Chapter 12: The President: American Government

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(Constitution requires that every bill passed by the House and the Senate be sent to the president before it becomes law, the president must act on each bill:) If the bill is not sent back to Congress after __ congressional working days, it becomes law without the president's signature. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

pocket veto

(Constitution requires that every bill passed by the House and the Senate be sent to the president before it becomes law, the president must act on each bill:) A special veto exercised by the chief executive after a legislative body has adjourned. Bills not signed by the chief executive die after a specified period of time. If Congress wishes to reconsider such a bill, it must be reintroduced in the following session of Congress. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


(Constitution requires that every bill passed by the House and the Senate be sent to the president before it becomes law, the president must act on each bill:) If the bill is signed, it becomes ___ (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


(Constitution requires that every bill passed by the House and the Senate be sent to the president before it becomes law, the president must act on each bill:) The president can reject the bill and send it back to Congress with a veto message setting forth objections. Congress then can change the bill, hoping to secure presidential approval, and repass it. Or Congress can simply reject the president's objections by overriding the veto with a two-thirds roll-call vote of the members present in both the House and the Senate. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

22nd Amendment

(Presidents normally leave office in one of the two ways.) It may be that their first term has expired and the have not sought or won reelection. Alternatively, having served 2 full terms, they are not allowed to be elected for a 3rd term. What amendment is this? (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Abuses of Executive Power and Impeachment)

civil service

A collective term for the body of employees working for the government. Generally, "______ _______" is understood to apply to all those who gain government employment through a merit system. (The president only nominally runs the executive bureaucracy. Most government positions are filled by _______ _______ employees, who generally gain government employment through a merit system rather than presidential appointment.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

court orders were violated

A federal circuit court had contended that only judges had the authority to convict individuals for contempt of court when COURT ORDERS WERE VIOLATED and that the courts should be free from interference by the executive branch. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)


A formal postponement of the execution of a sentence imposed by a court of law. (A President has the power to grant _______ and powers for offenses or criminals) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)

War Powers Resolution

A law passed in 1973 spelling out the conditions under which the president can commit troops without congressional approval. (In spite of the War Powers Resolution, the effective powers of the president as commander in chief are more extensive today than they were in the past.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)

statutory powers

A power created for the president through laws enacted by Congress. Congress has established by law, or statute, numerous other presidential powers- such as the ability to declare national emergencies. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.)

inherent powers

A power of the president derived from the statements in the Constitution that "the executive Power shall be vested in a President" and that the president should "take care that law be faithfully executed"; defined through practice rather than through law. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.)

expressed powers

A power of the president that is expressly written into the Constitution or into statutory law. Both constitutional and statutory powers have been labeled the _______ _______ of the president, because they are expressly written into the Constitution or into law. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.)

constitutional powers

A power vested in the president by Article of the Constitution. The powers of the president discussed earlier in this chapter in the section on the roles of the president are called _________ _____ because their basis lies in the Constitution. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.)

Federal Register

A publication of the U.S. government that prints executive orders, rules, and regulations. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Executive Orders)


A release from the punishment for, or legal consequences of, a crime. A pardon can be granted by the president before or after a conviction. (A President haves the power to grant reprieves and _______ for offenses or criminals) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)

signing statement

A written declaration that a president may make when signing a bill into law. Such statements may point out sections of the law that the president deems unconstitutional. (Is the president allowed to refuse to enforce certain parts of legislation if he or she believes that they are unconstitutional?) (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.)


According to the Constitution, the IMPEACHMENT process begins in the House, which impeaches (accuses) the federal officer involved. If the House votes to impeach the officer, it draws up articles of impeachment and submits them to the ______ , which conducts the actual trial. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Abuses of Executive Power and Impeachment)

male, white

All PRESIDENTS have been ____,_______, and from the Protestant tradition, except for John F. Kennedy, a Roman Catholic, and Barack Obama, an African American. (Presidential Characteristics) (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.)

