Chapter 15 - Air Traffic Services

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A Flight Information Service shall be provided to all aircraft which are likely to be affected by the information and which are: a. provided with ATC or which are otherwise known to the relevant ATS unit. b. provided with ATC. c. known to the relevant ATS unit. d. known to the relevant ATS unit and which have filed a FP.


FIS is provided to aircraft concerning collision hazards in the following classes of airspace: a. C, D, E, F, G. b. F and G only. c. F. d. A, B, C, D, E, F, G.


The Air Traffic service is provided for the purpose of: a. preventing collisions between aircraft, between aircraft and obstacles on the manoeuvring area and expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic. b. applying separation between aircraft and expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic. c. preventing collisions between controlled aircraft and expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic. d. avoiding collisions between all aircraft and expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic.


The Alerting Service is provided by: a. the ATS unit responsible for the aircraft at that moment. b. the ATS unit responsible for the aircraft at that moment when it can transmit on 121.5 MHz. c. only ATC units. d. Area Control Centres.


The Approach Control Service is an ATC service: a. provided for arriving and departing controlled flights. b. provided for arriving and departing IFR flights. c. provided for IFR and VFR flights within a CTR. d. provided for IFR flights within an ATZ.


What is the content of section 2 of an AIREP? a. ETA and endurance. b. EET and endurance. c. Present position and ETA. d. ETA for the FIR boundary and endurance.


What is the definition of Distress? a. An emergency condition where an aircraft is in grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance. b. Persons on board an aircraft are in imminent danger and the flight cannot be continued. c. The aircraft will be unable to land at a suitable aerodrome. d. The aeroplane has a message to transmit concerning the safety of person on board or within sight.


Who is responsible for initiating the Alert Phase? a. FIC or the relevant ATCU. b. The State and ATC. c. The Area Control and the RCC. d. RCC and the FIR.


Air Traffic Control Centres issue clearances for the purpose of: a. providing advisory ATC. b. expediting and separating traffic. c. achieving separation between IFR flights. d. providing FIS.


An aerodrome Flight Information Service: a. can only relay ATC instructions to aircraft on the ground or in the air. b. can supply limited services to the users but not ATC under any circumstances to aircraft in the air. c. can supply ATC but is not subject to authority supervision. d. is the same as ATC but is only provided at an aerodrome.


Clearances will be issued by ATC for the purpose of: a. providing alerting services. b. achieving separation between air traffic. c. providing a flight information service. d. providing advisory ATC.


Flight information provided to flights shall include provision of information concerning collision hazards to aircraft operating in airspace classes: a. F and G only. b. C to G inclusive. c. A to G inclusive. d. A to E inclusive.


The ATIS broadcast should not exceed: a. 3 minutes. b. 30 seconds. c. 1 minute. d. 2 minutes.


The Alerting Service is to be provided for: a. all aircraft having filed a FP or otherwise known to ATC, as far as is practicable. b. for all controlled flights; to any aircraft known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference; and all aircraft having filed a FP or otherwise known to ATC, as far as is practicable. c. only to aircraft provided with ATC d. only to aircraft known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference.


Voice ATIS is transmitted on a: a. discrete VHF frequency only. b. discrete VHF frequency or on voice on VOR. c. VHF frequency or on ILS frequency. d. ILS only.


What are the three elements of an Air Traffic Control Service? a. Radar, SAR and FIS. b. Area, Approach and Aerodrome. c. Radar, Procedural and FIS. d. Radar, Procedural and Alerting Service.


What does an ATSU consist of? a. An ACC and FIC. b. An ATCU and FIC. c. A combined radar unit and ATC tower. d. An ACC and Approach Control.


When an aircraft encounters difficulty, the initiation of the alert phase is the responsibility of: a. Air Traffic Co-ordination Centres. b. Air Traffic Control Units and Flight Information Centres. c. Search and Rescue Co-ordination Centres. d. Air Traffic Control Centres only.


Which of the following statements concerning the alerting service is correct? a. The alert phase is initiated when an aircraft fails to communicate within 30 minutes. b. FIS and the alerting service may be provided by the same ATCU. c. The distress phase is always initiated for aircraft subject to unlawful interference. d. All other traffic in the vicinity of an aircraft subjected to unlawful interference is to be notified.


ATIS broadcast: a. shall not be transmitted on the voice channel of a VOR beacon. b. shall only be transmitted on a discrete VHF frequency. c. shall not be transmitted on the voice channel of ILS. d. shall be transmitted on the voice channel of ILS, on a discrete VHF frequency or on the voice channel of a VOR beacon.


