Chapter 11 Psychology

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According to contemporary relationship research, which of the following statements about mate selection is true?

Both genders are interested in finding partners who are warm and trustworthy.

Students are warned by their instructor that a credit card sales person is in the bookstore to get them to sign up for a major credit card. The instructor tells them to refrain because it could hurt their credit score. This is an example of ________ in terms of persuasion.


Sid slaps his partner during an argument. Sia spreads rumors about her friend through social media. What kind of aggression is each demonstrating?

Sid-Overt aggression Sia-Relational aggession

_____ is known as individuals evaluating themselves against others in terms of thoughts, feelings, behaviors and abilities.

Social comparison

Which of the following statements is true of social comparison?

Social comparison helps identify the distinctive characteristics of a person and aids in building an identity.

The ALS "Ice Water Challenge" is an example of _____ where a trend/fad spreads in popularity.

Social contagion

What can explain why actors/actresses tend to perform better in front of an audience?

Social facilitation

Some individuals work better in groups because of the pressure to perform, but others tend to work less when they are in a group because they don't feel personally responsible. What are these two group dynamics that can affect the outcome?

Social facilitation/social loafing

____ is the study of how people think about, influence and interact with other people.

Social psychology

A ___ is a generalization about a group without taking into account any differences from one person to the next whereas ____ is that person's fear of being judged on that stereotype.

Stereotype/Stereotype threat

Which of the following refers to an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the person belongs to that group?


Which of the following theories states that the way individuals define themselves in terms of their group membership is a crucial part of their self-image and a valuable source of positive feelings about themselves?

social identity theory

Psychologists believe that the social facilitation effect occurs because

the presence of other individuals arouses us.

The process by which individuals evaluate their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and abilities in relation to others is known as

social comparison.

To feel good about themselves, Tiana and Said need to feel good about the groups to which they belong. To improve their self-image, they continually compare their in-groups, the group to which they belong, with out-groups. This example best describes

social identity theory.

A ________ is a generalization about a group's characteristics that does not consider any variations from one individual to another.


Bias that is "baked in" to decision making by processes that may have been set in motion generations before is referred to as

systemic racism.

The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is


According to ________, people who have first agreed to a small request tend to comply later with a larger request.

the foot-in-the-door technique

The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the external situation and overestimate the impact of internal traits when they seek explanations of another person's behavior is called

the fundamental attribution error.

The tendency for the presence of firearms to enhance aggression is known as

the weapons effect.

According to the evolutionary perspective, women are attracted to mates who

will invest in their offspring.

Which of the following statements is true of stereotype threat?

A person who experiences stereotype threat is well aware of stereotypical expectations for them as a member of a group.

Jack steals some money from the cash register at work. He feels uneasy about his actions because stealing is inconsistent with his beliefs. This is called _____?

Cognitive Dissonance

When a person changes their behavior to align more with the group standard is what?


Riots have been explained by ____ which is a state of reduced self-awareness and responsibility when acting with a group versus alone.


________ refers to rationalizing the amount of work we put into getting something by increasing its value.

Effort justification

Jill gives to the food drive because her instructor will give bonus points but Jack gives not because of any points but because he wants to help those in need. What two concepts does this demonstrate?


According to the social exchange theory, what is the most important predictor of relationship success?

Equity or balance of power

What are two types of persuasion techniques?

Foot in the door (small request first then larger) & Door in the face (large request first then smaller)

Name two factors that tends to increase aggressive behavior.

Increased testosterone levels & Presence of firearms in the home (known as the "weapons effect")

Which of the following is true of agreeableness in the context of prosocial behavior?

It is related to greater volume in the brain area associated with empathy.

In the context of the psychological factors in conformity, which of the following best describes informational social influence?

It refers to the influence people have on an individual because the individual wants to be right.

In the context of social behavior, which of the following best explains the bystander effect?

People tend to look to others for cues about how to behave.

________ are favorable views of the self that are not necessarily rooted in reality.

Positive illusions

________ is an unjustified negative attitude toward an individual based on the individual's membership in a particular group.


Bruce believes all people over the age of 60 are "conservative" and close minded. Bruce does not hire a 65 year old candidate who is as qualified as the other candidates because of this idea. This illustrates what two social concepts?

