Chapter 14 Micro

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Humoral immunity involves ______, while _____ function in cell-mediated immunity.

B cells/T cells

Which type of white blood cell is particularly attracted to sites of parasitic worm infections?


The lymphoid tissues of the intestinal tract are collectively referred to as ______.


Place the following cells in order from greatest to least phagocytic activity: neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages.

Macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils

What type of molecules act to draw phagocytes to foreign substances?


All of the following are physical barriers to pathogens, except ______.

T cells

Mycobacterium tuberculosis has chemicals in its cell wall that inhibit the fusion of phagocytic vacuoles with lysosomes. Which statement is true?

The bacterium can survive and replicate inside of the phagocytic cell

Which gland shrinks in size during adulthood and has hormones that function in maturation of T lymphocytes?


The main function of the mononuclear phagocyte system is to provide______.

a connection between tissues and organs

If an individual has a genetic disorder whereby they lack the ability to make complement protein C3, the likely consequence is______.

a higher incidence or bacterial and viral infections

The membrane attack stage of the complement cascade involves______.

a ring-shaped protein digesting holes in bacterial cell membranes and virus envelopes

A properly functioning immune system is responsible for______.

all of the choices are correct

Lysozyme is found in ______. .

all of the choices are correct

Nonspecific chemical defenses include _______.

all of the choices are correct


all of the choices are correct

Which of the following is a chemical used by phagocytes to destroy ingested foreign substances?

all of these choices are used

All of the following comprise the second line of defense except ______.

antibody production

You cut your finger dicing chicken for dinner. Which of the following is not a source of chemicals that stimulate the inflammatory response that results from the injury?

antibody-producing plasma cells

The term _____ is given to any foreign substance that stimulates a specific immune system response.


The least numerous of all white blood cells that release histamine during inflammation and allergic reactions are ______.


Which of the following is not a chief function of inflammation?

cause a fever

A person will typically experience the sensation of _____ when fever is starting to occur in the body.


The four classic signs and symptoms of inflammation include all of the following except ______.


Microbial antagonism is the______.

competition for nutrients, oxygen, and space between the resident microbiota and potential pathogens

The mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) is an intricate network throughout the body that comprises______.

connective tissue fibers and phagocytic white blood cells

Keratin is an important aspect of nonspecific defense because it______.

creates a physial barrier against pathogens

A type of monocyte that has long, thin processes to trap pathogens is a/an ______.

dendritic cell

Which of the following is not an event of phagocytosis?


The granules of neutrophils contain ______.

digestive enzymes

The leakage of vascular fluid into tissues is called ______.


The blood cells that function in allergic reactions and inflammation, contain peroxidase and lysozyme, and particularly target parasitic worms and fungi are ______.


A low to moderate fever in an otherwise healthy person should be treated immediately with antipyretic drugs.


B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes mature in the thymus gland.


Complement proteins are produced by the spleen.


Despite not being a physical barrier, the resident microbiota are considered part of the first line of defense since they stimulate inflammation and fever, enhancing pathogen removal.


During phagocytosis, intracellular digestion begins as soon as the phagosome is formed.


Inflammatory responses are orchestrated by the immune system and are part of the body's third line of defense.


Monocytes are the mature form of macrophages, they are found in tissues.


Plasma is also called lymph.


The alternate complement pathway uses complement proteins C1, C2, and C4.


The production of interferon will protect the host cell from a viral infection.


Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils are called ______ because they have prominent cytoplasmic inclusions that appear with identifying, characteristic colors in a stained blood smear.


The granules of basophils contain ______.


Which of the following represents the correct order of activity in the complement cascade?

initiation, amplification, polymerization, and membrane attack

What is the first step in the major events of the inflammatory process?

injury and mast cells releasing chemical mediators

Which protein can be produced by a virus-infected cell, in order to communicate with other cells that need to produce antiviral proteins?


