chapter 16/17/18 ap euro

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A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

Opium Wars

- China had never been an extensive market for Western goods. European and Americans, however, wanted to import Chinese goods in large quantities. With the Chinese uninterested in buying Western goods, British merchants looked for another product to sell to the Chinese market. They came upon opium which was from India, however, the Chinese gov't resisted the import of opium to prevent addiction among their people. -The British went to war to impose free trade of opium in China. The British dominated China > controlled Hong Kong> which allowed GB to control the trading in China, and to open up their ports to european countries.

The Khedives

- Egyptian rulers who tried to modernize Egypt by building new harbors, roads, and a modern army - descendants of Muhammad Ali in Egypt after 1867

Lord Kitchener

- Hero in the 2nd Boer War - General in Great Britain, undertook the reconquest of the Sudan

Open Door Policy

- US foreign policy that sought equal trading rights for all nations trading in China and commercial advantages for US business - designed to prevent formal foreign annexations of Chinese territory and allow business people from all nations to trade in China on equal terms

Louis Pasteur

- created the method of pasteurization - French scientist who found a cure for rabies and other diseases

Berlin Conference 1884-1885

- meeting of European leaders to divide up Africa - also known as the Congo Conference, or West Africa Conference - A conference of European powers, met up to split Africa into sections depending on natural resources. -eventually lead to formal partition of nearly the entire continent

Nations outside of Europe involved in imperialism - US/Japan

1870-1900 western states spread control over 10 million square miles and 150 million people

"Scramble for Africa" - between late

1870s-1912 Scrambling for LAND There are new markets opening up of resources Belgium starts this

For the imperial powers, the key moment in the Boxer Rebellion was the attacks on the foreign diplomatic missions in Beijing, which lasted off and on for

3 months in 1900 until an international army occupied the Chinese capital in August 1900. For the second time in less than half The western powers won so china had to pay a lot of money as an apology

Women's Protection League


Tsar of Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. Began mildly liberal and later became autocratic.

Alexander I

Liberal Russian tsar during the 1860s. Later assassinated.

Alexander II

Which of the following individuals played a central role in unifying Italy using the ideas of Realpolitik?

Camillo Benso di Cavour

1904 alliance between England and France

Anglo-French Entente


Auguste Comte developed positivism, a philosophy of human intellectual development that culminated in science.

The pact establishing the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary


Germany, increasingly alarmed by a sense of being encircled, was less willing to restrain the

Austrians for fear of alienating them, too.

1866 war engineered by Bismarck that saw a victory for Prussia

Austro-Prussian War

The invasion of what country forced England into WW1


Which of the following was the first European country to dominate the interior of sub-Saharan Africa after 1870?



Belief that one race is superior to another

Reinsurance Treaty of 1887

Bismarck sought to remain on good terms with Russia despite the failure of the Three Emperors' League and the Russian perception that they had been treated harshly at the Congress of Berlin (1878); the last of the "Bismarckian system of alliances" as Bismarck was dismissed in 1890 by Kaiser Wilhelm II To restore German relations with Russia, Bismarck negotiated the Reinsurance Treaty of 1887, in which both powers promised to remain neutral if either was attacked.

A system of agreements designed by Bismarck to keep peace between Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary

Bismarckian Alliance System

Dutch in South Africa in mid-1600s. The Great Trek was the migration by

Boer (Dutch) farmers during the 1830's and 1840's from regions around Cape Town into the eastern and northeastern regions of South Africa that ultimately resulted in the founding of Orange Free State and Transvaal. Although the British finally won the Boer War in 1902, they were surprised by the strength of Boer resistance.

With the support from native rulers, the British harshly suppressed the rebels. Their tactics became even more ruthless after sepoys massacred

British women and children. Tens of thousands of Indians and more than 10,000 Britons were killed. By June 1858, the British were firmly back in control.

Who entered World War 1 because they were rivals of Serbia?


The July Revolution of 1830 led to the downfall of the regime of

Charles X

German philosopher who greatly inspired existentialism and published such works as "Beyond Good and Evil"

Friedrich Nietzsche

A bloody and disastrous attempt by the Allies to take Istanbul

Gallipoli Campaign

French representative at Versailles

Georges Clemenceau

French defeated handily - actually allows for French troops to relocate against main German army - British and French troops stop the

German advance on Paris at the Battle of the Marne (Sept. 1914)

Conduct of the War The apparent risk, besides the violation of Belgian neutrality and the consequent alienation of Britain, lay in weakening the

German defenses against a direct attack across the frontier. The British wanted to get rid of france from the war and deal with Russia Russia had already started the war The british had a weakened defense since they spent all their money on offense

America Enters the War Dec. 1916 - President Wilson tries to bring about a negotiated peace - no one wants it

Germans announce resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

Triple Entente - becomes "Allies" Superiority in numbers, financial resources, navies

Germany and Austria - "Central Powers" Internal lines of communication, launched attack first

If Germany did not defend its ally, the Austrians might look elsewhere for help. His policy was one of calculated risk.

Germany gives Austria a blank check Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg (Germany) hoped Austrians would strike quickly, while assassination was still in everyone's mind - hoping it would only result it war with France and Russia, at worst.

Great Britain entered World War ONe as a direct response to

Germany's invasion of Belgium

What countries made up the Triple Alliance?


Great Trek

Great Britain kicks out Boers; the migration of Boer (Dutch) farmers during the 1830-40's from regions around Cape Town into the eastern and northeastern regions of South Africa that ultimately resulted in the founding of the Orange Free State and Transvaal

Close advisor to Nicholas II, hated by the peasantry

Grigori Rasputin

Which of the following is NOT true of Louis Napoleon?

He conducted brilliant foreign policy

Why was Cecil Rhodes so interested in controlling Cape Colony?

He hoped Cape Colony would serve as a base of operations to extend British control of Africa from the Cape to Cairo.

The major result of the Balkan Crisis of 1912-1913 was

Hostility was created towards Austria-Hungary in Serbia and Russia

Which describes the relationship between illegitimacy rates and percentages of pregnant brides in the secnd half of the nineteenth century?

Illegitimacy rates when down while the percentage of pregnant brides stayed the same Both went down significantly.

The dominant political party in Russia for much of the 20th century

Communist Party

This policy supposedly would knock Turkey from the war, bring help to the Balkan in its original form, it presented little risk. British naval superiority and the element of surprise might force the straits and capture

Constantinople by purely naval action. Even if the scheme failed, the fleet could just sail away.

War in the West French on offensive - underestimated numbers and effectiveness of the German reserves

Courage and spirit of French were no match for machine guns

Early 1850s war fought over disputes between France and Russia over who should protect Christian shrines in the Ottoman Empire

Crimean War

1908 - Austria and Russia act before Turkey too strong Russia supports Austria's annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Austria opened

Dardanelles to Russian warships

German general who served alongside Hindenburg on the eastern front

Erich Ludendorff

Russian revolution that toppled the tsar

February Revolution

A series of goals articulated by Wilson following WWI

Fourteen Points

Which European country had the largest amount of land in Africa?


Which of the following European countries experienced the greatest degree of political instability in the nineteenth century?


Lenin believe that in order for a socialist revolution to happen, there needed to be

Professional Revolutionary leader

Democratic-trending government that ruled between the February Revolution and the Russian civil War

Provisional Government

War over Schleswig-Holstein

Prussian-Danish War

Russian prime minister during part of Nicholas II's reign, responsible for proposing many agrarian reforms

Pyotr Stolypin

Which of the following is least associated with the "new imperialism"

Racial equality

Commodore Matthew C. Perry opened

Japanese markets to American goods (1853) He goes on a steam-powered boat Tells them to trade with USA and he gives them a year to answer and says that he will come back with a fleet and wait for the answer Japan opens the door Japan does not get imperialised

The gradual gaining of civil rights for European Jews

Jewish Emancipation

Liberal economist who questioned the wisdom of Versailles in "The Economic Consequences of The Peace"

John Maynard Keynes

By 1875, the Khedive was bankrupt, and that year Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli purchased the

Khedive's shares in the canal to give the British government a controlling interest in its management. france paid for it but than it was still too much money to build so then disraeli pays for the rest so they can use it

Chancellor-of-exchequer under Asquith and Prime Minister of England during WWI


All of the following cities experienced major uprisings in 1848 EXCEPT


Orders from the League of Nations


Correspondence between a British High Commissioner and the Shariff of Mecca regarding the future of Ottoman territories after WWI.

McMahon-Hussein Correspondence

Moderate Marxists, enemies of the Bolsheviks


What did European writers argue about imperialism?

Necessary for the survival of dominance for European Powers

Russian tzar during WWI

Nicholas II

Battles occurred in this region, in addition to Europe and Asia

North Africa

Dreyfus Affair

- French military found Captain Alfred Dreyfus guilty of passing secret information to the German army. The evidence supporting this was flimsy; they accused him because he was jewish. He was sent to Devil's Island. However when a new French counterintelligence looked at the information, they found out it was fake. - This provoked a public debate. The conservative were against Dreyfus, while Emile Zola and liberals began to demand a new trail for Dreyfus. They come to his aid, because the conservatives were persecuting him, and they see this as a political opposition against them. -The Dreyfus case divided France into WWII. The military had persecuted an innocent person and manufactured false evidence against him. They also had embraced in violent anti-Semitic actions.

Sigmund Freud

-Experiences in childhood accounted for illness, and that infants have sexual drives and energy and did not simply emerge at puberty. -Freud believed that dreams must have a reasonable, scientific explanation. He concluded that dreams allow unconscious wishes, desires, and drives that had been excluded from everyday conscious life to enjoy freer play in the mind. -Freud developed a new model of internal organization of the mind. "Id", "Superego", and "Ego"

Max Weber

-German sociologist who saw the emergence of rationalism throughout society as the major development of human history, emphasized the individual and dominant role of rationality - saw bureaucratization as the basic feature of modern social life - thought ppl developed their own self-worth/ self-images from large organization, social class determines how you see the world

First new product of Africa was rubber

-starts the chain of everyone wanting to find a new resource

Captain James Cook

18th century explorer and navigator whose achievements in mapping the Pacific, New Zealand and Australia radically changed western perceptions of world geography.

Boxer Rebellion

A 1900 revolt in China, aimed at ending foreign influence in the country. - The Boxers hated the missionaries whom they saw as agents of imperial powers and killed thousands of their Chinese converts. For the imperial powers, the key moment in the Boxer rebellion was the attacks on the foreign diplomatic missions in Beijing.

