Chapter 12 FOB VT

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Instead of a job in which you performed just one or two tasks, wouldn't you prefer a job that gave you many different tasks? In theory, you'd be less bored and more highly motivated. This is the policy of enhancing a job by adding tasks at similar skill levels

Job enlargement

practice of adding tasks that increase both responsibility and opportunity for growth. It provides the kinds of benefits that contribute to job satisfaction: stimulating work, sense of personal achievement, self-esteem, recognition, and a chance to reach your potential.

Job enrichment

capitalizing on the benefits of a diverse workforce means that employers should view differences as _____ rather than _______

View differences as ASSETS rather than LIABILITIES

In a profit sharing plan, if profits from operation reach 10% of sales will the employee get a bonus?

Yesm the employee will get a bonus worth 2 percent of his or her salary

To develop an HR plan, HR managers must be knowledgeable about?

about the jobs that the organization needs performed

in recruiting and hiring, managers must comply with ____ ___________ _____ violations can have legal consequences

anti discrimination laws

the way it introduces new employees to the organization and their jobs. A good employer will take things slowly, providing you with information about the company and your job on a need-to-know basis while making you feel as comfortable as possible

approach to orientation

Competitive pay and benefits also help organizations _____ and _____qualified employees

attract and retain qualified employees

Human resources management engages in to?

attract/recruit, develop(training) and retain

compensation other than salaries, hourly wages, or financial incentives.


The way a person is treated by his or her ______may be the primary factor in determining whether an employee stays or goes


Instead of being evaluated by one person, how would you like to be evaluated by several people—not only those above you in the organization but those below and beside you

360-degree feedback

1)Before managers can measure performance, they must set goals and performance expectations and specify the criteria (such as quality of work, quantity of work, dependability, initiative) that they'll use to measure performance. 2)At the end of a specified time period, managers complete written evaluations that rate employee performance according to the predetermined criteria. 3)Managers then meet with each employee to discuss the evaluation. Jointly, they suggest ways in which the employee can improve performance, which might include further training and development.

Appraisal system three step process (it can vary)

When companies are recruiting they must access not only the ability of a candidate to perform the duties of a job but also ...

but also whether he or she is a good "fit" for the company and how well the candidate's values and interpersonal style match the company's values and culture.

Most of them are independent contractors, consultants, or freelancers who are paid by the firms that hire them. Others are on-call workers who work only when needed, such as substitute teachers.

contingent workers

Knowing why people are quitting gives an organization the opportunity to do what?

correct problems that are causing high turnover rates

HR managers work hard to recruit, hire, develop, and retain a _______ workplace


Texas Instruments' (TI) year-end bonuses—annual income given in addition to salary—are based on individual and company-wide performance. If the company has a profitable year, and if you contributed to that success, you'll get a bonus.[48] If the company doesn't do well, you may be out of luck—regardless of your personal performance, you might not receive a bonus.

example of bonus plans

Sometimes you pay workers according to the quantity of product that they produce or sell.

example of piecework

Employers who provide for __________ set guidelines that allow employees to designate starting and quitting times. Ex: Guidelines, for example, might specify that all employees must work eight hours a day (with an hour for lunch) and that four of those hours must be between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m


only a certain percentage of employees can receive a particular performance evaluation score, which forces some employees to the bottom of the distribution—sort of the opposite of a curved exam score.The employee pool in question is typically made up of those who do similar kinds of work. Ideally after being given some amount of time to improve, those who remain at the bottom of the performance distribution are then separated from the company

forced ranking

Once a HR Manager has analyzed the jobs within the organization, HR managers must

forecast future firing or job elimination needs

Helping employees combine satisfying careers and fulfilling personal lives, companies tend to end up with a ______,______, and more ______workforce.

happier, less stressed and more productive workforce

Employees are more productive, provide better customer service, and more likely to stay with the company if they are ..?

happy at work

consists of all actions that an organization takes to attract, develop, and retain quality employees

human resource management

Hr managers organize information about a given job by performing a job analysis to ...?

identify the 1)tasks 2)responsibilities 3)skills that it entails 4)knowledge and abilities needed to perform it

When recruiting people internally the company can be ____ but when recruiting people from outside it is more _______

informal, complicated

Where do you find people who satisfy so many criteria for recruiting? you can look in two places:

inside and outside your own organization

What does Human resource management provide

provide satisfying jobs, a positive work environment, appropriate work schedules, and fair compensation and benefits

the process of identifying suitable candidates and encouraging them to apply for openings in the organization.


Many businesses check ______ to verify that applicants haven't lied about (or exaggerated) their education and work experience.

references (reference checks)

People who feel appreciated are more likely to _____ with a company than those who don't.

stay; Thanking people for work done well is a powerful motivator.

the process of developing a plan for satisfying an organization's human resources (HR) needs.

strategic human resource planning

you regularly work from home (or from some other non-work location).You're connected to the office by computer, fax, and phone.


who are employed and paid by outside agencies or contract firms that charge fees to client companies (contingent workers)

temps(temporary workers)

What does the employees profit share depend on?

the company's operating profit for the year

If an HR manager is forecasting hiring and firing needs and they see that the supply is greater than the demand they will...?

they may deal with overstaffing by not replacing workers who leave, encouraging early retirements, eliminating positions, or terminating employment.

