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Edict of Nantes

A document issued by Henry IV of France in 1598, granting liberty of conscience and and of public worship to Calvinists, which helped restore peace in France

Dutch trading empire

Dutch East India Company- they wanted the spice trade from Portuguese. IN return for assisting Indonesian princes with local squabbles and disputes with Portuguese, they won broad commercial concessions. Expelled Portuguese from East Indian islands and gained control of spice trade. Dutch West India company sought control of Spanish territories in South America. Captured hundreds of Spanish ships/ destroyed them/ got some silver. Intercepted the Transatlantic slave trade.

Marco Polo

European Venetian trader and explorer welcomed by mongol empire to do business ;). Made tales of his travels and encounters with the Great Khan, which made the exotic orient popular. he recounted the splendors of Khans court

Spanish Armada

Fleet sent by Philip II of Spain in 1588 against England as a religious crusade against Protestantism. Weather and the English fleet defeated it


French Calvinists

Mary Tudor

Her reign witnesses a sharp move back to Catholicism. Married cousin Philip II of Spain, highly unpopular. rescinded the reformation legislation of her father's resign and restored roman catholicism. also executed protestants.

Philip II of Spain

Hoped by marrying Mary, that he could reunite England with Catholic church. Led the Spanish Armada

Queen Elizabeth I

her reign inaugurated the beginnings of religious stability. Working through parliament, she ordered church and government officials to swear that she was supreme in matters of religions as well as politics. Subjects who did not attend church risked a fine. Did not interfere with people's privately held beliefs.


The teaching that God has determined the salvation or damnation of individuals. based on his will and purpose, not on their merit or works.


colony of Virginia founded by a private company of investors. Struggled early on and relied on food from Powhatan confederacy. Growing tobacco market helped them

Francisco Pizarro

conquistador of modest spanish origins landed on coast of Peru the very day that Ataphula won control of the empire after 5 years of fighting. Ataphula's plan was lay in wait with 45,000 men and attack him and seize horses and men, but Pizzaro ambushed him and captured and executed him.


descent of european and Native American ties

King Henry 8th

desires to break away from rome. married to Catherine of Aragon, daughter of ferdinand and Isabella and widow of henry's older brother, arthur, which was a canon law, and he could only have one child, which was mary(girl). taught that god's displeasure was giving him a son. appealed to the pope to have the marriage annulled. Was in love with Anne Boleyn, assumed she would give him a son. Later in life.. he decided to remove the english church from papal jurisdiction, and used parliament to remove the pope and make himself supreme mclean or head of church. beheaded people who are against him...even Thomas More. Finally, Jane Seymour gave him a son, Edward. Had a lot of wifes

New Netherland

effort to colonize North America they setup in modern day New York City.With weak settlement and gov. Easily taken over by the British in 1664.


emerged as an aspect in the trade route, gained prestige from its ruler Mansa Musa. gold away from the trans-Saharan routes weakened the island of africa politically and economically. gold was good, but slaves were better

Peace of Augsburg

ended religious war in Germany and for many decades. way to stop charles from power. the territory would be catholic or lutheran

Reformation in eastern Europe

ethnic factors determined the course of reformation in Eastern Europe. Complicated situation of Catholic Reformation in Bohemia caused the Thirty Year's War. Poland-Lithuania combined realms, over 5 hundred thousand square miles, population diverse: Germans, Italians, Tartars, and Jews. Lutheran ideas hated by ordinary poles bc anti-german feelings. Like Calvinism. Ultimately it became Roman Catholic bc they couldn't unite. Hungarian first was Lutheran, but then German heresy = Hungarians didn't like that. Ottoman turks invaded it, divided it into 3 parts.

