Chapter 11 & 12

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types A,B, and AB

Megan has type o blood. what blood type would cause angulation or cross reaction with her blood?

if untreated the pregnancy will sensitize Robin and future RH-positive pregnancies will result in hemolytic disease of the newborn

Robin has Rh negative blood. During her first pregnancy she carries an Rh positive infant. which of the following statements is true?

hypoxia; erythropoietin

Sylvia is pregnant and experiencing anemia. As a result of her_______________ her kidneys will attempt to re-establish homeostasis by releasing?


a blood clot that does not retain its vessel wall location becomes a?

balloon angioplasty and stent placement

a common technique to improve blood flow and remove plaque in coronary vessels.


a condition characterized by a generalized thickening and toughness of arterial walls is?


a condition characterized by multiplication of a pathogen in blood is called?


a disease characterized by a loss of a single clotting factor is?

two to three months

a typical red blood cell lasts how long?

higher; androgens

adult males typically have what ___________ packed cell volumes than females because they have more ____________.


adult males will typically have how many liters of blood in their cardiovascular systems?


an accelerated heart rate above 100 beats per minute is called


anemia can result from inadequate?

the hemes carry oxygen

arterial blood is bright red because?

carotid arteries and the aorta

baroreceptors are located in?

pre-capillary sphincters

blood can be diverted from tissues (such as skin) by?

going to the lungs

blood from vessel B is?


blood is a type of what tissue?

whole blood

blood that has an unaltered composition is called?

minimun; diastole

diastolic pressure is the ___________ pressure during ventricular _________.


expandable extensions of the atrium are called?

red bone marrow

in adults the precursor multipotent stem cell for hematopoiesis is found in the?


increasing the diameter of a blood vessel by relaxing a muscle is called?

vascular spasm

local contraction of smooth muscle in response to damage is called?

lack oxygen and are burgundy

red blood cells traveling through veins?

coronary ishemia

reduction in circulatory supply to the heart is called?

ventricular distole

relaxation of the lower chambers of the heart is called?


the abundant protein component of red blood cells is?


the afferent vessels of the heart are?

right ventricle

the blood in chamber C will next flow to the?

pulmonary circuit

the blood vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs comprise the?


the bone lying anterior to the heart is?

left ventricle

the chamber labeled E is?


the circuit that carries oxygenated blood to the body tissues is the?


the clotting pathways require large amounts of?

fossa ovalis

the embryonic remains of the connection between atria is the?

lymph vessels

the excess fluid out of capillaries is taken up by the?


the formation of lipid deposits on the tunica media is called?


the formed elements with a role in blood clotting are?


the heart in response to high blood volume releases?


the hormone that stimulates red blood cell production in response to hypoxia is called?


the large vessels that transport blood away from the heart are?

red blood cells

the most abundant formed elements are?

fibrous pericardium

the outermost membrane covering the heart is?

SA Node

the pacemaker of the heart is normally the?


the percent of whole blood volume contributed by formed elements is the?


the plasma component with a role in blood clotting is called?


the precursor multipoint stem cell for hematopoiesis is called a?


the process of white blood cells migrating out of capillaries to the surrounding tissues is called?


the right atrioventricular valve is the?

superior and inferior vena cava

the right atrium receives blood from the?

deoxygenated blood from the vena cava

the right atrium recieves

visceral pericardium

the serous membrane directly covering the heart is?

aortic arch

the structure labeled "A" is the

sinoatrial node

the structure labeled a is the?

atrioventricular node

the structure labeled b is the?

purkinje fibers

the structure labeled c is the?

chordae tendineae

the structures labeled D are called


the thickest layer of the heart is?

superior vena cava

the vessel labeled "A" os the?


the vessels that exchange nutrients, respiratory gases, and waste are?


the white blood cell that increases in allergic reactions is the?


the white blood cell that phagocytes injured and infected tissue is the?


the white blood cell that provides specific adaptive (learned) immunity is the?


the white blood cell that releases histamine is the?


tissue damage caused by circulation interruption is called?

varicose veins

weak venous valves can result in?

closed; open

when the ventricles are relaxed the semilunar valves are ____________ and the atrioventricular valves are?

open; closed

when the ventricles contract, the semilunar calves are __________ and the atrioventricular valves are________.


which of the following are expected to contain lymphoid vessels?

neural processing

which of the following is NOT a function of blood?

anti-Rh antibodies are present only upon sensitization but anti-a and anti- b are present throughout a person's lifetime.

which of the following is a true statement?


which of the following represents an area expected to experience blood flow decrease during heavy exercise?


a recording of the electrical events in the heart.

stroke volume and heart rate

cardiac output depends on?

AV Node

if the normal pacemaker of the heart fails, the job will be taken over by the?

atrial systole

the P wave pf an ECG corresponds to

parasympathetic stimulation

which of the following will not increase heart rate?

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