Chapter 15 Frankenstein

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What did the creature found paradoxical as he was reading the "Sorrows of Werter"?

The creature found that he was invested in the story, but he in reality had no stakes in it and nobody in the story cared for him.

How did reading "Plutarch's Lives" change the creature?

The creature learned more about the world (history, geography, politics) and gained an ardour for virtue along with a hatred of vice.

How does the creature say he is different from Adam, the character form "Paradise Lost"

The creature says that Adam was happy, perfect, prosperous, cared for by his creator, and allowed to learn from superior beings.

How does the creature say he is similar to Adam, the character from "Paradise Lost"?

The creature says that both he and Adam have no link to anything else in existence.

What did the creature find in a pocket of the dress it had taken from Victor's laboratory?

The creature found Victor's journal, which Victor had written in as he constructed the creature.

Who does the creature pretend to be when he first talks to de Lacey?

A traveler.

How did the cottagers react when they returned to their cottage and saw the creature holding on to de Lacey's hand?

Agatha fainted, Safie ran out of the cottage, Felix tore de Lacey from the creature and beat the creature with a stick.

Which historical characters did the creature admire, and which ones did he not like as much?

He admired peaceable lawgivers like Numa, Solon, and Lycurgus, and didn't really like more violent characters like Romulus and Theseus.

What books did the creature find as he was gathering wood for the de Laceys?

He found "Paradise Lost", "Plutarch's Lives", and "Sorrows of Werter".

What was one reason why the creature postponed his planned contact with the cottagers?

He learned more about them every day.

What character does the creature specifically mention from "Paradise Lost"?

He mentions Adam.

How did the creature plan to contact the cottagers?

He planned to talk to de Lacey when he was alone, since de Lacey was blind. He then hoped that, with the good will of de Lacey, the younger cottagers would tolerate him.

In what manner did the creature read "Plutarch's Lives", "Sorrows of Werter", and "Paradise Lost", two of which are fiction and one of which is nonfiction?

He read them all as true stories.

What did the creature think of the cottagers' history?

He was deeply impressed by it.

What was the creature's reaction to the journal?

He was disgusted, and yelled out loud how he was very bad and Victor was very bad too. He also said that even Satan had a happier existence than him, as Satan had companions while he was solitary and abhorred.

What was "Plutarch's Lives" about?

It was about the first founders of the ancient republics.

What biblical entity does the creature repeatedly mention and use to compare himself as he recounts his story to Victor, in chapter 15?


What did the creature convince himself of, in regards to the cottagers?

That they would be able to overlook his abominable appearance as a result of his virtues.

How did the circumstance of the cottagers change, as the creature observed them in preparation for his contact with them in chapter 15?

The cottagers seemed to have more time, and they were assisted by servants.

How doe the creature's contact with the de Lacey initially go?

The old man is nice to him, and they hold a conversation. The old man even feels pity for the creature and says he will try to help it.

What circumstances left de Lacey alone in the cottage during chapter 15?

The servants were at a fair, the other cottagers had gone on a walk, and de Lacey himself had requested to stay at the cottage alone.

How did the arrival of autumn affect the cottagers?

They continued to be happy, and weren't too significantly affected.

Who was Werter?

Werter was a character that the creature thought highly of, and was the main character in "Sorrows of Werter".

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