English Colonization

first one started in Roanoke. In New England, protestants sought to escape and go to england for new lives. Massachusetts had religious problems and the puritans grew to Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Haven. English settlements were on the atlantic coast and didn't mean to cause conflict. Disease and warfare led to the population loss. efforts were made to expand to new england in the north and virginia in the south

French colonization and Samuel Chaplain

first permanent settlement was founded by Samuel Champlain, Quebec. De la Salle and exploration of Mississippi led to claiming of Louisiana. Explored 35 of 50 states. French explorers forged relations with Huron confederacy, a league of 4 indigenous nations that dominated a large region of Lake Erie; they gained access to hunting grounds and trade routes for beavers, etc. Took over west territories of Hispaniola which became centers for tobacco and sugar plantations.

Charles the V

great grandson of Maximilian. defender of catholicism. called an imperial diet in 1503. refused the augsburg confession, and made protestants come back to catholic church. protestants backfired and formed an alliance and wars happened. Charles was defending the church and empire

Mansa Musa

had a pilgrimage to Mecca. he became ruler cause the old ones expedition failed. al-Umari said that mansa believed the ocean was not impossible to cross. he later went on a huge voyage, and no one returned. gold from


includes the Institutes of the Christian religion which is Calvin's formulation of Christian doctrine, which became a systematic theology for Protestantism. The cornerstone of Calvin's theology was his belief in the absolute sovereignty and omnipotence of God and total weakness of humanity. God in his infinite wisdom, decided who was damned and who was saved when they were born. They believed that any occupation could be a god given calling.

Catherine of Aragon

married to henry 8th. Aunt of Charles V

witch panics

massive witch hunts

Race during exploration

most europeans taught that africans were all savages( way they eat, clothes and morals) .anyone who wasn't a white Christian wasn't really seen as civilized humans. Jews were seen as alien people. Peasants were compared to dogs, pigs and donkeys.

Spread of Protestant ideas

new second generation of reforms built on Lutheran and Zwinglian ideas to develop their own theology and plans for institutional change( happening in denmark, france, sweden, england). John Calvin's ideas also influenced the thoughts and attitudes of europeans.


officially exclude (someone) from participation in the sacraments and services of the Christian Church.


opposition to the clergy

95 Theses

written by Luther to Archbishop Albert which argued that indulgences undermined the seriousness of sacraments of penance, competed with the preaching of charity in Christian Life.

Amerigo Vespucci

wrote letter, titled Mundus Novus (New World) was the first document to describe America as a separate continent. Continent was named after him. 'MERICA. ay

Prince Henry the Navigator

younger son of the king of Portugal that encouraged the exploration of areas even after the initial failure Portuguese exploration sought military glory, the conversion of Muslims ;), and an overseas trade route to the spice markets of India. Portugal conquest of Ceuta marked the beginning of European overseas expansion. When Henry died, his support for exploration was vindicated by thriving sugar plantations on the Atlantic Islands, the first arrival of enslaved African in Portugal and access to the flow of African gold to Europe.

Christopher Columbus

- very knowledgeable about the sea, mapmaker, and familiar with new navigational developments; he was deeply religious. controversial because of his treatment to the indigenous people of the Americas and the fact that he didn't "discover" the Americas; viewed himself as a divine agent; his goal was to go to the India.

Portugal's empire

-Portugal was small and it was blocked from Europe by Spain so it turned to North Africa, the Atlantic and Brazil; its objectives were to gain military glory, convert Muslims, and find gold, slaves, and overseas route to India;

Henry of Navarre (IV)

-was going to marry Margaret of Valois, which was intended to help reconcile Catholics and Huguenots but ignited civil war. king of france, first of the Capetian dynasty. Fought in religious wars and became catholic. Enacted edict of Nantes which allowed for religious liberties of Protestants.

Anne Boleyn

A court lady who Charles 8th was in love with, and wanted to have a son with her failed twice to produce a male child (lol), henry charged her with adulterous incest and beheaded her (no lol).

