chapter 16

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By 2020, experts project that _____ of children at 30 years of age will still have living grandparents.


Roughly, what percentage of adults responded that adults have a duty to care for their aging parents?


According to Levinson, what are the two major tasks to be mastered in early adulthood?

Exploring the possibilities for adult living Developing a stable life structure

Which of the following is NOT a belief attributed to the contemporary life-events approach?

The stress of life events alone influences a person's development.

Friendships that begin in childhood and remain into adulthood are often _________ than those that begin in middle adulthood.


Grandparents who are full-time caregivers for grandchildren are at elevated risk for all of the following, EXCEPT ______.


Parents who live vicariously through their children and who report a decline in marital satisfaction when their children leave the home are experiencing ______.

empty nest syndrome

The big five factors of personality can be condensed into the acronym OCEAN. It includes all of the following personality factors, EXCEPT ______.


In general, high scores on the Big Five factor of ______ are associated with less optimal life outcomes.


Having a positive outlook on life and minimizing problems is known as .


According to Levinson, how long does the transition to middle adulthood last?

5 years

Roughly, what percentage of adults responded that adults have a duty to care for their aging parents?


Which statements are true about Mexican families' intergenerational stresses that result from immigration?

Acculturative stress can be a challenge, when traditional values conflict with those of American culture. Immediate family members may be separated, with some immigrating before others.

Paul Costa and Robert McCrae conducted the ______ Study, which uses the Big Five factors of personality to track adult personality development.


Which of the following statements is reflective of current trends in family living arrangements for parents in middle age?

Because of uncertain economic times, the refilling of the empty nest is becoming a common occurrence.

According to Levinson, which of the following is NOT a major conflict that an adult male must come to terms with during the transition to middle adulthood?

Being ambitious versus being satisfied with life as it stands

The ______ study found little to support the view that personality universally changes or remains stable from early adolescence through a portion of midlife.


In an AARP survey of 40- to 79-year-olds who were divorced at least once in their 40s, 50s, or 60s, which of the following was the MAIN reason they stayed married as long as they did before divorcing?


Which of the following are typical outcomes when adult children move back in with parents?

Children appreciate their parents' support. There are logistical challenges surrounding noise, meal planning, etc. Parents and children both complain about loss of privacy.

Who among the following groups of adult children are most likely to provide social support for their older parents?

Children who spent more time in shared activities with their parents Children who were given more financial support by parents earlier in their lives

According to the Mills College Study, what helped women control their impulses, develop interpersonal skills, become independent, and work hard to achieve goals in middle age?

Commitment to the tasks of early adulthood, whether to a career, a family, or both

Which of the following is the most frequently reported daily hassle in middle age?

Concerns about weight and health

The view that adults experience a midlife crisis was espoused by

Daniel Levinson.

George Vaillant used data collected from individuals when they were 50 to predict whether they would end up in which of the following categories?

Dead Sad-sick Happy-well

Which of the following statements about divorce in middle adulthood is FALSE?

Divorce is more positive in every respect for adults in middle adulthood than for those in early adulthood.

Which of the following statements regarding friendships in middle adulthood is TRUE?

Friendships that begin in childhood and remain into middle adulthood are deeper than those formed in middle adulthood.

Who conducted the "Grant Study," which involved Harvard University men in their early 30s and their late 40s who had initially been interviewed as undergraduates?

George Vaillant

Healthy weight and exercise

Grant Study

Which of the following is not a life characteristic reported by women in their fifties as opposed to women in other age periods?

Greater self-doubt

According to Vaillant, which of the following characteristics at the age of 50 was not predictive of being in the "happy-well" category at 75 to 80 years of age?

Having wealth and income

Which of the following are criticisms about Levinson's Seasons of a Man's Life?

He drew conclusions about early adulthood, without actually studying anyone in that age range. He only studied men, but claims his results apply to women as well.

Which of the following statements about grandparenting and longevity are TRUE?

In 1900, only 4% of 10-year-olds had four living grandparents. The current trend in delaying childbearing is likely to offset the increasing longevity of grandparents somewhat. In 2000, 40% of 10-year-olds had four living grandparents.

Which of the following is not a style of grandparenting described by researchers?


Which of the following are criticisms about Levinson's Seasons of a Man's Life?

Levinson's work included no statistical analysis. Respondents may have distorted memories or forget parts of their past. The original Levinson data included no females.

Which of the following statements about intergenerational relationships is FALSE?

Married men and women are more likely to have contact with their parents than divorced or never-married individuals.

According to Vaillant, which of the following behaviors at age 50 were linked to reaching 80 in a good place?

Mature adaptations and quality education Not smoking or abusing alcohol Stable marriage Healthy weight and exercise

Which of the following statements regarding the stresses experienced by young adults versus those experienced by middle-aged adults is TRUE?

Middle-aged adults were more likely to experience "overload" stressors that involve juggling too many activities at once.