Natural Selection

A process in which individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than other individuals because of those traits.

Jules Ferry

A series of educational laws sponsored by him replaced religious instruction in the public schools with civic training.

Moderate leader of Russia's provisional government following the overthrow of Nicholas II

Alexander Kerensky

German admiral responsible for strongly building up the German navy

Alfred von Tirpitz

A conference organized to settle the Moroccan Crisis

Algeciras Conference

The union of Great Britain, France, Russia, and later Italy and the United States


Which of the following was not a reason for Bolshevik success in the Russian Revolution

Alsace-Lorraine remaining part of Germany

Which of the following was not a reason for Bolshevik success in the Russian Revolution?

Alsace-Lorraine remaining part of Germany


Also known as Afrikaners Dutch farmers in south africa

Despite industrialization and the emancipation of slaves, Russia continued to be subjected to internal problems. Why was there so much discontent?

An autocratic government that brooked no dissent and an economy in which most people were still in traditional jobs led to much unhappiness

The Ottomans carried out a massacre of these people in 1915


A military order removing Russian officers from authority and placing power in the hands of elected committees of common soldiers

Army Order No. 1

Britain oversaw the settlement and economic development of three regions

Australia, Canada, and New Zealand

The Triple Entente was growing closer and more powerful, and Germany's only reliable ally was Austria. The chancellor recognized the danger of supporting

Austria, but he believed it to be even more dangerous to withhold that support. If Austria did not crush Servia, it might collapse before the onslaught of Slavic nationalism backed by Russia.

Which of the following countries had the smallest role in the "scramble for Africa" period?


Triple Entente Response In 1839 England fights Germany because Germany invaded Belgium England, France, and Russia Russia responds angrily to

Austrian demands of Serbia Russia ordered partial military mobilization - Mobilization of any kind, however, was a dangerous weapon because it was generally understood to be equivalent to an act of war.

Austrian efforts to compromise Serbian nationalism during the July Crisis

Austrian ultimatum

British declaration supporting a national home "for the Jewish people"

Balfour Declaration

Eastern European wars in 1912 and 1913 that effectively destroyed the Ottoman Empire

Balkan Wars


Baptist Missionary Society

A rousing Germany victory over Russia on the Western front

Battle of Tannenberg

An unsuccesful German offensive against a fortress on France's northern border

Battle of Verdun

The desperate French counterattack that prevented Germany from taking Paris

Battle of the Marne

Hideously bloody British and French offensive in 1916

Battle of the Somme

July 30 - Austria mobilization against Russia Germany waiting for Russia to mobilize so they aren't seen as aggressors. August 1 - Germany declared war on Russia Schlieffen Plan - German plan to win (defeat France quickly) August 2 - Germans occupy Luxembourg and invade

Belgium (violates treaty of 1839 with British, going to annoy British people and increase popular support for the war) August 3 - Germany declares war on France August 4 - GB declares war on Germany Great War has started

Europeans meeting in 1884-1885 to partition Africa was called

Berlin Conference

Thinker who believed that socialism's goals could be achieved by capitalism. Criticized by many hard-line Marxists


Radical Russian Marxists, the main branch from which the Mensheviks split


Geography expanding science in the nineteenth century Four areas impacted by imperialism

Botany, zoology, medicine, anthropology

Thereafter, the nature of the war in the west became one of position instead of movement.

Both sides dug in behind a wall of trenches protected by barbed wire that stretched from the North Sea to Switzerland.

All of the following countries experienced a revolution in 1848 EXCEPT


By the terms of the Entente Cordiale of 1902,

Britain and France patched up colonial differences without making a formal alliance

The Balfour Declaration stated that

Britain viewed with favor the creation of a Jewish homelandin Palestine

Soon after William II's accession in Germany, they became

Britain's enemy Germans want a "world policy" - Britain in their way

By referring to India as the "jewel" -India was the most important part of the

British Empire and provided the base for British military and economic power throughout Asia.

In particular, Britain gave France a free hand in Morocco in return for French recognition of British control over Egypt. The Entente Cordiale was a long step toward aligning the

British control over Egypt. The Entente Cordiale was a long step toward aligning the British with Germany's great potential enemy.

End of the Ottoman Empire Young Turks were pro German - initially neutral in war, but after three months joined German side

British drive the Ottomans out of Palestine, all the way up to oil fields of Mosul, Iraq Peace treaty signed in Paris in 1920 will dismantle Ottoman empire Father of the turks is Ataturk (secularism) (islamic state)

Decisions of the congress:

Bulgaria reduced in size by two-thirds Austria-Hungary given Bosnia and Herzegovina Britain received Cyprus France encouraged to occupy Tunisia For compensation of what Russia was allowed to keep

"Sick Man of Europe"

Ottoman Empire

A secret agreement between Cavour and Napoleon III pledging a joint Italian-French war against the Austrians

Pact of Plombieres

An old Ottoman province wanted as a home for Jews but populated by non-Jews


Over time, airplanes and tanks were introduced, bringing warfare into the machine age

Casualties were terribly numerous. The armies were raised by conscription, even in Britain for the first time, making the conflict a total war. This new kind of warfare affected not only the combatants but the civilian population, as well. The heavy cost of lives and wounds of the fighting forces was terrible, but the burden on the civilian population was also enormous.

The union of Germany, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire

Central Powers

Prominent Zionist and Israel's first President

Chaim Weizmann

Irish nationalist who led the Irish Parliamentary Party in the late 19th century

Charles Stewart Parnell

The Communist secret police during the Russian Civil war


Anthropological societies founded in

Paris (1859), London (1863), Berlin (1870) Study of cultures Aspect of imperalism

The conference that hammered out the Treaty of Versailles

Paris Peace conference


Patriotic Chinese militant group who killed foreigners and Chinese Christians

Before the campaign was abandoned, the Allies lost almost 150,000 men and diverted three times that number from more useful occupations.

Churchill had to resign but he got a 2nd chance army made up of Indians and New zealanders and Australians---huge failure because they don't have good weapons and train men

Austrians want to limit Serbian gains, keep them out of the Adriatic Sea, but Russians back Serbs - tension grows

Conference held, decisions made, Austria unhappy - issues ultimatum and Serbia finally withdrew forces from Albania

The meeting that effectively nullified Russia's victory in the Russo-Turkish War and gave territory back to the Ottomans from Bulgaria

Congress of Berlin (1878)

British prime minister and representative at Versailles

David Lloyd George

An uprising of Russian army officers against Nicholas I's ascension to the Russian throne in 1825 and dude could you totally get me tickets to see it?

Decembrist Revolt

Boer Wars

Dutch people fighting independence of boer republic. British won. (1899-1902)

Irish uprising brutally put down by the British

Easter Uprising (1916)

The two theaters of WWI

Eastern and Western Fronts

England and France borrowed money from America and the interest was very HIGH

England and France forces Germany to pay for the debt from all countries on the ally side except for Russia They have to pay england and france 5 billion a year until 1921 and then a set amount until the 1990's Germany loses all of its colonies This treaty is set up to fail

Bismarck, originally dismissive of colonial ventures, declared Germany protectorates over South-West Africa, Togoland, and the Cameroons (1884-1885) Bismarck calls Berlin Conference

England and Germany are the two leading countries (compete) The Germans only want Africa to keep in pace with other countries

Successor - General Leo von Caprivi He makes a wedge between

England and Russia Refused Russia to renew Reinsurance Treaty Even Bismarck had assumed that ideological differences would prevent a Franco-Russian alliance. Political isolation and the need for foreign capital, however, drove the Russians toward France. The French, who were even more isolated, encouraged their investors to pour capital into Russia if such investment would help produce security against Germany. In 1894, France and Russia signed a defensive alliance against Germany.

What countries made up the Triple Entente?


Communist Dictatorship The Red Army was taken over by communists Ian Trotsky and Stalin led the red army Bolshevik ( the working class and peasants, and the army deserters ) gov't nationalized the land and turned it over to its peasant proprietors (hate everything else so figured they should try communism)-

Factory workers in charge of plants State seized banks Repudiated tsarist gov't debt Russia out of the war - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany - Russia gave up Poland, Finland, the Baltic states and Ukraine Lenin had no choice - could not keep up war effort

Lenin and the Bolsheviks Lenin's themes

Peace from World War I Land Bread (food)

If France could not be conciliated, it must be isolated. Bismarck sought to prevent an alliance between France and any other European power who can be allied with

France who do not like Germany-especially Austria and or Russia--that would threaten Germany with a war on two fronts. Lost WWI and WWII because they had to fight two fronts He wants to avoid war (another example of realpolitik) He shifts from a warlike state to protecting what the empire needs Doesn't want Germany to be destroyed in war by their enemies Bismark wants to make friends with Russia so France is isolated Achieved peace through fear

In the Dual Alliance of Germany and Austria, the rider was now less clear. The new arrangement associated

France with the two greatest powers in Europe besides Germany. The Germans could rely only on Austria, and Austria's troubles made it less likely to provide aid than to need it.

Brief 1870 war that led to a drastic French defeat

Franco-Prussian War

I will not accept the crown from the gutter," was a statement uttered in 1848 by

Frederich Wilhelm, King of Prussia

france in Asia Consisted of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

French Indo-Asia They were mostly jungle area They took this because it connects to China They can now trade with China easier and cheaper

The Suez Canal was opened in 1869. Built by

French engineers with European capital, it was one of the most remarkable engineering feats of the day. The canal connected the mediterranean to the Red Sea, which meant that ships from Europe no longer had to sail around Africa to reach Asia aka connects them to India In particular, the canal reduced the shipping distance from India to Britain from about 12,000 miles to 7,000 miles.

Which of the following had the biggest influence on city planning to meet the challenges of urbanization?

Georges Haussmann

Germany France get Alsace-Lorraine because of the Franco-Prussian War It had good resources French-speaking area From the Treaty of Versailles, France is allowed to work in German coal mines for 15 years to take resources Germany can not rule the Rhinelands to create a buffer between Germany and France

Germans are only allowed to have 100,000 people in their army They also can't have poisonous gas They can't have tanks and modern warfare technology No submarines, battleships, war planes People who made these lose their jobs and so many soldiers are unemployed ECONOMY IS PLUMMETING (depression) This has a domino affect and all over the East and then eventually hits America

Which of the following countries was the first to implement a social welfare system?


The choice of site and presiding officer were a clear recognition of

Germany's new importance and of Bismarck's claim that Germany wanted no new territory and sought to preserve the peace.

Kaiser Wilhelm II's "Blank check" refers to which of the following?