Causes of European expansion

1) Europeans needed new sources of metals to trade with Ottomans or trade routes that bypassed Ottomans 2) Needed spices to serve as flavorings, anointing oil and incense, perfumes, medicines, and dyes. 3) The passion and energy ignited by the Christian reconquista of the Iberian peninsula encouraged Portuguese and Spanish to continue the Christian crusade 4) curiosity about physical universe. 5) Lack of opportunity at home 6) Spanish monarchy was stronger than ever and therefore in position to support foreign adventures. 7) men chose to join crews to escape poverty, continue family trade, or to find lives as illegal immigrant in the colonies.

Ottoman Empire

2 great rival empires, the Persian safavids and the Ottoman Turks competed for power. Persian merchants were all over the indian ocean. Persia was major producer of silk. Persian shi'ite muslim faith clashed with ottomans sunnism, late both competed to gain more power.


6 cardinals that fought heresy and can banish victims

Genoa and Venice

: Venice opened their relationship with Sultan of mamluk egypt, and the venetians started trade with spices. They specialize in spices, silks, and carpets which obtained from middlemen in eastern Mediterranean and Asia minor. Venetians traded the european products to make more money, but it didn't work so they used slaves and firearms, as well as precious metals. Genoa, venetians rival, lost ships in their expansion. Genoese ran sugar plantations and helped colonize spanish new world. Slaves were brought in the italian trade and were sold to the Sultan army or sent to work on agriculture. A major element of Italian trade was slaves. Italian experience in colonial administration, slaving, and international trade served as a model for the Iberian States as they pushed European expansion to new heights.

Sugar and slavery

Africans started to be Dehumanized and racial inequality emerged with white skinned being superior over dark skinned. Trans-Atlantic slave trade became a large economy that grew for decades.


Archbishop that controlled wittenberg(Albert of Mainz) supported indulgence sales and received share of the profits, also where the 95 theses was nailed to in 1517


Became the great commercial entrepôt, or a trading post where goods are shipped for storage while waiting for redistribution. Chinese porcelains, skills and camphor; pepper and nutmeg. Moluccas- sandalwood, Philippines-sugar, and indian textile, copper weapons, and dyes.

John Calvin

Born in Noyon, France. He believed that God has specifically selected him to reform the church. Went to Geneva where the established a well disciplined Christian society in which church and state acted together. Geneva was based on all of his principles


Colony started by radical protestants who wanted to escape Anglican church. Arrived on the Mayflower and called Pilgrims.


Constantinople renamed after being captured by Ottomans. The Capital of Ottoman empire

Holy Roman Empire

Included in first Diet of Charles the V. This was a confederation of individual states rather than one unified empire.

Economic effect of Spanish silver

Inflation occurred due to the high influx of flooding the silver market. This created a need for Globalization to stabilize the economy and so The Spanish Empire, Dutch Empire, and Portuguese Empire were born; they traded internationally. The Spanish silver did not directly cause it but it was the increase in population which led to the demand for more goods. Since Muslim and Jews, who were best farmers and business men, were gone due to Inquisition, production sucked.


Kinda like a divorce but not really. Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void, and it wasn't good from the start. Charles 8th appealed it to the pope, and Charles V opposed it because it declared his aunt a frontier and his cousin mary a bastard.

Habsburg Dynasty

Known for their wide span of marriages and generations. Frederick III was emperor of holy roman empire, and a bit of Austria, got his own small territory, and a good amount of money. Marrying Princess Eleonore, they made son (Maximilian), and he married Mary, which than they gained eastern france (burgundy), Holland, and Luxembourg. All these lands made them the strongest family in empire (international empire). Charles the V; grandson of Maximilian would then get all of this at age 19. holy roman empire, austria, france, holland, luxembourg

African trading areas

Mamluk Egyptian empire was the most powerful one, and its capital Cairo and was a center of Islamic learning, Ethiopia was a Christian kingdom in the African highlands, on the east coast of Africa Swahili speaking people traded things like ivory and tortoise shells. gold came from akan and sudan to europe.

