Chapter 13: Nutrition for a Lifetime

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By the beginning of the ______ trimester, the fetus weighs about 1 ounce and has fully formed arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, and toes.


After an infant starts to eat solid food, how long should caregivers wait before introducing a new food?

3-5 days

What is the typical weight gain during the first trimester?


What puts people who are over 70 years of age at risk for nutrient deficiencies?

Despite lower energy needs, older adults need the same or higher amounts of vitamins and minerals. Food intake decreases due to declines in metabolic rates and physical activity.

Why are the caloric and micro/macronutrient needs per kilogram of body weight of children less than the needs of infants?

Growth rate slows down from infancy to childhood; therefore, a child's needs are less than those of an infant.

Which of the following is true about infant formulas?

In some instances, infant formula contains higher levels of micronutrients than human milk.

Which of the following statements are true about snacking?

Nutrient-dense snacks can fit into a child's overall diet. Children have small stomachs and are likely to become hungry between meals.

Which systems in an infant's body are not mature enough to handle solid food until until weeks or months after birth?

Renal system Digestive system

Which statement regarding the function of the placenta is true?

Toxic substances and infectious agents can pass from the mother to the embryo/fetus.

What life stage is it when a child matures physically into an adult?


Fluoride, , and vitamin are relatively low in human milk.

iron, D

What contributes to poor B-12 absorption in older adults and may eventually lead to the development of pernicious anemia?

low secretions of hydrochloric acid low levels of intrinsic factor

Which of the following best explains the fatigue seen in women during pregnancy?

lower concentration of RBCs in the blood stream

is the practice of eating nonfood items.


True or false: Illicit drug use during pregnancy is harmful to the fetus.


How many calories are required for production of milk?


What are some helpful strategies to elicit positive eating behaviors in children?

Eat meals together as a family as often as possible. Offer a variety of healthy foods each day.

Minor swelling of the hands and feet, known as , is a common condition during pregnancy.


What do pediatricians recommend as the first solid food?

infant rice cereal

Pregnancy is often divided into three 13-14 week periods referred to as


How should parents foster positive eating behaviors in children?

Avoid nagging or bribing children to eat. Provide a variety of healthy foods every day.

Choose healthy approaches to treating childhood obesity.

Balance calorie intake with physical activity without slowing normal growth. Encourage more physical activity. Maintain weight rather than losing weight.

Which of the following is true about infant formula and breast milk?

Formula manufacturers have been unable to duplicate antibodies and other unique immune system factors in breast milk.

Why is colostrum such a good first food for babies?

It supports the growth of a type of bacteria that is helpful in the infant's digestive tract. It contains antibodies.

Which statement is true about snacking?

Snacking can be part of an overall healthy diet.

Who is at risk of having an iron deficiency?

adolescent boys during growth spurt girls with heavy menstrual blood losses

Choose healthy, nutrient-dense food choices a woman could make during pregnancy.

eating a bowl of enriched whole-grain cereal drinking an additional cup of fat-free milk

Which health problems are associated with childhood obesity?

elevated blood pressure elevated blood glucose levels

True or false: Human milk production requires an additional 500 kcal per day.


The stage of life between conception and birth, when you are pregnant is called the

prenatal period

A baby born prior to the 37th week of pregnancy is considered _____.


An inadequate intake of ______ can lead to neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.


What are common nutrition-related problems that affect preschool children?

food allergies dental caries iron deficiency obesity

Please rank the stages of development starting from conception and ending at birth.

1. ovum 2. embryo 3. fetus

A typical weight gain of about _____ pound(s) per month is typical during the second and third trimesters.

3 to 4

The "oldest old" -- those who are ______ years of age or older -- comprise one of the fastest-growing segments of the US population.


Childhood obesity is defined by exhibiting a BMI-for-age at or above the______.

95th %

What is the trend in food intake as the baby progresses from infancy to childhood?

Food intake proportionately decreases from infancy to childhood.

What is the term for the potential oldest age a person can reach?

Life span

Ideally, women of childbearing age should take steps to ensure good health prior to becoming pregnant.