ATIS broadcasts for departing and arriving aircraft are to contain cloud cover information when: a. the cloud base is below 5000 ft or the highest MSA whichever is higher. b. the cloud base is below 3000 ft or the highest MSA whichever is higher, or there is cumulonimbus reported. c. the cloud base is below 5000 ft or the highest MSA whichever is higher, or there is cumulonimbus reported. d. the cloud base is below 10000 ft or the highest MSA whichever is higher, or there is cumulonimbus reported.


ATSU clocks and other time recording devices shall be checked as necessary to ensure correct time to within UTC plus or minus: a. 10 seconds. b. 1 minute. c. 30 seconds. d. 15 seconds.


According to ICAO Annex 11, what does the following statement define: "Information concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations and which was not already included in the forecast issued for low-level flights in the FIR concerned or sub-area thereof." a. NOTAM. b. SIGMET Information. c. AIRMET Information. d. En route Weather Report.


An aircraft has been cleared to land and fails to do so within 5 minutes of the ETA of landing and communications have not been re-established with the aircraft. What phase of the Alerting Service will be declared by the ATSU? a. DETRESFA. b. INCERFA. c. ALERFA. d. EMERGFA.


What defines the alert phase (ALERFA)? a. A situation in which an aeroplane and passengers are known to be in serious and imminent danger. b. A situation where it is certain that fuel is exhausted. c. A situation where apprehension exists about an aeroplane and its safety. d. A situation in which an aeroplane and its passengers are in emergency.


When is ATIS updated? a. Only when the weather conditions change enough to require a change in the active runway or instrument approach in use. b. Only when the ceiling and/or visibility changes by a reportable value. c. Upon the receipt of any significant change. d. Every 30 minutes if weather conditions are below those for VFR, otherwise hourly.


Which of the following statements regarding the Alerting Service is correct? a. The distress phase is established when an aircraft is known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference. b. Aircraft in the vicinity of an aircraft that is known or believed to be the subject of unlawful interference, shall be informed about this. c. The Alerting Service and FIS are often provided by the same ATSU. d. The Alert phase is established when no communication has been received from an aircraft within a period of 30 minutes after the time communications should have been received.


Who is responsible for an ATC clearance to be safe in respect of terrain avoidance? a. ATC. b. The ATSU when accepting the FP. c. The PIC. d. The Operator.


A Flight Information Region (FIR) is airspace within which the following services are provided: a. Flight Information Service; Alerting Service; Advisory Service. b. Flight Information Service only. c. Flight Information Service and Advisory Service. d. Flight Information Service and Alerting Service.


Air Traffic Service Unit (ATSU) means: a. ATCUs and Air Services reporting units. b. FICs and Air Services reporting units. c. ATCUs; FICs and Air Services reporting units. d. ATCUs and FICs.


Aircraft "A" with ATC clearance is flying in VMC in a CTR. Aircraft "B" without ATC clearance is converging at approximately the same altitude. Which aircraft has the right of way? a. Aircraft "A" if "B" is on its right. b. Aircraft "A" regardless of the position of "B". c. Aircraft "B" regardless of the position of "A". d. Aircraft "B" if "A" is on its left.


An AIREP comprises a number of sections. What is the content of part 1? a. Noted weather. b. Flight identification and noted weather. c. Urgent messages. d. A position report.


How often is an ATIS updated? a. Every 30 minutes for VFR, every 60 minutes for IFR. b. When there is a change in information, irrespective of content or intensity. c. When the minimum ceiling and visibility are below VFR minimum. d. When there is a significant change in information.


The phases of the Alerting Service to an aircraft in emergency or believed to be in emergency are: a. uncertainty phase; urgency phase; distress phase. b. uncertainty phase; urgency phase; emergency phase. c. uncertainty phase; alert phase; urgency and distress phase. d. uncertainty phase; alert phase; distress phase.


What is the definition of the Emergency Phase? a. The Distress Phase. b. The Alarm Phase. c. The Alert Phase. d. A generic term meaning as the case maybe the Uncertainty Phase, the Alert Phase or the Distress Phase.


Whenever ATIS is provided, the preparation and dissemination of the ATIS message is the responsibility of: a. the Met office serving the aerodrome. b. both ATC and the Met office. c. whichever office is prescribed by the state. d. ATS.


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