Church of England (Anglican Church)

Moved in a moderately protestant direction. Services were conducted in English, monasteries were no re-established, and clergymen were allowed to arry. Remained hierarchal, with archbishops and bishops, and services continued to be elaborate.

The Netherlands under Spanish rule

Netherlands was under Charles the V and given to his son Philip II.At this time (1560) Netherlands Protestants were Calvinists which opposed political authority which was ungodly. The Spanish tried to contain them, it angered them to revolt and sack 30 Catholic Churches in Antwerp. Philip II came back with the Inquisition and "Council of Blood" {1,500 men were executed}

Sultan Mohammed II

Ottoman leader who captured europes largest city, constantinople, renamed istanbul. Ottomans controlled the sea trade in eastern mediterranean, syria, palestine, egypt and north africa(also europe vienna). Ottomans were invincible, produced 80 books about america, compared to frances 40.

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorer who sailed around the Southern tip of Africa and around it with the help of a local Indian pilot. Landed in Calicut, India and showed that that route was possible.

Navigation technology

Ptolemy's Geography was a book with the location of places that were known at that time, the magnetic compass allowed sailors to know their direction, the astrolabe was used to determine the altitude of the sun and celestial bodies and determined the latitude, the lanteen sail allowed European ships to tack against the wind, sternpost rudder was made by the Chinese, so was gunpowder

Religious wars in Switzerland and Germany

Religious became more public. Ruler determined the official form. almost everyone believed presence of faith, some represented a political threat to security of state, and some believed in religious liberty. Luther appealed to German Rulers because he used the phrase " we germans" and his ideas were good.

Luther's interpretation of faith

Salvation and justification came through faith. Fatih is a free gift of God's grace, not the result of human effort.

Ferdinand Magellan

Sent by Charles the V of Spain to find sea trade route to the spices of Moluccas off the southeast coast of Asia. Sailed south along South American coast until he came to a rough patch of straits which were named after him. After going through that he came into the Pacific ocean where he ran into problems. Starvation, disease, violence ravaged the expedition as well as abd storms. 2 ships had mutiny, 1 ship was lost and other deserted and sailed back to Spain. Magellan was believed to have been killed somewhere around the Philippines in a little skirmish. The rest of the expedition which included 18 men, survived on sawdust and rats until they arrived in Spain by way of the Indian ocean, Cape of Good Hope and the Atlantic in 1522. Took 3 years and was first time someone circumnavigated the globe.

Spanish missions

Set up in the Americas to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. Created some conflict between the Spanish and Natives and sometimes fights would break out.

Edward VI

Sickly son of Charles 8th, had ideas that influenced religious life. During his reign Archbishop Thomas Cranmer simplified liturgy. He invited Protestant Theologians to England, and prepared the first Book of Common Prayer.

Impact on Native Americans

Some Native American tribes revolted against the new settlers and conflict broke out. Therefore small wars Native Americans and settlers would damage the relationship between the newcomers and the Natives. Major cause of death was disease. other factors: overwork, malnutrition, reduced fertility rates, starvation, warfare. Population went from 50 million to 9 million by 1800.

Colonial administration

Spain: House of trade; controlled flow of goods and people to and from colonies. Council of Indies; guided royal policy and served as highest court for colonial affairs. Viceroyalties: the name for the 4 administrative units of spanish possessions in Americas: New Spain, Peru, New Granada, La plata. Presided over audiencia: board of 15 judges that served as advisory councils and corregidores who held judicial and administrative powers. PORTUGUESE: captaincies, hereditary grants of land given to noble and loyal officials who bore the costs of settling and administering their territories. ENGLISH: autonomous assemblies to regulate local affairs. Wealthy landowners and merchants dominated but common men had more say in politics.

