Chapter 14 Learn Smart Power, Influence, Leadership

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The ___ leadership approach asserts that leadership behavior varies across a wide number of leadership styles, ranging from take-no-responsibility leadership to transformational leadership.

full-range leadership, suggests that leadership behavior varies along a full range of leadership styles, from passive (laissez-faire) "leadership" at one extreme, through transactional leadership, to transformational leadership at the other extreme

Trina never disagrees with what her manager asks her to do on a project even if she thinks there is a better way to do the job. Which type of follower does Trina represent?


Which of the following leadership models are categorized as situational approaches to leadership?

+ House's path-goal model + Fiedler's contingency model NOT transformational leadership model, charismatic leadership model

Which of the following are characteristics of being a leader, rather than a manger?

+ inspiring others + being a visionary + providing emotional support NOT putting customers first, being conscientious, managing resources

Which of the following are employee characteristics identified in Hourse's path-goal leadership model?

+ locus of control + task ability + need for achievement + experience + need for path-goal clarity NOT emotional intelligence, self-efficacy

Which of the following would be categorized as relationship-oriented behaviors?

- consideration - empowering leadership - ethical leadership - servant leadership NOT transactional leadership, intiating-structure behavior

Steve docks an employee's pay when he comes in late for work for the second time in a week. Steve is demonstrating ___ power.

Coercive power, which all managers have, results from managers' authority to punish their subordinates. Punishment can range from verbal or written reprimands to demotions to terminations. In some lines of work, fines and suspensions may be used. Coercive power has to be used judiciously, of course, since a manager who is seen as being constantly negative will produce a lot of resentment among employees.

Trina is the "go-to gal" when anyone in the office has problems with the computer system. She knows more about the system than anyone else, and no matter what the problem is, she can fix it. Trina has ___ power.

Expert power is power resulting from one's specialized information or expertise. Expertise, or special knowledge, can be mundane, such as knowing the work schedules and assignments of the people who report to you. Or it can be sophisticated, such as having computer or medical knowledge.

Which of the following is the type of follower that is the least compliant with a leader?

Followers vary, of course, in their level of compliance with a leader, with helpers (most compliant) showing deference to their leaders, independents (less compliant) distancing themselves, and rebels (least compliant) showing divergence.

Which of the following are the two factors influencing transformational leaders?

Individual characteristics. The personalities of such leaders tend to be more extroverted, agreeable, proactive, and open to change than nontransformational leaders. (Female leaders tend to use transformational leadership more than male leaders do.) Organizational culture. Adaptive, flexible organizational cultures are more likely than are rigid, bureaucratic cultures to foster transformational leadership.

Conscious efforts to affect and change behaviors in others are known as ___ tactics.

Influence tactics are conscious efforts to affect and change behaviors in others.

A manager who exhibits ___ behavior will pay more attention to production costs than employee morale.

Initiating-structure leadership is leader behavior that organizes and defines—that is, "initiates the structure for"—what employees should be doing to maximize output. Clearly, this is a very task-oriented approach.

Which of the following are ...

Inspirational Motivation: "Let Me Share a Vision That Transcends Us All" 2. Idealized Influence: "We Are Here to Do the Right Thing" 3. Individualized Consideration: "You Have the Opportunity Here to Grow and Excel" 4. Intellectual Stimulation: "Let Me Describe the Great Challenges We Can Conquer Together"

According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, which component of situational control is deemed as the MOST important?

Leader-member relations—"Do my subordinates accept me as a leader?" This dimension, the most important component of situational control, reflects the extent to which a leader has or doesn't have the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group.

___ create an organization's vision and strategic plan, and ___ implement that vision and plan.

Leaders also play a key role in creating a vision and strategic plan for an organization. Managers, in turn, are charged with implementing the vision and plan.

The ability to

Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.

As shift supervisor, Cassandra developed the schedule for the day indicating which of her staff would be doing which job. The staff follows this schedule because of Cassandra's ___ power.

Legitimate power, which all managers have, is power that results from managers' formal positions within the organization. All managers have legitimate power over their employees, deriving from their position, whether it's a construction boss, ad account supervisor, sales manager, or CEO. This power may be exerted both positively or negatively—as praise or as criticism, for example.

Ted is intent on winning at any cost. He is willing to manipulate or undercut others to do so because he believes that the end always justifies the means. Which negative trait would best describe his behavior?