Germany's unlimited support of Austria in its war with Serbia in 1914

Kaiser Wilhelm II's "Blank check" refers to which of the following?

Germany's unlimited support of Austria in its war with Serbia in 1914.

The Triple Alliance consisted of

Germany, Austria, and Italy

Disraeli's rival in the Liberal Party, a of home rule for Ireland


Which of the following were typical middle-class child-rearing practices in the late nineteenth century? I. Mothers breast-fed their children themselves. II. Children were given a great deal of personal freedom so they could learn responsiblitiy. III. Children were given education and training for success. IV. Illegitimate children were typically abandoned to foundling hospitals

I and III

Which of the states listed below faced nationalistic or independence movements of ethnic groups within their borders at the end of the nineteenth century and in the early twentieth century? I. Britain II Germany III. Russia IV. The Ottoman Empire V. France

I, III, and IV

Divisive New Boundaries and Tariff Walls Breakdown of Austro-Hungarian empire created new borders and tariff walls slowing down movement of raw materials

Poland contained unhappy Germans, Lithuanians, and Ukrainians

Belgian Congo

In the 1880's the land drained by the vast Congo River became property of King Leopold II of Belgium. He became determined, that despite Belgium's small territorial size, they must acquire colonies. - Leopold hired explorers, photographers, and anti-slavery reformers to undertake an expedition in Congo. He explored Congo and on Leopold's behalf made "treaties" with African rulers who had no idea what they were signing. - The larger, stronger European states allowed Leopold to govern Congo to keep each other out. - Although Leopold created an image of humanitarian rule by anti-slavery, his goal in the Congo was brutal economic exploitation. Leopold administration the use of slave labor, intimidation, torture, mutilation, and murder to get rubber.

Which of the following areas was NOT considered a settler colony in the 19th century?


Sepoy is an

Indian soldier in the British army Sepoys got mad ab. the possible animal fat on their guns against their beliefs thought it was a conspiracy to convert Muslims and Hindus to Christianity Sepoys lost but they caused a lot of trouble and panic Sepoy rebellion ended indirect rule over India direct rule of India is established until 1947


Invented 1807 by American Robert Fulton Effective on rivers in Asia Non-western powers can not fight an ironclad boat

Which of the following represented a major diplomatic result of the Crimean War?

It opened the way for German and Italian unification

Which of the following best explains the impact of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)?

It sparked nationalist movements against European imperialism.

Conflicts between Garbialdi and Royalist forces opposed to Italian unification

Italian War of Independence

1902 - British make alliance with Japan - The first breach in Britain's isolation came in 1902, when it concluded an alliance with

Japan to defend British interests in the Far East against Russia. preparing for a conflict

A weak attempt by Conservative forces in the army to oust Kerensky in September of 1917

Kornilov Affair

Bismarck's assault on the Catholic Church in Germany, stemming from Pius IX's declaration of papal infallibility


Alliance of nation-states proposed at the Paris Peace Conference

League of Nations

Which best characterizes the results of feminist agitation for equality prior to World War I?

Legal and economic rights were extended to women in several nations


Leipzig Mission

Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party?


The Russian Revolution Huge impacts on war and throughout the world Two distinct stages Government of Tsar Nicholas II collapsed (February Revolution) Bolshevik Party - led by

Lenin seized power from the provisional government (October Revolution) Take Russia out of the war - establish Communist Party The russians had lost to japan and they are behind so they already are embarrassed, they also created bloody sunday

Soviet who orchestrated the Petrograd Soviet's takeover of Russia's government

Leon Trotsky

France controlling Algeria - integral part for them 1881-1882 - France protectorate over Tunisia (Ottoman), then 1901-1912 do the same to Morocco Italy does not get Ethiopia in 1896, seizes

Libya from Turkey (sick man of Europe also known as the Ottoman Empire) in 1911-1912

Which of the following men called for national workshops to guarantee full emplooyment for the workers?

Louis Blanc

A luxury liner torpedoed by a German u-boat, an act turning many countries (including the US) against Germany


The East Germany cut off from East Prussia - allow new Polish state access to the sea Austro-Hungarian empire gone Turns into The Republic of Austria and a couple of small nationalist states

Magyars reduced kingdom in Hungary Czechoslovakia - Czechs and Slovaks together They end after a while

What was the goal of Bismarck in regards to alliances?

Maintain France Isolation

Colonial Participation French gov't recruited tens of thousands Algerians, over 150,000 West Africans 2.5 million British colonial troops

Many want to send their army to help mother country so that if they helped, they could get independence This doesn't work out


Militarism-Building up the military/mobilizing the armies Alliances, Imperialism,-Industrialization makes better weapons and Taking over other areas causes problems Nationalism- Wilhelm II causes tension between him and France/Britain The assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Led the investigation of British concentration camps following the Boer War and was also an early, moderate suffragette

Millicent Fawcett

Return to the West Both sides turned back to the west in 1916. General Erich von Falkenhayn, german) who had succeeded

Moltke in September 1914, attacked the French stronghold of Verdun. His plan was not to break through the French line, but to inflict enormous casualties on the French, who would have to defend Verdun against superior firepower from several directions. He, too, underestimated the superiority of the defense.

A belligerent 1905 German diplomatic move that solidified France and Britain's alliance and damaged Germany's reputation

Moroccan Crisis

Germany testing relationship between France and GB In March 1905, Emperor WIlliam II landed at Tangier, made a speech in favor of

Moroccan independence, and by implication asserted Germany's right to participate in Morocco's destiny. This speech was a challenge to France. GB and Russia are allied with France France is 100% controlling Morocco and everyone is telling Germany to shut up Austria is Germany's ally but they are useless bc they are crumbling

Second Moroccan Crisis 1911 - will emphasize need for French and GB mutual support When France sent an army to

Morocco, Germany took the opportunity to "protect German interests" there as a means to extort colonial concessions in the French Congo.

Life for European Jews in the nineteenth century changed in which of the following ways?

Most nations passed legislation eliminating political discrimination against Jews.

Semi-authoritarian nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte who ascended to power in France following the 1848 Revolution

Napoleon III

Strategies and Stalemate: 1914-1917 Throughout Europe, jubilation greeted the outbreak of war. No general war had been fought since

Napoleon, and few understood the horrors of modern warfare.

Conservative tsar of early to mid 19th century Russia.

Nicholas I

A major difference between NOrthern and Southern Italy was that the

North was more economically progressive.

The Bolshevik takeover of Russia's government

November Revolution

War in the Balkans Italy wants colonies Attack Ottoman hoping to get Libya

Other people were taking things from the ottoman empire so they took this too 1912 - inspired by Italy - Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, and Serbia defeat Ottomans Second Balkan War erupts shortly after

All of the following became a newly independent country as a result of World War One EXCEPT


Bill limiting the legislation-blocking powers of the House of Lords

Parliament Act of 1911

German general who fought on the Eastern front and later served as a German president in the 20s.

Paul von Hindenburg

What was the harshest terms in the Treaty of Versailles?

Payment of reparations

The Pope who issues a Syllabus of Errors condemning religious liberty, separation of church and state, and socialism

Pope Pius IX

Which of the following is least associated with the "new imperialism"?

Racial equality


Radical 19th century art work that went against realism. Focused more on abstracts beings.

Which literary movement, stressing the influence of heredity and environment on human behavior, replaced romanticism in the last decades of the 1800s?


Emancipating serfs, organizing zemstvos, liberalizing policies towards Russian Jews, and encouraging railroad construction are all examples of these

Reforms of Alexander II

Legislation abolishing all property requirements for male voters and enfranchising women over 30 who met minimum property requirements

Representation of the People Act (1918)

The term used to refer to abandoning or revising the nature of Marxist principles


Who led the fight to repeal the Corn Laws in 1846?

Robert Peel

Who wrote "The White Man's Burden"?

Rudyard Kipling

What two countries signed the Reinsurance Treaty?


Conflict between the Bolsheviks (Reds), and the Whites

Russian Civil War

An alliance formed in 1894 that opposed the Triple Alliance

Russian-French Alliance

A treaty Bismarck foisted on the Russians and Austria-Hungary making both states claim neutrality if the other was attacked

Russian-German Reinsurance Treaty

War waged over imperialist ambitions in Manchuria and Korea that saw a quick defeat for tsarist Russia

Russo-Japanese War

Late 19th-century war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire that saw a victory for Russia

Russo-Turkish War

Various British trading companies operated on the Niger River with the Royal Niger Company

Salt, Gold, Oil are found here Mostly controlled by France Britain doesn't want France to have all the resources so Britain takes Nigeria England put three competing groups of Africans together and they were fighting Leopold II has the Congo area for himself

Germany and Austria's Response News of the assassination produced outrage everywhere in Europe except in Serbia. To those Austrians who had long favored an attack on

Serbia, the opportunity seemed irresistible, but it was never easy for the Dual Monarchy to make a decision. Austria will need German support for war, so response question will be answer in Berlin Austria preparing for war, hoping with help of Germans, it would remain a conflict with just Serbia Prepared for a general European conflict

The desire to establish an independent nation of Serbia

Serbian Nationalism

Programs began by Bismarck that established old-age pensions, retirement benefits, and national sickness insurance

Social Security Laws

In May 1915, a German submarine torpedoed the British/American liner Lusitania. Among the 1,200 who drowned were 118 Americans.

President Woodrow Wilson warns Germany that a repetition would have grave consequences; the Germans desisted for the time being, rather than further anger the United States. This development gave the Allies a considerable advantage. The German fleet that had cost so much money and had caused so much trouble played no significant part in the war. The only major battle it fought was at Jutland in 1916. The battle resulted in a standoff and confirmed British combination of the surface of the sea.

Imperialism of Free Trade is the

advance of European economic and political interests in the nineteenth century by demanding that non-European nations allow European nations, most particularly Great Britain, to introduce their manufactured goods freely into all nations or to introduce other goods, such as opium into China, that allowed those nations to establish economic influence and to determine the terms of trade. basically want everyone to trade everywhere

Serbia further embarrassed the Austrians by returning so soft and conciliatory an answer that even the mercurial German emperor thought it removed ,,,

all reason for war, but the Austrians were determined not to turn back. On July 28, they declared war on Serbia, even though the army would not be ready to attack until mid-August.

