Chapter 14- The News Media

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What are two major concerns that arise from the increasing use of experts?

- It is unclear how to measure expert's objectives (Many have ties to major candidates), and some may weaken democratic deliberation.

What is "On the record"? What is "off the record"? What is "on background"? What is "deep background"?

- "On the record" is information provided to a jorunalist that can be released and be attributed by name to the source. - "Off the record" is information provided to a journalist that will not be released to the public. - "On background" is information provided to a journalist that will not be attributed to a named source. - "Deep background" is information provided to a journalist that will not be attributed to any source.

What is a press release? What is a press briefing? What is a press conference?

- A press release is a document offering an official comment or position. - A press briefing is a relatively restricted session between a press secretary or aide and the press. - A press conference is an unrestricted session between an elected official and the press.

What are citizen journalists? How do citizen journalists reach their audiences? What are the benefits of citizen journalists?

- Citizen journalists are ordinary individuals who collect, report, and analyze news content. - Most citizen journalists use the internet. Local news and political blogs focus more on niche issues. - Citizen journalists are beneficial because it is cheaper to use them, rather than hiring reporters. It gives more instantaneous coverage

What are content regulations? What is the Equal Time Rule? What were the pieces of legislation used to limit online piracy?

- Content regulations are limitations on the substance of the mass media. - The Equal Time Rule requires broadcast stations to sell their airtime equally to all candidates in a political campaign if they choose to sell any. - The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) were passed to limit online piracy.

What are transformations that define news media? What does media news coverage rely on?

- Growth in corporate ownership, media consildation, narrowcasting, and infotainment. - Media news coverage relies on subject-matter experts and the average citizen.

What is infotainment? What are examples of infotainment?

- Infotainment is TV programming that blends political news/information with entertainment. - Examples of infotaiment are late night comedy shows, day time talk shows, and comedy news shows.

What is mass media? What are forms of mass media? Why is mass media an important tool?

- Mass Media is the array of organizations through which information is collected and disseminated to the general public. - Mass Media inculdes print sources, movies, TV, radio, and internet based materials. - Mass Media is an important tool because it entertains and educates the public, reflects society, and it shows how the citizens view American culture and politics.

What are media effects? What is agenda setting? What is framing?

- Media effects are the influence of news sources on public oppinnion. - Agenda setting is the process of forming the list of issues to be addressed by government. - Framing is the process by which news organizations defines a political issue and consquently affects opinnion about the issue.

What is narrowcasting? What are examples of narrowcasting? What does narrowcasting promotes?

- Narrowcasting is targeting media programming at specific populations within society. - Fox News has more of conservative viewpoints, while MSNBC has liberal perspective. - Narrowcasting promotes interests specifics to segments of population, and increases the chance of group members will rely on news that appeals to preexisting views.

What is news media? What is the importance of news media?

- News Media provides the public with new information about subjects of public interest. - News Media is important because it informs and influences the public, and affects the direction of public policy.

What is the importance of a press secretary? How do most Presidents choose their press secretaries?

- Press seceretaries are important because they must convince the media the importance of the President's policy descisions and defend any actions made by the executive branch. - Most Presidents choose their press secretaries by choosing someone they are close with that understands their thinking.

What does private ownership ensure? What are the negatives of private ownership? What are risks of consildation of media?

- Private ownership ensures media indepependence. - Brings market pressure to journalism, consildates media ownership, reaps benefits from large market shares. - Risks of media consildation are if it becomes dominated by a few mega-corporations, then they could limit the flow of ideas.

During the twenthieth century, what type of broadcast became the center of homes in the evening? What are the benefits of online media?

- Radio become the center of households. - Online media removes traditional features like journal standards and editors. Also, it is low cost and very accessible.

How does the U.S. government regulate media?

- The U.S. government regulates media by making libel and slander illegal in all cases. The government is not allowed to limit speech or publications. The government is allowed to regulate electronic media (Radio, television).

What was yellow-jorunalism? What was muckraking?

- Yellow-journalism was a newspaper publishing form in the late nineteenth century that featured pictures, comics, colors, and sensationalized news coverage. - Muckraking was a form of journalism in the early twenthieth century devoted to exposing misconduct by the government, business, and individual politicians.

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