Public Approval

All of these CONSTITUENCIES are impressed by presidents who maintain a high level of public approval, partly because doing so is very difficult to accomplish. A president who suffers a dramatic loss of popularity will have trouble getting legislation through Congress. In such circumstances, a president can even fail to be reelected. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


Although from time to time, movements have sought to amend the Constitution to allow naturalized citizens to become president, there has been little support for such an ___________. (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (A "Natural Born Citizen")


Although the Constitution states that the minimum-age requirement for the presidency is ______ years, most presidents have been much older than that when they assumed office. John F. Kennedy, at the age of 43, was the youngest elected president, and the oldest was Donald Trump, at age 70. The average age at inauguration has been 54. (Presidential Characteristics) (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.)


An action by the House of Representatives to accuse the president, vice-president, or other civil officers of the U.S of committing "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Abuses of Executive Power and Impeachment)


An advisory group selected by the president to aid in making decisions. The cabinet includes the heads of fifteen executive departments and others named by the president. A group which the president turns for counsel

20th Amendment

An amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1804, that requires the separate election of the president and the vice president by the electoral college. (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (The Process of Becoming President)

State of the Union message

An annual message to Congress in which the president proposes a legislative program. The message is addressed not only to Congress but also to the American people and to the world. The message gives a broad view of what the president wishes to accomplish. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


An executive order, then, represents the president's __________ power. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Executive Orders)

executive agreements

An international agreement made by the president, without senatorial ratification, with the head of a foreign state. (Presidential power in foreign affairs is enhanced greatly by the use of ________ ________ made between the president and other heads of state.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)

Executive Office of the President (EOP)

An organization established by President Franklin Roosevelt to assist the president in carrying out major duties. Was created to provide staff assistance for the chief executive and to help coordinate the executive bureaucracy. Since that time, a number of agencies have been created within the EOP to supply the president with advice and staff help.


As commander in chief, the president exercises more authority than in any other role. Constitutionally, _______ has the sole power to declare war, but the president can send the armed forces into situations that are certainly the equivalent of war. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)

populate vote

Because victory goes to the candidate with a majority in the ELECTORAL COLLEGE, it is conceivable that someone could be elected to the office of the presidency without having a plurality of the ________ ____ cast. (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (The Process of Becoming President)


Being head of state gives the president much public exposure, which can be an important asset. When that exposure is ________, it helps the president deal with Congress over proposed legislation and increases the chances of being reelected—or getting the candidates of the president's party elected. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Head of State)

Senators and House

During the STATE OF THE UNION MESSAGE, _______ and _________ members either applaud or remain silent to indicate their opinion of the policies that the president announces. (Trump appeared oblivious to this tradition—he later described the silence of the Democrats as un-American and even treasonous.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

executive agreements

EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS require each new president's consent to remain in effect. EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS do not require Senate approval, although the House and the Senate may refuse to appropriate the funds necessary (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)

United State v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp

Emergency Power Case In that case President Franklin Roosevelt, without authorization by Congress, ordered an embargo on the shipment of weapons to two warring South American countries. The Court recognized that the president may exercise inherent powers in foreign affairs and that the national government has primacy in these affairs. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Emergency Powers)

United Stated and Nixon

Executive privilege case. The Court held that executive privilege could not be used to prevent evidence from being heard in criminal proceeding. The justices unanimously ruled that Nixon had to hand over the tapes. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Executive Privilege)

Virginia and New Jersey Plan

The two plans that was considered by the founders of the Constitution were - The _________ and the ___ ______ _____- both called for an executive elected by Congress.


