Chapter 16 (Anatomy)

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Which of the following glands increases blood calcium levels?

Parathyroid (The parathyroid glands secrete PTH, which increases blood calcium levels.)

Which enzyme is important in the deactivation of cAMP and termination of signaling?

Phosphodiesterase (The increase in cAMP levels is usually short-lived because the enzyme phosphodiesterase is constantly present in the cytoplasm of the target cells.)

Which hormone has only one known effect: to stimulate milk production by the breasts?


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is inhibited by ________.

Secretion is inhibited by alcohol

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion is regulated by what?

Secretion is regulated by a hypothalamic regulatory hormone

As a result of stress the anterior pituitary releases ________, which stimulates release of hormones from the adrenal cortex that retain sodium and water, increase blood sugar, and begin breaking down fats.


The axon terminals of neurons of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tracts store and secrete _____ and _______ in the capillaries of the inferior hypophyseal artery.

ADH and oxytocin

Which of the following is a change typically produced by a hormonal stimulus?

Activates or deactivates enzymes, Alters plasma membrane permeability, induces secretory activity.

Which of the following hormones is stimulated by stress?

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroid hormones, most importantly glucocorticoids that help the body to resist stressors.)

What gland secretes growth hormone?

Anterior pituitary (The anterior pituitary secretes a variety of hormones, including growth hormone.)

_____________ targets the kidneys and modulates how much water is lost in the urine.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Which of the following hormones helps the body avoid dehydration and water overload?

Antidiuretic hormone (Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) prevents wide swings in water balance, helping the body avoid dehydration and water overload.)

The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________.

Binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP

Match the following hypothalamic hormones with the pituitary hormone targets: Targets are Bones and muscles, mammary glands, testes or ovaries, thyroid, and adrenal cortex.

Bones and muscles have growth hormone, mammary glands have prolactin, testes or ovaries have follicle stimulating hormone, thyroid has thyroid stimulating hormone, and adrenal cortex have adrenocorticotropic hormone.

What is the target organ of thyroid hormones' metabolic effects?

Cells of the body (Thyroid hormones secreted by the thyroid gland target cells of the body to modulate metabolism.)

Hormones often cause a cell to elicit multiple responses; this is because ________.

During protein kinase activation, enzymes phosphorylate many other enzymes

Steroid hormones exert their action by ________.

Entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene

A man has been told that he is NOT synthesizing enough follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and for this reason he may be unable to father a child. Choose the correct statement to explain this problem.

FSH stimulates sperm production in the testes.

True or False All amino acid based hormones are lipid soluble and can cross the plasma membrane.


True or False Calcitonin is the main regulator of blood calcium levels.


True or False The endocrine gland that is probably malfunctioning if a person has a high metabolic rate is the parathyroid.


True or False Thyroid hormone production requires the presence of both iodine and calcium.


True or False ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroid hormones.


True or False Iodine is an essential element required for the synthesis of thyroxine.


True or False LH is also referred to as a gonadotropin.


True or False Oxytocin and ADH are produced in the posterior pituitary.


True or False The beta cells in the pancreatic islets produce insulin.


True or False The prime metabolic effect of cortisol is gluconeogenesis.


Which anterior pituitary hormone does NOT target another endocrine gland?

Growth hormone

Hypersecretion of what hormone can produce the effects of gigantism in the individual in the center of this image?

Growth hormone (Growth hormone has effects on metabolism as well as growth. Hypersecretion can lead to gigantism.)

Which of the following is a category of endocrine gland stimulus?

Hormonal, neural, and humoral

Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that travel through the blood and regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________.


The parathyroid glands respond to which type of stimulus?


What type of stimulation controls parathyroid release?

Humoral (The parathyroid is stimulated by the actual level of calcium in the blood rather than by neural or hormonal stimulus.)

Hyperprolactinemia may be caused by ______.

Hypo secretion of dopamine (Dopamine functions as a prolactin-release-inhibiting hormone (PIH).)

Where is thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) made?

Hypothalamus (The hypothalamus regulates the release of several other hormones by producing releasing and inhibitory hormones, including TRH.)

Which of the following best describes the hypoglycemic effect of insulin?

Insulin allows entry of glucose into most body cells. (Insulin binds to receptor proteins in most body cells and allows membrane transport of glucose into these cells.)

Why does antidiuretic hormone help regulate an abnormal increase in solute concentration in the extracellular fluid?

It causes reabsorption of water by the kidney, resulting in increased blood water volume and a decreased solute concentration.

Events of cAMP signaling in the correct sequence from left to right.

Water soluble hormone binds receptor, receptor activates, G protein activates, Adenylate cyclase activates, cAMP activates, then finally activated protein kinases can then phosphorylate a variety of intracellular proteins to elicit the cell's response to the hormone.

Which of the following pairs correctly matches the adrenal gland zone, or area, with the class of hormones it produces?

Zona glomerulosa: Mineralocorticoids (The zona glomerulosa produces mineralocorticoids)

The _________ is located in the lower anterior throat superficial to the trachea at the level of the cricoid cartilage.

Thyroid gland

Gluconeogenesis, the formation of glucose from fats and proteins, is due to the action of ________.


Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________.


Aldosteronism will cause ______.

Decreased secretion of renin (Aldosteronism is due to over secretion of aldosterone. The kidneys release renin, which is converted into angiotensin II which stimulates aldosterone release.)

True or False Up-regulation involves the loss of receptors and prevents the target cells from overreacting to persistently high hormone levels.

False (Down-regulation involves the loss of receptors and prevents the target cells from overreacting to persistently high hormone levels.)

True or False The benefit of using a second messenger signaling system is rapid speed of communication.

False The benefit of second messenger signaling is the amplification that occurs inside of the cells; small amounts of signal create a large response.

True or False The hypothalamus is known to control the activity of the thyroid, which has traditionally been called the master endocrine gland.

False(The hypothalamus is known to control the activity of the pituitary gland, which has traditionally been called the master endocrine gland.)

Regulating hormones from the hypothalamus enter in where first?

First enter into the hypophyseal portal system

Aldosterone ________.

Functions to increase sodium reabsorption

Which of the following hormones stimulates an increase in basal metabolic rate as a tropic hormone?

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (Thyroid -stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates the thyroid to release the hormone thyroxin, which increases metabolism in the body.)

__________ is the situation when one hormone exaggerates the effects of another hormone at the target cell?

Synergism (Synergism of hormones occurs in situations where more than one hormone produces the same effect at the target cell and their combined effects are amplified. Each hormone acts independently of the other and has the same effect on the target cell.)

Which of the following occurs in situations where more than one hormone produces the same effects at the target cell and their combined effects are amplified?

Synergism (Synergism of hormones occurs in situations where one or more hormones produce the same effect at the target cell and their combined effects are amplified.)

Which of the following best describes gluconeogenesis?

Synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources (The term genesis means "to create," and neo means "new," so this term literally means "to create new sugar.")

Stimulus for these respective targets: Testosterone production, Epinephrine production, Aldosterone production, Parathyroid hormone production?

Testosterone has a Hormonal stimulus, Epinephrine has a Neural stimulus, Aldosterone has a Humoral and/or Hormonal stimulus, and Parathyroid hormone has a Humoral stimulus

____________ contains nuclei that produce hormones that are then secreted into the blood in the pituitary gland.

The Hypothalamus

What is the name for the type of hormone, secreted by the pituitary that regulates other endocrine organs?

Tropins (Tropins, or tropic hormones, are hormones that regulate the secretory action of other endocrine glands.)

____________ occupies a retroperitoneal position partially behind the stomach.

The pancreas

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