Chapter 15: Nursing Informatics

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Which items are supported by point-of-care use of information technology? (Select all that apply.) a. More accurate documentation b. Direct access to diagnostic results c. Confidentiality d. Direct access to records by patients e. Access to medication profiles

Answers: a, b, c, e Point-of-care use of information technology provides more accurate documentation because the nurse documents patient information in real time. Diagnostic results are immediately available to the nurse. Confidentiality is protected when the nurse documents at the bedside using a secure log-in and password. Medication profiles are available to the nurse at bedside. Patients do not have direct access to their medical records because these records are secured by log-ins and passwords accessible to only health care providers caring for each patient.

Which behaviors are expected of the nurse at the experienced informatics competency level? (Select all that apply.) a. Collect accurate assessment data. b. Conduct informatics research. c. Group assessment data. d. Document data appropriately on the electronic health record (EHR). e. Integrate information science, computer science, and nursing science.

Answers: a, c, d The nurse at the intermediate level of informatics competency can see data relationships and is able to collect and group data. The nurse is skilled in the use of computer technology and can document in the EHR. Conducting informatics research and integration of the sciences is the advanced level of informatics competency.

Which descriptions are advantages of health care information technology (IT)? (Select all that apply.) a. Increases health care delivery costs b. Improves communication among providers c. Improves administration functions d. Increases time necessary to document care e. Decreases the safety of providing care

Answers: b, c Health care IT improves communication among providers by providing immediate access that is legible and standardized to patient data by all providers. IT improves administrative functions by addressing the issues of quality, cost-effectiveness, and outcomes of care. Although there are initial costs to purchase hardware and software, these systems are cost-effective in the long run. Systems that support data collection at the point of care can directly enhance patient care by decreasing the time spent on documentation, reducing the potential for errors, and supporting improved assessment and data communication

A famous rock star has just been admitted to Unit 12A after an automobile accident. A nurse on Unit 12B who is a fan of the musician uses the electronic health record (EHR) to find out how the patient is doing. Which is true regarding the use of a patient's EHR? a. Only staff caring for the patient should access this record. b. Permission from a supervisor is needed to read this record. c. The patient's record can be discussed with the nurse's co-worker. d. The nurse can call a friend who works at the local newspaper.

Answer: a Patient information should be accessed only by staff caring for that patient. Security codes are required for EHR access, and access of records can be monitored. Professional ethics should dictate the nurse's behavior, and only the records of patients being cared for should be accessed. A patient's record can be discussed only with those who are caring for the patient, and, because the nurse is not on the same unit, the records should not be accessed or discussed by that nurse. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws prevent the discussion of private patient information with anyone outside of the team providing care.

Which activity by a unit nurse demonstrates information literacy? a. Researching a patient's diagnosis online b. Entering patient data into the electronic health record (EHR) c. Organizing patient data to study trends d. Learning a new electronic health record system

Answer: a The nurse is demonstrating information literacy (the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate and use that information) when researching a patient's diagnosis online. Entering patient data into the EHR or learning a new EHR system demonstrates beginner nursing informatics competency. Organizing patient data to study trends demonstrates an experienced level of nursing informatics competency.

Which description is an example of data? a. A print-out of a patient's history and physical examination b. A patient's blood pressure and pulse rate c. The nurse's knowledge of a disease d. A nurse's interpretation of a change in the patient's condition

Answer: b Data are facts, observations, and measurements such as blood pressure and pulse rate. A printout of the patient's history and physical is organized information that is meaningful. Knowledge is organized and processed information such as a nurse's knowledge of a disease. When nurses interpret a change in the patient's condition, they are using wisdom or the use of knowledge and experience to manage and solve problems.

Which statement is correct concerning the implementation of computerized provider order entry (CPOE)? a. The unit secretary transcribes the physician's orders into the computer. b. The nurse must ensure that orders go to the appropriate departments. c. Physician orders go directly to the appropriate department. d. Handwriting legibility is a major problem.

Answer: c Use of CPOE enables orders to go directly to the appropriate department decreasing the potential for errors. There is no transcription of orders and no need for someone to transcribe the orders. Because the orders are typed into the computer, handwriting legibility is not an issue.

The hospital has implemented a new electronic medication administration record (MAR). What is true about the use of this new tool? a. Verifies medication dosages b. Reduces medication administration errors c. Eliminates the need to count narcotics d. Requires a hard copy of the MAR to be printed

Answer: b The electronic MAR reduces medication errors by requiring the nurse to scan the patient's identification band and the medication. Although the electronic MAR alerts the nurse to potential errors such as the wrong dose, it is the nurse's responsibility to verify all information before administration of a medication. Narcotic counts are still kept in the electronic system. A hard copy of the MAR is not necessary.

The nurse is assigned to administer medications to a patient on a unit that has just implemented bar code medication administration (BCMA). Which step is proper for the nurse to follow? a. Open the medication packages at the nurses' station. b. Ask the patient to verify his or her address. c. Scan the nurse's ID, the patient's ID, and the code on the medication package. d. Ask the patient to name two patient identifiers.

Answer: c The BCMA system scans the nurse's ID, the patient's ID, and the medication package to ensure that the proper drug is given to the correct patient. Asking the patient's address or two random identifiers that the patient may not be aware of would be inappropriate. Proper protocol for administration is to open the medication packages at the bedside. Use of a scanning device requires the medication to still be in the package while scanning to ensure that it is the proper medication.

Which description is true about the Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS)? a. An admission assessment tool b. A discharge summary c. The core nursing data for collection across all sites d. An organization of nursing diagnoses

Answer: c The NMDS is a standardized collection of essential nursing data used by nurses to promote consistent, understandable documentation. Although standard terminology may be used during admission, and discharge, these tools are not a description of NMDS. Nursing diagnoses are organized using NANDA-I.

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