Harry Truman spoke candidly of the _______ a president faces in trying to control the executive bureaucracy. "He'll sit here and he'll say do this! do that! and nothing will happen." (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)


In elections in which MORE THEN TWO CANDIDATES were running for office, many presidential candidates have won with less than __ percent of the total popular votes cast for all candidates (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (The Process of Becoming President)

Chief Executive

In the United States, the president is both _____ _______ and the head of state (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Head of State)


Other _________, especially those who had witnessed the need for a strong leader in the Revolutionary Army, believed a strong executive would be necessary for the new republic. The __________, after much debate, created a chief executive who had enough powers granted in the Constitution to balance those of Congress.

national convention

Major and minor political parties nominate candidates for president and vice president at _______ ________ every four years. (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (The Process of Becoming President)

Secretary of State Secretary of Treasury Secretary of War Attorney General

ORGINALLY, the CABINET consisted of only 4 officials-- the..... (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (The Cabinet)


Once WAR POWER RESOLUTION are sent, the president must report to Congress within 48 hours. Unless Congress approves the use of troops within 60 days or extends the 60 day time limit, the forces must be __________. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)


One of the president's powers as commander in chief is the right to assume authority over National Guard units—that is, state militias. Throughout American history, presidents have "________" the Guard to handle domestic problems such as natural disasters or severe social disturbances, including strikes or urban riots. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)

President proposing legislation

One way is by exercising the power of persuasion. The president writes to, telephones, and meets with various congressional leaders. He or she makes public announcements to influence public opinion. The president exercises leadership over the party's members in Congress. (A president whose party holds a majority in both chambers of Congress usually has an easier time getting legislation passed than does a president who faces a hostile Congress.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


Perhaps the most important partisan role that the president has played in the 1990s and 2000s has been that of ____-_______. The president is able to raise large sums for the party through appearances at dinners, speaking engagements, and other social occasions. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

Presidential Constituencies

President are beholden to the entire electorate—the public of the United States—even those who did not vote. Presidents are certainly beholden to their party, because its members helped to put them in office. The president's constituencies also include members of the opposing party whose cooperation the president needs. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

Going Public

Presidents frequently go over the heads of Congress and the political elites, taking their cases directly to the people. This strategy, dubbed "_______ ______," gives the president additional power through the ability to persuade and manipulate public opinion. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


Ratifying a treaty may be a difficult process, but revoking a treaty appears to be EASIER. The CONSTITUTION SAYS NOTHING about how a treaty can be terminated, and on at least two occasions presidents have revoked treaties unilaterally, without the approval of Congress. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)


Remember _/_ vote of Senate will allow a president to be impeach. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Abuses of Executive Power and Impeachment)

Presidential use of cabinets

Some presidents have relied on the counsel of their cabinets more than others. More often, presidents have solicited the opinions of their cabinets and then have done what they wanted to do anyway. "Seven nays and one aye, the ayes have it." There is often a conflict of interest between presidents and their cabinet members. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (The Cabinet)


TODAY, the cabinet numbers __ department secretaries and the attorney general (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (The Cabinet)

advice and consent

Terms in the Constitution describing the U.S. Senate's power to review and approve treaties and presidential appointments. (The Constitution gives the president the power to recognize foreign governments and to make treaties with the _______ ___ _______ of the Senate.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)

anybody can become president of this country

The American dream is symbolized by the statement that "__________ ___ _________ ________ __ ____ ________." If you examine the list of president, out of 44 presidents, 26 have been lawyers, and many have been wealthy. (Presidential Characteristics) (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.)

no mention

The Constitution makes NO MENTION—explicit or implicit—of EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS. The Supreme Court, however, has given executive agreements the same legal weight as formal treaties. (Executive agreements are clearly an attractive way for a president to bypass Congress when making foreign policy.) (Court found the president's powers in the international realm to be "plenary and exclusive.") (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)


The Supreme Court simply stated that the president could grant reprieves or pardons for all offenses "either before trial, during trial, or after trial, by individuals, or by classes, conditionally or absolutely, and this modification or regulation by CONGRESS." (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)