Which of the following fluid compartments is not a partner in immune function?

intracellular fluid

All of the following pertain to interferon except______.

it increases capillary permeability and vasodilation

Each of the following are benefits of fever except______.

it increases the availability of iron

Which of the following is incorrect about complement?

it only appears in the blood during a response to a pathogen

What structures are found along lymphatic vessels and are heavily clustered in the armpit, groin, and neck?

lymph nodes

Which of the following is not a type of phagocyte?


All of the following are granulocytes except _____.


Which white blood cells comprise 20% to 30% of the circulating WBCs and are the cells that function in the body's specific immune system?


The _____ system of blood proteins act to lyse foreign cells and viruses.


The chemical found in tears and saliva that hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan in certain bacterial cell walls is ______.


When monocytes migrate from the blood out to the tissues, they are transformed by inflammatory mediators to develop into ______.


All of the following are events of early inflammation except______.

macrophages appear first and begin phagocytosis

Immune system cells differentiate between self and foreign cells by their ______.


The normal human microbiota is considered part of the first line of defense because______.

microbial antagonism keeps potential pathogens in check

Diapedesis is the _______.

migration of white blood cells from the blood out to the tissues

Which white blood cells comprise 3-7% of circulating WBCs, are phagocytic, and can migrate out into body tissues to differentiate into macrophages?


The most numerous WBCs that have multilobed nuclei and are very phagocytic are ______.


After loading wood into a fireplace, you realize you have gotten a splinter in your finger. Within a short period of time, your finger is painful, red, and swollen, and is warm to the touch. This is an example of ______.

nonspecific resistance

The granules of eosinophils contain ______.


Components of the first line of defense include all of the following, except _______.

phagocytic white blood cells

During what process are hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide produced in order to destroy bacteria and inhibit viral replication?


Each of the following is a term reflecting a process involved in the migration of white blood cells except ______.


Plasma cells______.

produce and secret antibodies

Hematopoiesis is the______.

production of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets

Genetic markers that distinguish a self cell from a foreign invader are typically ______.

proteins or glycoproteins

The circulating substances that affect the hypothalamus and initiate fever are ______.


Which of the following is incorrect about inflammation?

pyrogens cause vasodilation and increased capillary permeability

The body region where a ciliary escalator helps to sweep microbes trapped in mucus away from that body site is the ______.

respiratory tract

Which body region is protected by fatty acids, acidic pH, lactic acid, and a tough cell barrier with its own normal biota?


A patient visits your clinic often with recurrent respiratory infections. Based upon their medical history, it appears they have been an active smoker for over 40 years. Select the statement that most accurately reflects how this information may reveal why the patient is highly susceptible to respiratory pathogens.

smoking can paralyze the ciliary escalator

Which of the following lymphoid organs or tissues has the immunological function of filtering pathogens from the blood?


One of the major differences between the first and second line of defense is that______.

the first line defenses are anatomical barriers where as the second line defenses are mechanisms

Your 81-year-old grandfather has been diagnosed with cancer of the thymus. The doctor is urging surgical removal of the cancer, but you and the family are worried about the consequences of removing an entire organ such as the thymus. Which statement is correct?

there is nothing to worry about, thymus removal will not affect your grandfather's immune status at his age

All of the following pertain to platelets, except______.

they contain hemoglobin to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide

Which of the following is incorrect about blood cells?

they include glial cells

You have severe itching problems when bitten by an insect. Your friend gives you an ointment to spread on your skin around the bite so that the redness and itching do not bother you. The likely mechanism of this medication would be______.

to act as an antagonist of histamine

Certain complement components stimulate inflammation and phagocytosis.


During inflammation, a high neutrophil count is a common sign of bacterial infection.


Endotoxin is an exogenous pyrogen.


Genetic differences among species and within a species can convey genetic immunity to certain diseases.


Interferons do not protect the cell that secretes them.


Monocytes and lymphocytes are agranular leukocytes.


The second line of defense includes inflammation, phagocytosis, fever, and antimicrobial proteins.


Which of the following is mismatched in relation to inflammation?

tumor- cancer

Histamine, serotonin, and bradykinin are all______.

vasoactive mediators

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