The Berlin Conference of 1884-85

also known as the Congo Conference, or West Africa Conference, regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period, and coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as an imperial power. Around 12 countries come together and split Africa up (non-violent) Borders are based on natural resources USA (only want Liberia to send back freed slaves) and Japan (they don't care and Africa is too far) and Russia (focus on China and Eastern Europe) aren't at the Conference Austria and Ottomans are not there as well

Spheres of Influence

an arrangement whereby a European state, the US/ Japan, received special commercial and legal privileges in part of an Asian or African state without direct political involvement.

When the Boers resorted to Guerilla tactics, the British (Afrikaners) gathered Boer women and children into what they called concentration camps where many died from disease and exposure. Apartheid was

an official policy of segregation, assignment of peoples to distinct regions, and other forms of social, political, and economic discrimination based on race associated primarily with South Africa. This continued until 1991.

strategically placed machine-gun nests made assaults difficult and dangerous. Both sides, nonetheless, attempted massive attacks preceded by

artillery bombardments of unprecedented and horrible force and duration. Still, the defense was always able to recover and to bring up reserves fast enough to prevent a breakthrough. Assaults that cost hundreds of thousands of lives produced advances of only hundreds of yards.

The precipitating cause of the mutiny was the Company's introduction of

cartridges for its soldiers' muskets that the sepoys believed (falsely, the cartridges were in fact coated with vegetable oil) were lubricated with pork of beef fat.

Egypt is trying to modernize, borrows money from European creditors - farmers forced to grow

cash crops (cotton, big in 1860's)

Sepoy Mutiny (Rebellion)

caused by the Company's introduction of new cartridges for it's soldiers muskets that the sepoys believed were lubricated with pork or beef fat. - Soldiers had to bite off the end of the cartridge to use it. This would have offended Muslim because pork was seen as unclean, and Hindus, to whom cow was sacred. -Some Indian troops feared that by forcing them to bite off pork or beef fat coated cartridges it would force them to convert to Christianity.

"white man's burden"

civilization is based upon society responsibility of white men to civilize other races economic, cultural, military, religious, and political motives to civilize

The revolutions of 1848 were significant in that they

convinced conservatives that concessions to the middle and working classes were necessary

A long-term trend which was a basic cause of World War I was

decline of ottoman empire

Religious donations and church attendance

declined in the late nineteenth century, particularly among the working classes.

A major purpose of the German Schlieffen Plan during World War I was to

defeat France quickly before turning to face Russia on the Eastern Front.

Both sides bid for Italian support with promises of the spoils of victory. Because the Austrians held what the Italians wanted most, the Allies could promise more. In a secret treaty of 1915, they agreed to

deliver to Italy after victory most of Italia irredenta plus colonies in Africa and a share of the Turkish Empire. By the spring of 1915, Italy was engaging Austrian armies. The Italian campaign weakened Austria and diverted some German troops, but the Italian alliance never produced significant results. Romania joined the Allies in 1916 but was quickly defeated and driven from the war.

War in the East Starts strong for Russia - In the east, the war began auspiciously for the Allies. The Russians advanced into Austrian territory and inflicted heavy casualties, but Russian incompetence and German energy soon reversed the situation. A junior German officer, Erich Ludendorff, under the command of the elderly general Paul von Hindenburg,

destroyed or captures an entire Russian army at the Battle Tannenberg and defeated another one at the masurian Lakes. In 1915, the Central Powers pressed their advantage in the east and drove into the Baltic states and Russian Poland , inflicting more than 2 million casualties in a single year. As the battlelines hardened, both sides sought new allies. Turkey (because of its hostility to Russia) and Bulgaria (the enemy of Serbia) joined the Central Powers.

Free trade would make England rich they would be able to

determine trade in all areas England would dictate this because they have the strongest navy and are the most industrialized free trade throughout the world

although economic inequality and forced labor were common in the European empires of the late nineteenth century, the institution of slavery, which had been the chief characteristic of the earlier imperial transatlantic plantation economies, had


The name given to the division of the Austro-Hungarian empire into Austrian and Hungarian branches

dual monarchy

An uncooperative, nationalist Egypt was, however, not in the interests of the European powers. So Britain in 1882, sent a fleet and army to Egypt that

easily defeated the Egyptians and established 70 years of British supremacy in the country. A European power was thus drawn into the Middle East as never before. The British primary goal in Egypt was political and military stability. Egypt had to repay its debts, and Britain was to retain control of the Suez Canal. The British built a naval base at Alexandria and installed a large garrison in Cairo. They established municipal governments that were responsible for taxation and public services and further expanded cotton cultivation. They also prevented the Egyptians from Establishing a textile industry that would compete with Britain's own mills.

But even when colonial officials disliked them, missionaries nonetheless provided much of the

educational infrastructure of imperialism, particularly in India. They felt that if they kept pressuring the countries to convert, it may cause a revolt and be even more harmful

A New Style of War The American Civil War, where improved weapons produced

enormous casualtie that, in turn, caused the armies to dig lines of trenches and erect field fortifications, was a terrible war that lasted for four years. The Europeans took little notice. Both sides continued to believe in the decisiveness of the offensive and planned for a quick victory.

David Lloyd George


World War I was considered a total war because

governments controlled social and economic policies on the home front

In the 1880's, the lands drained by the vast Congo River and its tributaries became the personal property of King Leopold II of Belgium. Controlled it under

guise of humanitarian concerns Despite being a constitutional monarch, Leopold used his own wealth and political guile to realize his colonial ambitions. Although Leopold cultivated the image of a humanitarian ruler by sponsoring anti-slavery conferences and manipulating public relations, his goal in the Congo was brutal economic exploitation. His administrators used slave labor, intimidation, torture, mutilation, and mass murder to extract rubber and ivory from what became known as the Congo Free State. Estimates suggest Leopold's exploitation halved the population of Congo in about thirty years

Charles Lyell

he published "Principles of Geology". He developed the older theory of "uniformitarianism."

All of the following statements are true of Charles X's rule of France EXCEPT

he was successful in destroying the Chamber of Deputies

The restored Bourbon king Louis XVIII

helped preserve constitutional monarchy for France

The man who found Livingstone

henry stanley

Early proponent of Zionism


By the end of the 1870's, Bismarck (conservative) had abandoned

his attack on the Catholic Church (conservative).


instead of portraying religious themes, painters began to depict modern life itself. Many of these artists were fascinated with, bright, light colors, unfocused. Focused on lower classes

All of the following have been considered major causes of World War One except

intellectual influences

Germany's chancellor, Prince Bernhard von Bulow, intended to show France how weak it was. He hoped to gain colonial concessions. The Germans demanded an

international conference to show their power more dramatically. The conference met in 1906 at Algeciras in Spain. Austria sided with its German ally, but Spain (which also had claims to Morocco), Italy, Russia, and the U.S voted with Britain and France. The Germans had overplayed their hand, receiving trivial concessions, and the French position in Morocco was confirmed. German bullying had, moreover, driven Britain and France closer together.

The Armistice William II abdicates German throne - 11/11/18 He goes to the netherlands (neutral) Republic declared - prevent Leninist wing and influence from coming in 1. 11/11/17 - armistice signed -

is a formal agreement of warring parties to stop fighting. It is not necessarily the end of a war, since it may constitute only a cessation of hostilities while an attempt is made to negotiate a lasting peace. (temporary) This acknowledges German defeat and they accept because they knew it was going to go on forever and they would run out of money and supplies Germans don't like this bc they are being blamed for WWI They never fought a battle on german territory (happened in Belgium and France) Have to wait till the Treaty of Versailles Economic resources drained - Allies are in debt to USA (literal money debt, not I owe you a favor) US involved in Europe with a vengeance now The europeans are NOT happy ab the war because almost every person was affected such as family people dying, spanish flu, limited resources

British field marshall who fought in both Egypt and the Boer republics


A message of congratulations sent by Kaiser Wilhelm II to the Transvaal following the defeat of the Jameson Raid, souring Anglo-German relations

kruger telegram

In 1904, the Herero people in the colony revolted, and the Germans decided to take severe action. They announced that the Hereros had to

leave their land, and German commander General Lothar von Trotha authorized the killing of all male Hereros.

Socialist revolutionary leader, the first head of the Soviet state. Not to be confused with John.


Belgian King who autocratically ruled the Belgian free state

leopold III

The dominant memory was of Bismarck's swift and decisive campaigns, in which the costs and casualties were

light and the rewards great. After years of crises and resentments, war came as a release of tension.

Conquest of Tropical Diseases Europeans had to find a way around the

malaria problem. The solution was quinine. French chemists had isolated quinine from cinchona bark as early as 1820. Slowly Western doctors began to recognize its medicinal qualities.

The commodore who opened up Japan to American trade

matthew perry

Instead, the British administration sought to refrain from interfering with Indian religion and become distrustful of

missionary efforts to convert Indians to Christianity. The British also worked more closely with Indian rulers. ⅓ of India remained under the rule of INdian princes who swore allegiance to the BRitish Crown and were advised by British officials.

The strength of German fortresses and the superior firepower of German howitzers made the risk more theoretical than real. The true danger was that the German striking force on the right through Belgium would

not be powerful enough to make the swift progress vital to success.

Bismarck referred to himself as an "honest broker," and the title was justified. H wanted to avoid a war between Russia and Austria into which he feared Germany would be drawn with

nothing to gain and much to lose. From the collapsin Ottoman Empire, he wanted nothing. "The Eastern Question," he said, "is not worth the healthy bones of a single Pomeranian musketeer. Wanted peace over the Balkan Peninsula in order to avoid forcing Germany to pick a side (Russia or Austria)

Even poison gas proved ineffective. In 1916, the British introduced the tank, which eventually proved to be the answer to the machine gun. The Allied command was slow to understand this, however, and until the end of the war, defense was supreme. For three years after its establishment, the western front moved

only a few miles in either direction. Russia invades and everything is good but they run out of resources and germany pushes them ALL the way back to Russia

A policy of equal trade without excessive tariffs for all nations within China

open door policy

Spheres of influence-influencing Japan to have commercial/trade

opium wars England expanded spheres of influence over Hong Kong

Firearms Rifle improved Thomas Shaw invented

percussion cap for bullets More speed/precision By 1900 machine gun was the most important weapon in colonial warfare

bismark had gained state control of education and civil laws governing marriage only at the price of

provoking Catholic resentment against the German state.

Charles Darwin

published "On the Origin of Species." He did not originate the concept of evolution

David Friedrich Strauss

published "The Life of Jesus" in which he questioned whether the Bible provides any genuine historical evidence about Jesus. He contended the story of Jesus is a myth

In Africa, the Germans blocked British attempts to build a

railroad from Cape Town to Cairo. They also openly sympathized with the Boers of South Africa in their resistance to British expansion.

