Chapter 16 (Supporting Mobile Operating Systems)

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A Apple feature that allows devices with the same Apple ID to pick up tasks from one another for seamless transition.


A device that contains free moving disk to gather information about device tilt from gravity.


A process for Android phones of obtaining root or administrative privileges to an Android device.


A process where Bluetooth devices attempt to connect.

SIM Card:

A small chip needed in order to utilize GSM or LTE networks.


A type of gyroscope that is used in mobile devices to sense a physical position of the device

IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity):

A unique number that identifies a cellular subscription for a device or subscriber along with its home country and mobile network, kept usually in a database by the carrier associated with the IMEI.

Google Now:

A virtual assistant available through Android devices.

Apps Drawer:

An Android component that lists and manages all installed apps.


An Apple operating system based on Mac OS X that is currently used on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, consisting of 20% of smart phones sold today and 40% of the total market.


An area that has Wi-Fi Internet connectivity made available.

Ownership of Android:

Google acquired this source code in 2005 but does not own it. Google assumed a leadership role in the operating system's development, quality control, and distribution.

Favorites Tray:

Groups of apps that can be pinned just above the Action Bar in Android.

Open Source:

When source code for an operating system is available for free and anyone can modify and redistribute the source code, like Linux and Android.

ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card ID):

a unique number that identifies a SIM card if the card is used.


port 110


port 143


port 993


port 995

Android OS:

A Linux based operating system developed by Google that is used in various smart phones (80%) and tablets, 50% of the total market.

Airplane Mode:

A feature in mobile devices that allows you to disable the antennas, blocking the device form transmitting or receiving signals.


A feature that allows a user phone to give a computer internet access through its cellular network.


Provides alerts and related information about apps and social media.


A virtual assistant available through Windows.


The identification of a device's location in order to track the device's movements.

2G, EDGE, 3G, 4G, and 4G LTE:

A cellular network used for data transmissions.


A cellular network used for voice transmissions.

Bluetooth PIN code:

A code that secures the process of pairing devices via Bluetooth.


A feature in iOS 7 that allows easy transfer of files using Bluetooth to detect nearby compatible devices, then creating a peer-to-peer Wi-Fi network that has a Firewall and encryption.

APK (Android Application Package):

A file format used for writing apps in Java programing language that wraps all the apps parts into one file with a .apk file extension.


A graphical user interface (GUI) for a device.

SDK (Software Development Kit):

A group of tools that devolopers use to write apps, like Android Studio.

PRI (Preferred Roaming List):

A list of the preferred service providers or radio frequencies your carrier wants the device to use.

Mobile Payment Service:

A mobile phone feature that allows the user to use their smart phone to pay for merchandise or services at a retail checkout counter.

S/MIME (Secure/Mulipurpose Internet Mail Extensions):

A more secure alternative to SMTP.


A process for iPhones that gives the user root or administrative privileges to the operating system and the entire file system. This was once illegal but was overturned in the US in 2010. This violates most warrantys, EULAs, and BYOD policies.

Action Bar:

A section at the bottom of the screen on Android phones that can be configured with up to five custom software Home touch buttons.

Microsoft Exchange:

A server application that is popular with large corporations for handling employee email, contacts, and calendars that automatically enables ActiveSync.

Virtual Assistant:

A service or app that responds to the user's voice commands with a personable, conversational, interaction to perform tasks and retrieve information.

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity):

A unique number that identifies each mobile phone or tablet device workwide and is usually reported within the About menu in the OS or printed on a sticker behind the battery.


A virtual assistant available through iPhone.


A wireless display-mirroring technology that allows a TV to mirror a phone's screen like a wireless projector, which may pose a threat to VPN security.

Closed Source:

An operating system that is also called vendor-specific or commercial licensed.

PRI (Product Release Instructions):

Instructions about OS updates, usually found on the supplier's website, that contains new features or patches.

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