Chapter 15: Reconstruction, 1865-1877

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Place the following Reconstruction events in chronological order.

-Lincoln issues the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction. -The Freedmen's Bureau is created. -Johnson commences his "Restoration" Plan. -The Civil Rights Act is passed. -The Congressional Reconstruction acts are passed.

Which statement best describes the economic prospects of African Americans in the South during Reconstruction?

-Many opted for sharecropping due to lack of money and training.

Place the following events in the order that led to the end of Congressional Reconstruction.

-passage of the Public Credit Act -Black Friday -passage of the Enforcement Acts -presidential victory of Rutherford B. Hayes

Complete the passage to describe the changing social circumstances of African Americans that outraged Radical Republicans.

Black codes in the South differed between states, but they shared common features such as restricting black legal rights by prohibiting them from testifying against whites and serving on juries, as well as enforcing vagrancy laws against the recently emancipated black community.

Identify the elements of the following Reconstruction efforts.

Congressional Reconstruction Plan -It called for all former Confederate officers to be banned from political life in the South. It called for the reorganization of property of former confederates and allocating it to former slaves. Lincoln's Wartime Reconstruction Plan- Whenever a number equal to 10 percent of those who had voted in the 1860 election in a southern state took a loyalty oath to the Union, their state would be incorporated into the Union.

Complete the passage to describe American society following the end of the Reconstruction Era.

Congressional Reconstruction in the South enabled the majority of blacks to experience freedom, but not equality. The collapse of Congressional Reconstruction helped perpetuate the long-standing discrimination against African Americans. While oppressive systems such as sharecropping and voter suppression still existed during and after Reconstruction, some of the failures of the Reconstruction Era laid the groundwork for the civil rights movement nearly a century later.

Identify the elements of President Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction.

Correct Answer(s) -It excluded from pardon certain groups including Confederate government officials, senior officers of the Confederate army and navy, judges, and military officers of the United States who had left their federal posts to join the rebellion. -Any former Rebel state could form a Union government whenever a number equal to 10 percent of those who had voted in 1860 took a formal oath of allegiance to the Constitution and the Union. Incorrect Answer(s) -It required that a majority of white male citizens declare their allegiance to the Union before a Confederate state could be readmitted. -It officially ended slavery.

Describe the status of race relations in the South by the end of Congressional Reconstruction.

Correct Answer(s) -The majority of southern whites were members of the Democratic party. -Most southern whites still opposed civil rights and social equality for African Americans. Incorrect Answer(s) --A few African Americans still remained enslaved. -African Americans enjoyed the full protections of their civil rights in the South following the passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.

Identify the statement that best describes the legacy of Republican rule in the South during Reconstruction.

Correct Answer(s) -accomplished a significant number of achievements despite hostile circumstances Incorrect Answer(s) -primarily marked by corruption and scandal -ensured that southern blacks would permanently enjoy their civil rights -left behind few physical reminders of their rule

Lincoln believed that the Confederate states had never actually left the Union. Why was his view important in deciding how these states would be reintegrated into the Union after the Civil War?

Correct Answer(s) The executive branch of the federal government is in charge of re-constituting state governments, so that meant it was Lincoln's responsibility to re-form the state governments. Incorrect Answer(s) It is Congress's responsibility to re-form state governments, so that meant Lincoln wouldn't have influence over Reconstruction. They were officially conquered territories.

Strong northern support for Congressional Reconstruction, and specifically the protection of African American civil rights, waned during the Grant administration and afterward. What issues contributed to the shift in northern political priorities?

Correct Answer(s) -Indian wars - rise of organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan political controversies over economic issues Incorrect Answer(s) -Grant's opposition to Reconstruction

Identify the aspects of the Radical Republicans' stance on Reconstruction.

Correct Answer(s) -They consistently argued that southern society should be drastically transformed. Incorrect Answer(s) -They believed that a viable Democratic party in the South was necessary for Reconstruction to succeed. -They felt southern society should be left alone.

Identify the statements that best describe the impact of the Panic of 1873 on Congressional Reconstruction efforts.

Correct Answer(s) -weakened the national economy -reduced the emphasis northern voters placed on reconstructing the South Incorrect Answer(s) -created long-term support for greenbacks and permanently eliminated the cause of "hard-money" supporters -had little impact on Reconstruction's progress

Identify the institutions that proved to be essential in easing the transition for many southern blacks from slavery to freedom

Correct Answer(s) schools churches the U.S. military Incorrect Answer(s) labor unions

Johnson proved to be a strong supporter of black civil rights throughout his presidency.


President Johnson's veto of a bill renewing the Freedmen's Bureau, as well as his criticism of Radical Republican support for black civil rights, did little to drive a wedge between the two wings of the Republican party.


What impact did the failure of Congressional Reconstruction have on the Union?

It enabled white southerners to pursue discriminatory policies against African Americans.

Place the following events that led up to the end of Reconstruction in chronological order.

Lincoln is assassinated. Congress passes the Military Reconstruction Act. Redeemers begin to control southern states. The Compromise of 1877 ends Congressional Reconstruction.

The question of who within the federal government had authority over Reconstruction was a major source of debate. What was Lincoln's position?

Southern states had never left the Union, so the executive branch had authority over Reconstruction.

How did the Panic of 1873 hasten the end of Reconstruction?

The sudden collapse of the nation's economy left 3 million people without jobs, which led northerners to lose interest in Reconstruction as they focused on reversing the economic depression.

Although most northerners in the postwar South were there to help rebuild the economy, critics referred to those who served in government as carpetbaggers, opportunists who came purely to gain political control.


Religious life was significant for African Americans after the Civil War because black churches were the first social institutions that former slaves could control


The chief debate within the federal government over who should direct the Reconstruction of the South was between the executive and legislative branches of government.


While Reconstruction did not immediately provide for the full protection of economic opportunities or social equality for African Americans, it did leave behind a constitutional legacy that allowed for future civil rights achievements.


General Grant was considered a hero of the Civil War by the Union, but once elected as president, the effectiveness of Ulysses S. Grant's administration was undermined. Match each situation with the correct description of how it undermined Grant's administration.

Whiskey Ring Scandal- Distillers bribed federal agents to avoid paying taxes, bilking the government out of millions of dollars in revenue. corrupt cabinet- Grant was overwhelmed with the power of the presidency, and, as a result, appointed cabinet members who ultimately were revealed to be dishonest. Public Credit Act (1869)-Grant paid back investors who purchased government bonds in gold coin, rather than paper currency, leading to a decline in consumer prices and igniting a political debate over the hard and soft money.

Which of the following arguments is best supported by this excerpt from an 1865 Mississippi law on vagrancy? "All freedmen, free negroes and mulattoes in this State, over the age of eighteen years, found on the second Monday in January, 1866, or thereafter, with no lawful employment or business, or found unlawfully assembling themselves together, either in the day or night time ... shall be deemed vagrants, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ... fifty dollars ... and imprisoned at the discretion of the court ... not exceeding ten days."

White southerners sought to use vagrancy laws to control African American labor.

Identify the outcome of Congressional Reconstruction that gave birth to a second reconstruction as the civil rights movement in the twentieth century.

ratification of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments

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