Chapter 12 quiz linux

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Which of the following commands will display detailed information for network hardware?


Which of the following commands will show active UDP connections on a Linux system? (Choose all that apply.)

netstat --udp netstat -u Correct. The -u option for netstat will limit the results to UDP connections.

Which of the following files does the hostnamectl command modify to set the hostname on a machine?

/etc/hostname Correct. The /etc/hostname file is configured with the hostname of the system.

You currently have a Linux system configured to check the /etc/hosts file before trying to contact a DNS server to resolve host names. You want to reverse the configuration so that it checks with a DNS server before falling back to the /etc/hosts file. Which of the following files should you modify to make this possible?


What is the complete path and filename of the file where ports and their associated protocols are defined? ___________


Which of the following is a valid APIPA address? Correct. The through range of IP addresses has been designated for use by the Automatic Private IP Address (APIPA) method of assigning IP addresses when a DHCP server is unavailable and an address has not been statically assigned.

The output of the ifconfig shows a HWaddr expressed in hexadecimal. How many bits is the hardware address shown made up of?

48 Correct. There are 48 bits in a hardware, or MAC, address.

Which of the following ports would be used to resolve a domain name to an IP address?

53 Correct. Port 53 is used by DNS, or the Domain Name System.

What is the most commonly used LAN protocol?

TCP/IP Correct. The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) provides a reliable communication of packets across the Internet. This is the most commonly used LAN protocol.

You have set up a TFTP server to support PXE booting of several workstations. Which of the following protocols would this setup make use of?

UDP Correct. TFTP is a UDP based protocol. UDP is the User Datagram Protocol.

Which of the following can be used to graphically remotely administer a Linux machine?

VNC Correct. VNC is Virtual Network Computing and is a cross-platform method of graphically connecting to a remote system.

Which of the following types of technologies will create a tunneled encrypted connection from a remote location into a corporate network to be able to access resources as if the user was physically connected to the LAN?

VPN Correct. A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. It allows remote users to tunnel across the public Internet while encrypting the traffic so the user can access resources as if they were physically on the LAN.

Which of the following are valid statements in the /etc/resolv.conf file? (Choose two.)

domain Correct. The domain statement is a valid statement in the /etc/resolv.conf file. nameserver

Which of the following is the keyword that should be listed after the hosts statement in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file so that the system will consult the /etc/hosts file to resolve a name to an IP address?

files Correct. The files keyword should be listed after the hosts statement in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file in order for the system to consult the /etc/hosts file for name resolution.

Which of the following will display entries from the Name Service Switch libraries?

getent Correct. The getent command will display entries from the databases supported by the Name Service Switch libraries that are configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

You run the command hostname server1 and issue the reboot command. You notice that the host name has reverted back to what it was before the reboot. Which of the following commands should you have used to change the host name instead?

hostnamectl set-hostname server1 Correct. The hostnamectl command will change a Linux system's host name so that it persists across reboots.

The system administrator has shut ethernet interface eth0 down while making some changes to the system. Which of the following commands can they use to bring the network connection back up?

ifup eth0 Correct. The ifup eth0 command can be used to bring ethernet interface eth0 back up.

When connecting to a host via SSH for the first time, the user is prompted to accept the encryption fingerprint for the target computer which is stored in ___________ in the ~/.ssh/ directory.


On a system running NetworkManager, which of the following commands can be used to view or modify connection information?

nmcli Correct. The nmcli command can be used to view or modify connection information on systems running NetworkManager.

Which of the following commands will send 4 ICMP echo requests to a remote host named server1 to determine the round trip time it takes a packet to travel?

ping -c 4 server1

Which of the following commands can be used to trace an IPv6 route? (Choose two.)

tracepath6 traceroute6 Correct. The traceroute6 command can be used to trace an IPv6 route.

Upon running the ifconfig command, the IP address is listed along with the subnet mask in dotted decimal notation listed as You have installed a remote access software that has an address field that requires the address to be configured in CIDR notation. Which of the following is the equivalent CIDR notation for the subnet mask listed?

/27 Correct. in dotted decimal notation is the same as /27 in CIDR notation.

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