New employees must be _____ but as their job grows they will need additional ______ but it is costly and time consuming

trained, training

Characteristic of a great company to work for is ..?

trust between managers and employees

requires only the manager's subordinates to provide feedback

upward feedback

First step to recruiting is ...?

where to find qualified candidates

To accommodate employees different needs and scheduling flexibility, companies can offer a variety of..?

work arrangements

getting paid a percentage of the total dollar amount you sell.

working on commission

Is it possible in some cases for you to get fired even if you're doing a good job and there's no economic justification for your being laid off?

yes , especially when you are not working under a contract

if you're paid for fulfilling the responsibilities of a position (regardless of the number of hours required to do it) You are expected to work as long as it takes to get the job done, without any adjustment in compensation.

you're earning a salary

If you're paid according to the number of hours you work

you're earning wages

What benefits do formal appraisals provide?

1)An opportunity for managers and employees to discuss an employee's performance and to set future goals and performance expectations. 2)A chance to identify and discuss appropriate training and career-development opportunities for an employee. 3)Formal documentation of the evaluation that can be used for salary, promotion, demotion, or dismissal purposes.

Steps in the Selection Process

1)Application(all applicants have to fill out an application) 2)Employment Tests 3)Interview 4)Physical exam/ reference checks 5)Final decision

In addition to regular paychecks, many people receive financial rewards based on performance whether their own, their employer's, or both.Other incentive programs designed to reward employees for good performance include:

1)Bonus plans 2)Stock options

What do organizations do to retain qualified employees

1)Compensation 2)training and development 3)Helping employees achieve a satisfying work/non-work balance 4)Creating a positive Work environment 5)Employee-friendly workplace 6)Recognizing employee contributions 7)Involving employees in decision making

Family friendly programs that companies(ex:KPMG) can offer

1)Dependent care (onsite child care) 2)Paid Parental Leave(paid leave when you have a baby) 3)Caring for yourself (can use all paid days off and use however you want) 4)Unmarried without children(single people are more stressed because they are expected to pick up the work married people cant do)

Why do recruiters hire outside?

1)Going outside gives the hiring manager an opportunity to bring fresh ideas and skills into the company -In any case, it's often the only alternative, especially if no one inside the company has just the right combination of skills and experiences.

Why do recruiters hire inside

1)Hiring internally sends a positive signal to employees that they can move up in the company—a strong motivation tool and a reward for good performance 2)because an internal candidate is a known quantity, it's easier to predict his or her success in a new position 3)it's cheaper to recruit internally

What is the three step process for HR managers when forecasting hiring and firing needs?

1)Identify the human resources currently available in the organization 2)Forecast the human resources needed to achieve the organization's mission and objectives 3)Measure the gap between the two

Steps of Human Resource planning

1)Job analysis 2)HR Supply and Demand Forecasting 3)Recruiting Qualified employees

Common Strategies of job redesign

1)Job rotation 2)Job enlargement 3)Job enrichment

Types of Benefits

1)Legally required benefits (Social Security and Medicare, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation) 2)Paid time off (vacations, holidays, sick leave) 3)Insurance (health benefits, life insurance, disability insurance) 4)Retirement benefits

Beyond the legal sense why do HR managers work hard to have a diverse workplace

1)People with diverse backgrounds bring fresh points of view that can be invaluable in generating ideas and solving problems 2)They can be the key to connecting with an ethnically diverse customer base. If a large percentage of your customers are Hispanic, it might make sense to have a Hispanic marketing manager

What may happen when a valued employee quits

1)The firm will incur substantial costs to recruit and train a replacement 2)May suffer temporary declines in productivity and lower morale among remaining employees who have to take on heavier workloads.

Why does trust between managers and employers make their company a great place to work

1)They report that they're motivated to perform well because they're challenged, respected, treated fairly, and appreciated. 2)They take pride in what they do, are made to feel that they make a difference, and are given opportunities for advancement

cons of telecommuting

1)Working at home means that you have to discipline yourself to avoid distractions, such as TV, personal phone calls, and home chores 2)not be impacted by feeling isolated from the social interaction in the workplace

Why do Employers lay off workers

1)because revenues are down and they must resort to downsizing—to cutting costs by eliminating jobs. 2)Sometimes a particular job is being phased out, and sometimes an employee has simply failed to meet performance requirements.

