Chapter 17 sections 1-4 test

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A feeling of strong national pride and a desire for an aggressive foreign policy

Great White Fleet

A force of United States Navy ships that undertook a world cruise in 1907.

Yes the anti imperialist has many reasons against it

Did the anti- Imperialist have reasons against it and how many did they have?


(True or False) Many business leaders encouraged the expansion of American Markets.


(True or false) Commander Perry persuaded the Japanese to open trade with the U.S.


(True or false) George Washington advised Americans to avoid permanent alliances.


(True or false) Lobbyist pushes for a stronger navy to protect new foreign markets.


(True or false) Nationalism caused competition for empires among European Nations.


(True or false) Secretary Seward sent troops to Mexico to force it the French.


(True or false) Some Americans use the idea of social gradualism to justify taking over new territories.


(True or false) The U.S. agreed to let Hawaii sell sugar in the U.S. tax free.


(True or false) The U.S. focused its energies on settling in the West.


(True or false) The U.S. wanted control of some of the Pacific Islands.


(True or false) The growth of industry in Europe created an increase needed for natural resources.


(True or false) Western Nations believed that they had a duty to spread blessings of their Civilization.

•Treaty of Paris (dec. 1898) Spanish govt. reconized Cubans independence. Spain also gave up the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the U.S. as "unincorporated" Territory's • War broke out in 1899 when U.S. ignored the proclamation that the Philippines wanted a republics Cuba would not annex Cuba. U.S. granted citizenship but unlike Cuba Puerto Rico didn't become independent. congress approved the annexation of Hawaii.

(Main Idea) Between 1898-1900 the United States requires new territories and power

•Hawaii and the U.S. renewed a trade treaty that allowed Hawaiian Sugar to be sold in the U.S. duty free and least Pearl Harbor from Hawaii for the U.S. naval stations. Because of U.S. needed Hawaii to protect world trade Congress approved annexation of Hawaii in 1998 • U.S. Treaty with Samoa to lease the Harbor at Pago Pago. China became important to American trade. The Open Door policy states "that the U.S. would have equal access to China's millions of consumers and vast markets."

(Main Idea) Growing trade with Asia prompted U.S. interest in the Pacific

•Roosevelt cables naval commanders in the Pacific to prepare for military action against Spain • McKinleys list of demands to Spain: Compensation for the U.S.S. Maine, end reconcentration camps, a truce in Cuba and Cuban independence

(Main idea) in the 1890s, the United States asserted its power on diplomatic and military complicity in Latin American


A _____________ of Americans had reasons to support imperialism

Roosevelt Corollary

Addition to the Monroe Doctrine asserting America's right to intervene in Latin American affairs


Did Roosevelt threaten Panama that if they didn't let the U.S. build a canal that he would use the navy?


Did Roosevelt's policy work to keep open trade in Asia?

A new frontier for American expansion and was a celebration of American tradition and creative spirit.

American Frontier Vision pro imperialism offered

Open Door Policy

American approach to China around 1900, favoring open trade relations between China and other nations

Platt Amendment

An addition to the 1900 Cuban constitution by the American government that gave the United States the right to establish naval bases in Cuba and to intervene in Cuban affairs whenever necessary

Sphere of Influence

An area of economic and political control exerted by ones nation over another nation or other nations


Did ani- imperialism grow after the Spanish-American war?


Did stronger nations colonized and dominated weaker nations?

Many people believed that imperialism would allow the U.S. to gain access to foreign markets. Others felt that it would give the U.S. strategic military influence around the world.

Economic and strategic arguments of the pro imperialism showed that

Expansion would cost too much to maintain the nessesary armed forces which would result in more taxation or debt. Another argument against imperialism is that he influx of laborers from these territories would compete with American workers and drive wages down. Finally others feared that goods from annexed territories would be imported without tariffs and hurt American industries.

Economic arguments of anti- Imperialist argued that

The dollar diplomacy in America created enemies in Latin America, especially in the Caribbean and Centeral America, where local revolutionary movements opposed Americans influence.

How did American confestments fare in under "dollar diplomacy"?

Roosevelt prevented European intervention in Santo Domingo by moving quickly to establish American supervision of customs collections. Bankers in the United States took over the country's finances and paid its European debts. Congress initially blocked Roosevelt's actions. However, the President was able to get around congressional oppositions by creating an executive agreement with Santo Domingos President.

How did Roosevelt prevent European intervention in Santo Domingo?

President Taft's foreign policy goals were to maintain the open door to Asia and preserve stability in Latin America. President Roosevelt also wanted to preserve an open door to trade with China and Asia.

How did president Taft's foreign policy goals compare with those of Roosevelt's?

The U.S. gained control of what would become known as the Panama Canal Zone by sending a message to the American minister in Colombia in June 1903 essentially threatening Colombia if they did not reconsider having the land for the canal.

How did the U.S. gain control of what would become the Panama Canal Zone?

Expansionism did not uphold America's value of "liberty for all." Other Anti- Imperialist believed that the people in U.S. control territories should be entitled to the guarantees that U.S. citizens are given by the constitution. Finally, they also felt that imperialism did not align With America's Democratic foundations. Expansionist felt that the people in these territories were not ready for democracy.

Moral &Political Arguments of Ant- Imperialism suggested that


Policy by a stronger nation to attempt to create an empire by dominating weaker nations economically, politically, culturally, or militarily

Dollar Diplomacy

President Taft's policy of encouraging American investment in foreign economies

Many Americans as being rooted in racism where people of Anglo- Saxon heritage were superior to other races. Anti- Imperialist feared that the expansion would also result people of different racial backgrounds to move to the United States.

Racial Arguments of Anti- Imperialism were viewed by

Banana Republic

Term used to describe a Central American nation dominated by United States business interests

American and European imperialism

What grew in the early 1900s?

The United States took over the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba

What islands did the United States take over?

Taft's policy was based on American economic investment

What was Taft's foreign policy?


To join or attach, as in the joining of a new territory to an existing country

natural resources

What did industries need to create products?

The United States wanted to build a canal that would cross Panama in order to move the navy quickly from one ocean to the other in time for war

What did the United States want to build in Panama and why did they want to build it?

The Americans did not appreciate the methods that president Roosevelt used to secure the Canal Zone. Most Americans, however, convinced that the canal was vital to national security and prosperity, approved of Roosevelt's actions in Panama.

What was the American reaction to President Roosevelt securing of the Canals zone?

Africa and Asia

Where were European armies and navies superior to?

Spain caused a rebellion in China

Who and what broke out in China?

The Americans sided with the Cuban Rebel's

Who did the Americans side with?

Roosevelt arranged a peace treaty between Russia and Japan because of the results form the Russo- Japanese War. In Portsmouth New Hampshire, he persuaded Japan to be satisfied with the small grants of land and control over Korea instead of s huge payment of money. He also promised Russian to vacate Manchuria, which remained remained part of China.

Why did Roosevelt arrange a peace treaty between Russia and Japan?


a grant for a piece of land in exchange for a promise to use the land for a specific purpose


belief that differences in character or intelligence are due to one's race; asserting the superiority of one race over another


devotion to one's nation


required; mandatory


settlement of a dispute by a person or panel chosen to listen to both sides and come to a decision

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