Chapter 16 Part 1

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Which event marked the end of the Indian wars?

Battle of Wounded Knee.

After the Civil War, what became a symbol of a life of freedom on the open range?


An example of what the economist and social historian Thorstein Veblen meant by "conspicuous consumption" is:

Mrs. Bradley Martin's costume ball.

The reasons for the tripling of railroad track miles in the United States between 1860 and 1890:

Private investment and massive grants of land and money by federal, state, and local governments spurred the building.

What criticism did Henry Demarest Lloyd leverage against Rockefeller's Standard Oil in Wealth against Commonwealth (1892)

Standard Oil was undermining fair competition in the marketplace.

What was the aim of Carlisle, a boarding school for Indians?

To civilize the Indians, making them "American" as whites defined the term.

Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller:

built up giant corporations that dominated their respective markets.

The impact of the second industrial revolution on the trans-Mississippi West was:

dramatic as an agricultural empire grew.

In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis:

focused on the wretched conditions of New York City slums.

One significant economic impact of the second industrial revolution was:

frequent and prolonged economic depressions.

The Plains Indians:

included the Cheyenne, Comanche, Crow, Kiowa, and Sioux

Thomas Edison

invented, among other things, a system for generating and distributing electricity.

The American working class:

lived in desperate conditions

The following factors contributed to explosive economic growth during the Gilded Age EXCEPT:

low tariffs

The economic development of the American West was based on:

lumber, mining industries, tourism, and farming.

The Indian victory at Little Bighorn:

only temporarily delayed the advance of white settlement.

The __________ made possible the second industrial revolution in America


The Dawes Act of 1887:

sought to break up the tribal system; divided tribal lands into parcels of land for Indian families.

The second industrial revolution was marked by:

the acceleration of factory production and increased activity in the mining and railroad industries.

In his speech "A Second Declaration of Independence," labor leader Ira Steward argued that the most pressing problem facing the nation was:

the growing gap between the rich and poor.

In 1883, __________ divided the nation into the four time zones still used today

the major railroad companies

Bonanza farms:

typically had thousands of acres of land or more.

Chief Joseph:

wanted freedom for his people, the Nez Percé.

The Ghost Dance:

was a religious revitalization campaign among Indians, feared by whites.

In the nineteenth century, pools, trusts, and mergers were:

ways that manufacturers sought to control the marketplace.

By 1890, the majority of Americans:

worked for wages.

Why did President James Buchanan replace Utah's territorial governor Brigham Young with a non-Mormon appointee in 1857?

It became known that the work of federal judges in Utah was being obstructed.

The first billion-dollar enterprise corporation was:

U.S. Steel.

For workers, the second industrial revolution meant all of the following EXCEPT:

a decrease in child labor

Elk v. Wilkins (1884):

agreed with lower court rulings that the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments did not apply to Indians.

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