Machiavellianism. Inspired by the pessimistic beliefs of Niccolò Machiavelli, a philosopher and writer (The Prince) in the Italian Renaissance, Machiavellianism (pronounced "mah-kyah-vel-yahn-izm") displays a cynical view of human nature and condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people, putting results over principles. This view is manifested in such expressions as "All people lie to get what they want" and "You have to cheat to get ahead." Like narcissism, Machiavellianism is also associated with counterproductive work behaviors, especially as people begin to understand that they are being coldly manipulated.

Under Fiedler's model, the level of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called ___ control.

Once the leadership orientation is known, then you determine situational control—how much control and influence a leader has in the immediate work environment.

According to the LMX model, in an ___-group exchange, leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate.

Out-group exchange: lack of trust and respect. In the out-group exchange, leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate. Subordinates receive less of the manager's time and attention than those in in-group exchange relationships.

Which of the following managers is displaying a passive leadership style?

Parul knew her staff was having problems generating reports but didn't do anything about it until the president demanded the finished report.

___ is the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done.

Power is the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done. Defined this way, power is all about influencing others. The more influence you have, the more powerful you are, and vice versa.

Which leadership model examines the quality of relationships between managers and subordinates and suggests that leaders have different relationships with different subordinates?

Proposed by George Graen and Fred Dansereau, the leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates. the LMX model looks at the quality of relationships between managers and subordinates. Also, unlike other models, which presuppose stable relationships between leaders and followers, the LMX model assumes each manager-subordinate relationship is unique.

Which of the following is NOT considered a "soft" influence tactic?

coalition tactics

Brandon has earned the trust and respect of his staff by consistently modeling the positive behaviors he expects from them. What type of power does this describe?

Referent power is power deriving from one's personal attraction.

In order to be effective, a person employing influence tactics should do which of the following?

Rely on the core. Core influence tactics—rational persuasion, consultation, collaboration, and inspirational appeals—are most effective at building commitment. Be authentic. Don't try to be someone else. Be authentic to your values and beliefs. Consult rather than legitimate. Some employees are more apt to accept change when managers rely on a consultative strategy and are more likely to resist change when managers use a legitimating tactic. "Glad handing" is not a good long-term strategy. Ingratiation improved short-term sales goal achievement but reduced it in the long term in a study of salespeople. Glad handing may help today's sales but not tomorrow's. Be subtle. Subtle flattery and agreement with the other person's opinion (both forms of ingratiation) were shown to increase the likelihood that executives would win recommendation to sit on boards of directors. Learn to influence. Research with corporate managers of a supermarket chain showed that influence tactics can be taught and learned. Managers who received 360-degree feedback on two occasions regarding their influence tactics showed an increased use of core influence tactics. You'll need to understand and effectively apply a range of influence tactics to be effective. But you can learn and improve influence tactics to move resisters to compliance and move those who are compliant to commitment.

At the completion of a long project, Alleen gives her assistant a day off with pay to acknowledge all of his hard work. This is an example of ___ power.

Reward power, which all managers have, is power that results from managers' authority to reward their subordinates. Rewards can range from praise to pay raises, from recognition to promotions.

A servant leader would display which of the following characteristics?

Servant-leadership focuses on providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to oneself. Focus on listening Ability to empathize with others' feelings Focus on healing suffering Self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses Use of persuasion rather than positional authority to influence others Broad-based conceptual thinking Ability to foresee future outcomes Believe they are stewards of their employees and resources Commitment to the growth of people Drive to build community within and outside the organization

According to research findings, followers seek and admire leaders who create feelings of which of the following?

Significance. Such leaders make followers feel that what they do at work is important and meaningful. Community. These leaders create a sense of unity that encourages followers to treat others with respect and to work together in pursuit of organizational goals. Excitement. The leaders make people feel energetic and engaged at work

Leadership behavior is described as either task-oriented, raltionsjip-oriented, passive, or

The center of the model shows this outcome is influenced by four types of leadership behavior: task-oriented, relationship-oriented, passive, and transformational.

Fiedler's ___ leadership model is determined by whether a leader's style is task-oriented or relationship-oriented, and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.

The contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand. Fiedler's work was based on 80 studies conducted over 30 years.

According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, which two of the following are seen as leader orientations or styles?

The contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand. Fiedler's work was based on 80 studies conducted over 30 years.

Based upon the text, which of the following are accurate statements concerning the desirable traits of women who excel as executives?

