Chapter 13
What do functional groups and interest groups have in common?
Both have an unspecified time horizon
______ conflicts occurs when there is a conflict between two or more roles.
_________ conflict controls when a single source sends clear but contradictory messages.
What is a situational factor that contributes to norm conformity?
Team size
What factors reduce group cohesiveness.
Unpleasant experiences
An advantage of teams in an organization is that they enable to organization to shed its....
Sport teams travel together. They compete against other teams. This increases their
_______ is the extent to which members are loyal an committed to the group.
_________ is striking a middle-range position between two extremes when resolving conflict.
Interpersonal problem solving refers to the resolution of conflict using......
A task group that is made up of one member each from marketing, development, production, and manufacturing would be a.....
cross-functional team
The ________ role refers to what the individual actually does in his or her role in the group.
The process of establishing a role structure begins with the ________ role.
When an organization decides to use teams, resistance will most likely come from......
first line managers
During the _______ stage of group development, the members begin to try out various forms of behavior in an attempt to determine the interpersonal behaviors that are acceptable in the group.
A shift supervisor in a department store is a member of a ..........
functional group
An _________ leader is likely to be a person capable of carrying out both task specialist and socioemotional roles effectively.
A ______ group is created by its own members for purposes that may or may not be relevant to organizational goals.
______ is based on disagreements between two or more individuals in an orgnaization.
interpersonal conflict
Newly divorced people often join support groups for.....
need satisfaction
The _______ role is what a person understands the sent role to mean.
In the _______ stage of group development, the group really begins to settle down to work and focuses on goal attainment.
Frequent sources of interpersonal conflict in organization are _______, when two people distrust each other's motives, dislike each other, or for some other reason simply cannot get along.
personality clashes
managers can stimulate conflict by.......
placing employee groups in competitive situations
The ______ is set of defined roles and interrelationships among those roles that the group members define and accept.
role structure
In group role structure, the _______ role comprises the messages and cues that group members use to communicate their expectations to another member.
What stages of group development is often characterized by a general lack of unity and uneven interaction patterns?
A _______ is created by an organization to accomplish a relatively narrow range of purposes within a stated or implied time horizon.
task group
A _______ is a group of workers that functions as a unit, often with little or no supervision, to carry out work-related tasks, functions, and activities.