Politics and diplomacy based on practical considerations


Bismark goes liberal on this and is an example of

realpolitik Does not want the RCC's influence in Germany

1867 piece of legislation enfranchising the working class population of England and Wales. Criticized as a "Leap in the Dark"

reform act

Germany's popularly-elected lower house


Franco-Russian Alliance Almost immediately after Bismarck

retired, his system of alliance collapsed

That is, Germany was much more likely to be drawn into aiding Austria-Hungary than the reverse. In addition, by isolating the Russians, the Dual Alliance pushed them to

seek alliances in the West. Bismarck hoped this would frighten Russia into seeking closer relations with Germany 1881 Three Emperors' League renewed

Sarajevo and the Outbreak of War (June-Aug 1914) June 28, 1914 Gavrilo Princip, member of the terrorist society "Union or Death" (better known as the "Black Hand") ...

shoots the heir to the Austrian throne Archduke Francis Ferdinand Chief intelligence of the Serbian army general staff helped plan the attack - could not be proved at time but Europeans felt Serbian officials were involved

Spheres of influence was an arrangement whereby a European state, the United States, or Japan received

special commercial and legal privileges in part of an Asian or African state without direct political involvement.

Regions within countries that are prone to the cultural and economic influence of other, stronger countries

spheres of influence

War at Sea As the war continued, control of the sea became more important. The British ignored the distinction between war supplies (which were contraband according to international law) and food or other peaceful cargo (which was not subject to seizure). They imposed a strict blockade meant to

starve out the enemy, regardless of international law. The Germans responded with submarine warfare meant to destroy British shipping and starve the British. They declared the waters around the British Isles a war zone, where even neutral ship would not be safe. Both policies were unwelcome to neutrals, and especially to the U.S , which conducted extensive trade in the Atlantic. Yet the sinking of neutral ships by German submarines was both more dramatic and more offensive than the British blockade.

France was isolated and no threat. Bismarck's diplomacy was a great achievement, but an even greater challenge was to maintain this complicated system of secret alliances in the face of

the continuing rivalries among Germany's allies. Despite a war in 1885 between Serbia and Bulgaria that again estranged Austria and Russia, Bismarck succeeded.

The Revolutions of 1848 reflected the interest of all of the following EXCEPT

the marxists

The Peace Five separate treaties between victors and defeated powers Wilson was liked by the Europeans bc he understands the larger pictures

the other members of the Big Four were viewed as selfish and them looking for themselves (their own countries) The conference is dominated by Britain and France

All of the following are criticisms that can be made of the Treaty of Versailles EXCEPT

the peace was a peace without victors

The immediate British political response to the mutiny was passage of the Government of India Act in 1858, which

transferred political authority from the East India Company to the British Crown. Many company officials became British Crown administrators. The British also restrained their efforts to change India or to move it "toward civilization."

Government of India Act 1858

transformed political authority from the East India Company to the British Crown (Queen Victoria). The British also restrained their efforts to change India or move it towards civilization. They also worked closer together with Indian rulers.

the most representative symbol of World War I warfare was

trench warfare

The 19th century saw russia extend its authority in 3 distinct areas of mainland Asia. The Transcaucasus, the vast steppes of Central Asia where

various nomadic peoples, including Kazakhs, lived, and in southern Middle Asia. Uses Russification to force them to become more Russian

The peace treaty Cavour made with Austrians after Napoleon III withdrew from the conflict.


The missionary movement spawned an enormous amount of printed publicity in the form of newspaper and journal articles, missionary society publications, and missionary narratives and autobiographies. These materials published the

vision of empire and raised interest in the West about the non-Western world. They educated the natives (for imperialism) They defend the rights of the native people They also strongly influenced popular culture at a time when the churches were more influential than they are today, especially in Europe . The missionary societies and the churches with which they were associated became skilled at pressuring their governments. They taught their language Most Africans spoke English, French, German, and Spanish

civilizing missions

was a rationale for intervention or colonization, purporting to contribute to the spread of civilization, and used mostly in relation to the Westernization of indigenous peoples in the 15th - 20th centuries.

England wants Nigeria so France doesn't take it Belgian Congo is Leopold II's personal property he convinced the rest of Europe that he had Congo by himself because he said that he

was civilizing the Congo---he did not in fact want to help their humanitarian issues Rubber introduced into industrial system---made belts for machinery---Europe scrambling to get rubber in Africa Leopold basically killed and tortured the African people---they take Leopold's control of Africa and give it to

The German customs union founded in 1834


Initial attempts to control government fail, but gov't fails and Leon Trotsky is freed and Lenin returns in October

Successful this time

A secret agreement between France and England regarding their respective spheres of influence following the fall of the Ottoman Empire

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Man responsible for helping to organize Arab Revolts against the Ottoman Empire during WWI

T.E Lawrence

Which of the following regions did NOT become a European colony during the nineteenth century?


If Germany did not defend its ally, the Austrians might look elsewhere for help. His policy was one of calculated risk.

The Austrians, however, were slow to act. They did not even deliver their deliberately unacceptable ultimatum to Serbia until July 23, when the general hostility toward Serbia had begun to subside.

Imperialism of Free Trade

The advance of European economic and political interests by demanding that non-European nations allow European nations, most particularly GB, to introduce their manufactured goods freely into all nations or to introduce other goods that allowed those nations to establish economic influence. -Replacement of mercantilism -They can control most of international trade because of there strong navy, and there resident in India.

Japan in alliance with Britain - overran German colonies in China and Pacific Islands Germans support Irish nationalism, Flemings in Belgium, Poles and Ukrainians under Russian rule In 1915, the Allies tried to break the deadlock on the western front by going around it.

The idea came chiefly from Winston Churchill, first lord of the British admiralty. He proposed to attack the Dardanelles and capture Constantinople. (battle of gallipoli)

Which of the following statements is least accurate about the June Days in Paris in 1848?

The peasants supported the workers.

Russia out - Germany makes secret treaty with Austria in 1879 (Dual Alliance)

The treaty was for five years and was renewed regularly until 1918. As the anchor of German policy, it was criticized at the time, and in retrospect, some have considered it an error. It appeared to tie German fortunes to those of the troubled Austro-Hungarian Empire and thus to borrow trouble for Germany.

Which is the most accurate appraisal of the revolutions of 1830 and 1848?

The were largely unsuccessful

Tsar Nicholas wanted to lead the army and boost confidence

They don't have supplies or money Tsarina (german) is put in charge The son, Alexi has a blood conditions, hemofilia Tsarina is worried and calls mystical healers to help her son Rasputin is a religious healer that is radical and orthodox Believes that you have to sin to be saved He shows up to the kingdom and Alexi fell off the horse and Rasputin heals him Tsarina and Rasputin have a thing and she invites him to live with them He has a thing w every other chick in the kingdom He says if he dies from natural causes the family will survive for years Say if they kill him they won't survive the war The family tries to kill them a bunch of times but he survived He took over the government and did horrible things

Germany was not represented at the conference

They highkey mad about this because there was no negotiations Hitler was the radical leader against the Treaty of Versailles-

Ludendorff decided to make peace with the allies before the German army is demolished

This means he overstepped Wilhelm II, the gov, and chancellor He does this to put the country first while Wilhelm put himself first

Caucasus Region

This region straddles the Caucasus Mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas. south of Russia - Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are here.

The alliance between Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary against radicalism in Europe

Three Emperors' League

Bismarck establishes

Three Emperors' League 1873 The League brought together the three great conservative empires of Germany, Austria, and Russia. France is politically isolated Collapses over Austro-Russian rivalry in the Balkans after the Russo-Turkish War broke out

Which was NOT a reason for Baron haussmann's building of broad and straight boulevards in the city?

To allow for the building of the Paris subway

Treaty ending the British mandate over the Transjordan

Treaty of London

Treaty ending the Crimean War

Treaty of Paris (1856)

Evaluation the Peace Germany is about to die and the other countries are just trying to destroy Germany

Treaty was built on QUICKSAND

Fighting in nasty, small ditches separated by a "No-Man's Land"

Trench Warfare

The Triple Entente, an informal, but powerful, association of Britain, France, and Russia, was now ranged against the

Triple Alliance. Italy was an unreliable ally, however, which meant two great land powers and Great Britain encircled Germany and Austria-Hungary.

The union of France, Great Britain, and Russia

Triple Entente

The Provisional Government March 1917 - strikes, worker demonstrations in Petrograd (St. Petersburg's new name)

Tsar abdicates on March 15 Provisional government formed (temporary until they create a permanent Mensheviks (they were the minority communist) supported this government They believed a bourgeoisie group (Lenin's group) needed to rule for a bit until they made the proletorial people take over getting rid of monarchy so provisional gov. is most likely going to fill with socialists, republicans, and communists-

Reparations Before armistice Germany agreed to pay "for all damages done to the civilian population of the Allies and their property"

US estimated that between $15 and $25 billion Britain and France worry about war debt owed to USA Germany admits to fault and got the blame for WWI They admit guilt so they take on the debt of the war

Economic Consequences of the Peace John Maynard Keynes says that peace talks are an attack on reparations and other aspects of peace Did this publicly that he even resigns

USA does not ratify treaty - separate treaty with Germany Says it will not benefit ANYONE

On which of the following did Mazzini and Garibaldi agree?

United Italy should be a democratic republic.

The Indian National Congress formed in 1885 took its inspiration mostly from

Western ideas of liberalism


Western nations placed officials in a foreign state to oversee its gov't without formally assuming responsibility for administration.

All seemed smooth, but a change in the German monarchy upset Bismarck's (edible) arrangements. Bismarck is dismissed because

Wilhelm II didn't like him Believed that they should use military strength

An ambitious young King who forced Bismarck to retire after the latter's attempts to make the Social Democratic Party illegal

William II

The young and impetuous German emperor who dismissed Bismarck in 1890

William II

The Russian Revolution in February 1917 was started by

Women rioting for bread

American president present at Versailles

Woodrow Wilson

During negotiations at Versailles following World War I, the Allied leader who favored the most lenient treatment of a defeated Germany was

Woodrow Wilson

The creation of a Jewish state


An important Jewish response to this new, rabid outbreak of anti-semitism was the launching in 1896 of the

Zionist movement to found a separate Jewish state. Its founder was the Austro-Hungarian Theodor Herzl.


a official policy of segregation, assignment of people to distinct regions, and other forms of social, political, and economic discrimination based on race associated primarily with South Africa.