Compensation Packages include

1)bonuses 2)profit-sharing plans 3)benefits (medical insurance, vacation time,sick leave, retirement accounts) 4)payment of wages and salaries

Benefits of Job rotation

1)employees develop new skills and gain experience that increases their value to the company. 2)Companies benefit because cross-trained employees can fill in for absentees, thus providing greater flexibility in scheduling, offer fresh ideas on work practices

Cons of Temp work

1)increased training costs and decreased loyalty to the company 2)many employers believe that because temps are usually less committed to company goals than permanent workers, productivity suffers

Managers also use the information collected for the job analysis to prepare two documents:

1)job description 2)job specification

Hr managers work hard to recruit diverse workplaces because

1)legal concerns 2)bring fresh points of view 3) key to connecting with ethnically diverse customer base

Under federal law, it's illegal to discriminate in recruiting and hiring on the basis of ......?

1)race 2)color 3)religion 4)sex 5)national origin 6)age 7)disability 8)Veteran Status

Pros of Telecommuting

1)save on commuting time 2)enjoy more flexible work hours 3)have more opportunities to spend time with your family. 4)those who worked at home not only had a better balance between work and home life but also were more highly motivated and less likely to leave the organization

Companies have found that involving employees in decisions does what...?

1)saves money 2)makes workers feel better about their jobs 3)reduces turnover.

Positives of Temp Work

1)they can be hired and terminated easily 2)employers can better control labor costs 3)When things are busy, they can add temps, and when business is slow, they can release unneeded workers 4)Temps are often less expensive to employ than permanent workers, particularly because they rarely receive costly benefits. 5)Employers can also bring in people with specialized skills and talents to work on special projects without entering into long-term employment relationships 6)companies can "try out" temps: if someone does well, the company can offer permanent employment; if the fit is less than perfect, the employer can easily terminate the relationship.

How does a strategic HR plan begin?

By analyzing the company's mission, objectives, and strategies

Rather than work eight hours a day for five days a week, you might elect to earn a three-day weekend by working ten hours a day for four days a week.

Compressed Workweeks

occurs when a person is treated unfairly on the basis of a characteristic unrelated to ability.


no formal contract and you and your employer have the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time. You can quit whenever you want, but your employer can also fire you whenever they want.

Employment at will

In the LEGAL sense why do HR managers work hard to have a diverse workplace

First discrimination in recruiting, hiring, advancement, and firing is illegal under federal law and is prosecuted by the EEOC. Second,Companies that violate anti-discrimination laws are subject to severe financial penalties and also risk reputation damage.

In a stock option plan the incentive is to attract and retain top people. A stock option plan does this by..?

Giving the employees the right to buy share of the company at a discount certain times a year. If the price of the stock goes up, the employee benefits.

After and HR manager forecasts future hiring and job elimination needs it then.....?

HR managers then develop strategy for recruiting potential employees

Specialization promotes efficiency because workers get very good at doing particular tasks but the drawback is the tedium of repeating the same task day in and day out. So employees rotate from one job to another on a systematic basis, often but not necessarily cycling back to their original tasks which is called?

Job rotation

two people share one full-time position, splitting the salary and benefits of the position as each handles half the job. Often they arrange their schedules to include at least an hour of shared time during which they can communicate about the job

Job sharing

Why do managers not like doing formal appraisals

Managers do not like to do them mainly because they are used to determine salaries for the upcoming year.

entails gathering information on candidates, evaluating their qualifications, and choosing the right one

Selection Process

enforces a number of federal employment laws, including the following: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Sexual harassment is also a violation of Title VII. The Equal Pay Act of 1963, which protects both women and men who do substantially equal work from sex-based pay discrimination. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1964, which protects individuals who are forty or older. Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which prohibits employment discrimination against individuals with disabilities

The equal employment opportunity commision (EEOC)

What is the purpose of 360-Degree feedback

The purpose is to ensure that employees (mostly managers) get feedback from all directions—from supervisors, reporting subordinates, coworkers, and even customers

How does Human resources management atrract/recruit

They attract by trying to attract talented employees which involves the recruitment of qualified candidates and the selection of those who best fit the organization's needs.

How does human resource management develop?

They develop by both new-employee orientation and the training and development of current workers.

How does Human resources management retain?

They have to retain good employees which means motivating them to excel, appraising their performance, compensating them appropriately, and doing what's possible to keep them.

If an HR manager is forecasting hiring and firing needs and they see that the labor is going to oustrip the supply they will...?

They may hire more workers, encourage current workers to put in extra hours, subcontract work to other suppliers, or introduce labor-saving initiatives

If the job is tedious, unpleasant, or otherwise unfulfilling, the employee probably won't be motivated to perform at a very high level so to make jobs for interesting and challenging, companies practice?

They practice Job redesign

Allows the job you are applying to to learn more about you and give you a chance to learn more about your prospective employer and your possible future in the organization


lists the duties and responsibilities of a position

job description

lists the qualifications—skills, knowledge, and abilities—needed to perform the job

job specification

What does a strategic HR plan lay out

lays out the steps that an organization will take to ensure that it has the right number of employees with the right skills in the right places at the right times

Financial benefits of happier, less stressed and more productive workforce

lower absenteeism, turnover and health care costs

In a profit sharing plan, if profits from operation are below 10% of sales will the employee get a bonus?

no, nobody gets anything

the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations

observational behavior?

The largest, and most important, component of a compensation package is ....?

payment of wages or salary

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