Chapter 15 Objectives

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Explain protein complementation.

Combining plant sources of protein so that amino acids that are missing in one is compensated by those contained in another. It helps a person to acquire all essential amino acids from non-animal sources then either plant sources alone would provide.

Describe and demonstrate techniques for feeding clients.

Compare the dietary information on the kardex with the medical records. Verify that foods and fluids have not been withheld. Assess the client to determine what assistance is needed. Review the medical record to see how much the client has eaten during previous meals. Analyze the purpose for the prescribed diet. check the medication list for drugs that need to be taken before or after meals. Asses the client's needs for elimination or relief from pain nausea and fatigue.

Explain how to meet the nutritional needs of clients with visual impairments or dementia.

Feeding a visually impaired client put a towel over the client, use adaptive plates and silverware, arrange to have finger foods, describe where food is located on tray, prepare food by opening any packages or drinks for client, use the analogy of a clock when describing where food is located on clients plate. When feeding a client with dementia have the same staff member assist this time. Be consistent with the time and place for eating. Reduce or eliminate distractions. Place the food close to the client not the staff person. Remove wrappers and food covers. Pour any drinks into a glass. Encourage clients participation in eating.

Identify three facts a nurse must know about a clients diet.

Food preferences, established patterns for meals, religious beliefs.

Discuss four nursing responsibilities for meeting clients nutritional needs.

Nurses are responsible for ordering/canceling diets for clients, serving collecting meal trays,helping clients eat and recording the % of food that clients eat.

Define Nutrition and Malnutrtion

Nutrition is the process by which the body uses food. Malnutrition is a condition resulting from a lack of proper nutrients in the diet.

Plan nursing interventions for resolving problems caused or affected by nutrition.

Promoting weight gain, teaching a patient how to overcome simple anorexia, relieving nausea, and managing the care of vomiting client.

List six components of basic nutrition

Proteins,Carbohydrates, Fats, Minerals,Vitamins, and Water.

List seven common hospital diets and their characteristics.

Regular-allows unrestricted food selections Light- omits fried, fatty, gas forming and raw food and rich pastries. Soft-contains foods soft in texture Mechanical soft-resembles light diet but is used for clients with chewing difficulties. Full liquid-contains fruit and vegetable juice creamed or blended soups, milk , ice cream, yogurt. Clear Liquid-consists of items that may be colored but are generally transparent. Special Therapeutic- consists of foods prepared to meet special needs such as low sodium.

List at least five factors that influence nutritional needs.

Age, weight, height, growth periods, activity, and health status.

Identify four objective assessments for determining a person's nutritional status.

BMI, measuring mid arm circumference, triceps skinfold thickness, and abdominal circumference.

Discuss the purpose of a diet history.

A diet history is an assessment technique for obtaining facts about a client's eating habits and factors that affect nutrition.

Discuss at least three unique aspects of nutrition that apply to older adults

Dysphagia-among older adults often results from neurological conditions including stroke, esophageal disorders, or increased pressure from abdominal disorders. Dry mouth- a common problem in older adults and often results from medications or the effects of the disease. It sometimes interferes with chewing and swallowing. Oral Infections- Poorly fitting dentures, or vitamin deficiencies can cause a painful or burning tongue, or ulcers.

List five common problems that can be identified from a nutritional assessment

Imbalanced nutrition, Deficient knowledge, self care deficient, impaired swallowing, and risk for aspiration.

Discuss the purpose and components of My-plate food guidelines.

The purpose of my-plate guidelines is to promote healthful daily intake of food. The components of my-plate are to promote percentages of consumed food from among five food groups to promote healthy nutrition. It also advocates reducing salt consumption and substituting water for sugary beverages. My-plate promotes the achievement of dietary recommendations.

Describe three facts available on nutrition labels.

Three things available on nutrition labels are disease prevention guidelines, the amounts of each nutrient per serving and they also list if something is low fat.

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