuclear membrane are
The nuclear lamina is built of proteins called
Which of the following are not compartments in the nucleus?
lipid droplets
Lamins are associated with the inner nuclear envelope membrane via
lipid tails on lamins and lain-binding proteins in the nuclear envelope membrane
Polycomb proteins promote heterochromatin formation and gene silencing by
methylating lysine 27 of histone 3
The major pathway for molecules to pass into and out of the nucleus is through
nuclear pore complexes
The region of chromosomes that codes for most of the rRNAs is found in the
nucleolar organizing region
The most prominent nuclear body is the
Small molecules (< 20 kd) enter nuclei by way of
passive diffusion through the nuclear pore complexes
An important step in the import of the transcription factor NF- κB into the nucleus is regulated by a
The nucleolus is the site where
ribosomal RNA is transcribed and ribosomes are partially assembled
The nucleolus is the site where _______ is(are) assembled.
ribosomal subunits
The nuclear envelope is continuous with the
rough endoplasmic reticulum
Export of RNAs from the nucleus occurs primarily by
selective transport through nuclear pore complexes
Protein transport into the nucleus occurs by
selective transport through the nuclear pores.
Which statement describing the chromosome conformation capture (3C) technique for chromosome structural analyses is true?
sequences separated by a centromere rarely interact with each other
The nuclear localization signal is typically a(n) _______, rich in the amino acids _______.
short sequence; Lys and Arg
Which of the following is not involved in the transport of RNAs out of the nucleus?
small RNAs crossing by passive diffusion
Cajal bodies are thought to represent sites of
snRNA processing and assembly
Most snoRNAs
splice cleaved rRNAs
The genes encoding 5.8S, 18S, and 28S ribosome RNA are clustered together in
tandem arrays located five chromosomes
Cleaving of pre-rRNA produces
the 28S, 18S and 5.8S rRNAs
The 5.8S rRNA associates with
the large subunit of the ribosome
Heterochromatin is normally associated with
the nuclear envelope
Newly replicated DNA is located in a few hundred spots in the nucleus because
there are a few thousand origins of replication active at any one time, but they are located in a few hundred discrete clusters
Which statement about snRNAs is true?
they are synthesized in the nucleus, move to the cytoplasm to form functional complexes with proteins, and then return to the nucleus
Which of the following processes does not take place in the nucleus?
By restricting the traffic of proteins and RNA across the nuclear envelope, eukaryotic cells can regulate _______ in unique ways.
translation and transcription
Chromatin domains appear to represent discrete functional units that independently regulate gene expression.
Inactive, condensed chromatin is called heterochromatin.
Individual chromosomes occupy discrete territories within the nucleus.
Messenger RNAs are transported through the nuclear pores as ribonucleoprotein particles.
The activity of some proteins is regulated by controlling their ability to be imported into the nucleus.
The eukaryotic large ribosomal subunit contains the 28S, 5.8S, and 5S rRNAs, plus many different proteins.
The nuclear pore complexes provide the only known routes through which molecules can travel between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of interphase cells.