The increase in the number of of women in the workforce has generated much interest in understanding the similarities and differences between female and male leaders. Research reveals the following four conclusions: Men were observed to display more task leadership and women more relationship leadership. Women used a more democratic or participative style than men, and men used a more autocratic and directive style. Female leadership was associated with more cohesion, cooperative learning, and participative communication among team members. Peers, managers, direct reports, and judges/trained observers rated women executives as more effective than men. Men also rated themselves as more effective than women evaluated themselves. NOT women display more task leadership than men.

Identify forms of task-oriented leadership behaviors.

The primary purpose of task-oriented leadership behaviors is to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization. Examples of task-oriented behaviors are planning, clarifying, monitoring, and problem solving. However, two kinds are particularly important: (1) initiating-structure leadership and (2) transactional leadership.

Research demonstrates that transformational leadership yields positive results in several areas, including which of the following?

The research shows that transformational leadership yields many positive outcomes. For example, it is positively associated with (1) measures of organizational effectiveness; (2) measures of leadership effectiveness and employee job satisfaction; (3) more employee identification with their leaders and with their immediate work groups; (4) commitment to organizational change; and (5) higher levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion, work engagement, setting of goals consistent with those of the leader, and proactive behavior. Emloyees also are less likely to quit when their manager displays transformational leadership. NOT employee individualism and enhanced workforce identification.

Which are ...

There have not been enough direct tests of House's revised path-goal theory using appropriate research methods and statistical procedures to draw overall conclusions. Research on transformational leadership, however, is supportive of the revised model. Although further research is needed on the new model, it offers three important implications for managers: Use more than one leadership style. Effective leaders possess and use more than one style of leadership. Thus, you are encouraged to study the eight styles offered in path-goal theory so that you can try new leader behaviors when a situation calls for them. Help employees achieve their goals. Leaders should guide and coach employees in achieving their goals by clarifying the path and removing obstacles to accomplishing them. Modify leadership style to fit employee and task characteristics. A small set of employee characteristics (ability, experience, and need for independence) and environmental factors (task characteristics of autonomy, variety, and significance) are relevant contingency factors, and managers should modify their leadership style to fit them.

Which of the following are four conclusions we can draw from trait theory?

Trait theory offers us four conclusions. We cannot ignore the implications of leadership traits. Traits play a central role in the way we perceive leaders, and they do ultimately affect leadership effectiveness. For instance, focus, confidence, transparency, and integrity were among the top traits listed in a survey of current business leaders, along with patience, openness, and generosity. More specifically, many companies attempt to define leadership traits important for their context. The Cardiac Rhythm Disease Management Group within Medtronic Inc., for example, identified nine types of traits and skills necessary for leaders (such as giving clear performance feedback and being courageous). The company then designed a leadership development program to help its employees learn and apply these traits. The positive and "dark triad" traits suggest the qualities you should cultivate and avoid if you want to assume a leadership role in the future. Elon Musk, founder of electric car manufacturer Tesla, is widely admired for his vision and daring but admits to being a micro manager to an extreme degree. Limiting employees' freedom in this way is generally viewed as a negative quality in a leader. Personality tests and other trait assessments can help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses on these traits. The website for this book contains a host of tests you can take for this purpose. Organizations may want to include personality and trait assessments in their selection and evaluation processes. For example, Cisco's UK leader, Vice President Eleanor Cavanagh-Lomas, uses "data analytics," an algorithm designed to assess her management team's individual strengths based on a brief multiple-choice self-assessment test. The app suggests how each person works best and how to motivate him or her. A global mind-set is an increasingly valued task-oriented trait. As more companies expand their international operations and hire more culturally diverse people for domestic operations in the United States, they want to enhance employees' global mind-set.47 A global mind-set is your belief in your ability to influence dissimilar others in a global context.

The perceived value of the ___ approach to leadership is that it may help an organization identify distinctive attitudes and characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders.

Traits play a central role in how we perceive leaders, and they ultimately affect leadership effectiveness.

Transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things while ___ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things.

Transformational leadership transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests. encourage their people to do exceptional things—significantly higher levels of intrinsic motivation, trust, commitment, and loyalty—that can produce significant organizational change and results.

When situational control is moderate, which of the following is the optimal leadership style according to Fiedler's contingency leadership model?

When relationship-oriented style is best. The relationship-oriented style works best in situations of moderate control. Example: Suppose you were working in a government job supervising a group of firefighters fighting wildfires. You might have (1) low leader-member relations if you are promoted over others in the group but (2) high task structure, because the job is fairly well defined. (3) You might have low position power, because the rigidity of the civil-service job prohibits you from doing much in the way of rewarding and punishing. Thus, in this moderate-control situation, relationship-oriented leadership would be most effective.