Hernando Cortes

Spanish conquistador who landed on Gulf of Mex April 21, 1519. Used the internal dissension in empire to his advantage (means constant warfare within empire). Formed alliances Tlaxcalas and conquered city of Cholula, 2nd largest city and religious center. With 1 hunna Spanish and 6000 indigenous warriors, marched to Tenochtitlan where Montezuma welcomed them but then he was taken hostage and an uprising started which pushed the Spanish out of Tenochtitlan but killed Montezuma. Year later came back with huge force and sieged Tenochtitlan. Tenochtitlan lost because of inferior technology and smallpox.

Cash crop

Sugar. also included tobacco, corn, rum, indigo, wheat.

France's religious wars

The French decided to follow Calvinism which would give them political independence. The fought against the Catholics in a struggle of converting or obliterating each other. In France fights between the Catholic and Protestant escalated into war. Politiques was a small group of moderates of both faiths, who believed that the only restoration of a strong monarchy could revese the trend toward collapse.; a politique, Henry the IV would become that stability and issued the Edict of Nantes to give freedom to the Protestants in over 150 cities.

Union of Utrecht

The alliance of seven northern provinces(led by Holland) that declared its independence from Spain and formed the United Provinces of Netherlands

Incan empire

The vast and sophisticated Peruvian empire centered at the capital city of Cuzco that was at its peak form 1438 until 1532.

Johann Tetzel

Was head of the indulgence sails.Dominican Friar who mounted advertising blitz for Archbishop Albert's indulgence sale. Promised forgiveness of sin and full release from purgatory for loved ones.

German peasant revolt

caused by German lords who robbed peasants of land and livestock. Thought they had support of Luther but he wanted to prevent it. Called German Peasant's War in 1525, greatly strengthened the authority of lay rulers


a document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins.

Mexica or Aztec empire

a large and complex Native American civilization in modern Mexico and Central America that possessed advanced mathematical, astronomical, and engineering technology. Ruled by Montezuma II from 1502 to 1520.


a small maneuverable, three mast ship developed by the Portuguese in the 15th century that gave the Portuguese a distinct advantage in exploration and trade. Slower than galley but held more cargo

Encomienda system

a system whereby Spanish crown granted the conquerors the right to forcibly employ groups of Indians in exchange for providing food, shelter, and Christian teaching. VERY very, BRUTAL. Bartolome de Las casas and other missionaries led reforms to this system and Charles V ended brutality in 1531.

Diet of Worms

assembly of nobility, clergy, and cities of the Holy Roman Empire in Worms Germany where Luther was summoned to appear to recant. Luther declined.

Catholic Reformation

began with Pope Paul III/successors who improved education for clergy, ended simony, and stricter control of clerical life. Formed Holy Office; the official Roman Catholic agency founded in 1542 to combat international doctrinal heresy. Roman inquisition, committee of 6 cardinals with judicial authority over all catholics and powers to arrest, imprison, and execute suspected heretics. wrote Index of of Prohibited books


belief that during Mass, the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ. Disputed amongst Protestants.


believers of separation of church, also known as radicals. Anabaptists means re-baptizers. Some radicals thought world was ending and a group took over German city of Munster. Their spirit and community led to Pacifism, Congregationalists, and US constitution which said "no establishment of religion"

Council of Trent

called to reform church and secure reconciliation with protestants.\Said for marriage to be valid, vows and ceremony had to be made publicly, ended private marriages.

Problems with Church

papal conflicts with German emperor in 13th century, Babylonian Captivity, Great Schism badly damaged the prestige of church leaders. 3 problems: clerical immorality( was with drunkard priests, neglected rule in celibacy,gambled, and indulgences in fancy dress) ; clerical ignorance( priests mumbled the latin words); clerical pluralism (more than one Church office)


priestly order created by Saint Ignatius of Loyola. They impacted the Catholic counter-reformation because they strived to cleanse the church of many of its wicked aspects. They wanted increased spirituality and strengthened the church.

