Chapter 17 Water Resources

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in order from first detection of chromium in a groundwater sample to its remedration

1. determine the source of chromium 2. determine the geology of the site and the water table 3. determine the direction of the flow of groundwater 4. drill wells for sampling of groundwater for conformation 5. drill wells in front of the plume of contamintation and extract contaminated groundwater 6. process contaminated ground water

2 common ways groundwater originates and accumulates

1. from snowmelt seeping into the surface where it accumulates 2. percipitation seeping into into the surface where it accumulates

rank of reservoirs of freshwater on earth by volume, with that containing the highest volume first

1. ice caps 2. groundwater 3. lakes 4. rivers

in order of the smallest volume of surface freshwater to the largest on bottom

1. rivers 2. swamps 3. lakes

the federal goverment agency that regulates bottles water is the


pore spaces in the unsaturated zone of the subsurface are filled with


a large body of permeable saturated material through whichgroundwater can flow well enough to yield sufficient water to wells and springs


the names used for any type of rock that retards the flow of water in an aquifer


means that groundwater is confined and rises in a well because it is under pressure


limestone is primarily composed of

calcium carbonate (mineral calcite)

rainwater is slightly acidic because of the dissolved sulfur dioxide and

carbon dioxide


clouds cool and water molecules bond together, eventually falling toward earth

the first step in constructing a contour map of a water table is to

collect and plot the evaluations of the water table in a avalable wells in the area

if groundwater is removed from an aquifer by overpumping , a cone of ____ will form


as the water table ___, the origional aquafieris now above the water table and is said to be dewatered


geologic settings where springs could occur

faults limestone aquafiers unoconformities

forms in some limestone caves as water flows down the walls and forms taverntine in thin layers that can become thicker over time


groundwater found in crystraline rock like granite usually moves through what instead of pore spaces


a part of a stream that recieves water from the inflowof groundwater is

gaining stream

subsidence is the lowering of the elevation of the ground surface due to excessive pumping of


when it is not raining or snowing in a wet climate, streams get their waste form


a cone of depression will from if

groundwater is over pumped from an aquifer


hang from the ceiling as they form from water dripping from the roof evaporates

are considered common groundwater contaminants

hazardous chemicals hazardous microbes

In the U.S., who uses the most water


confined aquafier

is seperated from earths surface by rocks of low permeability

sinkholes, disapearing streams, and limestone pillars are characteristics of

karst topography

natural substances that can contaminate groundwater

lead and arsenic from mineralized rocks, radon

groundwater is a free water that exists beneath earths surface as a ___ rather then being chemically bonded in minerals


which of the following would be information that a geophysical survey could provide to a geologists

magnetism measurements electrical conductivity measurements measurements in the vaiation of gravity

when contamination enters groundwater, it typically

moves along with the flowing groundwater down the lsope of the water table

a spring is a place where water flows naturally from rock

onto the land surface

refer to the capacity of a rock to transmit a fluid


the rate of groundwater flow is strongly controlled by the ___ of the rock type


when contamination enters groundwater, it moves along witht he direction of the groundwater. the contamination takes on a paticular shape called a


the percentage of rock or sediment that consists of voids or openings and is a measure of a rocks ability to hold water


3 important controls of how quickly water flows through rocks are

porosity, permeability, steepness of water table


precipitation seeps into the ground surface

surface fractures that may indicate causes at depth

presence of limestone sinkholes disappearing streams

___ and snowmelt produce water that can flow across the surface as runoff


infiltration of surface water into the groundwater system is one type of ___ that replenishes lost water


the term used to describe replenishment of groundwater either naturally or by human process


if groundwater wells among coastlines are overpumped

salt water intrusion occurs

which of the following materials would serve as an aquatard


collapses of the roof of a cave can produce a


what contibutes water to a stream

snowmelt, direct percipitation, groundwater

lakes contain more freshwater than

swamps rivers

geological features that can be formed when groundwater interacts with limestone

taverntine, karst topography, sinkholes, caves

what information do hydro-geologists collect about the subsurface in their studies of groundwater

the amount the depth the setting the quality the direction of flow

if a perched lake is to remain permanent

the amount of inflow of water must beequal to or greater than the amount of outflow and losses to evaporation

unfined aquaifer

the waterbearing unit is open to earths surface and atmosphere, most common type

surface water can soak into the subsurface and become part of the groundwater if

the watertable is deeo enough so there is an unsaturated zone into which the water can seep, the surface material is permeable

characterisics of a ogalla aquifer

the western part is expected to be totally depleted by 2050 it has been overpumped it is an unconfined aquifer

permeability refers to the capacity of a geologic material to

transmit fluid

pore spaces in the saturated zone are filled with



water molcules rise into the atmosphere


water molecules join together as they rise in the atmosphere and form clouds


when water drips to the floor, building mounds upward

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