Chapter 12 Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood

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A trend with age in self-esteem is ________________.

a general decline in self-esteem as children attend elementary school followed by a rise later in middle childhood - There is a general decline in self-esteem as children attend elementary school. Later in middle childhood, general self-esteem rises again, as children adjust their personal goals toward areas in which they rate themselves more highly.

According to a study by Turiel (2008), children's ability to tell whether a character in a little story has violated moral rules (such as hitting another person) or social-conventional rules (such as interrupting the teacher in class) develops __________________ their ability to understand moral and social-conventional rules in real-life situations.

at about the same time as - In a study by Turiel, children were interviewed about hypothetical situations resembling the types of issues raised by the real-life events. Their reasoning was quite similar across real and hypothetical moral issues.

During middle childhood, there is an increase in the expectation that friends will share their values and _____________________.

be loyal and stick up for them - During middle childhood (by the ages of 10 to 11) children start expecting friends to share many of their values, to be loyal, and to stick up for them.

According to surveys, births to single, unmarried mothers continue to be common in the United States, particularly among ____________.

black females - The largest percentage of children born to single mothers is found among black women (71.5 percent in 2013).

The best outcomes in stepfamilies are observed on average for ___________.

boys in a mother/stepfather relationship with an authoritative stepfather - Boys may benefit from the presence of an authoritative stepfather and from a reduction of the cycle of misbehavior and coercion some of them established with the mother.

Analyses of media time diaries indicate that children who engage in more video game play, computer game play, and television watching tend to __________________.

do less reading and studying - Children who engage in more video game play, computer game play, and TV watching tend to do less reading for pleasure and less studying with non-screen materials.

Parents may contribute to a fixed mindset by telling children they are good at schoolwork, and teachers may do so by ________________.

emphasizing scores and grades - Teachers may inadvertently foster a fixed mindset by emphasizing scores and grades, which implies that something cannot be improved by trying harder.

Researchers conducting the Fast Track intervention worked with high-risk children and achieved a long-term reduction of _________________ in grades 6 through 10.

externalizing problems - Follow-up interventions with children, parents, and teachers carried out in grades 6 through 10 showed a reduction in externalizing behavior such as aggression and conduct problems.

Kecia's mom takes her after school to dance classes and softball. The term for her mother's behavior is ____________________.

gatekeeping - Parents act as gatekeepers for children's opportunities by exercising choices of neighborhood, school, church or after-school activities.

Allie understands that her friend is sad to move away but looking forward to living closer to her grandparents. Allie is most likely ______________.

in late middle childhood, about age 9 to 11 - Children 9-11 recognize that individuals can feel two opposing emotions, such as Allie feeling both sad and happy about her move.

Although the most immediate goal of a bully is to achieve dominance over another child, the long-term goal of most bullies seems to be to _____.

increase their own social status among peers - Bullies tend to select victims they can dominate in front of other children, in keeping with current views that bullying is a way of increasing or maintaining social status.

In the study by Blackwell et al. (2007), low-achieving math students showed an improvement in ________________ after eight weeks of lessons on having a growth mindset.

math grades - The experimental group showed an increase after the intervention began, suggesting that a growth mindset can have a powerful and continuing effect on school achievement.

Children's behavior has been observed to improve after ___________.

parents in a high-conflict relationship undergo divorce - One study found that children's behavior problems decreased when parents in a high-conflict relationship underwent divorce.

Children who are rejected by their peers generally form two subgroups: a subgroup that is aggressive and a subgroup that is __________________.

socially withdrawn - Although the majority of rejected children are aggressive, a significant subgroup tends to be socially withdrawn.

All of the following are the most common areas of child behavior or emotional problems following a family divorce except___________.

taking sides with the father rather than the mother - Taking sides with the father rather than the mother is not one of the four most common areas of child behavior after a family divorce. Those main areas of child behavioral difficulty are: externalizing behavior problems, internalizing problems, lower academic achievement, and problems in social relationships with peers and parents (particularly fathers).

All of the following are features of the anti-bullying programs mentioned in the chapter except _____.

teaching children to fight back against bullies - Children were not taught how to fight back against bullies. The goal of the anti-bullying program in Norway was to change the school climate.

According to an observational study by Gottman where previously unacquainted children were observed in a home setting three times, children who became friends _____________.

tended to be better at exchanging relevant information - Gottman found that unacquainted children who became friends were better than non-friends at exchanging relevant information.

Longitudinal studies comparing the later development of children from closely matched families who either divorce or remain intact indicate all of the following except ___________.

those who experienced divorce are more likely to be in jail - The majority of young adults who experience divorce are well-adjusted, and are not more likely to be in jail.

According to one cross-sectional study of 3- to 10-year olds, two predictors of whether children apply stereotypes to different racial groups at age 6 are being able to group photos of people by race and ____________________.

understanding racial constancy - By age six children have a belief that one's race does not change from birth to adulthood, which is known as racial constancy, and they can group photos of people by race. LO 12.3: Describe changes in children's thinking about others in middle childhood.

Sibling conflicts can serve as a positive influence on development under all of the following circumstances except __________________.

when parents use the conflicts as an opportunity to punish both siblings - Research does not support that using sibling conflict as an opportunity to punish both siblings serves as a positive influence on development.

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