Chapter 16-Nutritional Aspects of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

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How many pounds does healthy weight gain for a pregnant woman include during the first trimester?


During the 2nd trimester, a daily increase of about ___ calories is recommended.


The National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy improves the chances of optimal health for both the mother and fetus if the gestation lasts at least _____ weeks.


A healthy infant should weigh more than ____ pounds at birth.


How many calories are required for production of milk?

800 kcal/day

What are some components of colostrum?

Antibodies Lactobacillus bifidus factor Immune system cells

Which B vitamin is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, for pregnant woman to prevent or treat nausea?


Which statement is true about breast size during pregnancy?

Breast size during pregnancy is not an indication of successful breastfeeding.

Which statement is true about breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a learned skill and education prior to lactation is necessary.

What action should a pregnant woman take if she is interested in beginning a regular physical activity program during pregnancy?

Consult a physician

Pair the term with its correct definition.

Embryo The developing life form from the beginning of the third week to the end of the eight week after conception Ovum The egg cell from which a fetus eventually develops Fetus The developing life form from the beginning of the ninth week after conception until birth Zygote The fertilized ovum; the cell resulting from the union of the ovum and sperm

Breastfeeding education usually focuses on proper nutrition.


Which of the following are issues with teen pregnancies?

Gain too little during pregnancy Low nutrient intake Enter pregnancy underweight

Which is the best statement in reference to strategies for a successful pregnancy?

Improving health status prior to conception will increase the chance of a successful pregnancy.

What are some causes of potential problems encountered with breastfeeding?

Inverted nipples, which can be corrected during pregnancy. Misinformation

What are the three main minerals that need to be increased during pregnancy?

Iodine Iron Zinc

Which statements are true in regard to the Lactobacillus bifidus factor?

It is a component of colostrum. It protects the intestine by preventing the growth of potentially harmful bacteria.

Pair the prepregnancy BMI classification with the recommendation for weight gain during pregnancy.

Low (less than 19.8) 28-40 pounds Normal (19.8-25.9) 25-35 pounds High (26-29) 15-25 pounds Obese (29 or greater) 15 pounds

Pair the components of weight gain during pregnancy with their corresponding weight contribution.

Maternal fat stores 4-8 pounds Fetus 8 pounds Fetus, amniotic fluid, and placenta 11 pounds

What are some strategies that may be used to improve the chances of a successful pregnancy?

Modify or remove potentially harmful habits prior to conception. Control or correct existing health problems prior to conception.

Which of the following are common problems related to pregnancy?

Morning sickness Heartburn Edema

Please pair the correct scenario with the recommendation for weight gain.

Normal weight women carrying single fetus 25-35 pounds should be gained during pregnancy. Normal weight women carrying twins 37-45 pounds should be gained during pregnancy. Normal weight women carrying triplets 50 pounds should be gained during pregnancy.

List the stages of development starting from conception and ending at birth.

Ovum Zygote Embryo Fetus

A major role of the ____ is to exchange nutrients, oxygen and other gases, and waste products between the mother and the fetus.


Who is at the greatest risk for not consuming enough dietary calcium?

Pregnant teens

What health risks to the infant are associated with smoking during pregnancy?

Premature Birth defects Sudden infant death

What are the symptoms of pregnancy-induced hypertension?

Rise in blood pressure Edema Excess protein in urine Changes in blood clotting

Which of the following are conditions related to a low folic acid intake during pregnancy?

Spina Bifida Anencephaly

Please list the steps in the process of the let-down reflex in order from start to finish.

Suckling stimulates nerves in the nipple and areola The pituitary releases oxytocin and prolactin Oxytocin stimulates release of milk

What is the recommendation for folate intake during pregnancy?

The RDA for folate increases to 600 micrograms DFE per day.

What is the purpose of the placenta?

To accommodate growth and development of the fetus.

Why is it important for woman to consume nutrient-dense foods most especially during the first trimester?

To ensure all essential nutrients are provided for rapid development of the fetus

Place in correct order the terms used to describe an infant from conception to delivery.

Zygote Embryo Fetus

Nutrient dense foods can be displaced during pregnancy in women that consume ______.


Oxytocin causes contraction of the muscle-like cells surrounding the ducts of the ___ tissue.

breast tissue

Most women are physically capable of ____ their infants.


Lower household food _____ is an advantage of breastfeeding for mother.


Severely restricting calories from the diet during pregnancy increases the risk of maternal and infant _____.


The social indicator that differs most between the developing and industrialized worlds is pregnancy-related _______.


Six in every 1000 babies born in the United States each year have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders which includes the following three:

facial malformations growth retardation nervous syndrome defects

Fish and supplements are source of omega-3 _____.

fatty acids

Nausea typically stops after the ___ trimester of pregnancy.


The mother should consume _____ each time the infants nurses.


Healthy pre-pregnancy weight and adequate weight ______ during pregnancy are two excellent predictors of pregnancy outcome.


During pregnancy another type of diabetes develops in approximately 18% of women and is called ____ diabetes.

gestational diabetes

Sufficient intakes of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexanoic acid (DHA) may improve which of the following during pregnancy?

infancy birth weight infancy birth length gestation duration

Obese women may have a ____ milk supply which will lead to the need for infant formula to be used during feedings.


Infants born to mothers with a prepregnancy BMI of 25 or higher are ____ to experience health problems compared to infants born to mothers of BMI in the range of 18.5 - 24.9.

more likely

In developing countries, prolonged undernutrition during pregnancy will lead to death for the ____ in 1 in 160 births.


The ___ is an organ that forms in the uterus during pregnancy, transfers nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus, and removes fetal wastes.


After birth, the mother produces more _____ hormone so that she can produce milk for breastfeeding.


Since the embryo continues to grow and develop regardless of the mother's awareness of pregnancy,

the mother's daily health and nutrition habits are very important.

The cell resulting from the union of an egg cell and a sperm until it divides is commonly referred to as a(n):


What are some examples of craving commonly experienced with pica?

-tire inner tubes (clay, coal and laundry detergent) -coal -clay -laundry detergent

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