Prejudice-in this example-the thought about an individual based on age Discrimination-in this example-the act of not hiring based on age

____ love is passionate and usually strong in the early stages of a relationship whereas ____ love is admiration and respect that usually grows through time.

Romantic love/affectionate love

In _____ social expectations can cause individuals to act in ways that make their expectations come true.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

The tendency to take credit for your success and to deny responsibility for your shortcomings is known as ____?

Self-serving bias

________ refers to the tendency to take credit for one's own successes and to deny responsibility for one's own failures.

Self-serving bias

Ali describes herself as a Christian chemical engineer who votes for democratic candidates and cheers for the Ohio State Buckeyes. These labels characterize Ali's _____?

Social identity

________ refers to the way individuals define themselves in terms of their group membership.

Social identity

What is the difference between social psychologists and sociologists?

Social psychologists are focused on studying how individuals influence and are influenced by groups whereas sociologists study group behavior as a whole.

When an observer witnesses an emergency they are less likely to help or act when other people are present is known as what?

The Bystander Effect

Which of the following is true of majority and minority influence in a group?

The minority in a group cannot win through normative pressure.

From an evolutionary perspective, the goal of a romantic relationship is what?

To reproduce offspring

(True or False) Attractive people tend to get more positive interaction. In this case, "attractive" means average.


(True or False) Ethnocentrism is the tendency to favor one's own cultural group over others.


(True or False) Watching violent television programs increases agression imitation through observational learning.


Which of the following defines conformity?

a change in a person's behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard

In ________, social expectations cause individuals to act in ways that make their expectations come true.

a self-fulfilling prophecy

Which of the following most likely occurs when an individual has a deep, caring affection for another person and desires to have that person near?

affectionate love

Amelia is known for helping her family members and friends with the ultimate goal of benefiting them, even if it incurs a cost to herself. In this scenario, Amelia's behavior best illustrates


An individual's opinions and beliefs about other people, objects, and ideas, and how the individual feels about the world refers to


In the context of social influence, Solomon Asch's experiment demonstrates


The mayhem on the streets of Boston after the Red Sox won the World Series is an example of


Filip works extremely hard to get a job at LawCorp, a prestigious law firm. He feels that because it is tough to get hired by LawCorp, the firm must be worth it. In the context of cognitive dissonance theory, the scenario best exemplifies

effort justification.

The tendency to favor one's own cultural group over other groups is called


Deficits in the functioning of the ________ are associated with aggression.

frontal lobes of the brain

One explanation for the effects of deindividuation in groups is that groups

give people anonymity.

The solidification and further strengthening of an individual's position as a consequence of a collective discussion or interaction is known as the

group polarization effect.

In the context of sociocultural factors predicting prosocial behavior, research by Eagly and Crowley (1986) noted that men are more likely than women to

help in situations in which a perceived danger is present.

Fatemeh is a member of the VNoItAll group in college. She usually follows her group unconditionally because she wants to be right, and she believes that the other members of her group are likely to know something that she does not. In this scenario, Fatemeh's behavior best exemplifies

informational social influence.

When students are warned that they are going to be hit with persuasive appeals and are given arguments to help them resist these pitches, they are able to do so. In the context of persuasion, this best describes


According to attribution theory, attributions vary along which of the following dimensions?

internal and external causes

In the context of the techniques of persuasion, the peripheral route

involves factors such as the attractiveness of the person giving the message.

Unlike implicit racism, explicit racism

is a person's conscious and openly shared attitude.

Equity is a strong predictor of relationship satisfaction

more in the early and less in the later stages of a relationship.

Laboratory experiments show that, compared to more wealthy individuals, those from poorer backgrounds are

more likely to be attuned to the suffering of others.

Milgram's studies are a classic series of experiments by Stanley Milgram that demonstrated the profound power of


In attribution theory, the person who offers a causal explanation of the actor's behavior is called the


You would be LEAST attracted to someone with whom you are


In the context of group decision making, which of the following is a symptom of groupthink?

pressure for unanimity

Social psychologists believe that ________ is particularly strong during the early stages of a relationship, and that ________ increases as the relationship grows and matures.

romantic love; affectionate love

In the context of group decision making, groupthink can be prevented by

selecting an impartial leader.

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