What contributes to weight gain that occurs during pregnancy?

amniotic fluid placenta fetus

Which of the following is helpful for controlling mild morning sickness?

avoiding odors and foods that trigger nausea avoiding fried or greasy foods

The time to remedy faulty lifestyle practices and increase chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby is ______ pregnancy.


How can community leaders support ways to increase physical activity for children?

build playgrounds promote supervised recreational sports activities provide safe parks

Decreased energy needs in the older adult may be attributed to a(n)______.

decrease in basal metabolism decrease in strength

Meeting micronutrient needs, which are often higher than those of younger individuals, while eating less food requires older adults to eat food that is nutrient ____________.


The placenta ______ filter many microbes and toxic substances, such as alcohol and nicotine, from the mother's blood.

does not

Environmental factors that contribute to childhood obesity include______.

easy access to empty-calorie foods large portion sizes in vending machines lack of set times for physical activity in schools

Normal physiological changes that occur with aging include______.

graying hair wrinkling of skin reduced saliva and gastric acid secretion

Children who eat breakfast regularly are more likely to______.

have healthier diets have healthier body weight

Which dietary factor contributes the most to inadequate calcium consumption among teenagers?

increased consumption of soft drinks

A deficiency of _____ can lead to decreased physical stamina, reduced learning ability, and lowered resistance to infection in children.


As a pregnant woman's blood volume increases, her need for _____ increases because her body must use the nutrient to make more hemoglobin for the extra red blood cells.


Due to heavy menstrual blood losses, adolescent girls may be prone to ______ deficiency.


If women fail to meet their iron needs during pregnancy, they can develop _____.

iron deficiency anemia

The stage of life when you are producing milk for breastfeeding is called______.


Factors that influence an older person's nutritional status include______.

medications low income illness

Recommendations to reduce the likelihood of obesity in preschool-age children include______.

new mothers should breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months communities should provide opportunities for physical activity

What is the energy requirement during the first trimester?

no change from the nonpregnant EER

A pregnant woman should obtain the extra calories she needs by eating foods that are______.


Adolescents who rely heavily on energy-dense foods purchased at fast-food restaurants or vending machines may be setting themselves up for______.

obesity type 2 diabetes heart disease

An inadequate intake of calcium during adolescence puts a person at increased risk for ______.


Slowing the rate of weight gain in obese children can be accomplished by balancing the calories children consume with the calories they use for______.

physical activity their need for growth

Low birth weight is associated with births and includes a weight of less than pounds.

preterm, 5 1/2

The pregnant woman's pituitary gland secretes to stimulate the development of milk-producing tissue in the breasts.


What are the two primary hormones involved in the "let down" reflex?

prolactin oxytocin

Which of the following foods should not be fed to infants?

raw carrots goat's milk whole nuts

The declining organ function and increased vulnerability to disease that occurs as a person ages is called______.


BMIs for children are plotted on growth charts that are specific for _____.


The treatment goal for managing overweight and obese children is to __________ the rate of weight gain without interfering with normal growth and development.


The potential oldest age a person can reach is referred to as life


Recommended activities generally considered safe during pregnancy include______.

swimming walking

At which life stage do people establish their future eating habits and physical activity practices?


Public health measures to prevent childhood obesity focus on modifying______.

the environment

Why is folate so important during pregnancy?

to support rapid cell division

True or false: No single factor is responsible for childhood obesity.


Choose the foods that are not appropriate to feed an infant.

unpasteurized milk soft drinks honey

What organ protects and supports growth of the developing fetus during gestation?


is the female organ that protects the developing fetus during gestation.


A lactating mother who is a vegan should consider supplementing the infant's diet with______.

vitamin B-12

Fatigue experienced during pregnancy usually resolves by the end of the______.


The most critical time period for potential problems to occur during pregnancy as a result of exposure to toxic compounds and nutrient deficiencies or excesses is during the _____ trimester.


When is the most critical time period for potential problems to occur during pregnancy?


What is the recommended weight gain for a pregnant women whose prepregnancy BMI category was considered a healthy weight?

25 to 35 pounds

When are babies physically mature enough to consume solid foods?

4 to 6 months of age

Human milk is sufficient to meet all the nutrient needs of the infant for the first _____ months of life.