The ______ profiled 132 women in the late 1950s to assess adult personality development.

Mills College Study

Which of the following pairs is most likely to have the closest relationships during their adult years?

Mothers and daughters

Which of the following methods did George Vaillant employ in his longitudinal studies?

Numerous assessments Extensive interviews

Which of the following are true statements about perceptions of personal control?

Perceptions of personal control tend to peak in midlife. Young adults are more likely than older adults to feel invulnerable

Which theorist headed the study of 132 women at Mills College in the late 1950s?

Ravenna Helson

Following the "Grant Study," Vaillant concluded that which of the following is the main focus of a person in his/her forties?

Reassessing and recording the truth about the adolescent and adulthood years

Which of the following is the most frequently reported daily uplift in middle age?

Relating well with a spouse or lover

In what ways does immigration increases intergenerational stresses on Mexican families?

Relocation to a new community without a social network Separation of immediate and extended family members Discrepancies between acculturation levels within the family

George Vaillant performed longitudinal studies of adult development and aging on which THREE of the following groups?

Socially disadvantaged inner-city men born about 1930 Socially advantaged Harvard graduates born about 1920 Middle-SES, intellectually gifted women born about 1910

Which research project studied more than 500 children and their parents in the 1920s and early 1930s and then again as they entered midlife, resulting in the book Present and Past in Middle Life?

The Berkeley Longitudinal Studies

What was the name of Daniel Levinson's report on his extensive interviews with middle-aged men?

The Seasons of a Man's Life

Which of the following views states that middle-aged adults interpret, shape, alter, and give meaning to their lives?

The individual variations view

Which of the following defines the social clock?

The timetable according to which individuals are expected to accomplish life's tasks

What do recent studies suggest about middle-aged parents?

They are more likely to provide support to their grown children than to their parents.

Which statements are true about the roles of grandparents in their grandchildren's lives?

They often play a particularly important role after family crises. Caring for children helps parents remain in the workforce

True or false: As divorce and remarriage have become more common, most states have passed laws giving grandparents the right to petition a court for visitation privileges with their grandchildren, even if a parent objects.


True or false: It is rare for sibling closeness to develop for the first time in adulthood.


Which of the following are some of the main reasons middle-aged and older women gave for initiating a divorce?

Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse Cheating Alcohol or drug abuse

According to Erikson, what causes people to feel stagnation in life?

When they believe they have done nothing for the next generation

Married men were more likely to be involved with which family group?

Wives' kin

Which of the following is NOT a main group of women identified in Helson's Mills College Study?

Women who wanted to be single and raise a child

The Mills College Study distinguished which of the following main groups among the Mills College women?

Women without children who pursued low-level work Family-oriented women Career-oriented women

Which of the following groups experiences the highest rate of daily stressors as opposed to "overload" stressors?

Young adults

George Vaillant asserted that ______ experience a midlife crisis.

a minority of people

Historical contexts are also known as _____________effects.


The term ______ refers to the fact that groups of individuals born during the same time period act and react according to a shared set of historical and social expectations.

cohort effects

Romantic love tends to be stronger in early adulthood, while ______ love tends to be stronger in middle adulthood.


A limitation of the contemporary life-events approach is that it ______.

fails to address daily experiences that may also be a source of stress

What was the most common response when 40- to 79-year-olds were asked "when you think of who you are, you think mainly of _____?"


In a recent study of part-time grandparent caregivers, _____ effects were found.

few negative

Men are more likely than women to react to stress with a ______ approach, which can involve isolating themselves, turning to alcohol or drugs, or being aggressive.


According to Erikson, ___ occurs in middle adulthood and encompasses adult's desire to leave legacies of themselves.


Forty year old Maritska wishes to establish a pediatric AIDS foundation overseas. According to Erikson, she is focused on establishing a sense of .


Parenting, teaching, and involvement in the community are examples of how middle-aged adults can develop , according to Erikson.


When adults work to leave a legacy of themselves to the next generation, they are working toward ______.


Levinson's The Seasons of a Man's Life supported the notion that men ______.

go through four major conflicts that comprise a midlife crisis

Research has shown that having an optimistic outlook on life is generally associated with which of the following?

greater relationship satisfaction longer life better physical health

Stage theories of adult development have, collectively, been criticized for ______.

ignoring individual variation in people's experiences

In the last few decades, divorce rates in the United States have ______.

increased for young adults, but decreased for older adults

Marital satisfaction typically ______ after adult children leave home.


