chapter 14 psych 5015

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A cluster of traits that includes lack of empathy, lack of remorse, tendency to manipulate other people, superficial charm, egocentricity, deception, and a grandiosely high sense of self-worth.


A defense, common in people with borderline personality disorder, in which individuals perceive others, or themselves, as being all good or all bad, usually resulting in disturbed interpersonal relationships.

antisocial personality disorder

A personality disorder characterized by a lack of regard for society's moral or legal standards and an impulsive and risky lifestyle.

borderline personality disorder (BPD)

A personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of poor impulse control and instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, and sense of self.

histrionic personality disorder

A personality disorder characterized by exaggerated emotional reactions, approaching theatricality, in everyday behavior.

avoidant personality disorder

A personality disorder in which people have low estimation of their social skills and are fearful of disapproval, rejection, and criticism or being ashamed or embarrassed.

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)

A personality disorder involving intense perfectionism and inflexibility manifested in worrying, indecisiveness, and behavioral rigidity.

schizoid personality disorder

A personality disorder primarily characterized by an indifference to social relationships, as well as a limited range of emotional experience and expression.

narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

A personality disorder primarily characterized by an unrealistic, inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of sensitivity to the needs of other people.

schizotypal personality disorder

A personality disorder that primarily involves odd beliefs, behavior, appearance, and interpersonal style. People with this disorder may have bizarre ideas or preoccupations, such as magical thinking and beliefs in psychic phenomena.

dependent personality disorder

A personality disorder whose main characteristic is that the individual is extremely passive and tends to cling to other people, to the point of being unable to make any decisions or to take independent action.

paranoid personality disorder

A personality disorder whose outstanding feature is that the individual is unduly suspicious of others and is always on guard against potential danger or harm.

transference-focused psychotherapy

A treatment for borderline personality disorder that uses the client-clinician relationship as the framework for helping clients achieve greater understanding of their unconscious feelings and motives.

personality disorder

Ingrained patterns of relating to other people, situations, and events involving a rigid and maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior, dating back to adolescence or early adulthood.

emotional dysregulation

Lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions; inability to control the intensity or duration of emotions; unwillingness to experience emotional distress as an aspect of pursuing goals; and inability to engage in goal-directed behaviors when experiencing distress.

dark triad

Personality traits that include psychopathy, extreme self-centeredness, and a tendency to regard other people as objects to be used.

What are the goals of dialectical behavior therapy?

Reduce the frequency of the client's self-destructive acts. Increase the client's ability to handle emotional stress.

vulnerable narcissism

The form of narcissistic personality disorder in which individuals have an internally weak sense of self and so become despondent when they feel that someone who is important to them is humiliating or betraying them.

grandiose narcissism

The form of narcissistic personality disorder in which individuals think of themselves entirely in an inflated and self-aggrandizing way.

Which of the following statements are true about the object relations approach to narcissistic personality disorder

The narcissistic individual develops a false self based on grandiose and unrealistic ideas about their competence. It is seen as a failure to form a cohesive, integrated sense of self.

Which of the following statements are true about the object relations approach to narcissistic personality disorder?

The narcissistic individual develops a false self based on grandiose and unrealistic ideas about their competence. It is seen as a failure to form a cohesive, integrated sense of self.

stress generation

The tendency of people with borderline personality disorder to create stressful situations in their lives as a function of their instability and interpersonal difficulties.

antisocial behavior

The tendency to engage in impulsive and aggressive acts, take risks despite experiencing negative consequences, fail to conform to social or ethical norms, and a history of early behavioral problems or juvenile delinquency.

Which of the following are features of the cognitive-behavioral approach to treating a person with a diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder?

Using graduated exposure to social interaction. Teaching clients to articulate the automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes that interfere with establishing relationships.

personality trait

an enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and others, a pattern that characterizes the majority of a person's interactions and experiences.

Cluster B contains which of the following personality disorders?

borderline histrionic antisocial narcissistic

The personality disorder categories of paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal fall into which cluster of the DSM-5?

cluster A

Cluster C contains which of the following personality disorders?

dependent obsessive-compulsive avoidant

Which of the following are features of schizotypal personality disorder?

difficulty forming accurate perceptions and cognitions restricted affect eccentric ideas unusual beliefs and experiences

Which best summarizes the cognitive-behavioral perspective on the causes of avoidant personality disorder?

hypersensitivity to shame

DSM-5 diagnostic criteria require that a person's behavior patterns must fit at least two of which of the following areas in order to receive a diagnosis of a personality disorder?

interpersonal functioning impulse control affectivity cognition

Which of the following represent the psychological perspective of borderline personality disorder?

lack of emotional regulation inability to withstand distress avoidance of emotionally uncomfortable situations

Constanza has been diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder. Which of the following might be some of her symptoms?

lack of remorse or regret failure to conform to social norms manipulativeness

Which of the following are features of schizoid personality disorder?

lack of sexual involvement limited range of emotional expression

social anxiety

less severe form of avoidant personality disorder

Which of the following is a treatment for borderline personality disorder that helps clients identify their feelings and assist them in gaining control over problematic thinking and the feelings that go with it?

mentalization therapy

Which of the following is a treatment for borderline personality disorder that uses the client-clinician relationship as the framework for helping clients achieve a greater understanding of their unconscious feelings and motives?

transference-focused psychotherapy

A diagnosis of borderline personality disorder involves which of the following behaviors?

unstable and intense relationships difficulty controlling anger chronic feelings of emptiness

dialectical behavior therapy

was developed by Marsha Linehan for use with people diagnosed with BPD.

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