The _________ serves as the leader of his or her political party—the president is the nation's most prominent and successful politician. It is worth noting that one person plays all these roles simultaneously and that the needs of the roles may at times come into conflict. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (The Many Roles of the President)

appointment power

The authority vested in the president to fill a government office or position. Positions filled by presidential appointment include those in the executive branch and the federal judiciary, commissioned officers in the armed forces, and members of the independent regulatory commissions. (Most government positions are filled by civil service employees, who generally gain government employment through a merit system rather than presidential appointment. Therefore, even though the president has important appointment power, it is limited to cabinet and subcabinet jobs, federal judgeships, agency heads, and several thousand lesser jobs—about nine thousand positions in total.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)

diplomatic recognition

The formal acknowledgment of a foreign government as legitimate. (An important power of the president as chief diplomat is that of ________ ________, or the power to recognize—or to refuse to recognize—foreign governments as legitimate.) Deciding when to recognize a foreign power is not always simple. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)


The founders of the Constitution did not want a ____.

kitchen cabinet

The informal advisers to the president. A _______ _____ is a very informal group of advisers. Usually, they are friends with who the president worked before being elected. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (The Cabinet)

Electoral College

The nation's voters do not elect a president and vice president directly but rather cast ballots for presidential electors, who then vote for president and vice president in the ___________ ______. (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (The Process of Becoming President)

Natural Born Citizen

The only question that arises about the constitutional requirements relates to the term _______ ____ _______. Although the question has not been dealt with directly by the Supreme Court, it is reasonable to expect that someone would be eligible if her or his parents were Americans. (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (A "Natural Born Citizen")


The practice of rewarding faithful party workers and followers with government employment and contracts. (One way president exert political power within the party is through ________----rewarding the faithful by appointing them to government or public jobs.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


The president also has the ability to send National Guard units ______ to supplement the regular armed forces. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)


The president can propose legislation, but ________ is not required to pass—or even introduce—any of the administration's bills. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

- Agriculture - Commerce - Defense - Education - Energy - Health and Human Services - Homeland Security - Housing and Urban Development -Interior - Labor - State - Transportation - Treasury - Veteran Affairs

The president can remove all heads of cabinet departments, all individuals in the Executive Office of the President, and all of the political appointees listed in Table 12-1. What are the political appointees? (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)


The president has the power to say no to legislation through use of the ____ (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


The president has the sole power to negotiate treaties with other nations. These treaties must be presented to the Senate. A two-thirds vote is required in the Senate for approval, or ________. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)


The president is the ultimate decision maker in military matters. Everywhere the president goes, so too goes the "________"—a briefcase filled with all of the codes necessary to order a nuclear attack. Only the president has the power to order the use of nuclear force. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)


The president may agree to campaign for a particular program or for a particular candidate. Presidents also reward loyal members of Congress with support for the funding of local projects, tax breaks for regional industries, and other forms of "____." (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


The president receives a salary of $___,___, plus $169,000 for expenses and a vast array of free services, beginning with residence in the White House. (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (Who Can Become President?)

veto message

The president's formal explanation of a veto when legislation is returned to Congress. Constitution requires that every bill passed by the House and the Senate be sent to the president before it becomes law, the president must act on each bill: (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)


The president's power to remove from office those officials who are not doing a good job or who do not agree with the president is not explicitly granted by the Constitution and has been ______. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)

Commander in chief of the army and navy

The president, according to the Constitution, "shall be COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMY AND NAVY of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States." In other words, the armed forces are under civilian, rather than military, control. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)


The president, as head of state, engages in a number of activities that are largely symbolic or ceremonial. Some students of the American political system believe that having the president serve as both the chief executive and the head of state limits the time available to do "____" work. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Head of State)

Article II, Section 1

The requirements for becoming president, as outlined in______ __, ______, of the Constitution, are not overwhelmingly strict: ("No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.") (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (Who Can Become President?)

executive privilege

The right of executive officials to withhold information from or to refuse to appear before a legislative committee. (Another inherent executive power that has been claimed by presidents concerns the right of the president and president's executive officials to withhold information from or refuse to appear before Congress or the courts.) (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Executive Privilege)