Registered dietitian nutritionists and pediatricians generally recommend that new mothers breastfeed their healthy infants exclusively for about


The initial form of breast milk that is a yellowish fluid is called


Inadequate calorie and protein intake is a common food-related problem that affects children.


Choose reasons why cow's milk is not a good choice to feed infants.

It does not contain enough essential fatty acids. Infants have difficulty digesting casein, the major protein in cow's milk. It is too high in calcium, sodium, and potassium.

Advantages of breastfeeding for the new mother include _____.

easier to lose extra body fat gained during pregnancy

What are some things women with morning sickness can do to reduce nausea?

eating crackers drinking water

What factors contribute to constipation in pregnant women?

Placental hormones slow peristalsis.

True or false: The term morning sickness is misleading because the queasy feeling associated with morning sickness can occur at any time of the day.


High levels of certain hormones during pregnancy can cause tissues to retain fluid, causing swelling of the hands and feet. What is the term used for this minor swelling?


A child physically changes into an adult during the life stage.


Which of the following are advantages of breastfeeding?

always fresh requires no mixing, bottling, or warming

Choose the habits men and women should follow when planning a pregnancy.

avoid harmful drugs consume a nutritionally optimal diet achieve and maintain a healthy BMI

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases the risk of having a baby with______.

fetal alcohol syndrome

Eight weeks after conception and up until birth, the developing human being is called a


Nutrition-related complications associated with pregnancy (e.g., extreme tiredness, heartburn) usually resolve within a _____.

few months

The best way to reduce constipation during pregnancy is to consume adequate amounts of______.

fiber fluid

Cow's milk is not recommended for infants because they have more difficulty digesting its major protein, _____, than digesting the major proteins in human milk.


The first fluid produced by the new mother's breasts is called


Nutrition-related signs of pregnancy include _____.

constipation morning sickness extreme tiredness

Babies are at increased risk for dental when placed in a crib with a bottle filled with juice or milk.


An infant _____ its birth weight within the first 4 to 6 months and _____ its birth weight by age one.

doubles; triples

Cell division requires , which is one of the reasons why the RDA for this vitamin increases so much during pregnancy and why it is a recommended supplement for women of childbearing age.


A form of diabetes that develops during pregnancy and typically goes away shortly after the baby's birth is called

gestational diabetes

Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes have a greater increase of______.

having babies that die of SIDS having babies with birth defects having low-birth-weight babies

As the fetus grows, the uterus pushes upward in the mother's abdominal cavity, applying pressure on her stomach and causing


Stomach acid spilling from the stomach into the esophagus causes _____.


Why is the intake of some fish limited during pregnancy?

high levels of mercury

Maternal use of ______ during pregnancy can harm the fetus.

illegal drugs herbal supplements certain prescription medications

Which of the following are benefits of physical activity during pregnancy?

improved strength enhanced muscle tone reduced edema

What are the adverse health effects associated with iron-deficiency anemia in children?

lowered resistance to disease decrease in learning ability decrease in stamina

Pregnant women who have a folate deficiency have a high risk of giving birth to infants with _____.

neural tube defects

High-birth-weight babies have a higher risk of _____.

obesity diabetes hypertension

Choose factors that can interfere with a man's production of healthy sperm.

obesity excess alcohol consumption use of nicotine and other drugs

During pregnancy, the expectant mother nourishes her fetus through the , the organ of pregnancy that connects the uterus to the fetus via the umbilical cord.


What organ provides nourishment to the fetus by transferring nutrients and oxygen from the mother's bloodstream and removing wastes from the fetus?


What hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, stimulates the development of milk-producing tissue in the breast?


As a result of placental hormone production, intestinal movements during pregnancy often______.

slow down

What are some examples of cravings commonly experienced with pica?

soil (clay) chalk laundry starch

Choose the major signs and symptoms of preeclampsia.

trouble breathing edema and protein in urine sudden weight gain persistent headache and vision problems very high blood pressure

What are the characteristics of the fetus as the second trimester begins?

weighs about an ounce about 2.5 - 3.0 inches long fully formed arms, legs, feet, and toes

Who is at risk for delivering low-birth-weight infants?

women under 15 years of age women from 45 to 54 years of age smokers

The foundation of an infant's diet should be human milk or iron-fortified infant formula during the first ______.


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