Which of the following responses to stress are more common among men than women?

isolating themselves trying to solve the problem themselves drinking

Which of the following are reasons that have contributed to rising divorce rates among middle-aged and older adults?

less stigma surrounding divorce women are less dependent on husbands for income the increase in remarriages

The Gusii culture in Kenya define progress through life's stages in terms of ______.

life events

Some studies suggest that the role demands between work and family are ______.

more intense for women than for men

Grandparents over the age of 65 were ______ grandparents younger than 65 to interact with their grandchildren in a formal style.

more likely than

Recent studies revealed that middle-aged adults were ______ their counterparts in late adulthood to view their relationships with indifference or ambivalence.

more likely than

Parents and their adult children are ______ similar in areas of politics and religion and ______ similar in gender roles and work orientation.

more; less

In middle adulthood, affectionate or companionate love increases. This form of love includes the qualities of ______.

mutual emotional interest security loyalty

On average, a sense of personal control _______ in midlife and then ______.Men are more likely than women to react to stress with a ______ approach, which can involve isolating themselves, turning to alcohol or drugs, or being aggressive.

peaks; declines

According to Neugarten, the _____________________ _________________________ is the timetable on which individuals are expected to accomplish life's tasks


The process by which, over time, people become more adept at interacting with the environment and in ways that promote increased stability in personality can be described as ______.

the cumulative personality model

Olivia is a 19-year-old college student who hopes to be a physician's assistant in a large medical facility. She plans to be married and have two children by the time she turns 30. Levinson would call this ______.

the dream

According to Erikson, which of the following are ways in which middle-aged adults can develop generativity?

work generativity cultural generativity biological generativity

According to Levinson, which of the following ages most closely corresponds to the point in adulthood when a person enters the phase of Becoming One's Own Man (BOOM)?


At what age does Vaillant see an adult reassessing and recording the truth about the adolescent and adulthood years?


Why are middle-aged adults sometimes described as the "sandwich" generation?

Because they must care for their adolescent and young adult children as well as their aging parents

According to Levinson, a person between the ages of 28 and 33 is faced with which of the following tasks?

Determining life goals

Which of the following responses was the MOST common reason men cited for initiating a divorce?

Falling out of love

In which of the following areas are parents and adult children LEAST similar?

Gender roles

Which theorist asserted that midlife is not a crisis for most people?

George Vaillant

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding concepts of middle age across cultures?

It is common in nonindustrialized societies to describe individuals as young or old but not as middle-aged.

Because many middle-aged adults today are responsible for their children as well as for their aging parents, what names are given to this generation?

Overload Squeezed Sandwich

Who of the following are the MOST likely to experience a decline in marital satisfaction?

Parents who experience the empty nest syndrome after living vicariously through their children

Which of the following is NOT a common reason that grandparents are thrust back into the "parenting" role for their grandchildren?

Personal preference

Which of the following are drawbacks of the contemporary life-events approach?

The life-events approach places too much emphasis on change. The life-events approach doesn't account for the impact of daily stressful experiences on development.

Men are more likely than women to react to stress with a fight-or-flight approach, which can involve ______. (Select all that apply.)

aggressive behaviors social isolation alcohol use

Which of the following are part of the Big Five factors of personality? Select all that apply:

agreeableness extraversion openness

Research indicates that personality ______ throughout adulthood, but there is greater ______ in personality during middle adulthood.

changes; stability

The majority of sibling relationships in middle adulthood can be described as ______.


Compared to younger adults, most individuals in midlife who are married voice ______ with their marriages.

considerable satisfaction

the ____________context of adult development includes the ways in which a society defines adulthood.


When parents experience a sharp drop in marital satisfaction after adult children leave the home, this is known as ______________ ____________________-syndrome.

empty nest

Seasons of a Man's Life by Daniel Levinson was based upon the results of ______.

extensive interviews with 40 middle-aged men

According to Helson's Mills College Study, adult women experienced a ______.

midlife consciousness

The main way in which grandparenting has changed in recent decades is ______.

more grandparents are raising their grandchildren

As opposed to the model of the "sandwich" generation, in which the middle generation cares for grown children and aging parents simultaneously, some experts believe middle-aged adults belong to a "______" generation that alternates between the care of grown children and aging parents.


The term "" generation refers to a situation in which the middle generation alternates attention between the demands of grown children and aging parents.


As adult children become middle-aged, they often develop more ______ perceptions of their parents.


Women are more likely than women to react to stress with a tend-and-befriend approach, which can involve ______.

seeking social alliances

The Berkeley studies found that the most stable aspects of personality included all of the following, EXCEPT ______.


According to Erikson, develops when middle-aged adults sense they have not done anything for the next generation.


Jacob, who is 45, has amassed a lot of wealth but has not done anything to benefit the next generation. According to Erikson, he may be in a state of . (Remember to type only one word in the blank.)


Women are more likely than women to react to stress with a ______ approach, which focuses on seeking out social support.


Which of the following are reasons that have contributed to rising divorce rates among middle-aged and older adults?

the increase in remarriages women are less dependent on husbands for income less stigma surrounding divorce

The contemporary life-events approach takes into account all of the following, except ______.

the stability of one's personality over time

True or false. In their Baltimore Study, Costa and McCrae found relative stability in the big five factors of personality across adulthood; however, recent studies have found greater variability over the course of the life span.


Compared to grandfathers, grandmothers have ______ contact with grandchildren.


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