chapter 15

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cluster of differentitation receptors are known by the abbreviated " __ receptors "


proteins protruding from the cell membrane of a variety of cells involved in the immune response are termed __ molecules


how many different types of antigens is a specific receptors can be found on the surface of a given lymphocyte


__ are required to present antigen to T cells for activation


specific immunity

Acquired or adaptive immunity: recognize specific agents, adapt/respond and target these agent

__ is the fragement of the antibody that reveals a region for activating or fixing complement


__ is the fragment of antibodies that serves as teh effector portion of the molecule as it binds to receptors on the membranes of many different cells


the variations of amino acid sequences in which antibody fragment give rise to different isotypes (classes) of antibodies?


this fragment of the antibody molecule is exposed or made more accessible to phagocytes when antibodies opsonize an antigen


__ cell activation is triggered by binding of antigen to surface IgD molecules


Specific immunity is the product of a dual systemcomposed of _ & _ lymphocytes

B & T

teh IRA-B cells are a tpe of __ cell that acts in a __ fashion to alert many components of the immune system to get active


Cytotoxic T cells kill __ cells and __ host cells

foreign infected

an antigen must meet certain requirements in

foreignness,shape or complexity, accessibility, size

clonal expansion of activation B cells results in a large population of __ identical daughter cells


the enzymes that attack target cells during apoptosis are


the more closely related two individuals are the __ the probability is that they will share more MHC class I molecules in common


the cytotoxic IL-2 functions as a __ factor for both T helper and cytotoxic T cells


an __ is a molecule that cannot stimulate a full immune response without being attached to a larger protein molecule called a carrier


the T cell antigen-specific receptor differs from the B cell antigen receptor in that it

has fewer antigen binding sites

most B cells must interact with T __ cells that bear receptors for epitopes on the same antigen to become functional


since superantigens are potent stimulators of Tcells their presence can result in

huge release of cytokines with deleterious effects cell death

the immunoglobulin __ is found in colostrum and breast milk and forms a protective coating in the gastrointestinal tract of a nursing infant


process of eliminating any lymphocyte with receptors that recognize self molecules during the development process is

immune tolerance

a person displays __ if they have the ability to react to antigen and form a protective immune response even wihtout previous exposure


B cells recognize antigen using specific B cell receptor which is the __ it will secrete once clonal selection has taken place


__ are class of glycoproteins that serve as the antigen-specific receptors on B cells


clonal selection and expansion of lymphocytes results in __ immune responsiveness to the specific antigen


the phagocytosis of antigens can induce an __ response in the surrounding tissues if appropriate


T and B cells in the periphery of the body have mechanisms for not reacting to __ __

innocuous antigens

an antibody molecule is made up of 0

two identical light chains and heavy chains

activated T helper cells release a type of cytokines called __ which assist other white blood cells such as B cells in their functions


after antigen stimulation T cells fuction in

killing abnormal cells helping other immune cells

mature T cells can constantly travel through the body via the __ and __ systems

lymphatic circulatory

antigens that enter the tissue but not via the blood or mucosa are carried in the __ __ to the lymph nodes

lymphatic fluid

antigens stimulate _____ that have specific receptors for that antigen


the clonal selection theory states that during stem cell differentiation there are trillions of unique __ created each with its own unique antigen specific receptor


the clonal selection theory states that during stem cell differentitaion there are trillions of unique __ created each with its own unique antigen-specific receptor


antigen presenting cells process and present antigenic determinants on their surface and include B-cells and __ and dendritic cells


__ B and T cells circulate for long periods of time in order to rapidly respond to same antigen in the future


the __ response to previously seen antigens is basis for the sucess of vaccinations


upon antigen stimulation of lymphocyte multiplication results in the formation of effector cells and __ cells that will persist in circulation indefinetly


upond a primary response to antigen both B and T lymphocytes differentiate into effector cells and also __ cells which rapidly respond upon a secondary exposure to antigen


in blood, IgA circulates in the __ form


to produce a tremendous repertoire of antigens specific receptors lymphocyte employ

more than 500 gene segment

B cells that have made it through the maturation process have not yet encountered antigen so they are called __ B cells and they enter circulation in order to home in on specific sites


