Chapter 15 InQuisitive

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What did the 2004 Treatment for Adolescents with Depression (TADS) study and follow-up research find about using SSRIs to treat depression among adolescents?

-Three years after treatment, SSRIs are about as effective as cognitive-behavioral therapy. -SSRIs combined with CBT has the best results.


Adderall, an amphetamine that is used to decrease hyperactivity and increase concentration, is one type of drug in this class.

mood stabilizer

These drugs (for example, lithium) are used to treat manic episodes but can have the side effect of blunting positive affect.

What are the effects of using central nervous system stimulants like Ritalin to help treat attention deficit hyperactive disorder in children?

They make children happier and more socially adept. They increase attention and ability to concentrate. They decrease distractibility and overactivity.

deep brain stimulation

This technique, which involves surgically implanting electrodes to stimulate the brain at a certain frequency, has been used to treat OCD and depression.

electroconvulsive therapy

This treatment involves administering an electrical current strong enough to produce a seizure and has been used to treat depression.

transcranial magnetic stimulation

This treatment, which has been used to treat depression, uses magnetic fields from a wire coil placed on the scalp to interrupt the activity of neurons.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Use of exposure and response prevention worked better than prescribing a tricyclic antidepressant, though both worked better than a placebo.


Valium and Xanax are examples of this drug class, which is used as a temporary sedative, but which can lead to addiction in some.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

exposure and response prevention


normalize cortical arousal levels


free association and dream analysis


heal family relationships


help clients become aware of unconscious conflicts and defense mechanisms


help clients eliminate harmful thought patterns and replace them with positive ones


help clients fulfill their potential for personal growth


help clients replace harmful behaviors with beneficial ones

Bipolar Disorder


anti-anxiety drugs

lower hostility


provide support while also improving social skills in a cost-effective manner

Distinguish between the features of conventional and atypical antipsychotic drugs used to treat schizophrenia.

reduce only positive symptoms of schizophrenia side effects include tardive dyskinesia and motor effects resembling Parkinson's disease


rewards and punishments, token economies, social skills training, and modeling


treat aggressive and impulsive behaviors


systematic desensitization


systems approach

What is true about using cognitive-behavioral therapy to treat depression?

-CBT is as effective as drugs for treating depression. -When the client writes down negative thoughts, this helps the therapist identify, monitor, and correct negative thought patterns. -CBT can be used when a client does not respond to drugs or does not want to put up with drugs' side effects.

What is true of cognitive-behavioral therapy?

-CBT is the most widely used version of psychotherapy. -CBT involves examining a client's maladaptive thought processes and teaching him to change his behavior. -CBT is one of the most effective therapies for many types of disorders.

What are some of the drawbacks of using Ritalin to treat ADHD?

-Children may feel they cannot take control of their own problems and may not learn other coping strategies. -Side effects include sleep problems, reduced appetite, body twitches, and temporary slowing of growth. -The drug may not be effective in the long term. -The drug is often sold to people without ADHD and abused as a stimulant.

Why is borderline personality disorder so difficult to treat?

-Clients see the environment rather than their own behavior as the cause of their problems. -Clients exhibit impulsivity, emotional disturbances, and identity disturbances.

What is the outcome of using dialectical behavior therapy to treat clients with borderline personality disorder?

-Clients who undergo DBT are more likely to remain in treatment. -Clients who undergo DBT learn to depend on themselves for support and validation rather than relying on others. -Clients who undergo DBT are less likely to be suicidal.

How are psychotropic medications used to treat disorders?

-Identifying effective drug treatments is based on trial-and-error clinical trials. -Administering drugs for anxiety can help get rid of depression.

What are some of the benefits of using electroconvulsive therapy to treat depression?

-It is not known to harm a developing fetus. -It works quickly, whereas antidepressants can take weeks to kick in. -It has proven effective when other treatments have failed.

Group therapy (treating people in groups) became common after World War II, when the need for psychological treatment outpaced the availability of therapists. Which of the following statements about group therapy are accurate?

-One advantage of group therapy is that it is less expensive than individual therapy. -Groups are often organized around a type of problem (e.g. bulimia) or a particular type of client (e.g. adolescents). -Group settings for therapy give clients an opportunity to improve their social skills and learn from each other's experiences.

Why is it so difficult to treat antisocial personality disorder?

-People with APD try to manipulate their therapists. -Therapy rarely produces changes in behavior. -Psychotropic medicines are generally unhelpful in treating the disorder. -Clients lie, do not care about other people's feelings, and do not consider the future.

