chapter 12

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Based on what you know about influence and conformity, who would be MOST influential in a debate about illegal immigration?

a professor of immigration law

Jeannie has ADHD, and her teacher believes that all children with ADHD misbehave in the classroom. Jeannie never used to misbehave, but now her parents get a weekly phone call from the principal about Jeannie's bad behavior at school. Jeannie's teacher may be creating _____ for Jeannie

a self-fulfilling prophecy

Norman's statement that his professor gives him a bad grade because she doesn't like him is


Why can stereotypes actually cause people to behave in ways that conform to the given stereotype?

because the negative views directed toward them lead them to perform poorly

Sometimes at professional sporting events, people will behave in a loud and reckless manner even though they would never behave that way if they were alone. What phenomenon does this illustrate?


The difference between prejudice and discrimination is that prejudice refers to _____ and discrimination refers to _____.

evaluation; behavior

In personal ads, one study found that a man's _____ and a woman's _____ were the MOST important factor for determining how many responses they received

height; weight

Our preference for the people and things that are familiar to us illustrates the _____ effect

mere exposure

Malala is attending a yoga class for the first time. After noticing that everyone is seated on their yoga mats with their socks and shoes removed, she takes off her socks and shoes and sits down on a yoga mat. Malala's behavior is being guided by

normative influence

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