Martin Luther

professor from a new, not very prestigious university in Germany. Born in Eisleben in Saxony, first planned to study law but Joined the Augustinian Friars to help the poor. Served as a professor of scripture up until his death. His understanding of Christian doctrine is "faith alone, grace alone, Scripture alone" God's word is revealed only in Scripture, not in traditions of church. advocated simpler religion based on faith. His linguistic skill and translation of New Testament led to his dialect of German language to become standard version of German language

Marriage stuff

proper marriage was one that reflected spiritual equality of men and women. Marriage was created by God as a remedy for human weakness; marriages in which spouses did not comfort or support one another physically, materially, or emotionally endangered their own souls and the surrounding community so divorce was allowed.

Persian Safavids

rival empire to the Turkish Ottomans, both dominated the middle east; shi'ite Muslims; power spread as far as Indian Ocean and major exporter of Silk

Protestant view of women

said that celibacy went against human nature and brought spiritual advantages. Women were supposed to be living demonstrations of husbands convictions about the superiority of marriage to celibacy and be models of wifely obedience/Christian charity. Social hierarchy was husbandly authority and wifely obedience. Reformation brought the closing of monasteries and convents so marriage became the only occupation for upper-class Protestant women. no 16th century woman was allowed to be part of the clergy.

Zheng He and Chinese voyages

sailed as far west as egypt. Each of his 7 expeditions involved hundreds of ships and tens of thousands of men. sailed more than 12k miles. after his death european states had opportunities to join the trade world.

John Knox

scottish clergyman, writer, and leader of protestant reformation. Founder of Presbyterian denomination in Scotland.

Columbus' first voyage

set out to find direct ocean trade route to Asia and was backed by Spanish monarchy. Named him viceroy of new states discovered and 1/10 of whatever wealth brought back. Landed in the Bahamas and called it San Salvador believing he had found islands of Japan. Thought he was in the Indies so he called them Indians. These indigenous people were the Taino people and reassured Columbus of gold. Gave up aim to meet Great Khan and just looked around from gold and other valuables among people he discovered.


spanish for conquerer, Spanish soldier-explorers who sought to conquer the New World for the Spanish crown

Ulrich Zwingli

switzerland humanist,admired Erasmus, who preached the New Testament and was convinced that Christian life rested on Scriptures, which were the pure words from God and sole basis of religious truth. Attacked indulgences, the Mass, institution of monasteries, and clerical celibacy

Columbian exchange

the exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the Old and the New Worlds. (Wheat, grapes, olives, horses, sheep, dogs, pigs, smallpox)


the name originally give to followers of Luther, which came to mean all non-Catholic Western Christian groups.

Middle Passage

the sea journey from West Africa to the West Indies by slave ships

Protestant view on faith

they held that salvation comes from faith alone. They said authority is in Bible alone. They held that church is a spiritual priesthood of all believers, an invisible fellowship not fixed in any place or person. They said every person should serve god in his or her own individual calling.


to go back on one's belief. (papacy ordered Luther Recant or be excommunicated)

Treaty of Tordesillas

to settle the the atlantic claim discovery between spain and portugal, the pope alexander created this, and it states, spain gets everything to the west of an imaginary line drawn down the atlantic and giving portugal everything to the east.

Ming Dynasty

took over China in 1368 and led it to economic prosperity, population growth and urbanization. the population tripled to 150-200 million. (nanjing was the largest city 1 mill).

William Shakespeare and his writings

touched on the racial and religious uncertainty of his time period and how it should be treated. Othello's main character was known as the moor of Venice, moor meaning Muslim and is also believed to be Sub-Saharan African descent.

European witch hunt

witches were seen to have magical powers in the Middle Ages but then changed to having made a deal with the Devil. Having (SEX ORGIES WITH THE DEVIL AND WHAT NOT) mostly women were accused because they were more likely to do so because they were weak. Next the inquisition would take reports of witch anonymously there was also things called

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