Chapter 16- The Civil War

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Who headed nursing for the North?

Dorothea Dix

What general lead the March to the Sea?

General Sherman Tecumseh

How did Lincoln monitor the border state of Missouri?

Lincoln supported an uprising that planned to overthrow those who supported the confederacy.

What was the first African American group that was allowed to fight in the Civil War called?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Unit

What did the 13th amendment do?

It permanently abolished slavery in America.

Why is the Civil War referred to as the "War between the States"?

It was fought between a number of states with opposing political, social, and ethical views.

Who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

What did the First Battle of Bull run do?

Shatter both the North and the South's belief that the war would be a quick and easy victory.

Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe?

She was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, which ignited sectional controversies

What occurred during Sherman's March to the Sea?

Sherman started in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and led 120,000 troops throughout the South to the Atlantic Coast. The land they encountered was either burned (like Atlanta) or given to emancipated slaves

The Civil War is sometimes referred to as the "War between the _____"


What did the Union march off to in the First Battle of Bull Run?

"On to Richmond"

What was the Homestead Act?

An act passed by Congress in 1862 that offered free land in return for westward settlement. (160 acres)

What states did Lincoln feel were particularly crucial?

Border States

What tax did Congress place on citizens in 1861 to help fund the war?

A 3% income tax on anyone who made over $800 a year

How many Confederate soldiers were killed?


How many Union solders were killed?


What was the Pacific Railroad Act?

A law passed by Congress in 1862 that authorized the building of a transcontinental railroad.

What was the total number (estimate) of people killed in the Civil War?

A little over 620,000

Who was Stonewall Jackson?

A military commander for the South that died from friendly fire at the Battle of Chancellorsville

Who was Frederick Douglas?

A prominent African American abolitionist

What tax did Congress place on citizens in 1862 to help fund the war?

A tax on newspapers, tobacco, and other commonly used goods.

What was the Gettysburg Address?

A two-minute speech President Abraham Lincoln gave detailing his views about the war in general and his hopes that one day all men (including blacks) would enjoy total freedom

What was the Legal Tender Act?

An act passed by Congress in 1862 that established a national currency, but it did not prohibit banks from producing and using their own form of currency.

How did Lincoln monitor the border state of Maryland?

All disloyal members were arrested and kept from voting.

What was the Morrill Land Grant Act?

An act passed by Congress in 1862 that established A & M colleges

What was the National Bank Act?

An act passed by Congress in 1863 that forced banks to use federal currency by making sure that they applied for federal charters and outlawing the use of individualized bank notes.

On what date was President Abraham Lincoln assassinated?

April 14, 1865

When did the Civil War begin?

April 1861

When did the Civil War end?

April 1865

On what date did the Confederacy surrender to the Union?

April 9, 1865

What did the Emancipation Proclamation state?

As of January 1, 1863, all slaves held in rebellion areas (thus the South) would be freed.

After what battle did Lincoln give the Emancipation Proclamation?

Battle of Antietam

The single bloodiest day of the war was fought during which battle?

Battle of Antietam

What was the bloodiest battle in the entire Civil War?

Battle of Gettysburg

At the time it was fought, what battle was the single bloodiest battle fought in North America?

Battle of Shiloh

The 15th amendment was given what nickname?

Black man's suffrage amendment

What nurse is called the "Angel of the Battlefield" and helped to found the American Red Cross Association?

Clara Barton

What was the first battle of the Civil War?

First Battle of Bull Run

What did the 15th amendment do?

It gave African American men the right to vote

Who was Robert E. Lee?

Great military commander of the Confederacy

How did Lincoln monitor the border state of Kentucky?

He placed it under martial law.

How did Lincoln monitor the border state of Delaware?

He simply kept an eye on it.

In what two years was Lincoln elected?

He was first elected in 1860, but he was later reelected in 1864.

Who was Ulysses Grant?

He was the Union's last great military general who led the Union to a victory.

What were some of the North's advantages?

Higher population; stable economy; established government; control over 70% of the railroads; existing navy

What were some of the South's advantages?

Home-field advantage; high morale; location of seven out of the eight military schools in the nation

What did the 14th amendment do?

It defined citizenship as any person born in America or naturalized here. These citizens were therefore protected by the Constitution

Where was the capital of the Confederacy first located?

Montgomery, Alabama

Who were the Copperheads and why were they called that?

Northern Democrats who did not believe in the abolition of slavery and attempted to 'poison' the beliefs of the Northern Democrats with their explanations of as to why they did not support the ending of slavery.

Who was Jefferson Davis?

President of the Confederacy

Where was the capital of the Confederacy relocated too?

Richmond, Virginia

What was the North's strategy for winning the Civil War?

The Anaconda Plan- squeeze the South into surrender. They would basically cut off the South from all supplies.

What battle began the Civil War?

The Battle of Fort Sumter

Who was General P.G.T. Beauregard?

The Confederate soldier who fired on the Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, beginning the Civil War

What happened to the economies of the rivaling sides?

The North's economy boomed, while the South's was depleted due to a lack of labor force and damage done the war.

Why is the Civil War referred to as the "War between the blue and the grey?"

The Union had blue uniforms while the Confederacy had grey uniforms.

Besides being the bloodiest battle in the Civil War, why was the Battle of Gettysburg significant?

The Union permanently gained the offensive position. From this point on, the South was on the defense.

Who was Andrew Johnson?

The Vice president when Lincoln was in office. He became president after Lincoln was assassinated, but he fought long, hard, and often with Congress, which led to his impeachment years later. However, he was not removed from office.

What was the South's strategy for winning the Civil War?

The War of Attrition- Sitting and waiting while they prepared for the North's attacks

What were the medical conditions during the war?

The war was extremely unsanitary. One in four soldiers would die from their wounds.

Why did the South face more hardships than the North?

The war was fought primarily in the South.

What role did women play in society during the war?

They began to take on jobs and fill the roles men used to fulfill. In the North, women began working factory jobs, while in the South, women began to farm.

What role did women play on the battlefield?

Wives would typically follow their soldiers, caring for them as they saw fit. Women also served as nurses, aids, and prostitutes. The aids would perform simple tasks such as cooking food, gathering water, and doing laundry.

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