__ cells are probably the first cells to attack cancer cells and virus infected cells since they can act quickly and are not antigen specific

natural killer

antibodies __ viruses or toxins by binding to them and preventing their attachment to host cells


after antigen stimulation, B cells produce antibodies to ____ antigen

neutralize inactivate target

following the binding of antigen and receipt of interleukin messages from T help cells, B cell activation signals are sent to the B cell __


specfic immunity is highly selective which means that antibodies produced to a specific foreign protein antigen on a virus

only recognize that specific antigen

__ are molecules that coat microbes or other particles enhancing their phagocytosis


__ enhances phagocyte recognition by coating the invader with antibodies so that they will be more readily recognized by phagocytes


the process of stimulating phagocytosis by affixing molecules such as antibodies and complement, to the surfaces of foreign cells or particles is called


IgM is a __ and thus has antigen binding sites


upon antigen activation CD8 T cells release __ which are proteins that punch holes in membranes of target cells


CD8 T cell cytotoxicity involves secretion of

perforins and granzymes

when foreign cells or pathogens first enter a tissue resident __ migrate to the site of antigen entry


T helper 2 cells fucntions to

phagocytose extracellular antigens

Cytotoxicity is the ability for this type of lymphocyte to kill specific target cells


in antibody-mediated immunity during immune response antibodies are produced and secreted by differtiated B cells called __ cells


the first time a host encounters a particular antigen an __ specific immune response is generated


for activation T cells require that antigen be ___ and then __ by APCs

processed presented

antigen receptor diversity in lymphocytes is due to:`

random genetic rearrangement events

memory is important to specific immunity in that it allows

rapid mobilization of antigent specific memory lymphocytes

microbes enter the body most frequently through the __ tract or the __ tract

respiratory gastrointestinal

since secretory IgA is found on mucus membranes and secretions it plays an important role in protecting the body from __ pathogens

respiratory genitourinary enteric

an antibody can bind to two of the same epitopes on

same cell or two seperate cells

The rapid rise in antibody titer following a repeat exposure to an antigen that has been recognized from a previous exposure is called an __ immune response


the anamnestic response is also called a __ immune response


the specific immune response is highly __ which means that a given antibody B cell receptor or T cell receptor only recognizes a specific antigen


MHC class I proteins allow for recognition of __ molecules


a healthy human immune system does not react to __ antigens


main function of IgD

serve as a B cell antigen receptor

a given host cell can express

several types of receptors

each indiviual mature B and T cell has the capacity to respond to

single unique antigen

host cell surface proteins are involved in __ and thus guide specific immune responses

specific immune recognition

during lymphocyte __ cell different Tatian random gene rearrangement occurred that result in the generation of a large array of antigen receptor diversity


random gene rearrangement forgeneration of antigen specific receptors on lymphocytes occurs durin

stem cell differentation

__ such as some bacterial toxins are potent stimulators of T cells and are responsible for diseases such as toxic shock


human MHC genes also known as


CD8 cells recognize antigen bound to MHC class __ molecules


__ binds via its __ fragment to receptors on mast cells and basophils, causing the cells to release potent inflammatory substances upon the binding of allergen

IgE Fc

__ is the most prevalent antibody in cirulation and tissue fluids


__ is the only antibody capable of crossing the placenta


classes of antibodies found in humans are


early in the primary immune response most antibodies are of which class?


the first antibody produced by the body following exposure (first encounter) to a specific antigen is __


steps in generating diversity in B cells

One in the bone marrow stem cells become lymphocytes two sells build their unique immuno globin receptor three cells migrate to secondary lymphoid tissues

__ classes of MHC genes have been identified


T cell maturation is directed by

thymus glands and hormones

the __ components help move IgA across mucous membrane




__ cells in lymphoid organs are primed to react with presented antigens


cell mediated immunity based n the activation of __ cells


__ when activated can help activate B cells

T helper cells

teh CD4 coreceptor is found on the surface of what cell type?

