Chapter 16, 18& 19 Quiz

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What two 'ingredients' are necessary for glaciers to form?

- Precipitation: accumulation of snow must exceed melting snow - Temperature: summer highs cannot be too high for too long

Why is channel flow not uniform—straight, smooth and regular—throughout the channel?

-Friction along bottom and sides→ can cause water to be slower in some parts -Irregularities in direction and speed→ produce momentary currents that can move anywhere, even upwards -Turbulence→ results in eddies and whirlpools

Name two majors that are specific examples of exotic streams

Colorado and the Nile

What glacier in Alaska did James Balong visit in the video 'Extreme Ice'?

Columbia Glacier in Southeast Alaska

What is a cutoff meander? oxbow lake? meander scar? How does each form?

Cutoff meander: meandering river changes course again and cuts a new channel back over the previous neck, leaving an old meandering loop Oxbow lake: cutoff meander is cut off from the stream, leaving a small separate body of water Meander scar: oxbow lake fills with sediments and vegetation and then eventually dries up over time

Identify two major North American rivers that have no delta and two that do.

Delta: Mississippi, Colorado No delta: Columbia, St. Lawrence

Four types of stream drainage patterns?

Dendritic, Deranged, Centripetal, Trellised .

Three types of stream load?

Dissolved load, suspended load, bed load.

Which stream order is the most common basin?

First Order

Which has a narrower valley?

First order

Which has a steeper gradient?

First order

Which carries more water in a particular basin: a first order or fourth order stream?


What is a knickpoint?

Is the part of the river channel where there is a sharp dip like a waterfall.

Laminar Flow

Layers of ice move over the top of each other due to differences in weight.

Provide a specific example of Monadnock


What stream channel pattern are these normally associated with? (cutoff meander, oxbow lake, meander scar)


What is a meander scar and how does it form?

Meander scar: oxbow lake fills with sediments and vegetation and then eventually dries up over time

Line of equilirbrium

The altitude where the amount of new snow gained by accumulation is equal to the amount of ice lost through ablation.

Why do some major rivers not have deltas?

The currents are so strong the sediments are swept away instead of deposited

How does differential erosion help explain knickpoint migration?

The force of the water flowing can make the rock break off and erode, causing the knickpoint to move further upstream as the rock continues to erode

Terminal moraine

The maximum extent of the glacier and the materials that are dropped off there. Example, Long Island


Thin wall between two adjacent glacial valleys

Which 2 of these drainage patterns can be found in PA and WV and why?

Trellis: due to tightly folded Paleozoic sedimentary strata forming a series of parallel ridges and valleys Dendritic: horizontal strata

What is the primary erosional agent of landform development in deserts?


Great Sandy

Western Australia

Be able to associate glaciers with particular parts of the globe, and specific countries.

Where is is cold. Or where it is warm but there is a mountaintop high enough that it is cold. So like, Greenland. Canada. Literally everywhere but Australia has some kind of glacier, basically.

Can glaciers form in tropical regions of the world? Why/not?

Yes, because of mountains (elevation)


a natural lake formed by a glacier retreating and it occurs in a crique


where the steep wall between two adjacent cirques wears away, leaving a saddle like structure.

What is the deepest part called?


What is the deepest part of the stream called>



3 or more cirques intersecting

What is an exotic stream?

A steam whose water originates from somewhere else but flows through an arid place.

Zone of accumulation?

All areas of the glacier above the line of equilibrium

Zone ablation

All areas of the glacier below the line of equilibrium


Amphitheatre like bowl created by a glacier erosion


Argentina, Chile

Where in the US does Mesa & Scarp terrain predominate?



Arizona, Mexicso

Where are the Mitten Buttes?



California. Nevada

Be able to define and distinguish stream capacity from stream competence

Capacity: a measure of the amount of solid material a stream has the ability to transport (think quantity) Competence: a measure of the particle size a stream can transport, expressed by the diameter of the largest particle a stream can move (think quality)



What is the difference between an icefield and a cirque?

Cirque: form on the slopes of mountains. They are also called alpine or mountain glaciers Icefield: when ice completely covers a flat area

Basal Flow

Meltwater along glacial base provides lubricated surface, allowing glacier to forward.

Gobi Desert

Mongonlia, China



What state is contained nearly entirely within the Basin & Rand of the US?


Great Basin

Nevada, Utah


New Mexico, Texas

Identify a famous example of a knickpoint migration.

Niagra Falls

Is the deepest part of a stream always in the middle?


Is the deepest part of the stream always in the middle?



Northern Africa (egypt ect)

Distinguish streamflow from overland flow. Which occurs on interfluves? In valleys?

Overland flow: unchanneled downslope movement of surface water (interfluves--higher land in between valley walls, separating adjacent valleys) Streamflow: channeled movement of water along a valley bottom (valleys--established drainage system on terrain)

What is an Oxbow lake and how does it form?

Oxbow lake: cutoff meander is cut off from the stream, leaving a small separate body of water

Where can glaciers be found near sea level?

Places where it's cold. Like Antarctica, Greenland, etc.


Saudia Arabia

How do deltas from?

Sediments carried downstream by rivers when they deposits what it creates.

What are four stream channel patterns?

Straight, Sinuous, Meandering, Braided

Which is the least common in nature? (types of streams)

Straight: it usually means it's man-made


Stream deposited sediment Is usually smooth and round

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