The French held Verdun with comparatively few men and inflicted almost as many casualties as they suffered. The commander of Verdun, Henri Petain, became a national hero, and "They shall not pass" became

a slogan of national defiance. Battles kept resulting in enormous casualties but no results Not much trench warfare in the east---Russia is not successful because they ran out of supplies and resources---in the east, they enter Germany and the Germans push them out Turkey hates Russia----bc of the Crimean War---Turkey joins with Germany and Austria--Bulgaria hates Serbia---Bulgaria gets knocked out pretty fast


a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Palastine (now Isreal) England creates Israel

The Austrian annexation of Bosnia enraged Russia's "little brothers," the Serbs.

Russia likes that they could access to important seas and everyone is Sloviak Austria was scared of nationalist movements coming to them

Obstacles the Peacemakers Faced Conference in full glare of public Wilson transformed WWI into moral crusade - spoke of self-determination British and French people told Germany would pay for the war

Russia will get control of constantinople Romania would get transilvania Countries are making promises to their people

An act increasing the number of franchised men in England and limiting the power of rotten boroughs to influence elections

Reform Act of 1828

Payments made by Germany following WWI


Soon, more and more women were drawn into jobs away from home, such as conducting street cars, that were more demanding than the traditional limited sphere thought suitable for women but also better paying.

Replace men in household and workforce As the demand for greater production grew, women were hired to do hard manual labor in munitions plants and other factories that had been thought to be work for men only. These war-time experiences surely helped change the society's view of the proper role of women.

The massive resistance movement that forced Russia's antiquated system of government to capitulate and accept the need for reform

Revolution of 1905

What were the goals of the Boxers?

Rid China of foreign influence

All of the following countries underwent a revolution or civil unrest between 1820 and 1830 EXCEPT


Which of the following was a result of the Sepoy Mutiny in 1857?

The British government ended the rule of the East India Company.

Which of the following best describes an effect of the Opium War on China?

The British victory led to spheres of influence in China.

The British were alarmed both by the effect of the Russian victory on the European balance of power and by the possibility of

Russian control of the Dardanelles, which would make Russia a Mediterranean power and threaten Britain's control of the Suez Canal.

In fact, only Germany's war plan made mobilization the first and irrevocable start of a war. It required a quick victory in the west before the

Russians were ready to act. Even partial Russian mobilization seemed to jeopardize this plan and put Germany in great danger. From this point on, the general staff pressed for German mobilization and war. Their claim of military necessity soon became irresistible. In their absence and without consulting his government, the French ambassador to Russia gave the Russians the same assurances of support that Germany had given Austria. 3. Bethmann-Hollweg realizes, if Germany attacks France, GB will help France. The Austrias could not turn back without losing their own self-respect and the respect of the Germans.

The first war that featured the triumph of an Asian power over a European one, waged over Russia's machinations in Korea and Manchuria

Russo-Japanese War

Treaty signed at the end of the Russo-Turkish War that created an autonomous Bulgaria

San Stefano

Britain and Austria force Russia to meet to review provisions of

San Stefano Met in Berlin - The resulting Congress of Berlin met in June and July 1878 under the presidency of Bismarck.

Autocratic kingdom made up of part of eastern Italy and an island off Italy's coast.


A territory bordering Denmark, eventually absorbed into the German state


Germany's plan for an invasion of France that called for a strong right wing.

Schlieffen Plan

Belief that nations have right to address questions of their own sovereignty


The Zollverein was designed to do which of the following?

Set up a customs union to promote free trade

Name given to the economically weak Ottoman Empire of the mid 19th century and beyond

Sick Man of Europe

Britain's foreign policy of making no permanent alliances

Splendid Isolation

Which of the following was labeled the Sick Man of Europe?


German submarines


in 1916, the German High Command launched a major offensive directed agasint which strategically located city, prompting the longest battle of World War I?


The Settlement of Paris Reps from all the victorious states gathered at

Versailles and other Parisian suburbs in first half of 1919

The king of Sardinia-Piedmont

Victor Emmanuel

Italian representative at Versailles

Vittorio Orlando

Leader of the Bolsheviks

Vladimir I. Lenin

Organization responsible for rationing and distributing useful materials to aid the German military

War Raw Materials Board

Postwar German government

Weimar Republic

Prussian king

William I

Institutions of local government established in 1864 in Russia. Failed to lead to a nationally-elected Parliament


A German telegram urging Mexico to go to war with the United states

Zimmerman telegram

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle. How society adapts or evolves, like animals do to their environment.

Papal infallibility

The doctrine that the pope is unable to make mistakes when pronouncing officially in his capacity as head of the church on matters of faith and morals.

France wants to weaken Germany bc they are closer together and France would be attacked first before the British and France is scared

They don't have a high population and not many people are having kids but germany's is growing and it would impact almost everything

Piece of legislation proposed by Gladstone that enfranchised working men in the counties in addition to those in the boroughs (who had already been franchised)

Third Reform Bill (1884)

Suez Canal

This canal was open in 1869, and built by French. It connected the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, which mean that ships from Europe no longer had to sail around Africa to reach Asia.

GB nervous about German naval power growing, German ambitions in Near East - led GB to become closer with Russia (France ally) GB and Russia settle disagreements in Central Asia

This is about Afghanistan bc below is India and above is the STANS

The second of two wars with the same name, that saw Transvaal and the Orange Free State semi-incorporated into British colonies

boer war

Dutch farmers who settled in South Africa


The Ottoman Empire and the Austrian Empire were most similar in that

both contained multinational ethnic groups

An early twentieth century rebellion in China against foreign influence

boxer rebellion

Who won the "Scramble for Africa"?


British joint-stock company that played an important rule in regulating colonial trade

british east india company

USA won Spanish-American War - giving USA Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam They also get Hawaii 1903 - President Theodore Roosevelt acquired rights to

build and control Panama Canal Panama is controlled by Columbia They take the Panamanians to let them revolt and when they are independent, they take a prize which is creating Panama Canal

Henrik Ibsen

carried realism into the dramatic presentation of domestic life. His famous play was "A Doll's House" (a male reading about a women's struggle); he also produced "Ghosts", "The Master Builder"

A Sardinian politician who created a unified Northern Italian state


The Frankfurt Assembly was

a middle class body that wanted to write a constitution for a liberal, united Germany

The protection of the commercial and military routes to India would be the

chief concern of British imperial strategy.

Africa would play a different role in modern imperialism than it had when it had served as the

chief source of slaves for the Americas so the British tried to end slavery everywhere else

British East India Company

company that controlled most of India during the period of imperialism. This company controlled the political, social, and economic life in India

bismark also found that the Center Party made an

even better ally than the liberals.

Germans drove Herero women and children into the desert. Herero prisoners were placed in

concentration camps where the death rates from disease were high, although the Germans ran the camps with meticulous bureaucratic attention to detail. A United Nations report in 1985 concluded that by the time the Germans suppressed the revolt in 1908, 80% of the Herero population had died.

Which is not a motivation for Imperialism


Julius Wilhausen

contended that human authors had written and revised the books of the Bible with the problems of the Jewish society and politics in mind.

The fatal blunder made by Russia's Provisional Government in 1917 was

continuing the war effort

The long-term goal of the Paris Commune was the

creation of Paris as an autonomous government separate from the conservative French countryside

WIthout any formal treaty, the German naval construction and the Agadir crisis had turned the Entente Cordiale into a

de facto alliance. If Germany attacked France, Britain must defend the French, for its own security was inextricably tied up with that of France. that is William II of Germany.

The development of ever more powerful artillery, rifles with greater range and accuracy, and , especially, machine guns, however, gave the advantage to the

defense. The German offensive in the west failed to break the allied forces;both sides were forced to dig deep trenches protected by barbed wire and machine guns.

The Triple Alliance 1882 - Italy asks to join Dual Alliance Further isolates France The provisions of its entry were

defensive and directed against France. Bismarck's policy was not a complete success. He was allied with three of the great powers and friendly with the other, Great Britain, which held aloof from all alliances.

The original goal of the Frankfurt Assembly was to

design and implement a constitutional government for a unified Germany

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

developed the first comprehensive theory of evolution. He denied the possibility of extinction, and that geological forms change over time, and that living organisms had to match their environment.

Wilhelm Roentgen

discovered X-rays

Russia's first elected parliament with real legislative powers


The League of Nations U.S doesn't join even though Woodrow Wilson thought of it

economic sanctions (fines, tariffs, end of trade) and military intervention was used to control armies that didn't cooperate League of Nations didn't have a military League of Nations was powerless basically Council - Britain, France, US, and Japan - in order for action, needed unanimous consent Wilson gives in on territories to get League passed

Carl Jung

a student of Freud's; he questioned the primacy of sexual drives in forming personality and in contributing to mental disorders. He believed that human subconscious contains inherited memories from previous generations.

In the 1770's, economic thinkers such as Adam Smith argued that empires would best prosper by

abandoning closed imperial systems in favor of free trade, that is, by fostering the exchange of goods across borders and oceans with minimal government regulation and tariff barriers.

Determined reactionary tsar who took over after the age of reform

alexander III

At the conclusion of the first of these Opium Wars, the British gained control of Hong Kong, and forced the Chinese to

allow Christian missionaries to operate in China, to open various ports to British merchants who remained subject to British rather than Chinese law, and to pay substantial reparations.

What European country fought in the Boer War?


In the event that the United States entered World War I against Germany, Mexico would recover Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. This didn't happen and

england edited the telegram April 6 - US declared war on Germany

Not long after the 1851 plebiscite that elected Louis Napoleon,

an empire was proclaimed with Louis Napoleon named as Emperor Naoleon III



On January 13, 1898, Emile Zola's "J'Accuse," an open letter to the president of France, directly denounced the military and implicitly denounced



art movement of the early 20th century that, while influenced by Impressionism, emphasized a greater concern for expression, structure, form, and emotional response

Colonial officials and Western investors also forced or induced colonial peoples, mainly in the tropics, to grow

ash crops--such as coffee, sugar, tea, rubber, jute, cotton, bananas, and cocoa--for export to Europe. European botanists were intensely interested in the plants they might discover abroad. Help lead to agricultural improvements Europeans are telling natives to stop planting food plants so they can plant cotton Overharvesting the land -devesatation

Which of the following countries had the smallest role in the "scramble for Africa" period?


Mandates is the

authority granted by a constituency to act as its representative. The concept of a government having a legitimate mandate to govern via the fair winning of a democratic election is a central idea of representative democracy.

What area was called the "Powder Keg" due to their nationalist movements?


