Chapter 17

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The place where transcription begins is called the ____ site.


In bacteria transcription begins when sigma, as part of the holoenzyme, binds to the ____ and ____ boxes.

-35, -10

NTP are like dNTPs except they have a hydroxyl (-OH) group on the____' carbon.


TATA box is about ____ base pairs upstream from the transcription ____ ____.

30, start site

DNA and RNA polymerase perform synthesis in the ____' to ____' direction.

5, 3

sigma protein

A bacterial protein that associates with the core RNA polymerase to allow recognition of promoters.


A multipart enzyme consisting of a core enzyme (containing the active site for catalysis) along with other required proteins.

TATA box

A short DNA sequence in many eukaryotic promoters.


A short nucleotide sequence in DNA that binds a sigma factor (in bacteria) or basal transcription factors (in eukaryotes) to enable RNA polymerase to begin transcription.

RNA polymerase

An enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of RNA from ribonucleotides using a DNA template.

template strand

An original nucleic acid strand used to make a new, complementary copy based on hydrogen bonding between nitrogeneous bases.

Only RNA polymerase ____ can transcribe protein coding genes.


initiation phase of transcription

In DNA transcription, the stage during which RNA polymerase and other proteins assemble at the promoter sequence and open the strands of DNA to start transcription.


In transcription, the dissociation of RNA polymerase from DNA.

initiation phase of translation

In translation, the stage during which a complex consisting of initiation factor proteins, a ribosome, an mRNA, and an aminoacyl tRNA corresponding to the start codon is formed.


Opposite to the direction in which RNA polymerase moves along a DNA strand.

poly(A) signal

Polyadenylation signal

basal transcription factor

Proteins, present in all eukaryotic cells, that bind to promoters and help initiate transcription.

Pol I, II, and III are three types of ___ ____ found only in ____.

RNA polymerase, eukaryotes

____ polymerase and the protein subunit ____ form a holoenzyme.

RNA, sigma


Ribonucleoside triphosphate


The direction in which RNA polymerase moves along a DNA strand.

core enzyme

The enzyme responsible for catalysis in a multipart holoenzyme.


The process by which RNA lengthens during transcription.


The process that uses a DNA template to produce a complementary RNA.

Polyadenylation signal (poly(A) signal)

a short sequence of nucleotides near the 3′ end of pre-mRNAs that signals cleavage of the RNA and addition of the poly(A) tail.

The -10 box is located 10 ____ __stream from the transcription start site.

bases, up

The -35 box is 35 ____ __stream from the ____ site.

bases, up, +1

The ____ ____ codes for a polypeptide.


Holoenzyme require a ____ enzyme which contains the active site for catalysis and other required ___.

core, proteins

Nucleotide triphosphates containing deoxyribose are called ____s.


The poly(A) signal only exists in ____.


DNA and RNA polymerase are different because DNA polymerase requires a ____ while RNA polymerase does not.


In bacteria, several contiguous genes are often transcribed from a single ____. In eukaryotes, each gene generally has its own ____.

promoter, promoter

Basal transcription factor assemble at the ____ and ____ polymerase follows.

promotor, RNA

The sugar in NTP is ____ whereas the dNTP sugar is ____.

ribose, deoxyribose

____ not RNA polymerase makes initial contact with DNA of the ____.

sigma, promotor

The ____ strand is the strand that is being read by the enzyme.


Sigma's binding to the promoter determine ____ an in which ____ RNA polymerase will start synthesizing RNA.

where, direction

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