Chapter 14 Management, Motivation, and Leadership: Bringing Business to Life

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What's involves in strategic planning?

In strategic planning, you have to define the mission, evaluate your competitive position, set your goals, create your strategies, implement your strategies, and evaluate your results and incorporate lessons learned.

Democratic leaders

Leaders who share power with their followers while they still make final decisions. they typically solicit and incorporate input from their followers.

What are the needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Self-actualization, safety, social (belonging), esteem, and physiological.

What factors are included in job enrichment?

Skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback.

What are the 3 most effective goals when creating a strategic plan?

Specific and Measurable, Tied to a Time Frame, and Realistic but Challenging.

Autocratic leaders

leaders who hoard decision-making power for themselves and typically issue orders without consulting their followers.

Free-rein leaders

leaders who wet objectives for their followers but give them freedom to choose how they will accomplish those goals.

What the 3 organizational models?

line organization, line-and-staff organization, and matrix organizations.

first-line (supervisory) management

managers who directly supervise nonmanagement employees.

top management

managers who set the overall direction of the firm, articulating a vision, establishing priorities, and allocating time, money, and other resources.

middle management

managers who supervise lower- level mangers and report to a higher-level manager.

line managers

managers who supervise the functions that contribute directly to profitability: production and marketing.

staff managers

managers who supervise the functions that provide advice and assistance to line departments.


monitoring performance and making adjustments as needed

tactical planning

more specific, shorter-term planning that applies strategic plans to specific functional areas.

line organization

organizations with a clear, simple, chain of command from the top to bottom.

matrix organizations

organizations with a flexible structure that brings together specialists from different areas of the company to work on individual projects on a temporary basis.

line-and-staff organization

organizations with line managers forming the primary chain of authority in the company, and staff departments working alongside line departments.

contingency planning

planning for unexpected events, usually involving a range of scenarios and assumptions that differ from the assumptions behind the core plans.

conceptual skills

the ability to grasp a big-picture view of the over-all organization, the relationships among its various parts, and its fit in the broader competitive environment.

human skills

the ability to work effectively with and through other people in a range of different relationships.

job enrichment

the creation of jobs with more meaningful content, under the assumption that challenging, creative work will motivate employees.


the definition of an organization's purpose, values, and core goals, which provides the framework for all other plans.


the division of workers into logical groups.

degree of centralization

the extent to which decision-making power is held by a small number of people at the top of the organization.

What are the three basic levels of management?

top management, middle management, and first-line (or supervisory) management.

operational planning

very specific short-term planning that applies tactical plans to daily, weekly, and monthly operations.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

A motivation theory that suggests that human needs fall into a hierarchy and that as each need is met, people become motivated to meet the next-highest need in the pyramid.

Theory X and Theory Y

A motivation theory that suggests that management attitudes toward workers fall into two opposing categories based on management assumptions about worker capabilities and values.

organization chart

A visual representation of the company's formal structure.

What are the three main leadership styles?

Autocratic leaders, Democratic Leaders, and Free-rein leaders.

What are the 3 main categories of management skills?

Technical skills, Human skills, and conceptual skills.

expectancy theory

a motivation theory that concerns the relationship among individual effort, individual performance, and individual rewards.

equity theory

a motivation theory that proposes that perceptions of fairness directly affect worker motivation.

SWOT analysis

a strategic planning tool that helps management evaluate an organization in terms of internal strengths and weakness, and external opportunities and threats.


achieving the goals of an organization through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources including people, money, and time.


action plans that help the organization achieve its goals by forging the best fit between the firm and the environment.

Strategic goals

concrete benchmarks that managers can use to measure performance in each key area of the organization.


determining a structure for both individual jobs and the overall organization.


determining organizational goals and action plans for how to achieve those goals.


directing and motivating people to achieve organizational goals.

What are the three key steps in control process?

establish clear performance standards, measure actual performance against standards, and take corrective action if necessary.

technical skills

expertise in a specific functional area or department.

What are the different ways to departmentalize?

functional, product, geographical, and process.

strategic planning

high-level, long term planning that establishes a vision for the company, defines long term objectives and priorities, determines broad action steps, and allocates resources.

span of control

span of management; refers to the number of people a manager supervises.

What are the 4 types of managerial planning?

strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning, and contingency planning.

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