Chapter 13, Lesson 1: The Decline of the Qing Dynasty

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1. He wanted to modernize China by adopting Western ways. 2. The military adopted modern weapons and Western fighting techniques. 3. Western-style schools were established.

In 1898, Emperor Guang Xu launched the One Hundred Days of Reform. What were the major components of this program?

A district in which a foreign power had exclusive trade, transportation, and mineral rights.

In China, a "sphere of influence" was a


The Chinese wanted to limit contact with outsiders so they restricted European merchants to a small trading outlet at


The Opium War lasted from

Economic problems that led to a peasant revolt.

What caused the Tai Ping Rebellion?

Hong Xiuquan, who thought he was a brother of Jesus, led the revolt. He was convinced that God had given him the mission of destroying the Qing Dynasty.

What role did Hong Xiuquan play in the Tai Ping Rebellion?

Lin Zexu wrote to Queen Victoria urging Britain to stop selling opium to the Chinese.

What role did Lin Zexu play in the Opium War?

The Tai Ping Rebellion was one of the most devastating civil wars in history. As many as 20 million people died in the 14 year struggle.

What was the end result of the Tai Ping Rebellion?

Open Door Policy

What was the government document written by the U.S. Secretary of State John Hay that stated all countries in China would respect equal trading opportunities and not set tariffs giving an unfair advantage.

Remove foreign influence from China.

What was the mission of the Boxer Rebellion?


What was the policy promoted by reformers toward the end of the Qing Dynasty under which China would adopt Western technology while keeping its Confucian values.

1. Corruption in the Qing government 2. Peasant unrest 3. Serious food shortages 4. Intense external pressure from the West.

What were the factors that influenced the decline of the Qing Empire?

1. Britain was recognized as the victor in the Opium War and China had to pay for the cost of the war. 2. The Chinese agreed to open five coastal ports to British trade. 3. It limited taxes on imported British goods. 4. Hong Kong was given to the British.

What were the terms of the Treaty of Nanjing?


What year did the Boxer Rebellion take place?

The British had a trade deficit and wanted to improve the trade imbalance.

Why were the British so eager to open up more of China to trade?

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