Chapter 17: Nutrition and Aging, the Adult Years

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What is one of the most common hormone changes in older adults? (elevated...?) And what are some of the things this causes?

"One of the most common hormone-related changes that occurs with aging is elevated blood glucose. Th is is due to both a decrease in the amount of insulin released by the pancreas and a decrease in the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin. Insulin resistance is related to poor diet, inactivity, increased abdominal fat mass, and decreased muscle mass. "

what are some things that are caused by an immune system that becomes overreactive with age?

"Overactivity of the immune system causes increases in auto-immune disorders and infl ammation. Th e presence of infections and chronic disease contributes to malnutrition (see Figure 16.5). In some older indi-viduals nutritional defi ciencies exacerbate the decline in immune function."

Why might a decreased production of saliva be dangerous for one's nutrition and health?

"Saliva provides lubri-cation for easy swallowing and mixes with food to allow it to be tasted. A reduction in saliva makes swallowing diffi cult and decreases the taste of food. Saliva is also an important defense against tooth decay because it helps wash material away from the teeth and contains substances that kill bacteria."

what are some things that are caused by a decreased immune system?

"Th e decline in immune function impairs the ability to fi ght dis-ease, increasing susceptibility to and prolonging recovery from infections, reducing the eff ec-tiveness of immunizations, and increasing the risk of most types of cancer"

What are some potential side affects of taking multiple medications? How might those relate to nutrition?

"Th e more medications taken, the greater the chance of side eff ects such as increased or decreased appetite, changes in taste, constipation, weakness, drowsiness, diarrhea, and nausea that can aff ect nutritional status."

reserve capacity

"The amount of functional capacity that an organ has above and beyond what is needed to sustain life.".

What hormone changes does a woman undergo with menopause and what symptoms does that produce?

"cyclical release of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone slows and eventually stops, causing ovulation and menstruation to cease. Th e period of decline in estrogen levels is accompanied by changes in mood, skin, and body composition... also increases risk of osteoperosis and heart disease"

a decreased production of saliva may also lead to what disease?

"periodontal disease: A degeneration of the area surrounding the teeth, specifically the gum and supporting bone."

Age groups for young adulthood, middle age, adulthood, and older adults

"young adulthood, ages 19 through 30; middle age, 31 through 50 years; adulthood, ages 51 through 70; and older adults, those over 70 years of age."

"Low levels of vitamin_____have also been suggested to aff ect cognitive function in the elderly. "


compression of morbidity

a shortening of the time a person spends ill or infirm, accomplished by postponing illness

macular degeneration

breakdown or thinning of the tissues in the macula, resulting in partial or complete loss of central vision


clouding of the lens of the eye

physical frailty

impairment in function and reduction in physiological reserves severe enough to cause limitations in the basic activities of daily living

What is the difference between life span and life expectancy?

life span: The maximum age to which members of a species can live. life expectancy: The average length of life for a population of individuals.

What is the most striking and rapidly occurring age-related hormonal change?


programmed cell death

the death of cells at specific predictable times


the loss of muscle mass, strength, and function that comes with aging


the time of natural cessation of menstruation; also refers to the biological changes a woman experiences as her ability to reproduce declines

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