Chapter 11: DNA Technology

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DNA sequencing is a technology that allows scientists to

determine the nucleotide sequence of genes, chromosomes, or genomes.

the manipulation of genes for practical purposes, such as medicine, agriculture, or criminal justice, is called

dna technology

the fact that different species use the same genetic code means that a(n) _________ from one organism can be transferred to and expressed by a different organism.


in what technology is a healthy gene added to a person's cells to supplement the function of a faulty, disease-causing gene?

gene therapy

the technology that is used to produce millions of copies of a dna sequence in a test tube is called

polymerase chain reactions

A dna _________ is a short sequence of single-stranded dna that is labeled with an isotope or tage and that can bind to a complementary dna region of interest.


The cloning technique that was used to create the first cloned mammal (a sheep named Dolly) was called ____________ cell nuclear transfer.


below is a list of steps used to create a transgenic organism. place them in order from first at the top to last at the bottom.

1. acquire source DNA and cloning vector. 2. cut source and vector dna with the same restriction enzyme. 3. mix donor dna and vector dna together. 4. inset recombinant dna into recipient cells.

Order the following steps of the polymerase chain reaction, beginning with the first step at the top.

1. add target DNA, heat-stable DNA polymerase, primers, and nucleotides to reaction mixture. 2. Heat to separate strands of target DNA. 3. cool to allow primer attachment. 4. DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the primer and synthesizes copies of the target DNA. 5. heat and cool again to produce 4 copies of the target DNA. 6. heat and cool again to produce 8 copies of the target DNA.

put the steps of dna profiling in order from first to last.

1. extract source dna. 2. amplify STR sites of dna with pcr incorporating a fluorescent label. 3. use electrophoresis and fluorescence imaging to determine number of repeats at each str site. 4. use statistical analysis to compare source dna to other dna to determine any matches.

order the following steps of dna sequencing, beginning with the first step at the top.

1. place primers, replication enzymes, unknown sequence, normal nucleotides, and terminator nucleotides into reaction mixture. 2. DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to primers. 3. DNA replication stops each time a terminator nucleotide is added. 4. Samples contain fabulous of complimentary copies of the unknown sequences transferred to an electrophoresis gel. 5. electrophoresis separates the fragments by size. 6. the original sequence can be deduced by "reading" the fragments.

order the steps for using a DNA probe to indicate the presence of a disease allele, beginning with the first step at the top.

1. synthesize a probe, a single-stranded piece of DNA that is complementary to part of a disease allele. 2. label the probe with a radioactive isotope or fluorescent tag. 3. immobilize the single-stranded source DNA and expose it to the probe. 4. The probe will bind to any complementary strands in the immobilize source DNA. 5. areas that exhibit radioactivity or fluorescence indicate the presence of a disease allele in the source DNA.

The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens infects plants with the __________, which can carry new genes into plant cells.

It plasmid

One common way that scientists create transgenic plants is to use BLANK to introduce genes into plant cells.

Recombinant TI plasmids

match each letter in the diagram of somatic cell nuclear transfer with its correct label

a - donor of somatic nucleus b - egg donor c - donor nucleus d - denucleated egg e - fusion of nucleus and egg f - cell division to produce early embryo g - implant embryo for growth and development inside surrogate mother h - clone of nucleus donor

select disadvantages of using stem cells to treat disease.

adults stem cells can be less abundant than embryonic stem cells. some people consider it an unethical to use human embryos for medical research. The patient's immune system can reject tissues the derived from another individuals stem cells.

select all of the following that can be sources of dna used to create a transgenic organism.

animal; plant; bacterium

DNA technology is especially useful in detecting and treating human diseases that are

caused by mutations of a single gene

select all of the following that describe cloning as a method of reproduction.

cloning is essentially a sexual reproduction. in bacterial cloning, one individual becomes two.

as determined by the human genome project, the human genome includes approximately 25,000 protein-encoding ___________.


how can parents determine if their growing fetus or newborn carries a disease-casing allele?

genetic testing

how might an adult find out if they are a carrier of a disease allele?

genetic testing

select aspects of gene transfer therapy that differ from the process of creating a transgenic organism.

in gene therapy, inserted genes are from the same type of organism. gene therapy patients do not pass the gene on to their offspring.

select all the applications of transgenic animals

increase yield for human consumption. Production of human proteins in the milk of farm animals. Provide a model for disease development.

select all of the following that are applications of DNA technology.

manipulate gene expression to treat diseases. Modified crops plants to the insect resistant. Study evolutionary relationships among species.

during the construction of recombinant dna, the source dna is inserted into a ___________, a small circle of double-stranded dna that can carry dna into a recipient cell.


A bacterium that has received recombinant DNA containing the gene for human insulin will

produce human insulin along with the other proteins it normally produces.

select current uses of transgenic bacteria and yeasts.

production of phenylalanine; production of milk curdling enzymes for the cheese industry; degradation of pollutants

what is a type of protein that can cut double-stranded dna at a specific base sequence?

restriction enzyme

Match each technique with a possible result of its use.

selective breeding-desirable traits that already occur in a population become more common. Genetic engineering-inserts desirable traits until population.

select the portions of the non-coding human genome that have functions for the cell.

sequences that control gene expression sequences that in code tRNA, rRNA, and microRNA

an undifferentiated cell that can give rise to specialized cell types is called a _______ cell.


A _______ organism is an organism that has been engineered to contain _______ dna.

transgenic; recombinant

select all of the potential applications of stem cell technology.

treat currently incurable disease. Replace injured or damaged tissue. Provide specific cells for drug testing

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