Chapter 15 Review

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20. ______________ is the process of translating a message into understandable symbols or language.

C. Encoding

46. ________ is a person's characteristic speaking patterns, such as the use of pacing, pausing, questions, and stories.

D. A linguistics style

36. ______ is terminology that is specific to a particular profession or group. For example, statisticians talk about t-tests, chi-square tests, confidence intervals, and normal distributions.

D. Jargon

65. Active listening requires all of the following except

E. focusing on the delivery rather than content.

70. Which of the following is the best advice for face-to-face communication?

A. Begin with good news, and lead up to bad news.

76. Which of the following is not an element of an effective social media policy?

A. Encourage employees to post honest, bold, and even unpopular decisions.

54. ______ communication channels develop outside the organizational structure and do not follow the chain of command.

A. Informal

23. Which of the following is a step in the communication process?

A. The message is transmitted through a medium.

78. Which of the following is an example of controlling communication?

A. You must complete the audit by Friday of this week.

38. Tyrone was recently promoted to manager. Although he used to take advice from his peers, he seems no longer willing to listen to any input from them or his boss, and he is determined to run the project how he thinks best. Which personal barrier to communication is Tyrone exhibiting?

A. an oversized ego

40. Most people from Western cultures tend to ______ when conveying bad news or negative feedback.

A. avoid eye contact

44. According to Deborah Tannen, men are more likely than women to

A. boast about achievements.

75. Which term refers to the use of the Internet at work for personal use?

A. cyberloafing

80. Ryan is sitting in a seminar where a speaker is explaining the company's retirement plan options. Ryan is only 24 years old, and he thinks retirement is so far away that he doesn't think he needs to pay attention to the speaker. He starts texting his friends and updating his Facebook page; he even slumps in his chair. He has completely tuned out of the presentation. Ryan's listening style in this case is best described as

A. detached.

69. Doug gave some people street directions, but because they only nodded their heads and didn't repeat the directions back to him, he doesn't really know whether the directions were understood. What type of barrier is present here?

A. feedback

67. The introduction to a business speech should

A. get right to the point.

48. Which of the following indicates how official communications should be routed?

A. organizational chart

33. Debbie works part time in a coffee shop. Some of the equipment is so noisy it prevents her from correctly hearing what the customer orders. The noisy equipment is an example of a(n) ______ barrier to communication.

A. physical

43. Compared to women, men tend to

A. use emoticons to express sarcasm and banter.

41. Which of the following is a "don't" when attempting to improve communication?

B. Close your eyes.

22. Which of the following is not an example of noise in the communication process in a typical classroom?

B. a student answering a professor's question

19. Which of the following is not an element of the communication model?

B. decoder

28. A manager needs to inform employees that the quarterly project management training will start on May 1, about two months from now. Generally, which of the following should the manager use in this situation?

B. e-mail

53. At the end of the fiscal year, Dilinger Investments releases an earnings report to clients. By sending the earnings reports to its clients, Dilinger Investments is communicating

B. externally.

25. Which of the following is the most appropriate medium for a manager advising employees of a revision to the company's bonus structure?

B. face-to-face meeting

47. Channels of communications that follow the chain of command and are considered as official are _____ communication channels.

B. formal

52. Diane, a marketing manager, shares some of the market research her department has analyzed with the research and development group. Diane is communicating

B. horizontally.

34. Tracie, working at a research facility in Washington, DC, needs to communicate with Juan, who is in Mexico City, about a project they are working on. Although Juan has perfect command of English, they are still facing a(n) ______ barrier to communication.

B. physical

32. Roger was talking to a coworker in a meeting, and he wasn't listening when his supervisor announced work assignments. This situation is an example of what type of barrier to communication?

B. receiver barrier

66. Which of the following is a tip for writing more effectively for business purposes?

B. start by stating your purpose and what you expect of the reader

61. The source for crowdsourcing is most often

B. the Internet and social media.

29. Executives at Breakers Engineering want to let middle managers know that the company is going to be acquired by its largest competitor. Assuming the following paths of communication are possible, how should executives communicate this information?

C. Hold a face-to-face meeting.

72. Which of the following is an example of a barrier in cross-cultural communication?

C. The "OK" hand symbol means "all right" or fine in the United States, but is considered an insult in parts of Europe.

59. Which of the following is not true of e-mail?

C. The number of e-mail users worldwide has peaked and begun to decline.

77. Which of the following is not one of the top five qualities that employers are looking for most in college graduates?