What is the prognosis for someone diagnosed with schizophrenia?

-Prognosis is more favorable for women and for people who developed the disorder later in life. -Symptoms of schizophrenia are likely to go away or improve as patients get older.

Which of the following statements about using applied behavioral analysis to treat children with autism are true?

-Prolonged treatment leads to a gain in IQ. -Other children in the family may feel neglected when so much attention is paid to their sibling with autism. -This treatment uses operant conditioning principles to encourage very specific desired behaviors.

What is the prognosis for autism in children?

-Some children have difficulty generalizing something learned in a therapeutic setting to the real world. -Higher IQ is associated with better outcomes after treatment. -Early language ability is associated with better outcomes after treatment.

Opal was in a bad car accident and has developed a phobia of driving. How might a cognitive-behavioral therapist use systematic desensitization to help her get over her fear?

-The therapist may instruct Opal to use a computer-simulated driving program. -The therapist should train her to relax and then have her enact or imagine progressively more fearful scenarios from her fear hierarchy. -The therapist may leave out the relaxation component and skip right to exposing Opal to low levels of the feared stimulus.

Under what conditions can behavioral therapy help treat clients with antisocial personality disorder?

-Therapists use operant procedures to increase desired behaviors. -The therapist controls reinforcement. -The client is part of a group.

Select all of the following statements that accurately reflect characteristics of evidence-based psychological treatments.

-Treatment is based on signs of its effectiveness and not on any single theory. -Treatments must be created in a laboratory atmosphere by behavioral, cognitive, social, and other types of psychologists. -Treatments should vary according to the particular psychological disorder and the client's specific symptoms.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation and deep brain stimulation are alternative treatments for depression, used in cases where CBT and drug therapy don't work. Distinguish between TMS and DBS.

-does not have major side effects -does not involves anesthesia and can be administered outside a hospital

Place the treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorders in order from most effective to least effective.

-exposure and response prevention therapy coupled with tricyclic antidepressants -exposure and response prevention therapy alone -tricyclic antidepressants alone -placebo

Which of the following are components of dialectical behavioral therapy?

-radical acceptance -psychodynamic therapy -cognitive therapy -behavioral therapy -both group and individual therapy -mindfulness training based on Eastern meditation

Which of the following have been demonstrated as effective treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorders?

-tricyclic antidepressants -deep brain stimulation -cognitive restructuring -exposure and response prevention


Anti-anxiety drugs are only effective until they wear off. Antidepressants are about equally as effective as exposure therapy, but people taking antidepressants complain of side effects.

panic disorder

CBT alone and antidepressants alone give the same results, but patients who received CBT (in the form of cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy) had a lower rate of relapse.

behavioral therapy

Dysfunctional behaviors like cutting and suicide attempts are replaced with less destructive ones.


Even though Bob has no higher education in psychology, he volunteers on a suicide hotline, supervised by people with more training.

Psychiatric social worker

Julianne went to graduate school for an MSW and was trained to help direct people to appropriate mental health services. She now works at a community hospital.

Psychiatric Nurse

Lyle works at an outpatient clinic, having received a bachelor's degree focusing on the care of clients with psychological disorders.

adolescent depression

SSRIs combined with CBT

mindfulness training

Techniques of Eastern meditation are used to teach clients to control their attention and focus on the present.


The "conventional" type of this class of drugs is used to reduce positive symptoms, while the "atypical" type treats positive as well as some negative symptoms.

cognitive therapy

The client learns problem-solving techniques, ways of coping with emotions, and self-respect.


The goal of these is to increase positive mood and reduce emotionality, impulsiveness, and arousal. Side effects can include sexual dysfunction, nausea, nervousness, and weight gain.


The therapist asks family members how the client's behavior has affected them.


The therapist asks the client to say the first thing that comes into his mind, seeking to uncover conflicts the client is not aware of.


The therapist confronts the client's irrational thinking and teaches him new ways to think about reality.

psychodynamic therapy

The therapist helps the client explore traumatic experiences that may be at the root of the disorder.


The therapist listens attentively and encourages the client to explain her feelings to gain deeper self-understanding.


The therapist rewards the client for engaging in productive actions.


active listening and unconditional positive regard

autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

applied behavioral analysis


atypical antipsychotics


cognitive restructuring and rational-emotive therapy


cognitive-behavioral training regarding the cognitive triad

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

stimulants like Ritalin

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