Which of the following was the first European country to dominate the interior of sub-Saharan Africa after 1870?


The government of France after the July Revolution of 1830 could best be described as

beneficial only to the upper middle class

A Conference that gave the British powers free reign to divide up Africa among themselves

berlin conference

Famous German chancellor


Germany and Russia are not invited to the paris peace conference this is different than Congress of Vienna because this was about suppressing liberalism and democracy, buffer state for france, making sure there is a balance of power and peace but

in the Paris peace conference they want to punish Germany to the point where they can't rise up again, suppressing communism Vienna- public opinion doesn't matter Paris PC- opinions matter

Between 1839 and 1842 and again between 1856 and 1860, the British went to war to

impose a free trade in opium on China.

European control of entire globe by 1900 is unique - didn't

exist century before, won't a century after

Various motives prompt empires to seek to

expand their rule over other countries or territories. These include economic, exploratory, ethnocentric, political, and religious motives.

Henry Stanley

famous for his expeditions in search of Dr. David Livingstone He was recruited by Leopold II to undertake an expedition in Congo.

Auguste Comte

father of sociology created positivism Wrote the "positive Philosophy"

The "June Days" in France in 1848 refers to

fighting between workers and the army in Paris.

Theodor Herzl was a Jewish journalist who

first pushed for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine

The popular press had increased the public awareness of, and interest in, foreign affairs and had fanned the

flames of patriotism. The prospect of war moved even a rational man of science like Sigmund Freud to say, "My whole libido goes out to Austria-Hungary."

Some Indian troops feared that the British wanted to use the religious pollution that biting pork-and beef-coated cartridges would have caused to

force them to convert to Christianity.

Russia aligns itself with France because Russia needs a

foreign capital France has money to invest so that happens France and Russia are also both politically isolated

During the Second Opium War, Britain, in alliance with France, forced the Chinese to allow

foreign envoys to establish embassies in Beijing, to open more ports and areas to foreign trade, and to permit Christian missionaries to operate even more freely in China.

The British were prepared to enforce free trade and their merchants' access to

foreign markets even if the products those merchants sold poisoned buyers.

Theodor Herzel

founded Zionism

Georges Clemenceau


Which European country had the largest amount of land in Africa?


The peace treaty ending the Franco-Prussian War


1890 - Bismarck is still guiding German policy, but has insisted Germany did not want

further territorial gains (blood and iron- warfare and industrialization)

William II reacted violently to assassination - friends with archduke Bethmann-Hollweg, like many other Germans, also feared for the

future. Russia was recovering its strength and would rach a military peak in 1917.

Italian patriot and war leader, commander of a guerrilla band known as the Red Shirts


Germany is often blamed for starting the war because it

gave unconditional support to Austria Hungary

The migration of the Boers out of the British-controlled Cape Colony in the late 19th century

great trek

Protectorate-Western nations protected

non-Western nations against other Western nations

European women generally expeerienced which of the following conditions during World War One?

increased economic opportunities in industry and transportation.

Which of the following areas was NOT considered a settler colony in the 19th century?


Virtually none of the numerous imperial ventures of this era involved significant number of immigrants as settlers. Rather, Westerners came to govern directly or

indirectly vast numbers of non-European peoples.

The success of Churchill's plan depended on timing, speed, and daring leadership, but all of these were lacking. Worse, the execution of the attack was

inept and overly cautious. Troops were landed, and as Turkish resistance continued, the Allied commitment increased.

All of the following have been considered major causes of World War One except

intellectual influence

Government Control Germans being blockaded (relied heavily on imports) - start using unrestricted submarine warfare Shortages, especially in munitions and other military needs, led governments to

intervene in the economy, production, and other aspects of life and increasingly to control the lives in their subjects and citizens. Command economy Shortages led to rationing of food and other needed items. From this, rations start

The Zimmerman Telegram

is a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico.

All of the following are true about eh Easter Monday uprising of Irish nationalists in 1916 EXCEPT

it led to the unraveling of Sinn Fein

The sepoy rebellion or mutiny (Indian troops were called sepoys) was all the more frightening to the British because

it occurred within the Indian Army itself.

Vittorio Emanuele Orlando


England made an alliance with what country to protect Pacific interests in the Pacific?


French proponent of colonialism

jules ferry

French republican statesman and proponent of colonialism.

jules ferry

Landholding German elites


Society for the Propagation of the Faith

largest French missionary society

The Suez Canal increased the speed of international contracts and, by reducing shipping costs, made

many more goods on the world market more affordable. India thus became an even more important market for British goods.

Italian politician and patriot, leader of the Young Italy movement


By the 1870s, most Western European governments had begun to provide all of the following EXCEPT

medical and health insurance

Botany was the 19th century colonial science par excellence, reflecting and nurturing the vast expansion of agriculture around the globe. This expansion brought

millions of acres of new land under cultivation in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and Algeria.

Righteous and Harmonious Society of Fists, west known as the Boxers The Boxers attempted to resist the Western incursions. The Boxers, who were supported by a faction of the Quing court, hated

missionaries whom they saw as agents of the imperial powers and killed thousands of their Chinese converts.

As emperor of France, Napoleon III attempted to

modernize the infrastructure and economy of France

Russian Expansion in Mainland Asia 18th century tsar consolidated control around Baltic Sea Catherine the Great had gained

much of southern Ukraine and opened the regions around the Black Sea to Russian control

British believe Germans want to turn Agadir into a

naval base Britain drew closer to France. The British made plans to send an expeditionary force to defend France in case Germany attacked, and the British and French navies agreed to cooperate.

The main consequence of the Dreyfus Affair in late 19th-century France was

negative images of the Church and separation of Church and state in 1906

Japan, the U.S, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and Russia are the

new imperializing nations

Demand for food stuffs, supplies, and other necessities and their destruction on land and sea made it a war of exhaustion as well as annihilation Women, especially, encountered

new opportunities and faced great challenges. WIth so many men off in the armed services, many of them had to take on the responsibilities of the head of the household as well as their own usual duties.

It connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea

seuz canal

In 1807, Britain had banned the slave trade and had abolished

slavery itself in its own colonies in 1833-1834.

Spread of Western medicine Dr.'s fighting against

smallpox, hookworm, and leprosy Louis Pasteur - French scientist who found a cure for rabies and other diseases

The application of Darwinian principles to society. Popularized the phrase "survival of the fittest"

social darwinism

Causes of the Russian Revolution included all of the follwoing except

social mobility

Russian Civil war between red and white russians Red is communists White is monarchists, tsarists, loyalists, socialists

soldiers from the French, British, Japanese, and US armies and their Russian conscripts. The white army had too many goals The tsarist want the tsar back in power Socalists want a socialist state Etc... they fight each other and the red army wins The tsar and his family was killed to stop the tsarists

The Dual Alliance of 1879

sought to isolate Russia

the Dual Alliance of 1879

sought to isolate Russia

The Burschenschaften in Baden, Bavaria,, and Wurtenberg were

student associations

Tax levied on imports or exports


Colonial administrators frequently resisted the introduction of missionaries into their

territories for fear the missionaries would prove a destabilizing force as they challenged traditional religions and cultural values.

An important consequence of the creation of Dual Monarchy of Austro-Hungary in 1867 was

that a weakened Habsburg dynasty retained its most important ethnic minority

In the face of the threat of a German attack on France, Sir Edward Grey, the British foreign secretary, without making a firm commitment, authorized conversations between

the British and French general staffs. Their agreements became morally binding as the years passed. By 1914, French and British military and naval plans were so mutually dependent that the two countries were effectively, if not formally, allies.

The term "Great Game" is applied to the struggle between

the British and Russian adventurers for control of Central Asia

Summer 1914 - Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, was assassinated in Bosnia Sets off crisis in Europe that leads to

the Great War (World War I)

Italy was supposed to support the Central powers with the triple alliance-

the Italians instead joined the allied powers because the allies offered them better rewards if they won

The resistance of Catholics to measures taken against their priests made

the Kulturkampf unwinnable; a realignment of German politics made winning it unnecessary. Abandons the idea of kicking it our of germany German gov controls law on marriage and education not the RCC This makes him look like a flip-flopper but he wants to put Germany first

WWI and Colonial Empires Allies planned to break up German Empire (not country) and distribute colonies to victors

the League of Nations mandate that they would be under the supervision of the big 4 (but really England and France) and then to eventually try to become independent

Stay in war for time being - collapse of last Russian offensive in 1917 Alexander Kerensky-

the Provisional government leader. Highly corrupt, inefficient leader and begins to act as if he is the Tsar Lenin comes back from train from Switzerland to cause a civil war Russia exits war

Austria, however, declared the annexation before the Russians could act. The British and French, eager for the favor of the young turks, refused to agree to

the Russian demand to open the Dardanelles. The Russians were humiliated and furious, but too weak to do anything but protest.

The July Revolution of 1830 resulted in

the appointment of Louis Philippe as king by the Chamber of Deputies

During the "June days" in Paris 1848

the army suppressed the radical revolutionary element

Serbian nationalist group responsible for assassinating Ferdinand

the black hand

A telegram stating that Germany would do anything in its power to assist Austria in the wake of Ferdinand's death

the blank check

Civilizing Mission

the concept that European nations had a duty to bring the benefits of their higher culture and superior civilization (science and economic developments) to non-Western parts of the world> white man's burden

A long-term trend which was a basic cause of World War I was

the decline of the Ottoman Empire

New Imperialism

the extension in the late 19th and early 20th centuries of Western political and economic dominance in Asia, Middle East, and Africa - begins in 1880s in Africa - major causes include the search for raw materials and new markets, missionary work, and new military and naval bases

The Great Exposition of 1851 held in the Crystal Palace in Britain showed

the growth of industry and population of Great Britain

The failure of the Revolutions of 1848 may be attributed to all the following factors EXCEPT

the intelligence and cunning of the old leaderhsip in manipulating the revolutionary forces

All of the following were reforms demanded by the program of Chartism EXCEPT

the maintenance of the property requirement for members of the House of Commons


the movement in the arts and literature in late 19th and 20th centuries to create a new aesthetic experience of a work of art above the attempt to portray reality as accurately as possible


the movement to create a Jewish state in Palestine.

Two conflicts occurred over the sale of this destructive drug to the Chinese

opium wars

Motives for the New Imperialism Always thought to be economic Could be due to

overproduction - need new markets

The triumph of quinine cam ein 1854 when a British steamship, the Pleiad, under the command of a captain who was also a

physician, steamed up the Niger River in east Africa with all of its crew and passengers taking quinine pills and returned with no loss of life. Quinine pills made possible the rapid exploration and eventual partition of Africa. Moreover, the demand for quinine transformed its area of production. Originally cinchona bark had been grown in Peru. By the late 19th century, its chief regions of cultivation were Dutch plantations in the East Indies and British plantations in India.