A ___-control situation is one in which a leaders decisions can't produce predictable results because he or she can't really influence outcomes.

When task-oriented style is best. The task-oriented style works best in either high-control or low-control situations. You might have (1) low leader-member relations because many people might not see the need for the goal. (2) The task structure might also be low because people might see many different ways to achieve the goal. And (3) your position power would be low because the committee is voluntary and people are free to leave. In this low-control situation, a task-oriented style would also be best.

Angi calls her team into a meeting to announce that they've been assigned a new project. "This project is going to be demanding, but you're the best and the brightest this company has to offer and I know you're up for the challenge." Which style of leader behavior identified by the path-goal theory does this BEST describe?

achievement oriented

Trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideal, or values is called ___.

an inspirational appeal. NOT an ingratiating tactic.

The ___ approach to leadership attempts to determine the actions and behaviors that effective leaders engage in when interacting with others.

behavioral leadership approaches, which attempt to determine the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders. These approaches can be divided into four categories: Task-oriented behavior. Relationship-oriented behavior. Passive behavior. Transformational behavior

A leader who displays an interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support is demonstrating ___.


Vanessa wants the company to offer healthier food options in the vending machines, so she circulates a petition to be signed by other employees before presenting it to management. What type of influence tactic is Vanessa using?

coalition tactics

___ is leader behavior that is focused primarily on group members' needs and desires and directed at creating mutual respect or trust.


Susan was able to get Steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on the design. This is an example of ___ influence tactic.


"You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" BEST describes the influence tactic known as

exchange tactics

A realtively stable trait that is grounded in the belief that something greater than the self exists is called ___.

humility Humble leaders tend to display five key qualities valued by employees: high self-awareness, openness to feedback, appreciation of others, low self-focus, and appreciation of the greater good

A relatively stable trait that is grounded in the belief that something greater than the self exists is called ___.


Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request is an example of what kind of influence tactic?


The quote "Flattery will get you everywhere" demonstrates the effectiveness of which influence tactic?

ingratiation personal appeals refer to friendship and loyalty when making a request

President Obama's famous quote, "We are the change that we week" BEST demonstrates which persuasion tactic?

inspirational appeal

A "hands-off" leadership style in which the leader allows subordinates to make decisions and gives them the least possible guidance is known as a __ leadership.


A sales engineer tells a potential client, "This is state-of-the-art technology and it will streamline your inventory process." What form of persuasion is the sales engineer using?

rational persuasion

Natalie loves her work at the shoes production facility, She is inspired by the company because for every pair of shoes someone buys, the company gives a pair of shoes to a child in need. What type of leadership is this company providing that empowers Natalie?

leading to meaningfulness

Saying, "This has been green-lights at the highest level," is an example of persuasion using which influence tactic?


Basing a request on one's right or authority, organizational rule or policies, or express or implied support from superiors is known as ___ tactics.

legitimating; Basing a request on authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or explicit/implied support from superiors NOT pressure

The ___ model holds that an effective leader makes desirable rewards available to workers, and increases workers' motivation by clearly outlining the behavior that will help them achieve those goals and rewards.

path-goal leadership model, which holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support.

Power directed at helping yourself and furthering your own ends rather than those of others or the organization is called:

personalized power—power directed at helping oneself—as a way of enhancing their own selfish ends may give the word power a bad name.

Within situational control, the power to make work assignments and reward and punish is called ___ power.

position power

Using demands, threats, or intimidation to gain compliance is an example of persuasion using ___.

pressure tactics

The situational approach to leadership is also known as the ___ approach.

situational approach (or contingency approach) to leadership, who believe that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand.

Power directed at helping others, as opposed to help oneself, is known as ___ power.

socialized power - power directed at helping others.

According to Fiedler, the dimension of situational control referred to as task ___ is the extent to which subordinates perform ambiguous, easily understood, routine tasks.


Leadership depends on ___

the situation at hand.

Attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders are called the ___ approaches to leadership.

trait approaches to leadership, which attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders.

Leadership that focuses on clarifying the employees' roles, explaining task requirements, and providing rewards or punishments based on performance is called ___ leadership.

transactional leadership, focusing on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance. As with initiating-structure leadership, transactional leadership also encompasses setting goals and monitoring progress.`

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