C. creativity

27. Of the following, which medium is the least rich?

C. flier on a bulletin board

55. Gossip and rumor in an organization are part of the _____, which itself is a type of ______ communication channel.

C. grapevine; informal

60. Which of the following is appropriate for workplace e-mail?

C. maintaining work-life balance by not sending e-mails before or after work hours

24. A(n) ______ form of media allows receivers to observe multiple cues, such as body language and tone of voice, and allows senders to get feedback. Face-to-face communication is an example of this form of media.

C. rich

71. Imagine that you work for a life insurance company. The company is offering a new type of life insurance policy for senior citizens (people over age 65) and retirees. Keeping generational differences in mind, which of the following is the best medium for communicating with potential customers/clients?

C. telephone calls

57. The key to protecting digital communication systems against fraud, hackers, identity theft, and other threats is

C. using prevention techniques like strong passwords.

26. Of the following, which medium is the richest?

C. videoconference

79. Which of the following is an example of empathetic communication?

D. "I understand your frustration; this deadline is intense, and we're running on reduced staff."

45. Which of the following statements is true?

D. Men tend to withdraw and isolate themselves when problem solving, whereas women seek out others for support and can interpret men's withdrawing as lack of caring.

73. Among people age 18-24, the most popular social network is _______; among people aged 35-44, the most popular social network is ________.

D. Snapchat; LinkedIn

68. Which of the following is not appropriate to include in the conclusion of a speech?

D. details you forgot from earlier

51. The dean at Corbin Business College disseminated a new five-year strategic plan to department chairs. This is an example of ________ communication.

D. downward

18. You are a(n) ________ communicator when your intended message is sent accurately in the least amount of time.

D. efficient

31. Lai worked on a global team for an American company, and all her work had to be completed in her second language, English. Sometimes her teammates misinterpreted her meaning. Lai has unintentionally created of a(n) ______ barrier to communication.

D. encoding

21. When the band came out on stage and the lead singer shouted, "Hello, Dallas!" the crowd roared with applause. The crowd's response is an example of

D. feedback.

58. When thieves use your name and good credit rating to get cash or buy things, they are engaging in

D. identity theft.

63. Active ______ is the process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages, which requires full attention and processing.

D. listening

30. Claire wanted to tell her employees about the seminar, but she put the flier in a stack of papers and forgot about it until after the deadline, so none of her employees were able to sign up for the seminar. What type of barrier has occurred in this situation?

D. sender barrier

39. Which of the following is not a way in which nonverbal communication is expressed?

D. writing a thank-you note

62. Generally, typical listeners retain _____ of what they hear.

E. 20-50 percent

16. Which of the following statements is not true about communication in the workplace?

E. Emails can cut through the misunderstandings that result from misinterpreted phone calls.

35. ____ is a state of reduced attention that is expressed in behavior that is rigid or thoughtless. This state is natural because human beings simply cannot keep up with all the stimuli they receive.

E. Mindlessness

42. Which of the following is a "do" when attempting to improve communication?

E. Smile.

74. Which of the following statements is not true of social media?

E. Social media rarely reduces productivity in the workplace.

64. Which of the following is not a suggestion that may help you be a good listener?

E. mentally compose your response

56. The grapevine is

E. more active when official communication is lacking.

50. The more management levels through which a message passes, the

E. more distorted the message may become.

37. Which of the following is not a personal barrier to communication?

E. obsolete technology

17. Communication is

E. the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another.

49. A manager who is instructing his employee about work tasks is communicating

E. vertically.

10. Formal channels of communication are typically faster than the grapevine.


11. In general, one long meeting is preferable to several shorter meetings.


12. When using text messages for important workplace communications, use abbreviations and emojis to streamline the communication.


13. Generally people retain about 75 percent of what they hear.


14. An audience can typically remember about 10 points from a speech.


15. Jyl, a supervisor, told her employees, "The store will close Monday for inventory. All employees are expected to participate." Jyl's communication to her employees is an example of upward communication.


3. The sun was shining directly into Matt's eyes, so he looked away and missed the coach's demonstration of a defensive technique. In this case, the sun acts as feedback in the communication process.


8. When a supervisor is afraid to voice an idea because she fears criticism, the result is a receiver barrier.


9. One of the ways to improve communication is to avoid animation.


1. Lynn had many spelling and grammar mistakes in her report, some of which made the content difficult to understand. Lynn's report is an example of poor encoding.


2. Noise is any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message, and it can occur in any medium.


4. Face-to-face communication is the richest form of communication because the receiver observes multiple cues in the message.


5. If you must tell an employee that he is facing a sexual harassment investigation, you should use a rich medium of communication.


6. The danger of using a lean medium for nonroutine matters is that it results in information oversimplification; it doesn't provide enough of the information the receiver needs and wants.


7. An order-taker who has a thick accent, and someone who speaks too fast at a fast-food drive-through, are examples of communication barriers.


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