1. Head of State 2. Chief Executive 3. Commander in Chief of the arm forces 4. Chief Diplomat 5. Chief Legislator of the United States

The role of presidency has grown into a very complicated job that requires fulfilling at least five constitutional roles. These are........... (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (The Many Roles of the President)

head of state

The role of the president as ceremonial head of the government. Is given to someone who leads the executive branch of government. (In Britain, for example, the head of state is the queen.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Head of State)

chief executive

The role of the president as head of the executive branch of the government. The president is constitutionally bound to enforce the acts of Congress, the judgments of federal courts, and treaties signed by the United States. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)

commander in chief

The role of the president as supreme commander of the military forces of the United States and of the state National Guard units when they are called into federal service. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)

chief legislator

The role of the president in influencing the making of laws. (Not all presidents have wielded their powers as _______ _______ in the same way. Some have been almost completely unsuccessful in getting their legislative programs implemented by Congress.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

chief diplomat

The role of the president in recognizing foreign governments, making treaties, and effecting executive agreements. (As ______ _______, the president dominates American foreign policy, a role that has been supported many times by the Supreme Court.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)


There are __ agencies whose directors the president can remove at any time. These agencies include the Commission on Civil Rights, the Environmental Protection Agency, the General Services Administration, and the Small Business Administration. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)


There have been far more executive agreements (about nine thousand) than ________ (about thirteen hundred). Many executive agreements contain secret provisions calling for American military assistance or other support. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Diplomat)

Washington community

This community consists of individuals who—whether in or out of political office—are intimately familiar with the workings of government, thrive on gossip, and measure on a daily basis the political power of the president. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

employment in government office

This means that most of the 2.8 million employees of the executive branch (USPS included) owe no political allegiance to the president. They are more likely to owe loyalty to congressional committees or to interest groups representing the sector of the society that they serve. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

George Washington

Those who wrote the Constitution had _______ __________ (1789-1797) in mind when they made the president the commander in chief. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Commander in Chief)

national committee chairperson

Today presidents are the actual leaders of their parties. As party leader, the president chooses the _______ ______ ________ and can try to discipline party members who fail to support presidential policies. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

Administrative Procedure Act (of 1946)

Under the _____________ _________ Act of 1949, all executive orders must be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, a daily publication of the U.S. government that prints executive orders, rules, and regulation. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Executive Orders)

1. Enforce Legislative Statutes 2. Enforce the Constitution or treaties with foreign nations, and 3. Establish or modify rules and practices of executive administrative agencies.

What can EXECUTIVE ORDERS do? (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Executive Orders)

House of Representatives

When candidates have less than 50% of vote, the ______ __ _____________ takes over, and the president is then chosen from among the three candidates having the most electoral college votes. (Identify the types of people who typically undertake serious campaigns for the presidency.) (The Process of Becoming President)

Andrew Jackson

Who is the first president that was impeached by the House but acquitted by the Senate? (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Abuses of Executive Power and Impeachment)


Who was the first president that resigned himself out of office? (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Abuses of Executive Power and Impeachment)

Bill Clinton

Who was the second president to be impeached by the House but not convicted by the Senate? (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Abuses of Executive Power and Impeachment)

executive bureaucracy

You might think that the president, as head of the largest bureaucracy in the United States, wields enormous power. The president, however, only nominally runs the _________ ___________. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)

Section 2 of Article II

_______ _ __ _______ __ of the Constitution gives the president the power to grant REPRIEVES and PARDONS for offenses against the United States except in cases of impeachment. (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.) (Chief Executive)

Emergency Powers

a Inherent power exercised by the president during a period of national crisis. (Describe some of the special powers of the president, and tell how a president can be removed from office.) (Emergency Powers)


presidents have spoken more to the _____ and less to Congress. (Presidents frequently go over the heads of Congress and the political elites, taking their cases directly to the people.) (Distinguish among the major roles of the president, including head of state, chief executive, commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief legislator, party chief, and politician.)

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