T helper cells

a measure of antibody level in a patients serum is called


cytotoxic T cells can destroy:

Virally infected cells Cancer cells Cells from other animals and humans

the __ regions found on both the heavy and light chains in an antibody molecule come together to form the antigen binding site


the antigen binding fragment of an immunoglobin molecule consisting of a combination of heavy and light chains whose molecular conformation is specific for the antigen called

variable region

antigens are usually

a protein or large polysaccharide

__is the aggregation formed by antibodies binding cellular antigens or large particles


an antigen that provokes an allergic rxn is


IgE is in low concentration in the blood except during

allergies or parasitic infections

an __ is an antigen that is present in some but not all members of a species


a plasma cell is the progeny of an activated B cell that actively produces and secretes


during the primary immune response a latent period occurs at the beginning of the response and it is marked by a lack of __ to the activating antigen


following stimulation by antigen B cells differentiate into plasma cells which produce and secrete __ and cells which will react rapidly if the antigen is encountered at some point in the future

antibodies memory

Any exposed or released protein or polysaccharide is a potential ______ , a molecule capable of eliciting a specific immune response.


Each different antibody differs in its __ binding groove


each different antibody differs in its __ binding groove


the Y shaped antibody structure, the __ binding sites are foudn at the ends of the arms or the Fab fragments


the principal activity of an antibody is to unite with, immobilize, call attention to or neutralize the __ which is complementary to its receptor


__ presenting cells are involved in the activation of T helper cells through the displaying of immunogen fragments on their MHC __ molecules

antigen II

a molecule that stimulates a specific response by T and B cells are called __ or __

antigen immunogen

in most specific immune responses antigen must be processed and presented by _ _ cells

antigen presenting

because human all differ genetically proteins from one person can be __in another person


the property of behaving as an antigen binding specifically to a T or B cell receptor is called


__ are foreign molecules that elicit a specific immune response


an antibody that can neutralize a toxin can also be referred to as


when comparing the T and B cell antigen-specific receptors they both

are formed by genetic rearrangements are inserted into the lymphocyte cell membrane belong to same protein family

during development B and T lymphocytes arise from

at same basic stem cell

the loss of immune tolerance can lead to a disease condition called


B-cell maturation occurs:

bone marrow

antigens that enter the body intravenously do NOT become localized in the


the constant regions of antibodies usually have varying amounts of


when a hapten molecule is bound to an __ molecule the resultant complex will allow the hapten to stimulate an immune response


the effect of binding an antibodys Fc fragment to an Fc receptor on a cell depends on

cells role

the multiplication of lymphocytes upon encountering antigens results in production of a __ or group of genetically identical cells


the clear yellow early product of breat milk that is very high in secretory antibodies is


Binding of antibody to antigen can activate the _ cascade which can result in cell or virus lysis


the __ Cascade is a series of proteins in circulation that become secretly activated after the first component is activated by immune complexes cells or virus bounded by anti-body leading to the lysis of a cell or virus


the __ cascade is a series of proteins in circulation that becomes sequentially activated after the first cmponent is activated by immune complexes (cells or virus bound by antibody) leading to the lysis of the cell or virus


MHC III genes encode proteins that are involved in the

complement system

antigen and antibody must have an __ fit


the __ region of an antibody usually has carbohydrate molecule attached to it


after maturation B and T cells

constantly recirculate through blood and lymphatics

mast cells and basophils have receptors that bind to the Fc fragment of IgE and upon allergen binding by the surface bound IgE the cell releases __ nand allergic mediators such as histamine that increases the allergic response


the CD8 coreceptor is expressed on __ T cells


what cell type destroys cells from other animals and humans based on the peptides they display on their surface with MHC class I?

cytotoxic T

antigen activated T cells give rise to

cytotoxic T cells T regulatory cells T helper cells

upon entry of foreign cells or pathogens into tissue phagocytic cells called __ cells ingest the intruder and then migrate to the nearest lymphoid organ to present antigen to T lymphocytes


__ engulf antigen and modify it so that it will be more immunogenic and recognizable to T lymphocytes

dendritic cells

three main antigen presenting cells

dendritic cells, B cells Macrophages

when antibodies attach to their specific antigen, the antigen is marked for __ or __

destruction or neutralization

T and B cells undergo the development and maturation process in

different tissues

the size and amino acid composition of an antibodys Fc fragment determines an antibodys

distributio in the body class or isotyoe permeabilty

the four polypeptide chains that make up an antibody molecule are held together by __ bonds


T helper 2 cells functions

drive B cell proliferation, secrete cyokines

antigens possess determinant groups called ____ that are recognized by lymphocyte antigen specific receptors


the precise molecular group of an antigen that defines its specificity and triggers an immune response is called a __


an important characteristic of an antigen is that it be perceived to be


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