The Corn Laws

placed high tariffs on imported grain

An armed revolt occurred in this country in 1830 against the Russian empire


Friedrich Nietzsche

portrayed Christianity as a religion that glorified weakness rather than the strength life required. Christianity demanded a useless and sacrifice of the flesh and spirit, rather than heroic living and daring. He feared that this would stop people from pushing for social change.

Concentration Camps

prison camps- conditions were inhuman, and prisoners were generally starved or worked to death, or killed immediately. - camps first established by Great Britain in South Africa during the Boer War

The Charter developed by Louis XVIII

provided for a hereditary monarchy and a bicameral legislature

More British troops were also stationed in India, and Indian troops were not allowed artillery. Finally in 1877, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli pushed through an Act of Parliament that declared

queen VIctoria to be Empress of India. "The sun never sets on the British Empire" the British East India Company controlled India through indirect rule British gov controlled Indian subcontinent

Which of the following was NOT a part of the fighting in World War I?


The Sepoy Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion were similar in that they both were

reactions to Western imperialism

International humanitarian organization founded by Henry Dunant in 1863

red cross

Beginning in the late 18th century, however, the tsarist government began to

regard the nomadic societies or communities who lived in the mountainous regions to the south and east as "inorodtsy," meaning foreigners.

The Sudan remained in turmoil until 1898 when an Anglo-Egyptian army under General Sir Herbert, later Lord, Kitchenser conquered it in a

remarkably violent campaign during which 11,000 Sudanese troops were killed and 16,000 were wounded by modern weaponry in a single battle at Omdurman. The British lost only 48 men in the battle. Because they had modern weapons The number of casualties at Omdurman would not be matched in a single day until European armies turned modern weapon upon each other during WWI. War seemed possibly for a time between France and Britain over Egypt but France backs down Ethiopia wins against Italy

The nineteenth-century conditions for Jews improved in all of the follwoing European countries EXCEPT


What country was not part of the Big Four at the Paris Peace Conference?


Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was between what two countries?

russia and germany

The decisions of the congress were a blow to Russian ambitions. The Russians believed they had

saved Prussia in 1807 from complete destruction by Napoleon and had expected German gratitude. They were bitterly disappointed, and the Three Emperors' League was dead. DEAD! They picked Austria and has to secure their alliance

Bismarck's main purpose instigating the Franco-Prussian War was

scaring the remaining South German states into unity with Germany

The government drew upon the Enlightenment four-stage theory of social development to distinguish

sedentary peoples as superior to those who lived as hunters, gatherers, fishermen, or nomads. One of the purposes thereafter of Russian expansion was, like that of early Victorian British administrators in India, to raise these people on the ladder of civilization. Russian governors would henceforth rarely, if ever, consider conquered peoples to be their social or cultural equals.

A revolt in India that led to the dissolution of the British East India Company and established the Crown's control over India

sepoy mutiny

Britain took direct control of India after what event?

sepoy rebellion

Russia supported what country due to their Slavic population?


Control of India meant that Britain had to dominate and govern a land of

settler-farmers, most of whom had emigrated from Britain and shared British values, but rather a vast heterogeneous non-white population with numerous political allegiances, complex economic and social conditions, and non-Western religions, particularly Islam and Hinduism.

Who led the Red Army in the Russian Civil War?


Which African Territory was controlled by France?


Bismarck wanted to avoid a new war that might

undo his achievement. (diplomatic) He tried to assuage French resentment by pursuing friendly relations and by supporting French colonial aspirations. He also prepared for the worst.



In 1916, the German High Command launched a major offensive directed agasint which strategically located city, prompting the longest battle of World War I?


the Fourteen Points is the plan for lasting peace Wilson wants to deal with democratic German gov't - wants will of the people, not their rulers

was a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I. The principles were outlined in a January 8, 1918, speech on war aims and peace terms to the United States Congress by President Woodrow Wilson. The 14th point made the league of nations to keep peace inside the nations USA wants a balance of power and england and france wants supremacy for german weakness

Soldiers had to bite off the end of the cartridge to use it. This would have offended both Muslims, for whom

the pig was unclean, and Hindus, to whom the cow was sacred.

In 1908, a group of modernizing reformers called the Young Turks (radical/national group) seized power in the Ottoman Empire. Their actions threatened to breathe new life into the empire and to interfere with

the plans of the European jackals to pounce on the Ottoman corpse. These events brought on the first of a series of Balkan crisis that would eventually lead to war.


the same natural laws that govern the universe in the present have always governed the universe, and that they are consistent across both time and space. It also holds that change is gradual and uniform.


the style of art and literature that seeks to depict the physical world and human life with scientific objectivity and detached observation. Realist writers confronted readers with the harsh realities of life. This movement goes against Romanticism.

Bismarck's program of kulturkampf had as its primary goal

the suppression of Catholic political influence.

Failure to Accept Reality Germany and Russia (Soviet Union) must play a role in European affairs Peace was not self-enforcing and nothing in place to enforce it was established

the tragedy of the Treaty of Versailles means that it would throw them into another GLOBAL WAR aka WWII with more radical leaders and genocide Created fascism

Egypt's European creditors were taking more than 50% of Egyptian revenue each year to repay

their loans, and they forced the Egyptian government to increase taxes to raise more revenue. This provoked a nationalist rebellion, and in, 1881, the Egyptian army took over the government to defend Egypt from foreign exploitation.

Missionaries and Indigenous Religious Movements Natives broke away from missionary movements to start

their own religions It was dynamic and changed during the 19th century as missionary goals and sensibilities changed from one generation to another.

In the Crimean War, Cavour's major goal was

to bring the question of Italian unification to the Peace Conference

Protectorates were

were non-western territories over which Western nations exercised oversight without formal conquest of annexation; usually de facto colonies.

The End of World War I Withdrawal of Russia allows Germany to focus on

western front Probably would have been enough if USA didn't get involved At this point Russia is gone and now the USS (soviet union) USA joins the war

The Boxer Rebellion Qing in charge of China Not strong enough to take on

western powers

The Russian Revolution in February 1917 was started by

women rioting for bread

During negotiations at Versailles following World War I, the Allied leader who favored the most lenient treatment of a defeated Germany was

woodrow wilsom

Lenin's victory in the Russian Revolution was followed by all of the follwoing except

worldwide revolution

Virginia Woolf

wrote "A Room of One's Own", is about the challenges brilliant women in society face and the struggles they have in intellectual life.

After serfdom was abolished in Russia in 1861, Russian communities came to be regulated politically through the


in the Arab portions of the Ottoman Empire, there are unstable and terrorist countries but some of them are pretty okay England got palestine and they are

zionists so in 1917, the balfour treaty was made to make a jewish state in palestine (league of nations didn't like this) Israel gets it is 1947

Ernst Mach

"The Science of Mechanics"- urged scientists consider their concepts descriptive not of the physical world, but of the sensations the scientific observer experiences.

The Kulturkampf meaning the

"battle for culture." The conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the government of the German empire in the 1870's. Clash of civilization

Britain =

"workshop of the world"

Large German blimps.



(clash of civilizations), pitted Bismarck (conservative) and German liberals against the Catholic Church in Germany. They both feared the power of the Catholic Church party.

This article of the Treaty of Versailles placed much of the blame on Germany for starting the war, justifying harsh reparations

Article 231 (War Guilt Clause)

which of the Italian states was independent in 1850?


The alliance of Italy, Germany, and Austria

Triple Alliance

Three Emperors' League lapsed, but

Triple Alliance (Ger, Aus, Italy) was renewed

There was also simmering anger over the way the Company treated native rulers and with the Company's policy of

paying British troops more than it paid Indians.

Germany's Last Offensive March 1918 - Germans gamble everything on last offensive (Ludendorff in charge) Got to the Marne River - no further German resources tapped while

Americans keep showing up

Which of the following is the most accurate characterization of anti-Semitism in the second half of the nineteenth century?

Anti-Semitism was expressed increasingly in racial and political terms

ntervention of foreign powers on the side of the Whites during the Russian Civil War

Archangel Operation

Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, assassinated in Sarajevo in 1914

Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Conservative Prime Minister of England during part of Victoria's reign


What happened to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire After WW1?

Divided into several small nationalist states

A French political scandal over the unjustified punishment of a Jewish captain for unsubstantiated claims of treason.

Dreyfus Affair

Russian parliament


Notorious French Antisemite, writer of "The Jews of France"

Edouard Drumont

Radical Muslim leader claiming to be Mahdi (Muslim messiah) led forces and beat

Egyptian expeditionary force led by British officers - Mahdi soon dies after that

Alexander II's most notable action as tsar, occurring a full two years before the Emancipation Proclamation

Emancipation of Serfs

Leader of the English suffragettes

Emmeline Pankhurst

Zoology 19th century - zoos and zoological gardens founded in

Europe Natural history museums had dead animals - popular in cities

The nineteenth-century term "White Man's Burden" reflects the idea that

Europeans had a responsiblity to improve the lives of their colonial peoples.

Why were European countries successful establishing colonies in Africa and Asia?

Europeans had better weapons

A grassroots group of socialist intellectuals who feuded with the provisional government

Petrograd Soviet

European thought in the early 20th century was LEAST influenced by which of the following

The Enlightenment works of Voltaire and Montesquieu

Entente Cordiale

The Entente Cordiale was not a formal treaty and had no military provisions, but it settled all outstanding colonial differences between the two nations. Leads to the moroccan crisis

Herzl's Response

The Jewish State

Which of the following best explains the results of Western imperialist efforts in Japan after 1850?

The Meiji regime modernized Japan and began its own imperial drive

French architect of the Entente Cordiale between France and England

Theophile Declasse

May Laws

These required Prussian priests to be educated in Germany and abolished the power of the pope and transferred it to the state

Organization of workers who band together to achieve common goals

Trade Union

Treaty of San Stefano

Treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in 1878 where Russia gained Bulgaria

The social impact of World War I on women included all of the follwong EXCEPT

more focus on the home while the men were at war

In 1857, however, India witnessed the

most extensive resistance against any European power that occurred in the 19th century.

All of the following became a newly independent country as a result of World War One EXCEPT


The Marxist government in Paris for ten days in March 1871 following France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War

paris commune

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