Chapter 11 Study Guide

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Slave cultures were semi-independent and centered on?

Family and church

Southern farmers in the backcountry generally worked the land using what kind of labor?

Family labor

What was the biggest fear of a slave of any age?

Fear of sale

After Nat Turner's Rebellion many southern whites felt how?

Fearful of rebellion, thus tightening the chains of bondage.

What did the Underground Railroad do?

Hid fugitive slaves

The term "Lords of the Loom" refers to?

New England's early factory owners

Which was the only significantly large city in the Cotton Kingdom in 1860?

New Orleans

Jumping over a broomstick was a ceremony celebrating?


What state did the greatest number of slaves successfully escape to freedom?


What economic effect did southern slavery have on the North?

Money earned in the cotton trade helped to finance industrial development in the and internal improvements in the North.

How many million enslaved people were sold between 1820 and 1860 in the U.S.?

More than 2 million

Why could someone argue that the North was complicit in the expansion of slavery?

Northern bankers financed cotton plantations, northern companies insured slave property, and northern factories turned cotton into cloth

The internal slave trade in the United States involved the movement of hundreds of thousands of enslaved persons from where to where?

Older states to the "importing states" of the Lower South

Slaveholders focused on what when presenting Christianity to slaves?

That theft was immoral and that the Bible required servants to obey their masters.

Describe most white southern farmers?

They lived lives of economic self-sufficiency remote from the market revolution. They raised livestock and grew food for their families purchasing relatively few goods at local stores.

What was true of free blacks who owned slaves?

They were freemen who had purchased their slave wives and children but could not liberate them because the law required any slave became free to leave the state

As the sectional conflict over slavery intensified, southern states did what to the expression of antislavery views?

They were suppressed

The Haitian slave revolt was successful and the attempts by Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner ultimately failed because?

They weren't unified

On the eve of the Civil War, approximately how much of the world's cotton supply came from the southern United States?


On the eve of the Civil War, cotton made up ______ of the total value of American exports.

Well over half

Most poor southern white farmers identified with the southern elite planter class based on their shared what?

Whiteness and rights to political participation

In what role was a slave most likely to experience the harshest conditions?

Working on the plantation

To qualify as a member of the planter class, a person had to be engaged in southern agriculture and own how many slaves?

20 or more

In 1860, what percentage of southern white families were in the slave-owning class?


Approximately how many slaves are thought to have successfully escaped in the thirty years before the Civil War?


Northerners who assisted escaped slaves were charged with what?

A $500 penalty

Harriet Tubman was who?

An escaped slave who risked her life making numerous trips back to her state of birth to lead relatives and other slaves to freedom.

In 1855, an enslaved woman in Missouri named Celia killed her enslaver while resisting his sexual assault. State law deemed "any woman" in such circumstances to be acting in self-defense. The court rules what?

Celia was not a woman in the eyes of the law. She was a slave, whose master had complete power over her person. The court sentenced her to death.

In the nineteenth century, which product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor?


In the Americas in 1850, significant slave systems remained only in what countries?

Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and the United States

What would be an example of "silent sabotage"?

Doing poor work, breaking tools, abusing animals

Seeing themselves as a chosen people, blacks viewed which biblical story as playing a central role in their version of Christianity?


In 1850, a majority of southern slaveholders owned how many slaves?

Five of fewer

What did Fugitive slaves know led to freedom?

Following the North Star led to freedom

The U.S. slave population on the eve of the Civil War was approximately?

Four million

The end of slavery in most Latin American nations involved what?

Gradual emancipation accompanied by recognition of the owner's legal right to property in slaves.

Why was slavery called a "peculiar institution" of the South?

It was institution unique to southern society

Urban slaves most often did what type of jobs?

Servants, cooks, and other domestic laborers

What resulted from the sexual exploitation of slave women? How did the wives of plantation owners treat the victims?

Sexual exploitation of slave women produced deep resentment among the slave owner's wives, the wives sometimes took it out onto the slaves themselves.

On what grounds did the Supreme Court decide in favor of the slaves on the Amistad?

Since the slaves were brought from Africa in violation of the international treaties banning the slave trade, the captives should be freed.

What was typical of slave religion in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Slave religion was practiced in secret nighttime gatherings on plantations and "in praise" meetings replete with shouts, dances, and frequent emotional interchanges between the preacher and the congregation.

What beliefs would be typical of a paternalistic slave owner in the nineteenth century?

Slaves would be lost without the care and guidance of their owners.

Compared to slave revolts in Brazil and in the West Indies, slave revolts in the United States were how?

Smaller and less frequent

In the first half of the nineteenth century, which part of the country had the least amount of European immigrants?

The South

In the nineteenth century, why did cotton become the most important commodity in international trade?

The early industrial revolution centered on factories using cotton as the raw material to manufacture cloth.

On what grounds did southerners claim that slavery was "modern"?

The products of slavery, especially cotton, were vital to the nineteenth century economy.

According to the paternalistic ethos, which "rights" did slaves have?

The right of protection, counsel and guidance, subsistence, and care and attention in sickness and old age

The plantation masters had many means to maintain order among their slaves. According to the text, what was the most powerful weapon the plantation masters had?

The threat of sale

Planters' wives, known as "plantation mistresses," were responsible for doing what?

They cared for sick slaves, directed the domestic servants, and supervised the plantation when their husbands were away.

What right did free blacks in the South have in the decade before the Civil War?

They could legally own property, marry, and of course not be bought and sold.

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